CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

I'll be around for Uncharted tonight.

Also, Best Buy must love me because they sent me $20. :whistle2:o $30 Black Ops
for PC
this Sunday sounds pretty good.
Black Ops PS3 is better. But only because I can kill you in that version.

I'd like to play U2, but probably won't be playing anything. If my wife heads to bed earlyish, I'll see if anybody is still playing.
[quote name='mkernan']Black Ops PS3 is better. But only because I can kill you in that version.

I'd like to play U2, but probably won't be playing anything. If my wife heads to bed earlyish, I'll see if anybody is still playing.[/QUOTE]

Dude wtf? If your wife "heads to bed earlyish" the correct response is "go to bed" earlyish too!
This should be Zenprime's new sig.
[quote name='bmachine']

Freaky, did you pick up the DLC packs?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I got all the DLC available for the game, so I should no trouble joining you guys in whatever games y'all want to partake in. :)

Good games everyone! I never realized until tonight just how ridiculously FUN the online is... I'm addicted to those RPG matchups. :drool:
i tried to join you guys but forgot that i had no updates for uc2 since i bought a new ps3. couldnt imagine you guys still playing after my 9 updates finish downloading.
For those of you that recently got in the DCU beta, my wife and I are playing as villains on beta server 3. Joker is our mentor (not really that important).

So if you wanna group up and have us show you the ropes (this will be important........) make sure you create your characters on that server and be on the villain side!

Edit: Whoops forgot to mention our character names: Zombor (me), Seiren (wife). Good luck getting the social menu to work so you can add friends though! ;[
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I'll be around tonight and there's no Dexter, Mad Men, or Walking Dead to look forward to. :(

Anyone wanna play some AssCree? Or more Uncharted?
We've been playing the game at least once a week for damn near every week for a year and a half. Previously we were playing GTAIV for at least another year or so. Excuse us if we've formed friendships and enjoy playing other games with each other as well.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']First time visitor of this topic:

I really thought Red Faction Guerrilla had a thriving online CAG community, lol.[/QUOTE]

You might have us confused with the Naruto community. :(
You guys are such jackasses.

I'll be around this evening to play something. Maybe that one game where the guy does the thing with the stuff.
[quote name='mkernan']I'll be on, playing that one game where the dude stabs people with those things.[/QUOTE]
That's what she said...
I really hope they put more attention into the MP balance and just the general interface of the thing for AC3, or whatever's next. I was complaining a lot about templar vision which may have been unfair since at least there's a counter for it (spotting the glowing player before they can catch you), but the fact that high rank players get all those perks skews everything way in their favor. At least in Call of Duty, everyone starts out with a pretty good selection of perks which are all balanced (for the most part), so even when you unlock new ones later, you can't use it without sacrificing something else.

And there's no excuse for a party system that bad, especially after a beta test.
[quote name='metaly']I really hope they put more attention into the MP balance and just the general interface of the thing for AC3, or whatever's next. I was complaining a lot about templar vision which may have been unfair since at least there's a counter for it (spotting the glowing player before they can catch you), but the fact that high rank players get all those perks skews everything way in their favor. At least in Call of Duty, everyone starts out with a pretty good selection of perks which are all balanced (for the most part), so even when you unlock new ones later, you can't use it without sacrificing something else.

And there's no excuse for a party system that bad, especially after a beta test.[/QUOTE]

I absolutely agree with you about the party system, or lack thereof. I have tons of fun just playing with random strangers online, but then when we all try to play together, the lack of a cohesive party system is almost an impediment to having fun. Its still fun of course, just a bit of a kludge to stick together and stuff.

As far as the abilities and perks go, I still think they're fairly balanced overall. I think on the surface, Templar Vision does seem to "break the game", but when you factor in the fact that they light up like a Christmas tree when they use it, the fact that they may only end up with a 100-point kill because they blew their cover, and the cool-down period of the abilities, I think balance is still relatively intact. Not to mention, you still have other abilities of your own to use. The smoke bomb (which you practically begin with) can be used to stop somebody coming in with Templar Vision, assuming you've spotted them.

Higher-ranked players are obviously rewarded with unlocked abilities, perks, slots, etc. but its nice to have that carrot-on-a-stick for me personally. Even at low levels, you can do well and earn a chunk of XP if you're playing well. I never felt like the abilities granted to higher-ranked players totally ruined the experience for me or anything. Sure, Templar Vision kinda sucks some of the fun out of it at times, but overall, I think its all a good mix.

