CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

[quote name='mkernan']OK, sure there's no competetive multiplayer, but I think RF:A's "Mr. Toots" might just trump the ostrich hammer for 'best weapon ever'.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mkernan']OK, sure there's no competetive multiplayer, but I think RF:A's "Mr. Toots" might just trump the ostrich hammer for 'best weapon ever'.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='metaly']
Can't say it any better.
[quote name='metaly']It's that time of the year again.[/QUOTE]

I LOL'd. Needs more Kristianne Baille, though.

[quote name='AllahBomber']La Noire Preorder $45
wtf mate?[/QUOTE]

Nice. I want it.

[quote name='GTmaster39']I'm guessing they feel bad for us..... I wouldn't be surprised if all these price drops shoot right back up as soon as PSN comes back.[/QUOTE]

Pity discounts? I'll take 'em!

[quote name='StrandedBrit']SO then looks like UC2 / Crysis 2 next week then?[/QUOTE]

Still no PSN? Weak.
Have you guys been playing the campaign in Crysis? Is it worth digging in to?
I thoroughly enjoyed the Crysis 2 campaign.

If anybody wants to do Portal 2 co-op on Steam or something on XBL tonight, let me know.
Whoops, I still haven't done Portal co-op. If only I had checked the thread last night before going on my Game Room bender. :whistle2:#
[quote name='AllahBomber']whos down for some sciendiferous portal 2 action on steam tonight?[/QUOTE]

I would, except I haven't activated my Steam copy before PSN went down... :(
Mainly for Flik, our collective sadness about ME3 just got a little deeper:
Story Spoiler:
-Why is Cerberus after Shepard? They are working with the Reapers
"If your wondering why we were fighting Cerberus, having worked closely with this shadowy organization in Mass Effect 2, the answer just raises further questions. They are working with the Reapers"
My Reactions:
1. Didn't they say they were not going to reveal why Cerberus were after Shepard before the game launches? 2. WTF? This makes zero sense story wise, this is literally the dumbest way they could have went with it
[quote name='MisterBee']Mainly for Flik, our collective sadness about ME3 just got a little deeper:
Story Spoiler:
-Why is Cerberus after Shepard? They are working with the Reapers
"If your wondering why we were fighting Cerberus, having worked closely with this shadowy organization in Mass Effect 2, the answer just raises further questions. They are working with the Reapers"
My Reactions:
1. Didn't they say they were not going to reveal why Cerberus were after Shepard before the game launches? 2. WTF? This makes zero sense story wise, this is literally the dumbest way they could have went with it
WTF?! Did they fire their writers? or was this so they had a reason why you were fighting 'human' or 'human-ish' enemies. Ack, it's just filthy, like stepping in bit of dog shit. Can't wait for the third act twist where
the Reapers and Cerberus
betray each other.
Hummmm... I don't even know if I'm disappointed that I clicked that. At this point I'm trying to make my ME3 expectations as low as possible so I don't have another ME2 situation. (Although Bioware still had a big hand in that.)
[quote name='MisterBee']Mainly for Flik, our collective sadness about ME3 just got a little deeper:
Story Spoiler:
-Why is Cerberus after Shepard? They are working with the Reapers
"If your wondering why we were fighting Cerberus, having worked closely with this shadowy organization in Mass Effect 2, the answer just raises further questions. They are working with the Reapers"
My Reactions:
1. Didn't they say they were not going to reveal why Cerberus were after Shepard before the game launches? 2. WTF? This makes zero sense story wise, this is literally the dumbest way they could have went with it

Yeah, I am sadly going to temper my expectations for ME3. I don't even understand how that would work story wise but we'll see. Weird.
No Pax Prime media pass for me this year. They upped the requirements, and I didnt apply early enough so I could be "grandfathered in" and currently Goozernation doesn't meet them. So I may still try to get a day pass and go.

And to get further off topic anyone in the group use Boxee or Roku?

Finally, will we be playing Brink as a group or Crysis 2? (I know I didn't buy the later yet) Are we going to give RFA a shot with co-op? What about one more RFG night when PSN gets back up?

I wanted to buy one or the other, and not both
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Everyone has Crysis 2.
I think I'm the only one buying Brink (and randy... maybe) as long as everything works out tomorrow.
Speaking of Assassin's Creed, I've kind of been down on it since they announced Revelations is going to have Ezio yet again. While Ezio is cool and the games have been pretty good each time, I really felt like they wrapped up his storyline in ACB and would move into new territory with the next one.

So anyway, mostly inspired by the last few months' worth of announcements, I put together this Gaming Disappointment Bingo board:

I think if developers try hard enough, I can get a win by the end of the year.

Edit: Wow, that Brink review is pretty harsh. Also I'm a little confused: Are the singleplayer and multiplayer separate entities, or are they the same thing with a different amount of AI players?

Either way, with all the issues the review mentioned and the strange multiplayer structure, it doesn't sound great for a game night.
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That's awesome!
From what I've heard (which isn't much), Brink's sp and mp are the same thing.

