CAG Arcade Stick Thread

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[quote name='MarkMan']Yea, I'll post impressions after I compare my wheelchair to my Ferrari...[/quote]

does your wheelchair have turbo?
what about firestone tires.

then well have to bust out a stopwatch.
Well,Gamestop screwed me of TE stick.They canceled my preorder with out my knowing and I cant get a hold of the DM or the manager.Im calling corporate tomorrow and see if I can get TE at another store.
[quote name='option.iv']Nice simplistic stick cc. Now you'll always know where you are in Zelda.

Also a little curious about the paint on your NAS case. What color is that?[/QUOTE]

Yeah the front is simplistic, wait to you see the back. That's where all the work is. I'm doing some epic wire management that I hope turns out great. Also the mod I picked is so advanced that Toodles himself said he doesn't recommend and will not help if attempted, lol. It looks pretty straight forward and simple to me. I say that now but as soon as I fuck up I'll ask myself why I tried it, lol.

The color of the box is "Hunter Green". I was doubtful of it until I started painting. It turned out gorgeous. I also cut into my NAS case. I had to make a spot for the switch and headset port.
Well Toodles has taken on an attitude that if you don't use the Cthulhu board, you're not doing the right thing... I am actually getting my first Cthulhu in a few weeks, so that should be interesting.

Can't wait to see your wiring, CC!
Actually it's a mod using his Cthulhu. I guess he doesn't want people trying something that could potentially break it. I don't blame him, I would say the same thing.
[quote name='controlcommerce']The easy parts done. I'm going to start on the wiring tomorrow. It's going to be a dual PS3/X360 stick with one wire and a switch. Wish me luck.[/QUOTE]omg, tutorial when u succeed plz!!!
[quote name='howlinmad']Thanks for the insightful comparison.

Ok, and compared to the regular fight stick? I realize I set my sights a bit high and unreasonable here.[/quote]

The Sanwa parts of the TE stick absolutely MURDER the SE Stick. I have both and my SE stick had problems with right/diagonal right straight outta the box. If I wasn't up on game and already had an order in with Lizard Lick, I'd be pissed. But since I was gonna swap parts anyhoo, I'm whatevs about it.

My TE Stick is the bees knees though. My "A" button stopped working once, so I just got my 3mm Allen wrench, took the 6 screws off the top, uncrimped and tucked in the offending wires and all is well again. Painless.:applause:
[quote name='controlcommerce']Actually it's a mod using his Cthulhu. I guess he doesn't want people trying something that could potentially break it. I don't blame him, I would say the same thing.[/QUOTE]

i think he just wants to keep people from constantly asking him how to wire up all different kinds of pads to the cthulhu so he just says he wont help anyone with it.
So, is it another situation with the TE sticks that we will probably have to have pre-order in to get one when they're re-released, or will they be more available than before?

I guess I'm asking if I should pre-order like today, and where from...
[quote name='Ronin317']MarkMan,
So, is it another situation with the TE sticks that we will probably have to have pre-order in to get one when they're re-released, or will they be more available than before?

I guess I'm asking if I should pre-order like today, and where from...[/quote]

I'm sure MarkMan knows better than me, but as far as I know, there is nowhere to currently pre-order any TE sticks, as the the pre-orders that are already out are yet to be filled.

My best guess is that the next batch of sticks that come out will all go to current pre-orders, and that after those are filled, the stores will take another round of pre-orders for the next batch after that. I wouldn't expect that you could just order one of these or pick one up in a store untill well into the summer at the very least.
Here's my new baby, my HRAP EX with Sanwa buttons aka my birthday present to myself. I love it.
Hey guys, i've been looking around and i couldn't find the answer to this so i figured i'll ask here.

I got the 360 Hori EX2 Soul Caliber IV stick a few months ago, and the RT (Fierce Kick) button isn't as sensitive as the other buttons. I have to push it completely down for it to register the button. The other 5 buttons pick up just fine with even a slight tap.

