CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

[quote name='freakyzeeky']That was a lot of fun you guys! Aaaaaaahh, such good games! :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was a lot of fun! I apologize for all of the mean things I said about you during that museum sniper battle, Freaky. ;)

[quote name='mkernan']Enjoy this pictorial slideshow of an Uncharted 2 moment I found amusing:[/QUOTE]

Ha! I think I was the dude in the gas mask that got blowed up. Totally worth it. :booty:
[quote name='bmachine']Yeah, that was a lot of fun! I apologize for all of the mean things I said about you during that museum sniper battle, Freaky. ;)

Ha! I think I was the dude in the gas mask that got blowed up. Totally worth it. :booty:[/QUOTE]
Yup, that was you. :)
[quote name='bmachine']Yeah, that was a lot of fun! I apologize for all of the mean things I said about you during that museum sniper battle, Freaky. ;) [/quote]

No need to apoligize. I actually found everyone's rants and frustrations hilarious. :lol:

[quote name='metaly']Hey it's Thursday and I haven't played RFG in like a month. Anyone playing tonight?[/QUOTE]

I'll be on tonight. :)
I just picked up The Sly Collection and I'm going to play some of that.

If you guys want to do some public "4x cash" matches in Uncharted later, send me a message!
[quote name='bmachine']I just picked up The Sly Collection and I'm going to play some of that.

If you guys want to do some public "4x cash" matches in Uncharted later, send me a message![/QUOTE]

I've actually been playing Uncharted 2 online all week, taking advantage of that cash multiplier. If you see me playing, send me a message, I'll join you.
So I was looking at the prize list for the Child's Play contest, and noticed something that was not like the others:

$25 Home Depot GC (kube00)

Happy New Year, GFB! I hope we're up for best thread again this year.

[quote name='MisterBee']So I was looking at the prize list for the Child's Play contest, and noticed something that was not like the others:


I laughed way too hard at this. For some reason, question marks are hysterical to me.
[quote name='metaly']I laughed way too hard at this. For some reason, question marks are hysterical to me.[/QUOTE]

I originally had something much stronger written there, but it came off mean spirited and not at all how I intended. I think the question marks let the reader make their own decisions on how truly dumb that prize is in the context of the contest.
The sanguinis are just fluffing about!

Hey, I could use a $25 Home Depot gift card. I need a new wire shelving thing for my closet. My t-shirt collection is spiraling out of control.

I'm in for Tetris, even though Metaly will just beat me every goddamn time.
No word thus far, but the EU store has it for £7.99/€9.99, which I think is the PS+/Regular price listing.

I'll bet its $9.99 in the US store, but wouldn't be shocked to see $14.99 either.
I was really hoping to get to 46 in Uncharted and get me some of that Situational Awareness, but I don't think I can manage one more level tonight.
I'd probably feel dirty using it anyway. :cold:
[quote name='metaly']I was really hoping to get to 46 in Uncharted and get me some of that Situational Awareness, but I don't think I can manage one more level tonight.
I'd probably feel dirty using it anyway. :cold:

I just unlocked it right before I signed off (right when you signed on....), but I doubt I'll end up using it that often.
It's not all that it's cracked up to be. It's not like, you'll be able to see where everyone is.
Situational Awareness only works if the enemy is nearby... if they're like, more than 25 feet or so away, figuratively speaking, it won't work.

BTW, I think tonight is the last night to take advantage of Uncharted 2's '4x Cash' multiplier. Going to play tonight, and try to level up while it's still somewhat easy to do so. :)
It's SO MUCH easier to play the online, when I have the GFB on my team... ;) ;) ;)
[quote name='freakyzeeky']It's not all that it's cracked up to be. It's not like, you'll be able to see where everyone is.
Situational Awareness only works if the enemy is nearby... if they're like, more than 25 feet or so away, figuratively speaking, it won't work.

BTW, I think tonight is the last night to take advantage of Uncharted 2's '4x Cash' multiplier. Going to play tonight, and try to level up while it's still somewhat easy to do so. :)
It's SO MUCH easier to play the online, when I have the GFB on my team... ;) ;) ;)[/QUOTE]

Actually, I think 4x cash already ended, according to their blog:

“The Lab” is open a FULL 12 DAYS from Wednesday, December 22, at 10:00 AM PST (what time is that in my city?) through Monday, January 3, 2011, at 10:00 AM PST (what time is that in my city?).

Though, I guess it could still be going for some weird reason; let us know!

Yeah, it was really fun when working together in those pistols-only Plunder matches (and resulted in tons of XP).
[quote name='mkernan']Yeah, it was really fun when working together in those pistols-only Plunder matches (and resulted in tons of XP).[/QUOTE]

I wish those had come up more often, they were a blast. Last night it seemed like it was just deathmatch after deathmatch. In my last game, my team gradually quit until it was just me and some guy named BudSmoker69 or something... It was actually pretty close but we still lost because he had a k:d of like 1:3. :bomb:

[quote name='freakyzeeky']:whistle2:o Nooooo, it's OVER... :cry:


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I didn't even think about it until it was too late, but if we'd have gone with the objectives playlist instead of the lab, we probably would have played Plunder more often (although, it wouldn't have been pistols only).
Now that the pressure's off to play 4x Uncharted, I think it's time to go back to Lost Planet.
Or Ass Bros.
Only if Stranded's not there, obviously.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']So is being an ass bro not cool anymore.
Yes, I have the game now.

Honestly, I stopped playing for a while because I was pissed about some trophy glitching and had hoped a new patch would fix it. One came out and it didn't seem to fix my issue as far as I can tell. I was just laying off AC:B for a bit because I wanted to make sure I didn't hit level 50 and not get the trophy, but I'm only like rank 28 or something, so I'm not in any real danger.

Not sure if I'll be around to play anything tonight, but I'm pretty sure I'll be free tomorrow. I'd be down for Ass. Bros., LP2, or Tetris.

Speaking of Lost Planet 2... I haven't even started the game, so how does that work in terms of trying to join and play with somebody else? I did install and patch it, just so I'd be ready to eventually play.
[quote name='mkernan']Speaking of Lost Planet 2... I haven't even started the game, so how does that work in terms of trying to join and play with somebody else? I did install and patch it, just so I'd be ready to eventually play.[/QUOTE]

I think you can join anyone else's game regardless of where you are in the campaign. The only restriction is when you're hosting a game, you can't start from chapters/difficulties you haven't unlocked yet.

[quote name='bornrunnin31']Did someone say Lost Planet 2? I have that game![/QUOTE]

[quote name='StrandedBrit']That guy looks familiar, but I can't place him.[/QUOTE]

Now that I've graduated college, you'll find me in the unemployment line!
bread's done