CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

[quote name='MisterBee']Most important fact: Competitive: 64-Player (PC)[/QUOTE]

You know it's all about the 48 player maps.

Anyone want to try the KZ3 beta this weekend?
I played KZ3 with bots last night for a bit and it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be around this weekend to play. I'll have my copy on 2/22, though!

[quote name='Wolfkin']again I'd like to play with ya'll but my sister will be studying French downstairs so I'm off-line. [/QUOTE]

You can't go online because your sister is learning French?
I'll be playing the KZ3 beta (lol) this weekend, if only to be entered to win the LE.
It's probably the same one that was private a while back. Mechs are crazy fun to use in mp though. :D

I'll be getting it on day one too, thanks to the kmart deal.
[quote name='mguiddy']I'll be playing the KZ3 beta (lol) this weekend, if only to be entered to win the LE.
It's probably the same one that was private a while back. Mechs are crazy fun to use in mp though. :D

I'll be getting it on day one too, thanks to the kmart deal.[/QUOTE]

It's not the same as the private beta. It supports Move now and (I think) 3D. It's only one level now and I don't think there are mechs in that level.
[quote name='bmachine']What's the Kmart deal?[/QUOTE]
$20 in points.
[quote name='mkernan']It's not the same as the private beta. It supports Move now and (I think) 3D. It's only one level now and I don't think there are mechs in that level.[/QUOTE]
That's nice... I'm so used to demos being released and it's the same level shown off at E3 or Pax or whatever (I'm thinking of Dead Space 2 specifically.)
Wonder if it's a new level... :/
Wrong thread, the OTT is over there.

To the WKC guys... what are we playing tonight? I could do WKC since I really want my boots, but whatever is fine, just so long as it's not what we played last Monday.
What did we play last monday? I'm up for WKC. Not really into playing the KZ3 open beta anymore since I'll have to re-level up anyways once the game is released.
You played MGS4 and the rest of us played nothing...
The one round of KZ3 I played over the weekend was enough to hold me over for a few weeks... I really don't like that they took out the weighty feel. :/
Yeah last Monday was the I am sick therefore let's lay on the couch and watch like the final 10 episodes of Reaper without moving night. Hulu plus is great for times like that.
[quote name='bmachine']You can't go online because your sister is learning French?[/QUOTE]no i can't go online because none of my sisters like to study in their rooms. I'm not sure why my younger sister insists upon studying downstairs in the living room instead of her room but she likes to spread out there and when she does I can't use the TV and I get enough "all you do is play video games" comments that I dare not gonna push the issue.
Well I actually tired the whole copy save files to another account bit like we talked about and it refused to load it saying it belonged to another user.
[quote name='kube00']lol!

So besides Zen and terminator who else is playing the Killzone 3 beta? I"ll be getting this game on launch day.[/QUOTE]

I played it a little bit, but I'm not going to put too much time into it since progress won't carry over anyway. I'm also buying the game at launch.
DUDE. DUDE. Test Drive Unlimited 2 has Need for Speed in it. I was just driving around and minding my own business when a box popped up and asked if I wanted to chase down a reckless driver. I said yes and suddenly three other players and I were chasing a guy who had just sideswiped me a minute earlier. We caught up to him and EMP'd his car. AWESOME.

Now I'm back to minding my own business.

Edit: Two can play at that game.

[quote name='mkernan']I played it a little bit, but I'm not going to put too much time into it since progress won't carry over anyway. I'm also buying the game at launch.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='metaly']Two can play at that game.[/QUOTE]

Nice. :applause:
[quote name='kube00']lol!

So besides Zen and terminator who else is playing the Killzone 3 beta? I"ll be getting this game on launch day.[/QUOTE]

I played the beta some and will probably pick it up a bit after launch.
[quote name='clockwork-zombie']I played the beta some and will probably pick it up a bit after launch.[/QUOTE]

I tried the beta as well.

Hated it.

Not getting it.
[quote name='metaly']In his defense, he did stick with it for three, maybe four whole minutes.[/QUOTE]

I almost typed something similar, though not nearly as snarky.
[quote name='metaly']In his defense, he did stick with it for three, maybe four whole minutes.[/QUOTE]

If I ever need a lawyer, you're it!
[quote name='metaly']You can't charge a husband and wife with the same crime![/QUOTE]

[quote name='Dasflikko']Yeah, I don't think that's true metaly.[/QUOTE]

That's when you go to the bar in Fireburg and talk to the band. Then everyone dances! Or maybe no one dances. It's been a while.
Just got an invite to the Darkspore beta.

This is either a horrible name for a video game or a fantastic name for an interracial porn flick.
You're still a bit rusty with the "mom" jokes.

Did you have Battlefield 1943? I'd play that with you sometime... even though the voip is HORRIENDOUSBLE!
bread's done