CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

Here you go zen, something just for your character:
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Apparently DICE put out a server patch to fix the lag issues, I won't be around tonight to test it out, and daytime play isn't a real test. So if anyone does play tonight, let me know how it goes.
[quote name='kube00']which one pf you was talking about Green Day last night, i know Randy pipped in.[/QUOTE]

I did, saying that Foxboro Hot Tubs was the best thing Green Day has done in over a decade. Which lead to the argument about what is opinion and what is fact.
[quote name='MisterBee']I did, saying that Foxboro Hot Tubs was the best thing Green Day has done in over a decade. Which lead to the argument about what is opinion and what is fact.[/QUOTE]
* is the best * == opinion.
A kilometer is 1000 meters == fact.

Metaly, I just got the "500 Pickups in a Single Day" in Blur! Apparently, is counts days as 24-hour periods, not midnight-to-midnight. I'm super close on a bunch of the other daily challenges, too.
[quote name='bmachine']Ha!

Metaly, I just got the "500 Pickups in a Single Day" in Blur! Apparently, is counts days as 24-hour periods, not midnight-to-midnight. I'm super close on a bunch of the other daily challenges, too.[/QUOTE]

Uh oh... sounds like I might have some work to do before 9:30.

By the time we stopped last night I had 16/50 opponents wrecked in a day. I don't know if that one's going to happen.
DD, I do remember seeing that video before. I guess I just didn't catch the reference last night.

[quote name='metaly']Uh oh... sounds like I might have some work to do before 9:30.

By the time we stopped last night I had 16/50 opponents wrecked in a day. I don't know if that one's going to happen.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's a tough one. I've only got 10 of 'em.

There's a challenge to win 5 races in a day and I'm thinking that's probably not going to happen for me. I've been finishing in 4th-5th place a lot in my races today but I can't seem to hold on to that first place spot for very long.

Speaking of, there's another challenge to be in first place for 15 are you doing on that one? I've only got 6 minutes. :cry:
[quote name='bmachine']Yeah, that's a tough one. I've only got 10 of 'em.

There's a challenge to win 5 races in a day and I'm thinking that's probably not going to happen for me. I've been finishing in 4th-5th place a lot in my races today but I can't seem to hold on to that first place spot for very long.

Speaking of, there's another challenge to be in first place for 15 are you doing on that one? I've only got 6 minutes. :cry:[/QUOTE]

The last time I checked I only had 3 minutes. :cry: I had a pretty hard time even getting to the front last night, let alone staying there. Also I think I only have about 5-6 first place wins total.
BC2 has less lag... but I don't like it as much now... For one, I have nothing to blame stupid deaths on and two, I was so used to playing with lag, I suck without it.
I'm in the same boat. I'm still having a good time with Blur, Modnation, Just Cause, Madworld, Dragon Warrior IV, and Tetris Party.

Which reminds me, you have some work to do, Mr. B...
150 lines in 5'52"63. :cool:
Dl'ed Foxboro Hot Tubs, thanks B. Pretty good stuff

Backlog, well JC2 got traded, but I've got Prototype, the RE5 DLC, Episodes from Liberty City, Blur, God of War III

I was also thinking about getting dead space for $10
Randy you should just shelve Crackdown when you get it so we can co-op the entire campaign sometime.

Edit: Just saw that Steam is having a L4D2 special $10 a copy or a 4 pack for $30. I am getting two copies today. Anyone interested in that deal?
[quote name='Dasflikko']Randy you should just shelve Crackdown when you get it so we can co-op the entire campaign sometime.

Edit: Just saw that Steam is having a L4D2 special $10 a copy or a 4 pack for $30. I am getting two copies today. Anyone interested in that deal?[/QUOTE]

I'd probably be down, but how does it work? One person buys and the rest just paypal their share?

EDIT: Oh well, L4D2 sale is over.
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*cough BUMP cough*

How exactly do I build up my Guild Rank in WKC? I have to get online to build that level up, I reckon? Then I have those offline quests in the world map... I guess my question is: Where do I start? :lol:
You do those quest to up your GR. You can do online or off. You'll make the same GR point payout, but xp is divided amongst your party when playing online. TRW's just hit GR3 so he's close to you.

I'd jump online to help but resort internet is just crappy enough to let me on psn but not on Geonet. Oh well I can just about do Big Red in my sleep now.
Where do you start? I'd say by completing the single player game first. There is almost no point in doing any online until you finish the story mode once. After that you'll be level 35 (I think I was around 38ish and I killed everything I could find while looking for sparklies and did very little online) or so so you'll be good until the end of GR6. Also, don't start New Game + until you hit GR7. There isn't really anything worth getting in the chests that you can use until then.
After that, buy your Guild Quests and do all the GR1 quests over and over until you hit GR2, then buy GR2 quests and do those until you hit GR3. Then do Big Red for 40-50 hours. :lol:

Also, as zen said, hook up with random and do the quests together. I can join you guys and do some quests with you if you want. You won't get any XP due to the level gap, but you'll still get GR points, which is the important thing.

