CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

I'm down with that... especially with my half a brain I have going on right now... well, half of what I usually have.
OMG... This new Ghostbusters PSN game is all top down and co-op like the old arcade game, which was AMAZING.


This should be pretty hard to screw up.

Except for voice chat. Voice chat will almost definitely be screwed up.
I know it's gonna be $15 and that's $5 too much for me, but count me in when there's a sale. :lol:
I still want to play the last Ghostbuster game sometime... It's been so long, was the voip messed up in that one? I don't remember it being wonky, but I might be wrong.
[quote name='mguiddy']I know it's gonna be $15 and that's $5 too much for me, but count me in when there's a sale. :lol:
I still want to play the last Ghostbuster game sometime... It's been so long, was the voip messed up in that one? I don't remember it being wonky, but I might be wrong.[/QUOTE]

I don't remember if the voip was, but it had plenty of other issues that I remember from cooping online. Still playable and lots of fun though!
[quote name='bornrunnin31']I don't remember if the voip was, but it had plenty of other issues that I remember from cooping online. Still playable and lots of fun though![/QUOTE]
Was that you or SoCal that got stuck in his own instance of online while I was in limbo, not able to kill anything, but allowing you (or SoCal) to keep "respawning" when you fell down?
Good times.
I tried having a game night for it during the Saturday Variety Game night thing, but no one showed up.:cry:
that ghostbusters game looks fun to me.. I'm not sure how i feel about the way the game controls. The whole 'twin stick' thing doesn't really do it for me. but I could be interested anyway.
[quote name='mguiddy']Was that you or SoCal that got stuck in his own instance of online while I was in limbo, not able to kill anything, but allowing you (or SoCal) to keep "respawning" when you fell down?
Good times.
I tried having a game night for it during the Saturday Variety Game night thing, but no one showed up.:cry:[/QUOTE]

I was able to run around and finish the level while everyone else was in limbo. It was a pretty awesome experience and took forever to complete. I still need to actually finish that game, god thing I still have it!
Just found out we're having company over this evening, so I probably won't be around for hammer time.
Kinda makes me feel bad for skipping it last week to finish Dead Space 2....

EDIT: Actually, it sounds like I will be able to join this evening.

Still having company, but the boyfriend isn't coming over apparently, so I don't have to entertain anybody. I'm sure you all care.
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[quote name='Wolfkin']i should look into how much worms 2 is? you can play it with one controller right? (co-op offline)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it has a single-player campaign of sorts, and both kinds of multiplayers. As for co-op offline, I don't see why it wouldn't have that, though I haven't personally tried it. :)
Since I cannot afford KZ3 until Friday, anyone that preordered it mind creating a share for the preorder maps? Need Salamun Market asap and too cheap to buy dlc maps.
[quote name='bmachine']Ugh, that homophobic douchebag fuckwit Mana Knight is heading up the Killzone 3 night. fuck him.[/QUOTE]

Wow, tell us what you really think! :cool:
[quote name='bmachine']Ugh, that homophobic douchebag fuckwit Mana Knight is heading up the Killzone 3 night. fuck him.[/QUOTE]

Wait what? He's a homophobe now? Not that it really matters though.

I know I won't be the only one sportin' GFB as my clan tag.
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[quote name='MisterBee']Since I cannot afford KZ3 until Friday, anyone that preordered it mind creating a share for the preorder maps? Need Salamun Market asap and too cheap to buy dlc maps.[/QUOTE]

for you MB, if i get my other code, i'll share it (its from the 7-11 slurplee). i see that you got the socom beta handled.
[quote name='bmachine']Ugh, that homophobic douchebag fuckwit Mana Knight is heading up the Killzone 3 night. fuck him.[/QUOTE][quote name='zenprime']Wait what? He's a homophobe now? Not that it really matters though.[/QUOTE]wait what? let's focus on that doucebag part first. I'm not sure if you've read a TMK blog but I think his cleaning habits, nervousness, and inexperience with the female gender might make that part even more incredulous. That's a pretty intimate accusation good sir.
Also not getting KZ3, although that Amazon deal was tempting.

I went back and tried it with the Move controls and while the aiming was surprisingly good, actually moving around in conjunction was pretty awkward. (Ironic?) Also there were some issues with the look sensitivity changing when you put on a jetpack that made it really difficult to play. Still, I could see Move becoming the most effective control scheme with some practice.
[quote name='mkernan']Game Fish Brigade?
Great Fish Brigade?
GoldFish Brigade?
Grey Fish Brigade?[/QUOTE]

I personally like Grey Fish Brigade, its rhymes with what it really means.
[quote name='MisterBee']I personally like Grey Fish Brigade, its rhymes with what it really means.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but "Game Fish Brigade" includes the original word, phonetically speaking.

Oooh, what about "Gaelic Fish Brigade"? hahaha
[quote name='mkernan']Oooh, what about "Gaelic Fish Brigade"? hahaha[/QUOTE]


Plus it gives people a stupid excuse to speak in accents, which is never not fun and annoying to other people :cool:
[quote name='MisterBee']BINGO DO IT NOW

Plus it gives people a stupid excuse to speak in accents, which is never not fun and annoying to other people :cool:[/QUOTE]

so shall it be
Only 4 days until TRW and I fly to Illinois so we can play Red Faction: Armageddon!

In celebration of this, I'll be around tomorrow night to play RF:G.

...or will everyone be playing Killzone instead? Because I can do that, too.
bread's done