Also, I thought Ezio story was done too.

I'm still looking forward to it. I can't wait to yell at my TV because Ezio/Altair/Desmond decides to jump into a hay stack instead of onto a wire when I'm doing a race mission.
@kube buy crysis2!!!!!!!! >:| is it even $40 anywhere anymore? buy it used on amazon or something. people probably offloading mp games with psn down. maybe catch a deal.

rfa as a whole is a no-go at launch. a few people are getting it. so i guess since it only supports 4p, that could work out for whoever.

brink is getting horrid reviews right now. thats gonna be a good-sale future purchase. i might even get on pc since it seems to be built for it. be waiting until its at least down to $30
I only played the first few hours of AC:Brotherhood but I got the vibe that they were setting it up for Desmond to take the lead in a modern-day sequel. Guess not.

Metaly, you can go ahead and put an "X" on DQX right now...

I'm hoping the new 4-player co-op Ratchet and Clank game is awesome. :)
While I had wished we moved to another ancestor already, I'm glad we're at least moving out of Italy for AC:R. I'll be buying it anyways. Still keeps my hopes up that AC3 we will be mindjacking (dnajacking?) someone else.

I have Cry2, not planning on Brink, but with you guys you never know.

Nice chart Metaly. Reminds me I hope SC5 isn't a lurch in the Custom Character area. I suck at fighting games but I sunk more time into SC4's custom characters then I have into most JRPGs.

I'm not selling RFG for a long time, so I'll always be up to play that. (Same for U2)

Oh man, just finished that Brink review. Brutal. CVG ( and Videogamer ( aren't as harsh but clearly the lack of the lobby and the bot AI are real issues.

Edit: How awesome are we that this thread is still on the first page after what, 20 days of no PSN?
Bit disturbing how Brink is shipping in an "unfinished" state considering they brought it forward a week because I guess it was supposedly finished? Disappointing, it looked like a decent game from videos I've seen earlier in the week... :/

Kube, I don't have Boxee, but I do have a Roku box... Is there something you wanted to know about it?
[quote name='zenprime']Edit: How awesome are we that this thread is still on the first page after what, 20 days of no PSN?[/QUOTE]
this thing you say. it is simply what we do.
[quote name='bmachine']I only played the first few hours of AC:Brotherhood but I got the vibe that they were setting it up for Desmond to take the lead in a modern-day sequel. Guess not.

Metaly, you can go ahead and put an "X" on DQX right now...[/QUOTE]

As well as Desmond works as a frame for the whole series, I'd probably skip any installment where you play as him the whole time. I think the whole conceit works because he's like the most boring guy who happens to have the coolest ancestors.

And there's still hope for DQX, dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Although expectations are low. :bomb:

[quote name='zenprime']Nice chart Metaly. Reminds me I hope SC5 isn't a lurch in the Custom Character area. I suck at fighting games but I sunk more time into SC4's custom characters then I have into most JRPGs.[/QUOTE]

I think character creation has turned into a series trademark at this point (right next to comically large breasts) so that'll probably be in. They did some nice things with it in the PSP version if I recall. Now they just have to smooth the online out to meet everyone's post-SF4 standards and actually support the game with patches/DLC after launch and we'll be good.
[quote name='metaly']As well as Desmond works as a frame for the whole series, I'd probably skip any installment where you play as him the whole time. I think the whole conceit works because he's like the most boring guy who happens to have the coolest ancestors.[/QUOTE]

I think ultimately the end game for the series will either be all Desmond or heavily Desmond based. ACB increased his screen-time a bunch over 2 so I'm prepared for this eventuality.

Hopefully they'll have the Prince of Persia as a playable character in the next. :cool:
[quote name='StrandedBrit']

Hopefully they'll have the Prince of Persia as a playable character in the next. :cool:[/QUOTE]

As a special costume or multiplayer skin? I was kinda hoping we would get some version of Solid Snake in AC2 since there was an Altair costume in MGS4.
Or are you hoping the Prince was one of Desmond's ancestors allowing Assassin's Creed to be a AC game and a POP game at the same time?
OK. PC question.

First off I’m lazy and don’t really want to any DIY solutions. Not in the mood to mod/splice shit. Would prefer something I can just buy.

Need a external PC button. I have a PC in the kitchen (Win7) that’s hidden far away underneath a cabinet not within easy reach of the hand. So if there was someway of getting a button from the PC to the counter where the keyboard and mouse are at that would be perfect. The only thing I found was this but apparently no one stocks anymore (it has a usb slot as a bonus!).

I know you can just put the PC in sleep mode but due to location it gets woken often due to mouse and keyboard being accidentally hit or just kids being kids. Also since my wife uses the most it’s mostly for her benefit. PC isn’t often used.

OK, you can verbally beat me now.
freaky in regards to you have Roku, do you run it over wi-fi? What do you think of it overall? What services do you use with it outside of Netflix?

Dont worry I'm getting Crysis 2. Come on ebay!
bread's done