[quote name='mguiddy']Were you guys earning XP tonight?[/QUOTE]

The abilities seem fairly balanced. It's the way the game handles perks that bugs me because get introduced later on, occupy their own slots (I was only vaguely aware that they were separate from abilities), and they offer advantages without any drawbacks. It's frustrating to know that I'm at a disadvantage against higher level players not just because of their experience, but because their characters can move faster and use their abilities more often (just to pick a few).

Anyway... I only complain because the game is such a great concept and I wish it didn't feel like such an ordeal to play it sometimes. ;)
I LOVE Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit... I think it's my favorite racer of the year. :D

It's not at all like Burnout Paradise, it's actually more akin to Burnout 3: Takedown since the races are pretty linear, although many of those races do have shortcuts, they don't take you in radically different directions. You could drive around Seacrest County freely in Freedrive mode, but there really isn't anything to do there, except maybe scope out shortcuts. Seems like a wasted opportunity, to be frank.

The game actually gets quite hard with certain challenges, so if your tolerance for frustration isn't really high, you might be disappointed.

I wish more of you had the game, because the online is tons of fun. Players in the lobby alternate between Racers and Cops, and are grouped by rank, so as to keep teams balanced. Objectives depend on who you play as. If you are in the Racer team, you or any of your team players have to reach the finish line for your team to win. Alternatively, if you are in a Cop team, all of you have to takedown all the Racers before they reach the finish line.
AssBros ain't dead to me!

Can somebody who isn't already my Steam friend (some of you already are) add me? I'm 'mkernan' on there. Trying to hit 10 friends for the treasure hunt thing.
[quote name='mkernan']AssBros ain't dead to me!

Can somebody who isn't already my Steam friend (some of you already are) add me? I'm 'mkernan' on there. Trying to hit 10 friends for the treasure hunt thing.[/QUOTE]
I added you to my friends list on steam
[quote name='ThreeRandomWords']I added you to my friends list on steam[/QUOTE]

Awesome, thanks!

One of the easier, non-gameplay related objectives was to gift a game to somebody, so I bought PB Winterbottom for 49 cents as a gift and just put in my own email address. =)
I'll still play some Ass Brothers if we can get a group going. I just really wasn't feeling it after a couple frustrating rounds and then tons of connection/party issues.
[quote name='mkernan']One of the easier, non-gameplay related objectives was to gift a game to somebody, so I bought PB Winterbottom for 49 cents as a gift and just put in my own email address. =)[/QUOTE]

I played the demo of that on the 360 and really enjoyed it...reminded me of the Clank time puzzles in A Crack in Time, which I loved. I might have to grab the entire game, if it's that cheap.
I want to play something tonight... too damn bad I can't.
I hate christmas... :bomb:
I'll be around for something tomorrow through the weekend though. :whee:
Oh, also, there's this:

The year is winding down and many of us are headed off to spend time with our families, friends and loved ones for the holidays. We’ve had an incredible year and we’re looking forward to working super hard in 2011 to release UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception.

Before we take off, we have one final episode of “The Lab” for 2010. We’re running “The Lab” for an entire twelve days over the holiday, starting tomorrow, December 22, and ending just after the 2011 starts on January 3. “The Lab” will be running a rotating list of playlists culled from past favorites, similar to the “Best of…” playlist from our anniversary event – but with a built-in holiday treat: 4x Cash for the entire twelve days.

“The Lab” is a special, limited-time playlist for UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves multiplayer that is active every other weekend. “The Lab” playlist features one or more custom-tuned gametype variations chosen by our game designers to test potential new settings, try out alternate gametypes in a real-world setting or just mix things up for the sake of variety.

“The Lab” is open a FULL 12 DAYS from Wednesday, December 22, at 10:00 AM PST (what time is that in my city?) through Monday, January 3, 2011, at 10:00 AM PST (what time is that in my city?).

The “Best of…” gametype variations in our Holiday Event are:

The active maps for “The Lab” Holiday Event are:

  • The Lost City
  • The Plaza
  • The Sanctuary
  • The Temple
Plunder with Pistols Only sounds awesome!
bread's done