CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

I got my copy. I feel like I'm a part of CAG history, and also sort of like some woman waiting for the shoe store to open.

Did you win some Martian goo, Mr. B?
[quote name='metaly']Did you win some Martian goo, Mr. B?[/QUOTE]

This is what I won I think:
Wow I was just typing up a post about how the free weekend was neutered to only be deathmatch and how I already deleted the game, but then I checked the Steam forum and it says they've expanded it so you can play the entire game now. Time to redownload!

I can probably play in a couple hours. Just checked again and it says it may not be fully open until Saturday, but I will get on to see what the status is in a few hours.
Damn... I played the first Serious Sam years ago when it first came out.

I also think that goo stuff is something from this website... maybe the magnetic stuff I posted.
It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the picture the other day.
Yeah, I remember having some fun playing the first one years ago, though I remember it ending kinda suddenly.

You try the new BC2 maps last night? I wanted to play BC2 but felt like shit most of the day, by 10 I was half asleep but noticed you were playing later.
[quote name='mguiddy']Yeah, I remember having some fun playing the first one years ago, though I remember it ending kinda suddenly.

You try the new BC2 maps last night? I wanted to play BC2 but felt like shit most of the day, by 10 I was half asleep but noticed you were playing later.[/QUOTE]

I played a few rounds on the new Rush map. It's . . . ok. I still need to warm up to it because it's basically a straight path through a desert with a few buildings sprinkled here and there plus vehicles. So far my impression is that it's another Recon paradise.
[quote name='bmachine']Serious Sam was retardedly good fun last night. Thanks to Metaly and Flik for suggesting that I try it out.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it was hilarious. That game is so insane!

Also I finally beat RDR, and ending was great but the lead up to the epilogue had some questionable (but understandable) decisions made by Rockstar. I'm looking forward to finally trying the multiplayer after two months haha.
[quote name='Dasflikko']
Also I finally beat RDR, and ending was great but the lead up to the epilogue had some questionable (but understandable) decisions made by Rockstar. I'm looking forward to finally trying the multiplayer after two months haha.[/QUOTE]

I started on the multiplayer a few days ago and it is pretty fun. I really like the coop missions and free roam the best but the competitive modes are also fairly good.
Anyone up for more Serious Sam tonight, before the free period ends? Also, would anyone be interested in sharing a 4-pack while it's 50% off? It would be about $7.50 per person.
I'm not home tonight but I may be able to play tomorrow. When does the trial end?

I'd actually buy a share in that 4-pack if 3 others were interested and we'd actually play it from time-to-time.
[quote name='metaly']Awesome, I'm so relieved to hear they're getting through this time. I still have a few left if anyone else wants one.[/QUOTE]
If you have extras I'll take one
That could be it...
My RDR shipped Priority... Should be here Tuesday at the latest! :whee:

I gotta hurry up and finish Saboteur.
[quote name='ThreeRandomWords']If you have extras I'll take one[/QUOTE]

I've got lots left. Just PM me your address.

[quote name='mguiddy']Did you change your avatar metaly?
Something looks different... the mouth?[/QUOTE]

It's new and improved for 2009.
Maybe I can finally try an AC game and not feel like it's the same game I played back on the Gamecube. I sincerely hope they overhaul the entire game... because I really miss Poncho :(
I have to watch my niece/nephew in the afternoon this week, hopefully my sister will get home early enough to not interfere with the regularly scheduled games, but it's uncertain.

When are we going to play RDR? We all should be getting our copies this week sometime. My copy should be waiting for me at the post office right now.
Here's an insane idea: why don't we do it on Thursday night?

Seriously, is anyone else tired of Red Faction yet? Or am I the only one?
[quote name='bmachine']Here's an insane idea: why don't we do it on Thursday night?

Seriously, is anyone else tired of Red Faction yet? Or am I the only one?[/QUOTE]

But but but if that happens then what happens to the RFG Night Thread if there's no RFG night?!?!?
[quote name='bmachine']Here's an insane idea: why don't we do it on Thursday night?

Seriously, is anyone else tired of Red Faction yet? Or am I the only one?[/QUOTE]
Why do I feel like I just got dumped...
Oh dear... I haven't been on the Xbox since last week and I just noticed I had a friend request from V-Singular. Do you have a PS3, V-Singular? None of us have RFG for the 360, unfortunately.

[quote name='bmachine']Here's an insane idea: why don't we do it on Thursday night?

Seriously, is anyone else tired of Red Faction yet? Or am I the only one?[/QUOTE]

I'd be open to trying something like alternating RFG/RDR Thursdays if people are getting burned out. I still enjoy playing RFG, though.

Is multiplayer in RDR any good? The only thing I've heard about it is how much people aren't playing it.
Tuesday is SOCOM and I agree... I haven't looked at RDR's online yet, but unless it has something similar to C&C, I don't know how long it can last.

There's a typo in your post metaly... You have an extra u and an extra n tacked to the front of "fortunately."
I'm not proposing that we abandon RFG altogether (that wouldn't really be up to me, anyway) but I'd definitely be open to dropping a different game into that Thursday night slot from time-to-time.

Or we can just wait for the inevitable death of ModNation Racers night and go back to Rockstar Wednesdays.

Who in the RFG/GFB group is actually impacted by SOCOM night?
RDR MP is weak and empty every time I try, but the coop is fun. There are 6 missions (I think) each with an advanced (harder) mode. Its not the greatest coop ever, but certainly worth playing. Hit me up if you guys need a fourth/eighth person.

Edit-To Randy- Probably just Mr B. I have no objections, we have had our run
Isn't MNR dead already?
And I told you already... Wednesdays is WKC night. Though we're flexible, so we can move if need be.
[quote name='mguiddy']Why do I feel like I just got dumped...[/QUOTE]
I felt the same way.... But didn't want to speak up less I inhibit anyone else from speaking out against RFG nights.

Also I failed to secure a copy of RDR (I tried! really! Even though it's not my cuppa tea!)
[quote name='bmachine']Here's an insane idea: why don't we do it on Thursday night?

Seriously, is anyone else tired of Red Faction yet? Or am I the only one?[/QUOTE]

No you're not the only one. I wouldn't mind if we did RFG every second week. Or just convert Thursday into a rotating game night or something.
[quote name='bmachine']Here's an insane idea: why don't we do it on Thursday night?

Seriously, is anyone else tired of Red Faction yet? Or am I the only one?[/QUOTE]

What, nooooo. That's crazy Randy... You're talkin' crazy talk. That's craziness right there. :whistle2:(

[quote name='bmachine']I'm not proposing that we abandon RFG altogether (that wouldn't really be up to me, anyway) but I'd definitely be open to dropping a different game into that Thursday night slot from time-to-time.

Or we can just wait for the inevitable death of ModNation Racers night and go back to Rockstar Wednesdays.


No, not MNR night... :cry:
bread's done