CAG Halo 3 "FireFight" Nights

ive got family stuff going on for the next few hours i should be on around 9 send me invites im down for co-op legendary, firefight 200k or any of the vidmasters.
I'm down for some firefight; "slick steve87"

Also, just tried to add "cag firefight," and xbl gave me an error saying "can't add this person because their friends list is full." Create a new account maybe?
I need a 4th man for either vidmaster annual or vidmaster deja vu. PM me if you're interested. I don't mind the time but I'm hoping to get it done today/tonight. Thanks.
Sorry guys - I said I'd be on last Tuesday night for Vidmaster: Deja Vu and then got the stomach flu for 5 days. I'll be on tonight at midnight EST with a friend trying to find two others to get that achievement and working on other 200k firefight achievements tonight. I'll use the CAG Firefight to message people or feel free to party up. Thanks!
I was able to get Deja Vu last night, the Legendary Achievement, plus the 200,000 Point Achievement for Windward. I still need to find 3 more Audio Files, plus finish off Crater, Last Exit, Classic, and a few 5 pointers. I am really enjoying this game, just wish there was match making so it was easier jumping into FireFight.
[quote name='kilatofu']Need people for the Deja Vu Vidmaster Achievement...send me FR's[/QUOTE]

request sent.
accepted yours foxtrot.

im looking to get deja vu tonight.
depending on how long that takes im also up for some firefight 200k's i dont have any of them.

message me here or on live if you want to partake and let me know what time ranges you can play tonight. i cant start too early but ill stay up as late as needed.
[quote name='kilatofu']I'll be on after 10ish PST...I am also up for 200k's as well.[/QUOTE]

10 pst then.

theres 2 down, 2 more needed.
Foxtrot and Broly...great gaming tonight.

I'll be on Friday night for anyone who wants to join up - but playing with CAGs really makes a difference.
I'm new to firefight and the halo scene overall. I've beaten odst and am currently trying to solo on legendary but haven't tried ff at all. I'd like to give it a go friday night so if anyone doesn't mind showing me the ropes I wouldn't mind aiming for those 200k score achievemnts
i was looking to play but my wife decided i was going to clean everything in the house instead.
ill probably be on again tonight. im up for an endure attempt and or some 200k's.
A friend of mine needs de ja vu. PM me your gamertag if you're interested. Hoping to get a group together. I myself can participate as a last resort since I already have the achievement.
[quote name='paz9x']i was looking to play but my wife decided i was going to clean everything in the house instead.
ill probably be on again tonight. im up for an endure attempt and or some 200k's.[/QUOTE]

Had a good time getting the Deja Vu last night except when you rocketed my Mongoose :)

I'd be up for the Endure challenge tonight.
[quote name='kklems']Had a good time getting the Deja Vu last night except when you rocketed my Mongoose :)

I'd be up for the Endure challenge tonight.[/QUOTE]
Second. I'll probably be free around 10pm CST until whenever.
ok. im going to watch a movie with the family should be done around 9 pst ill be on after that.
im thoroughly convinced endure will be easiest on alpha site. theres a good video from the road to recon series on youtube.
[quote name='paz9x']i was looking to play but my wife decided i was going to clean everything in the house instead.
ill probably be on again tonight. im up for an endure attempt and or some 200k's.[/QUOTE]

I'll be on tonight around midnight EST if you guys are looking for another for Firefight 200ks (prolly not Endure, though I have it and it was painful to get). Glad to see you guys got the Deja Vu - how much time did it take you guys to get it?
[quote name='wjhard63']I'll be on tonight around midnight EST if you guys are looking for another for Firefight 200ks (prolly not Endure, though I have it and it was painful to get). Glad to see you guys got the Deja Vu - how much time did it take you guys to get it?[/QUOTE]
not long. i dont recall the exact time but im pretty sure it was under an hour.
I need a team to go for the Endure achievement (no noobs). If your down send me a game invite, even if I'm playing a different game. I'm usually on all day, waiting for CAGs to play ODSt. But I don't really see a lot of CAGs playing ODST anymore. So while I wait, I play Firefight getting the 200k's solo. I even got 800k solo this morning! w00t!
Does anyone wanna go for the 200k achievements right now? I've got a few hours to kill. If so, send me a request. I'm online now.
ill be on in a bit 9 pst or so.
i wanna do an endure run on alpha site.
id also liek to get some more 200k's
message me if youre interested.
fucking bullshit. lagged out going into the last round on set 4.
my copy is going back tomorrow. thanks for those that played with me the last few nights.
[quote name='paz9x']fucking bullshit. lagged out going into the last round on set 4.
my copy is going back tomorrow. thanks for those that played with me the last few nights.[/QUOTE]

I've been lagged out of so many games in Firefight. I've never had this problem with any other game on xbox live. I think that there is something screwy with ODST's netcode.
[quote name='paz9x']fucking bullshit. lagged out going into the last round on set 4.
my copy is going back tomorrow. thanks for those that played with me the last few nights.[/QUOTE]That really sucked! I have read this happening to other people but never in a game I was in. An hour & fifty minutes into the game, 14 lives left, and all we have to do is survive the last wave (we were so close that there was a discussion on how we had to play through the Bonus Round and actually start Set 5). :bomb: And I already have the achievement, two of us were just helping out some fellow CAGs/Gaffers.
yeah, i was not happy. ive had it lag for 5-10 seconds before but never actually disconnect.
we did pretty good, ill probably pick up another copy in the near future and give it another go.
if anyone's going for any 200k score achievement, I'll be on throughout the evening. just send me a message stating when to my gt. oh and I don't think I have any of the extra ff level's unlocked just to let you know.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']if anyone's going for any 200k score achievement, I'll be on throughout the evening. just send me a message stating when to my gt. oh and I don't think I have any of the extra ff level's unlocked just to let you know.[/QUOTE]

Gamer SDP and I are starting a game around 7:30 EST. If anyone else is interested, send either of us an xbox message.
I'm still trying to do some firefights on a couple of maps, and also on deja vu, but my timing is usually all over the place. Send something my way perhaps tomorrow evening, and I'm on pst time.
Just to let you guys know u can invite me through CAGFirefight. I deleted most of you guys off my friends list cause it was getting too large and no one was sending me invites lol. Well back to Test Drive.
bread's done