CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

[quote name='AllahBomber']hmm i think that settles it then. i think ill sell it this weekend. still should play tonight tho for one last horrah. cant wait for the big family reunion when rfa comes out :p[/QUOTE]
But there's no online in RF:A... hasn't bubbles told you.
if that were true, im sure we would have formed a posse and stormed volitions doors by now. and everybody in this thread better be buying it. would be sickening and a crime of nature if someone didnt.
[quote name='bmachine'] I don't feel the itch to keep going back to it like I had with KZ2 or even BFBC2.

I've actually gone back to BFBC2. Man KZ3 has been a letdown for me online. If I was to put a finger on it I would say it's all because of the spawn point system. Every round becomes centered on one or two points as teams try to push each other back to their default spawn. Of course the servers that are just Salamun Market back to back don't help. I even ran into a team of all tacticians last night.

I don't think KZ3 will be around much longer in my collection.

Crysis 2 was fun, if it drops to $30 it might just be a must buy.
indeed. theres always one tac spawn that everybody needs to have to dominate the map, so it always is about that. online code sucks too. party system is broken to hell so we cant play together anyway. and even when you can connect to a game there are constant disconnects. goes on sale sat night so i dont have to ship till mon :p so if anybody still wants to play. let me know.

and i want to play crysis with yall but ill be..acquiring it on the pc for the extra graphics lovin. so no point having it on both :\
[quote name='AllahBomber']and i want to play crysis with yall but ill be..acquiring it on the pc for the extra graphics lovin. so no point having it on both :\[/QUOTE]

Actually, wouldn't the point be having the option to play with us? :D

I'll say it again, I'm kinda surprised at the KZ3 hatin'. It's not perfect, but I've enjoyed it. My biggest gripe has been getting stuck playing Salamun Market 90% of the time. Other than that, I dig it. I don't play it that often, but I had put in over 30 hours before tapering off. Even if most of you ditch it, I'll be hanging on to it because my one IRL gaming buddy (who rarely even plays) likes it a lot.

But hey, if people gettin' rid of it means more people eventually getting Crysis 2, then I'm cool with that.

p.s. - here's my Crysis 2 review I had mentioned I was writing earlier:
Great review SweetSweet! It's a bit of a dead time in terms of games for me, but I'm leaning towards picking up Mortal Kombat this month and The Witcher 2 next month.

However, I might be able to sneak Crysis 2 in the next few weeks if it price drops!
With all this dislike of KZ3 I'm thinking of finishing off the trophies quickly and selling it too. :(

I actually have never played it online, just the beta a few times and didn't like the control this time around.
well i dont hate it per se. the disconnects are annoying as crap. and i dont think i was playing CoD when i was playin kz2, so i didnt notice the crappy framerate as much. mostly im selling because i didnt get into the game night like i did for kz2. whole clan tournament stuff and everything.. so never play it :\
Yea maybe I"ll sell it or send it to Goozex

Its on loan to someone right now

I really need to get Alpha Protocol unless Randy wants to loan it to me
I'm going to get on the SOCOM beta later tonight before they shut 'er down. I don't know if they added a party system or anything beyond the "join a friend" option, but maybe I'll run into some of you guys if you're on.

Also booo, Dungeon Hunter didn't get a demo? It actually looks sort of fun.
[quote name='metaly']I'm going to get on the SOCOM beta later tonight before they shut 'er down. I don't know if they added a party system or anything beyond the "join a friend" option, but maybe I'll run into some of you guys if you're on.

Also booo, Dungeon Hunter didn't get a demo? It actually looks sort of fun.[/QUOTE]

I might be able to join in for SOCOM. I was bummed about no DH demo too, but I am checking out the Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes demo; I remember hearing good stuff when it came out on DS.
yeah i plat kz3 and traded it back in release week. that's 100% on the dlc too.
i might rent it cuz i get the new dlc free anyway psn+.
free rental for release date games. woot gotta love amazon
Dungeon Hunter kinda looks like fun, even though it's another quality Gameloft product. I'd play that.

Plus, there's always the hope that Naomi will use her magic on me.
Stupid burrito.... foiled again!

If other people buy Dungeon Hunter, I'd most likely grab it too. I have DH2 on my iPhone... should probably fire that up and see what its all about.

