CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

[quote name='mguiddy']YOU DIDN'T COLOR CODE IT!!!!
Also, thats nice, though bubbles had said the opposite.[/QUOTE]

I didn't know for sure either way, I think people assumed you could not simply because they charged for it once, why not charge for it again.

Its a very nice gift, though I am not sure I would change my character, you spend 200+ hours and you kind of get used to the way they look...

Yeah, I wouldn't change my character, may change a few little things if they improved the facial hair or something. :lol:
I was actually struggling with the kind of hair my character would have... My character is sort of manly, I guess, and a lot of those hairstyles didn't really "fit" him. I would be happy if they added more hairstyles. ;) :lol:
[quote name='metaly']It's the one-month anniversary of BRODYQUEST.[/QUOTE] the fuck did I just watch?

Metaly, you owe me 4 minutes of my life back. ;)
Sorry I didn't make out tonight guys. I got a phone call that I had to take and it went on way longer than I anticipated.

Also kube are you talking about The Force Unleashed? For $31? If so... that's a pretty steep price to pay...
[quote name='kube00']i had to work super late again sorry about missing game night

But I did manage to get a copy of SW TFU USE for $31![/QUOTE]

Goddamnit! I didn't realize that had become hard to find.... I shouldn't have traded away my copy.
[quote name='Dasflikko']Sorry I didn't make out tonight guys. I got a phone call that I had to take and it went on way longer than I anticipated.

Also kube are you talking about The Force Unleashed? For $31? If so... that's a pretty steep price to pay...[/QUOTE]
It's the Ultimate Sith Edition... It's fetches a pretty hefty price on ebay I think.

Legacy of the Wizard:
Start of Let's Play
End of Legacy of the Wizard
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Yeah, sorry about that... Whenever I advertise game night I should probably link to a huge list of rules. :cold:

After those first few games, the night went remarkably well, though! I wonder if it is just having a large number of people that causes all the disconnects.
Who were those guys anyway? When I joined up with you guys, I honestly thought our group got caught in some weird cross between a private and public game. :lol:

[quote name='metaly']Yeah, sorry about that... Whenever I advertise game night I should probably link to a huge list of rules. :cold:

After those first few games, the night went remarkably well, though! I wonder if it is just having a large number of people that causes all the disconnects.[/QUOTE]

Hey, do you think it's possible the firmware update is what is causing all these strange disconnects lately? First ModNation, then I hear about the Blur problems, and now this! Either that, or I need to get my tinfoil hat loosened a bit. :lol:
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Who were those guys anyway? When I joined up with you guys, I honestly thought our group got caught in some weird cross between a private and public game. :lol:[/quote]

I got a friend request from some guy who I think is from the official RFG forum since that's the only place I've been promoting the game night. I didn't expect him to bring a bunch of people with him, though. As soon as I saw all those other guys joining I sort of figured that's how it was going to go. :whistle2:?

For the record, I think the original guy (Seventy_X_Seven or whatever) was all right, except for his mic being unintelligible. Also nobody can be my clone except Stranded. :nottalking:

[quote name='freakyzeeky']Hey, do you think it's possible the firmware update is what is causing all these strange disconnects lately? First ModNation, then I hear about the Blur problems, and now this! Either that, or I need to get my tinfoil hat loosened a bit. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I think it's actually three separate things. We've been having problems with RFG for the last month or so. Blur's had connection issues since launch and just had a patch this week which may have introduced new problems, and god knows what's up with Modnation.
I was going to say I wonder if the connection issues are from people dicking with their port setting to get Blur to work, but maybe it started happening the week before Blur came out.
[quote name='mguiddy']Also, you missed the new people flik. :lol:[/QUOTE]

He also missed very important conversations such as:
1. Miley Cyrus vs Nickelback, which is worse music game DLC
2. Muse vs Interpol who has more songs that sound exactly the same
3. The evolving nature of the business of Hot Topic

[quote name='mguiddy']I was going to say I wonder if the connection issues are from people dicking with their port setting to get Blur to work, but maybe it started happening the week before Blur came out.[/QUOTE]

I have to say whenever I messed with port forwarding it has always screwed up my internet, and I would always just have to reset the router to the default settings.
And zen... poor poor zen...
freakyzeeky internet is not fun to have.
I'm guessing his vacation is almost over and he can go back to having a reliable connection.
Metaly, did you hear that you can play Perfect Dark multiplayer with a Crackdown 2 agent if the game detects a save file on your Xbox? I was hoping it would work the other way around (play as Joanna in C2) but it's still kinda fun.

[quote name='mguiddy']I was going to say I wonder if the connection issues are from people dicking with their port setting to get Blur to work...[/QUOTE]

I thought that might be the case, as well...but it's not just sweetsweet and I that are having connection issues.

[quote name='MisterBee']2. Muse vs Interpol who has more songs that sound exactly the same.[/QUOTE]

I love both Interpol and (most) Muse and I still believe that Interpol is more same-y. This is Muscle Museum, one of my favorite Muse songs:

Now tell that that song sounds like the current crop of "we're tired of people comparing us to Radiohead so we're going to sound like Queen instead" songs that Muse has been releasing lately.