I was wondering if shitty connection was why you kept jumping on and offline last night.
Yeah freaky listen to DD he has the right plan for you. Here is a bookmark for NG+:
It will tell you exactly where the important chests are for getting the good gear. The names are translated differently than the US version, but you can easily figure out what areas are what.

On topic, looks like were getting a story bridging downloadable game:
Okay, so I'll just go ahead and finish up the single player first then. I think I'm 12-15 hours or so into the game,
I'm just after defeating the 3-headed-dragon and got a shield for the White Knight
I've been exploring alot, so it may take me a while before I can finish up the single player, then I guess I'll start up on those quests. ;)

I don't have to buy the quests with real U.S. dollars, do I? :lol:

TRW, let me know if you want to go questing after I finish the single-player to build up on our GR. :)

[quote name='MisterBee']Yeah freaky listen to DD he has the right plan for you. Here is a bookmark for NG+:
It will tell you exactly where the important chests are for getting the good gear. The names are translated differently than the US version, but you can easily figure out what areas are what.

Ha! This looks useful... is this only good for NG+? Does the first playthrough have these chests as well, or are these chests separate from that?
I'll bookmark and comb over it some... Thanks Bubbles. ;)
You can do stuff online if you want, just isn't a point to try to up your GR before finishing the story.
No, you buy quests with gilda... gilder... damn it, gold.
I don't remember where you are freaky... I think maybe a third of the way through.
Those chests are only for NG+

Since zen may not be able to join us Wednesday, we could always play with TRW and freaky to S rank whatever quests they have unlocked.

I'll withhold judgment on the PSN Red Faction game until I see more... I also like how that article said "Red Faction: Guerrilla ... released March 2011" :D
Oh okay, I understand
Oh good! My wallet is doing a happy dance now. ;)
It's a dark, deserty area...
It's where Kara's sister got sacrificed
NG+ chests only... Got it.

I've only been REALLY playing this for a couple of days, and I have a lot to learn still, so bear with me... :lol:
For those who haven't seen this bit of news yet:

Red Faction downloadable game due before Armageddon

THQ is going to deliver some emergency Red Faction to those fans unable to hold out until the March 2011 release of Armageddon. Danny Bilson, THQ's VP of core games, told CVG to expect a downloadable Red Faction game to hit Xbox Live Arcade and PSN in the interim between Guerrilla and Armageddon.

"There's going to be a Red Faction Arcade game that ships about three or four months before Armageddon," Bilson said. "What's interesting is that we will sell it to the fans, it will have content you can download that is TV show-related, it will build up to the new game and also we can use it to drive pre-orders, too; we can give codes and aspects of it, we can give the whole thing away." The TV show to which the game will relate is likely Syfy's Red Faction program, produced as part of a larger multi-franchise partnership between the cable network and THQ.

Bilson said that the supplementary downloadable game strategy will be in place for other games. "You'll see it on Red Faction, you'll see it on Saint's Row and a couple of others," he said, adding that a Red Faction comic book was also in the works. Bilson also announced plans to reveal plans this December for "the biggest trans-media play anyone has ever done" related to the Saints Row franchise.
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Oh okay, I understand
Oh good! My wallet is doing a happy dance now. ;)
It's a dark, deserty area...
It's where Kara's sister got sacrificed
NG+ chests only... Got it.

I've only been REALLY playing this for a couple of days, and I have a lot to learn still, so bear with me... :lol:[/QUOTE]
I was just a little past that when I quit last night, after grinding to GR 3. I would be up for some quests, may need help getting an S rank in boot camp and Memorial Servant. Brave Litton's Plight would be a good one for GR grinding with 2 people.
I hope they don't make psn weaker/gimped so that ps+ is more attractive. Like, i hope they don't stop the weekly sales they have been running and make them ps+ only:)
Metaly, I ended up probably going about 6-15 during my online matches, so there are certainly still people around to play against. Got my girl up to C rank, still don't have any of the win streak trophies :(

To settle all arguments, how bout a color system:

DD, Zen & I can use white text to talk about our game.

Blur talk can use this nice neon purple, it fits well into the game's style.

Actual RF:G discussion can use red.

All other off topic posts can use this nice blue color.

Does anyone know what the default text color is under the choices it gives when you hit the elevator button?
This is a joke, though DD does have a point...;)

I would say something about everyone having to retroactively color-code their posts to get an invite on Thursday, but it's pointless without Bomber around.
[quote name='bmachine']Sony is giving away VIP tickets to Lollapalooza in Chicago:

I've already got my Lolla tickets...if one of you wins we can hang out![/QUOTE]

That's a sweet prize, but shipping airfare really kills the deal. ;)

[quote name='mguiddy']I wouldn't want to hang out with anyone that would want me to hang out with them...[/QUOTE]

Groucho, is that you?
bread's done