CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

[quote name='metaly']Anyone playing tonight besides Terminator?[/QUOTE]

Just got home. I was going to power up the PS3 in bit.

Wanna play RDR instead? I'm itching to play on those new maps.
[quote name='metaly']Anyone playing tonight besides Terminator?[/QUOTE]
When I went to the restroom zombie and I were on, when I got back you were gone and zen was on.
I could do some RDR. I want to have a shootout on that city map. :twoguns:

Sorry for skipping out on RFG for those who were on. Pub games don't really appeal to me anymore.
Strange thing happened in RFG Thursday. Zombie (I think) had the enemy flag and got killed, two people were standing on the flag in an attempt to defend, I came out of nowhere, killed one, the other ran off. I grabbed the flag, but apparently, at the same time I picked up a weapon so I had the flag but was able to shoot. Unfortunately I didn't realize that's what happened (I thought I screwed up and just picked up a weapon) so I went back to look for the flag and died, on the kill cam I saw the flag pop out of my body. I can only assume it had to do with the flag and a weapon being on top of each other. It'd be sweet to be able to replicate though. :lol:
Good idea... I'll probably try later next week, assuming there's some people around after everyone else is done that'll help.

Does anyone have any pictures of sexy anthropomorphic onions, scantilly dressed and/or in provocative poses

Please send them to me.
[quote name='metaly']THIS IS AN URGENT MATTER.

Does anyone have any pictures of sexy anthropomorphic onions, scantilly dressed and/or in provocative poses

Please send them to me.[/QUOTE]

Glad to see I haven't missed much!
I'm up for WKC. Not down with OPP though.

On a side note, I wanna know how much life is left in RDR, are you guys close to plat'ing it out and selling it or something you'll keep playing? Yes this is the peer pressure talking...
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Multiplayer's a lot of fun, especially with all of the new maps that metaly, sweetsweet and I played last week. I'm really looking forward to the zombi DLC and I'd like to finish the campaign, so I won't be selling anytime soon.

It reminds me of the Uncharted 2 multiplayer, which I seem to recall that you enjoyed, Zen. You'd probably have fun with RDR.
RDR is an ok game if played with friends, but if played with random people online there tends to be more people trying to kill you just for shits and giggles as opposed to actual teamwork.

As for the new maps, paid DLC sucks balls.
I'm still playing on the off night when metaly/randy/sweets/etc play. And I haven't even started the single player, so I'm not getting rid of it anytime soon. It's fun, but, like always, it's mainly the playing with you guys that makes it most fun. Plus, the coop missions are really fun (unless you're flik/metaly/randy(?)). Some are kinda "bowl over it" easy, especially on normal mode, though, so that's kinda annoying. Ammunition on advanced is some crazy fun if you ask me. :lol:
[quote name='kube00']So is anyone getting the new dlc we could play poker together...or not[/QUOTE]

Haven't you heard??? Paid DLC sucks b******************************
[quote name='bmachine']I love paid DLC because it means I don't have to play the game with poor people anymore.[/QUOTE]
Hey now. I'm not poor, just simply selective in what I buy. I'd rather buy a full game from PSN for $5 than $10 for some crap that a company added that should've been at most an unlockable on the game disc I just paid $60 for.
[quote name='bmachine']I love paid DLC because it means I don't have to play the game with poor people anymore.[/QUOTE]

Typical elitist attitude!!!!!
[quote name='bmachine']I love paid DLC because it means I don't have to play the game with poor people anymore.[/QUOTE]


avoiding a double post here:

It's above ground stuff, yay!
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Xbox 360 is for poor people?

Mr. B, are you picking up that CCR track pack while it's on sale? I promised myself I wouldn't buy any more games for a while, but luckily DLC wasn't a part of that. :)
[quote name='Dasflikko']Typical elitist attitude!!!!![/QUOTE]
Who's this new dude coming into our thread acting like a douche?
[quote name='mguiddy']Who's this new dude coming into our thread acting like a douche?[/QUOTE]

Dunno, must be lost and looking for the OTT or something.
Oh, and by the way: happy birthday, Dasflikko.

(It's Bill Murray's birthday, too!)

(It's also the 11th anniversary of Nine Inch Nails' album,
The Fragile.)

I baked you a penis cake but I eated it.
I posted it on Twitter earlier, but I thought I'd share here in the thread, since it has nothing to do with RFG.

Canadia gets Netflix access today and they get a downloadable PS3 app that resides on the XMB. If you're tired of using the stupid disc-based thing, you can setup a CA PSN account to get access to the downloadable app. I did it today over my lunch break and it seemed to work like a charm.

EDIT: Nevermind.... now its giving me errors.... seems to be region locked now. "This device cannot instantly stream from Netflix in your area."
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[quote name='zenprime']So what are we doing tonight DD?[/QUOTE]
I don't know... I'll probably be unlocking stuff in the Token Shop in MNR until Saturday (why can't it remember what one (1, 2, or 5) I'm buying stuff in?!:roll:).

I'd be up for whatever.
[quote name='mkernan']I posted it on Twitter earlier, but I thought I'd share here in the thread, since it has nothing to do with RFG.

Canadia gets Netflix access today and they get a downloadable PS3 app that resides on the XMB. If you're tired of using the stupid disc-based thing, you can setup a CA PSN account to get access to the downloadable app. I did it today over my lunch break and it seemed to work like a charm.

EDIT: Nevermind.... now its giving me errors.... seems to be region locked now. "This device cannot instantly stream from Netflix in your area."[/QUOTE]

It's coming to the US soon, isn't it? Did I read that somewhere or was it a dream that I had?
[quote name='bmachine']It's coming to the US soon, isn't it? Did I read that somewhere or was it a dream that I had?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, "in October". So, only 2-4 more weeks to go anyway. I felt special earlier when it worked.... now my dreams have been crushed.

On the plus side, the interface works and everything, you just can't begin to stream anything. So, if you just want to see a bunch of titled cover art for your Netflix queue, by all means, go through the hassle of creating a CA PSN account.
[quote name='metaly']Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter is $3.64 on Steam right now. The 4-pack is $11.24. I think this needs to happen.[/QUOTE]

I'm in.
bread's done