CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

I'll be down for whatever you all decide tomorrow. Tonight is out of the question because of hockey though. And that little PSN being down thing.
[quote name='MisterBee']
Portal 2 spoilers:
The gamma gel is brilliant, wish it was used earlier and more often. Making every surface able to have a portal really opens up the possibilities.

The ending of the Chell storyline? I think I am good with this, if they want a Portal 3 single player just break up the coop robots.

Still Alive >>>>>>>>>>>>> New Song

Missed the most important achivement/trophy "Ship Overboard" Guess that is for the next playthrough
These are all P2 spoilers as well...

Good enough for me, although I don't like that they didn't really explain how Chell got back into the facility, though I guess the "new" ending for Portal 1 kinda explains that, sucks that there wasn't some sorta explanation in the game for those of us that didn't know there was a new ending for Portal 1. :roll:
Double... no triple yep.
Managed to get that one, wasn't too hard to find... :D
[quote name='bmachine']On my way home from PA now. Is the PSN still offline? Just wondering if we'll be able to play some Uncharted tonight.[/QUOTE]

Still offline. =(
I made this comic to commemorate the occasion. (And also as a coping mechanism.)

Anyone up for Perfect Dark, Mario Kart, or something on Steam? Need I remind everyone, Serious Sam has 16 player co-op.
Nice, metaly. I don't know if I'd ever get that desperate for entertainment.

I could do Serious Sam or maybe even some Alien Swarm. I've also got Left 4 Dead 2 and I've never even taken it out of the plastic! Or we could play Splinter Cell Conviction.
Totally forgot about Splinter Cell. I'd do that if no one else wants to do Serious Sam or Alien Swarm.

I was also devastated (although not as much as with RFA) to hear they took the multiplayer out of the Splinter Cell HD collection. I was really hoping that could be a thing.
Man... When that first came out on VHS I watched it a few dozen times in a row... Would've been SO much easier if I wouldn't have had to rewind the damn tape.
Hate to double post but...
For the WKC peeps, if PSN is up by then, would it be possible to play a little early next week? Say 9-whatever? If not, that's fine. I shouldn't but I'll still play at 10, just will leave a little after 11 is all. Damn work schedule. :lol:
[quote name='AllahBomber']fail. now you know how i feel. i have 2 new(ish) games that have been shelved since arrival a week ago: U2 and Cry2 :([/QUOTE]

I heard a long long time ago that you used to be able to play video games alone, by YOURSELF.
[quote name='AllahBomber']mmhmm... anyways

how many of you have gaming quality PCs? just wondering if i should get brink for ps3 or pc..[/QUOTE]

Shitty P2P Vs. Servers.....

If I had a computer worth a shit, I'd buy it for PC. Every time I get into a team based game on PS3, no one ever has a f'ing mic.
[quote name='AllahBomber']mmhmm... anyways

how many of you have gaming quality PCs? just wondering if i should get brink for ps3 or pc..[/QUOTE]

I DO! I DO! ...hugshis6950...

Someone explain the appeal to me of Brink, I guess 8 person (its 8 right?) coop could be cool, but isn't it really just an 8v8 competitive game?
ya i guess a few of you do since i think my only steam friends are from here. just have no idea what all your aliases are anymore. platypus..pancake face...X_X
[quote name='MisterBee']Someone explain the appeal to me of Brink, I guess 8 person (its 8 right?) coop could be cool, but isn't it really just an 8v8 competitive game?[/QUOTE]
For me... it's a new ET/ET:QW. I played the shit out of ET and planned to play the shit out of ET:QW but didn't because I had too many PS3 games to play. I bought it from gogamer or something about 3 years or more ago and never opened it. :lol:

I have a gaming PC hardware and potentially software wise, devs are just lazy asses.:cool:
well im wondering since pc will have dedicated servers, while console will be p2p. p2p licks balls, as evidenced by the crapiness of kz3 and constant d/cs with cod too. so probably best to get on pc as long as enough of you get it on pc too.
[quote name='mguiddy']For me... it's a new ET/ET:QW. I played the shit out of ET and planned to play the shit out of ET:QW but didn't because I had too many PS3 games to play. I bought it from gogamer or something about 3 years or more ago and never opened it. :lol:

I have a gaming PC hardware and potentially software wise, devs are just lazy asses.:cool:[/QUOTE]

Open that bad boy up! QW is good times!
Eh, I really don't know about Brink. It's never jumped out at me as a game I should be Interested in. Enjoying Crysis 2 singleplayer more then I thought.
I watched a Brink video the other day that make me sort of disappointed that I already picked up Crysis. The multiplayer customization looks really cool and I've heard good things about Quake Wars.

I still want to play Crysis a bit though, especially since everyone has it. I'll keep Brink in mind for later.
everyone has crysis 2 now. ill probably buy brink in a couple months once we play crysis 2 long enough to have the tick for something new or if i can get on goozex. rich people like freaky will probably buy both
bread's done