I rest my motherfucking case.

[quote name='MisterBee']I have to say whenever I messed with port forwarding it has always screwed up my internet, and I would always just have to reset the router to the default settings.[/QUOTE]

I should probably try that. The list of forwards in my router settings is getting really long., how exactly do I do that?
[quote name='bmachine']
I thought that might be the case, as well...but it's not just sweetsweet and I that are having connection issues.

I should probably try that. The list of forwards in my router settings is getting really long., how exactly do I do that?[/QUOTE]
But we're all connected together... The game lags out trying to connect to someone who dicked with their settings and crashes the server.

What router do you have?
Most (well... mine does) have a button you can press to reset the whole thing to default.

[quote name='Dasflikko']Hah how many new dudes ended up joining? That could have been fun...[/QUOTE]
Fun... not the word I would use.
I think it was what, 4-5 people showed up from xbox live, complete with shitty mics and ambient noise.
[quote name='metaly']


I had given up hope on a non-cover Fortunate Son long ago. This must be Harmonix's apology for the last couple weeks.[/QUOTE]

While I probably won't be buying the whole pack, I definitely will be buying a few songs. Now I'm really sad I cannot individually delete songs :cry: (I want to remove the cover version right now)

[quote name='bmachine']What Rock Band needs is more classic rock bands that I don't give a shit about.[/QUOTE]

Yeah lets not release songs people will buy, lets release songs from bands literally no one but the biggest music snobs have ever heard of...
[quote name='MisterBee']

Yeah lets not release songs people will buy, lets release songs from bands literally no one but the biggest music snobs have ever heard of...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's the SingStar way of doing business! :lol:
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Yeah, that's the SingStar way of doing business! :lol:[/QUOTE]
I thought that was:
"Let's release a shit ton of popular euro bands."
"What... Silly Americans want music..."
Uh that game looks fucking amazing. 32 players per game, too. I wonder if there are enough people still playing for it to be fun.

[quote name='bmachine']What Rock Band needs is more classic rock bands that I don't give a shit about.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry, the week after they're releasing some songs by Murder Mobile or Unterwelt SPQR or whatever.
Section 8 is a lot of fun and I think it is definitely worth $15 as there is not much quite like it on the PS3. While I have not played it very recently it did seem to have a lot of people on last time I was playing.
[quote name='metaly']Uh that game looks fucking amazing. 32 players per game, too. I wonder if there are enough people still playing for it to be fun.
I can never tell if you're being serious. Didn't you say you don't play FPSs on console?
If a decent chunk of you buy Section 8, I'd certainly pick it up.

I'm at my in-laws' in the Atlanta area and since I'm so awesome, I brought my PS3 with me. However, its hooked to a shitty-ass, old tube TV. So, I might be able to join random games throughout the week here and there, but I'll probably get sick of squinting pretty quickly.
[quote name='bmachine']What Rock Band needs is more classic rock bands that I don't give a shit about.[/QUOTE]
Blue Monday's in RB3! As DLC, at least.
I just received a surprise package from metaly today... :D

My keychain! fuck yeah!


I thought that after these keychains got lost (or stolen, you never know!), that I would never get one. This was totally unexpected, and extremely cool of you to do that... You're a stand up guy, metaly. Thanks. :)
Glad you got it this time, freaky. ;)

After the whole post office ordeal, I got in touch with Volition in hopes of getting replacements for the keychains that got lost. Totally unexpectedly, they offered to not only replace them but send along a few more for the rest of the brigade. So, I've got another stack of these now and I think there's just about enough for everyone. (I may be one or two short.) If you want one, just PM me your mailing address.

Randy and Mr. B, I sent you guys a replacement already.

Many thanks to Volition for their incredible generosity, and of course for making an awesome game!
[quote name='mguiddy']Maybe you should ask Volition if you could get a couple more video cards to hand out to the brigade. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Also, haven't played BC2 in a few weeks, anyone up for collecting dogtags toinght?
Crackdown 2 is getting pretty beat up in the reviews...most seem to think that there isn't enough new stuff in the game to accurately call it a sequel. I'm a little disappointed, and I'm thinking maybe I should return my copy and wait for the price to trickle down a bit.


[quote name='metaly']Randy and Mr. B, I sent you guys a replacement already.[/QUOTE]

Awesome. Thank you, Metaly! You are a gentleman and a scholar.
[quote name='bmachine']Crackdown 2 is getting pretty beat up in the reviews...most seem to think that there isn't enough new stuff in the game to accurately call it a sequel. I'm a little disappointed, and I'm thinking maybe I should return my copy and wait for the price to trickle down a bit.


I thought about canceling my Amazon order, but by the time I thought about it, it had already shipped. I dunno, I'm sure its still enjoyable, even if its mostly more of the same.

Tried playing some BFBC2 with DD, zen, and MrB last night. I was silent because everybody at my in-laws was asleep (I'm on Eastern time right now). Plus, the game looks pretty terrible when played on a small standard-def TV.
bread's done