Is there anything i can do mod/parts/etc... to fix this or should i just invest in another stick? Prefer a non-soldering solution if possible, but any ideas would help =).
[quote name='dacool561']Is there anything i can do mod/parts/etc... to fix this or should i just invest in another stick? Prefer a non-soldering solution if possible, but any ideas would help =).[/QUOTE]

Well the bad news is that there probably isn't a quick and easy fix. I'd have to wager it's the switch in the button or something's not connected securely but both of those are going to take some de-soldering and re-soldering.
how do i know if my SE fight stick joystick is broken?
my joystick never gets stuck and registers everything.
just want to be sure.

about to sell mine on ebay or CAG for whatever i bought it for.

got the HRAP3....
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[quote name='Furashu']how do i know if my SE fight stick joystick is broken?
my joystick never gets stuck and registers everything.
just want to be sure.

about to sell mine on ebay or CAG for whatever i bought it for.

got the HRAP3....[/quote]

Mine doesn't let me diagonal right/right reliably.

I'd keep it and put in a parts order with Lizard Lick. Once modded, it's a mini-TE. It'll be a dope stick then with a nice form factor for a lapstick.:)
my korean sucks like crazy....
but basically its 45,000 won (about $45ish I believe) as is
you could add premium cover (assuming its the stick with bumps) for an additional 10,000 won
you could add usb cable for 2,000 won
and also you could upgrade it to the 'living room' size (assuming its the way bigger version of the stick on the bottom) for 10,000 won

if this is wrong... then please someone correct me
thats a decent price for a simple stick (I wonder what parts it use)

*edit* I think its using fanta parts (there is 35,000 won that doesn't mention fanta)
*edit* won has fallen 45,000won according to google is $29.03... wonder if they will ship internationally (cheap enough to risk^^)
[quote name='hyogen']hehe, they're already sold -_-[/QUOTE]

I'm a little late in saying this, but we asked you to stop posting about hording and reselling this stuff, and it seems like you went and indirectly bragged about it again. Don't be surprised when nobody likes you.
I actually tried buying one...well there were no apparent means of international shipping...
I believe the stick is Fanta (don't know which one though)
I just sent them an email (english) if they would ship to US (I don't think they will)...
$30.00 for a stick ain't bad (wonder what shipping will be though ^^)
[quote name='eastx']I'm a little late in saying this, but we asked you to stop posting about hording and reselling this stuff, and it seems like you went and indirectly bragged about it again. Don't be surprised when nobody likes you.[/quote]

Thank you. :bow: We weren't exactly enthusiastic about it last time.
oh yeah i just sold my sandwich on eba y for $3 + $29 overnight shipping

win win.

cannot wait to get my HRAP3 :)

too bad it aint scheduled till Monday.

anyone else here have it?
I have one of those Korean sticks... It's a Myoungshin Fanta. I remember older versions have Taeyoung hard Fantas (the one I have).
Very very very hard to compare a Korean stick to a Japanese stick. They are VERY different.

Korean sticks are popular among Tekken players, especially those using characters with qcf/wavedash/crouchdash motions.
made some mock ups for my HRAP3...should be here monday yay!
took some art from deviant art :D dam those guys are so good at Photoshop

there are 3 images.


i know MGS has nothing to do with fighters, but its one of my favorite if not favorite game series.

which one do u guys like the most?

art is NOT mine, just did some rearranging.
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For the third template, the art needs to be moved down a bit so that it doesn't touch the top panel. They all look good though.
So MarkMan.. kids had two TE sticks up at my university game room today. I went on a 6 match streak with one of them but I didn't really like it. The buttons are way too sensitive and the stick jumps when I try to do b, f + whatever. I'm still keeping my pre-order cuz I figured maybe I just have to get used to it...
[quote name='MarkMan']Very very very hard to compare a Korean stick to a Japanese stick. They are VERY different.

Korean sticks are popular among Tekken players, especially those using characters with qcf/wavedash/crouchdash motions.[/quote]

How would you compare it to american stuff then? I've always been interested in one of those to see how it would play for Tekken.
but wouldnt that defeat the purpose of buying it?

since its basically already "modded"

its like buying a 911 turbo then taking the engine out for a new one.
Yeah if I was into American parts I would buy the cheaper stick and mod it with Happ parts. Just an idea PhrostByte.
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