I checked out the Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes demo. Brief impressions, if you care:
I've never really played any strategy RPGs or anything, so maybe it is similar to other things, but to grossly oversimplify, I'm going to describe it as "Puzzle Crunch". (Puzzle Quest + Critter Crunch) Its similar to Puzzle Quest structurally, in that you are traversing a world map and experiencing a storyline, but playing out battles via turn-based, puzzle-type interactions. The battles remind me quite a bit of Critter Crunch (which isn't surprising, since they're both from Capy) in the way the "match-3" mechanics are handled. The artwork is beautiful and simplistic and the voice work is tolerable (mostly). If that sort of thing sounds enticing, you should at least check out the demo.
[quote name='bmachine']Dungeon Hunter kinda looks like fun, even though it's another quality Gameloft product. I'd play that.[/QUOTE]

Cheesy trailer and connection issues aside, Modern Combat was a pretty solid game. Hopefully getting together in Dungeon Hunter will be less of a headache since it's only four people.

Edit: Dude I just watched the trailer! I can't believe they replaced hit-and-run guy with Naomi. :cry:
[quote name='bmachine']Plus, there's always the hope that Naomi will use her magic on me.[/QUOTE]
I wouldn't think she was your type... I couldn't see a tat or piercing on her... and her boobs didn't look that big. :lol:
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[quote name='mguiddy']I wouldn't think she was your type... I couldn't see a tat or piercing on her... and her boobs didn't look that big. :lol:[/QUOTE]

While all of those are generally good things in my book, you seem to have overlooked the fact that she's breathing, can form complete sentences, and likes video games.

[quote name='metaly']Check it out, I did some some illustrations for this Diablo video a while back and it's finally online:[/QUOTE]

Cool! :applause:

[quote name='mguiddy']OMG WE WON!!!
second place.

I'm so proud! :booty:
Anybody?..... we going to play anything?......

[quote name='mkernan on twitter']Gonna go play some Halo: Reach (GASP!) for a few minutes. If any of you CAGs actually wanna play something, Tweet at me.[/QUOTE]
Just got back from the city and now I've got a show to record, so I probably won't be playing anything. Not until later, anyway.
You record the podcast on Thursday? What kind of terrible planning is that? Its ok, I'll just be over here getting teabagged by 12-year-olds.
So, it's pretty much a normal Thursday for you, huh?

We don't usually record on Thursdays but we had some scheduling hiccups this week.
Usually it's on Monday, but it kept getting bumped this week because of Flik's immune system.

I don't know if you guys remember Flik, he played a couple rounds of Red Faction with us back in like 2004.
Anyone up for another helping of Spilt/Second this weekend? :lol:
I had so much fun hosting the last time, and you guys had fun as well, so I figured why not do it again? ;)
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Anyone up for another helping of Spilt/Second this weekend? :lol:
I had so much fun hosting the last time, and you guys had fun as well, so I figured why not do it again? ;)[/QUOTE]
Sounds good Spilt/Second would be fun.
ya dude thats some piss poor bullcrap right there. epic fail. randy/trw, you have to sign any NDAs while you were there? either way. with this new info, should we even buy this game now?...
[quote name='AllahBomber']ya dude thats some piss poor bullcrap right there. epic fail. randy/trw, you have to sign any NDAs while you were there? either way. with this new info, should we even buy this game now?...[/QUOTE]

I am going to pass.
Well guys.... its been fun.....

I'm sure the co-op mode will be fun, but if its only 4-player, its obviously not suited to game night... unless there's a 'play as the bad guys' feature (which I don't think there is).

I guess we could keep our fingers crossed for DLC?.....
Yeah... I'll buy it when it's $20 or I get it free for buying Darksiders 2 or something.
CANCEL ALL PREORDERS BITCHES, and complain to @RedFaction and or @oneletter (or however it's formatted :lol:)

On the up side... you all seemed to like Crysis 2... it's $40 at kmart next week and I was thinking of getting it. Can it be the new game?
that dude didnt sound like a dlc man. seemed pretty sure about the game missing, what would have been, its only worthwhile feature.

@DD Cry2 may be it...
[quote name='mkernan']Well guys.... its been fun.....

I'm sure the co-op mode will be fun, but if its only 4-player, its obviously not suited to game night... unless there's a 'play as the bad guys' feature (which I don't think there is).

I guess we could keep our fingers crossed for DLC?.....[/QUOTE]

We'll find a game eventually. Patience!
bread's done