CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

Why don't we try Tuesday, see how many people have to leave for SOCOM. How about having a rotating game night Saturday or Sunday, alternate RDR with Warhawk and uncharted 2
If you guys want to play on Tuesday go ahead, I won't be there, no big deal. As for Thursdays, why not simply a split night, play one game for like 90 minutes and then switch to something else.
Even if we don't get a regular or semi-regular RDR night going, would anyone be interested in doing some trophy boosting? Some of the MP trophies are easier/possible with more people.
[quote name='metaly']lol[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's what I figured. It's $20 at Amazon today but I wasn't sure I'd be into it.

[quote name='mguiddy']There's a demo in the store.[/QUOTE]

Didn't know that...I may give it whirl when I get home from work tonight, if the game is still in stock. Thanks.
My impressions of the demo, it's... weird...
It's button mashing like GoW or Devil May Cry (made by same guy) except you're a witch with stupid long magical hair that forms your clothes. You use lollipops for power ups and have guns on your shoes and when you do special moves your hair comes off your body and forms things to hit your enemies. You can do special moves that summons huge demons to kill shit. You're fighting against angels (or something similar to angels).

I'm torn... I'd say you'd enjoy it, what with the crazy action and shit, but it is a Japanese game... it definitely feels Japanese, more so than Dead Rising, which you told me you couldn't get into because it was too Japanese.
Bayonetta has some pretty slick gameplay. If you can look past the J-pop rendition of Fly me to the Moon that plays in the background x 1000000000000000000000 you might find that you'll enjoy it.

For $20, you should get it if you like action games. Open your mind you damn hippie.

Edit: Also, after playing RDR multiplayer last night I am pretty much 100% certain it will not turn into a weekly game. Rockstar decided to forgo logic and make the invite system the most backwards bullshit ever. Sometimes their gameplay decisions just boggle my fucking mind. It was fun doing the co-op missions, but some of the more simple things like switching characters, or mounts, or switching to a private match etc, will kick you to a loading screen every single time, instead of a simple menu system. We should try it and see what other people think.
[quote name='Dasflikko']For $20, you should get it if you like action games. Open your mind you damn hippie.[/QUOTE]


Edit: Also, after playing RDR multiplayer last night I am pretty much 100% certain it will not turn into a weekly game. Rockstar decided to forgo logic and make the invite system the most backwards bullshit ever. Sometimes their gameplay decisions just boggle my fucking mind. It was fun doing the co-op missions, but some of the more simple things like switching characters, or mounts, or switching to a private match etc, will kick you to a loading screen every single time, instead of a simple menu system. We should try it and see what other people think.

I don't know, I didn't haven any of those problems (probably because I was hosting). I agree it probably shouldn't be a regular thing though, the missions are only 4p and who knows how long free roam can stay interesting.
Insert joke were all thinking here

Also for DD:
If its on the disc and not DLC I would be interested in playing.
I had two tickets to the annual Marijuana Festival/Buttslamming Competition, but he wouldn't return my calls. :cry: Instead I just ended up hanging out at a Denny's by myself.
[quote name='MisterBee']I agree it probably shouldn't be a regular thing though, the missions are only 4p and who knows how long free roam can stay interesting[/QUOTE]

Assuming you each get the DLC pack that Rockstar made for RDR, you could all play poker in free roam. Unfortunately the pack with that is ten fuckin' dollars. Way to gouge there for stuff that should've been in free roam from the start, Rockstar.:roll::bomb:
[quote name='metaly']I had two tickets to the annual Marijuana Festival/Buttslamming Competition, but he wouldn't return my calls. :cry: Instead I just ended up hanging out at a Denny's by myself.[/QUOTE]

That's just cold 420, don't leave a homie hanging like that next time. Meanie!
[quote name='MisterBee']
Also for DD:
If its on the disc and not DLC I would be interested in playing.[/QUOTE]
Yeah... I thought it was confirmed already... Either way... :whee:

I thought RDR was fun... I didn't have much of an issue with the invite system, my only complaint is the same I had with GTAIV (where you had to load single player to do anything in multiplayer), you basically have to load the game (it seemed like it anyways) to freeroam to accept an invite, then load the lobby. I haven't messed around in free roam yet, so I can't comment on that.
[quote name='mguiddy']Yeah... I thought it was confirmed already... Either way... :whee:

I thought RDR was fun... I didn't have much of an issue with the invite system, my only complaint is the same I had with GTAIV (where you had to load single player to do anything in multiplayer), you basically have to load the game (it seemed like it anyways) to freeroam to accept an invite, then load the lobby. I haven't messed around in free roam yet, so I can't comment on that.[/QUOTE]
There's no multiplayer option on the main menu, before you start the game? There is in the 360 version.
[quote name='mguiddy']Yeah... I thought it was confirmed already... Either way... :whee:

I thought RDR was fun... I didn't have much of an issue with the invite system, my only complaint is the same I had with GTAIV (where you had to load single player to do anything in multiplayer), you basically have to load the game (it seemed like it anyways) to freeroam to accept an invite, then load the lobby. I haven't messed around in free roam yet, so I can't comment on that.[/QUOTE]
There is a multiplayer option on the main menu when you load RDR on the PS3 version. I know there's three options on the title screen, with X taking you into single player and square and triangle are for multiplayer and any DLC respectively. Although it may be reversed on square and triangle for the the mp in general versus any DLC, I'm not 100% sure about that.
It takes me directly to free roam, not a secondary menu where I can select free roam or select invites or whatever. Is my copy weird (maybe it's the special edition feature along with the vacuum sealed bug) or do people stop reading after I stop talking about GTAIV?
I sort of enjoyed the Bayonetta demo, actually. Retarded but fun. Unfortunately, the stock is depleted at Amazon so I missed the deal.

Also, I don't listen to Dave Matthews or smoke pot, so I can't be a hippie, Flik.
[quote name='mguiddy']It takes me directly to free roam, not a secondary menu where I can select free roam or select invites or whatever. Is my copy weird (maybe it's the special edition feature along with the vacuum sealed bug) or do people stop reading after I stop talking about GTAIV?[/QUOTE]

Actually, when you go into multiplayer you go directly into a public free roam at first. But from within free roam is where you can select the other multiplayer mission types.

There are essentially sign posts with the different types of games floating above them that you have to stand near and press a button to get into the various modes from.

Furthermore, you have to press SELECT to bring up some other game types, a friends list and to send invites and such.

It takes a bit of getting used to, but as long as you roam around and check out things for yourself you'll figure everything out eventually.:razz:

Unfortunately, just like GTA IV and the GTA Episodes there's a phantom kicked glitch that boots you out of multiplayer games you're invited to. The one night it took me restarting my modem at least once to get to where I didn't get booted.
Which is exactly (well, not as wordy) what I said in my first post.

Also, I do believe there is no "phantom kick glitch", it's just your shitty internet. :cool:
[quote name='bmachine']I sort of enjoyed the Bayonetta demo, actually. Retarded but fun. Unfortunately, the stock is depleted at Amazon so I missed the deal.

Also, I don't listen to Dave Matthews or smoke pot, so I can't be a hippie, Flik.[/QUOTE]

No u
[quote name='mguiddy']Which is exactly (well, not as wordy) what I said in my first post.

Also, I do believe there is no "phantom kick glitch", it's just your shitty internet. :cool:[/QUOTE]
My internet works just fine for what I use it for. TYVM.:razz:
[quote name='kube00']we playing tonight?!

I get off work early and I should have a good chunk of tomorrow night free as well[/QUOTE]

They finally let you get some time off? Amazing!
[quote name='lokizz']any of you seen the footage for rfg2?[/QUOTE]

You mean RFA? It seems like every week a "new" preview comes out, but it's just some site going over the same material they showed at E3. Hopefully they'll have more details at Comic Con next week.
There's talk of doing the midnight show of Inception tonight but I'm not even fucking home from the store yet. I may not be around tonight but I'll keep you guys posted.
That's right...Cillian Murphy was the Scarecrow. I forgot about that.

We're actually going to wait until Sunday for Inception so we can see it in IMAX. I'm home now...I'll hop on ASAP.
bread's done