CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

[quote name='mguiddy']All I'm saying is why can't they give us the option to selectively install firmware updates?![/QUOTE]
Yeah. I'm with you on that.:applause: Give me a FW update that pushes back the PS3 graphics to 16 bit era styled ones. PSGENSNES FTW!!
Commander Bee!

I promoted him from chief of security to chief of engineering (includes anomalous materials). Also he's been hitting the space gym.
[quote name='zenprime']LOL Forgot you had a Wii.[/QUOTE]
So did I. :cool:

Yell at me on twitter if you're going to play BC2 for a length of time. I could be down for some BC2 tonight.
[quote name='zenprime']Going to do some Demon's Souls and BC2 tonight, so we get WKC back to Wed. Oy. Also thread bumpage.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mguiddy']That's fine. Thanks for letting us know. :D
I may continue getting annoyed at the casualization of Metroid... :/[/QUOTE]

No big deal, I was probably going to play Mass Effect 2 (Going to play some more before writing a big rant about all the changes Bioware made) until its time to pick up FIFA at midnight :cool:
[quote name='MisterBee']No big deal, I was probably going to play Mass Effect 2 (Going to play some more before writing a big rant about all the changes Bioware made) until its time to pick up FIFA at midnight :cool:[/QUOTE]

That rant has probably been written by thousands of people by now! Hope you're enjoying the game and not letting Bioware's new (awesome) direction ruin it for you!
What's the thread doing all the way down here? Let me just pick it up and move it back to where it belongs... Anyone else going to the goozex Warhawk thing tonight?
Part of me wants to, but I kinda doubt I will. All it did last time is wet my appetite and there's no good day to have it anymore. Even if we could get a day that's good for everyone, everyone is only 8ish people.
[quote name='mguiddy']Even if we could get a day that's good for everyone, everyone is only 8ish people.[/QUOTE]

I really hate how Warhawk doesn't have a party system. If it did we could easily tear up the pub servers.
[quote name='zenprime']I really hate how Warhawk doesn't have a party system. If it did we could easily tear up the pub servers.[/QUOTE]
Considering most of the people still playing Warhawk are probably the people that have been playing forever... maybe not. Plus, if it did have a party system, it would turn into the the tournament, with everyone that plays it constantly always grouping up and base raping everyone. :headache:
But yeah, I hope Starhawk has a party system.

Also, did anyone else sign up for the DS2 beta?
I just got my key today so check your emails!
I got my ds2 beta! Heavy Rain ahs been taking what little gaming time I have this week, anywho I have to work late tomorrow and Friday so I probably won't make RFG...but this weekend who wants to play Uncharted 2/RDR?
[quote name='metaly']I'll be getting it in about six months![/QUOTE]

I'll be getting it in 5 and a half.

[quote name='kube00']I got my ds2 beta! Heavy Rain ahs been taking what little gaming time I have this week, anywho I have to work late tomorrow and Friday so I probably won't make RFG...but this weekend who wants to play Uncharted 2/RDR?[/QUOTE]

I don't know if I'll be around to play, but if I am, I'd be up for either one.
Do you guys still play RFG on Thursdays or have you moved on to bigger and better games? I'm trying to get the rest of my multiplayer trophies and thought it would be more enjoyable if I was playing with a party.
Yeah, we're usually on for at least a couple hours every Thursday. Just send me a PSN friend request and you'll get an invite.
Awesome, unfortunately I am at work tonight so I have to use my dvi-hdmi cable to play on my work monitor so I have no audio tonight, but I ordered a pair of tritton AX180's so next week ill be able to join in on the voice chat. As soon as the boss leaves for the night I'll hook up my PS3 and hop in game.
[quote name='Zoodux']Awesome, unfortunately I am at work tonight so I have to use my dvi-hdmi cable to play on my work monitor so I have no audio tonight, but I ordered a pair of tritton AX180's so next week ill be able to join in on the voice chat. As soon as the boss leaves for the night I'll hook up my PS3 and hop in game.[/QUOTE]
Playing RFG at work...
Can I get a job application?
[quote name='Zoodux']Awesome, unfortunately I am at work tonight so I have to use my dvi-hdmi cable to play on my work monitor so I have no audio tonight, but I ordered a pair of tritton AX180's so next week ill be able to join in on the voice chat. As soon as the boss leaves for the night I'll hook up my PS3 and hop in game.[/QUOTE]


PS3? Work?

haha. My job title is data operator which means basically means I am responsible for making sure all of the nightly backups run smoothly and i am also responsible to report any outages or alerts from all of the network/server equipment that belongs to the government in my province to the server/network tech's. Did I forget to mention that I get paid 25 dollars an hour to do this. I was lucky when I got this job, but I had to do a lot of shitty jobs to make my way up to this one.
Wow. Depressing enough that I just had to sit through Iron Man 2 but now I get to go to work tomorrow and pretend my monitor has a PS3 attached to it.

[quote name='mguiddy']Looks like the Dead Space 2 beta is gameshareable. :cool:
Unfortunately the gameplay reminds me of a not fun at all multiplayer game.[/QUOTE]

Fixed Your Post ;)

Also, there is no way to set up custom games(at least that I could see) so basically your stuck with groups of 4 people playing public games.
By fixing my post that way you seem to negate the Voip issues, which is wrong. The voip is horrible most of the time. I played with both mrb and kube last night, most of the time one or the other sounded like he was underwater.

Yeah, most demo's don't have a way to set up custom matches. No surprise there.

If by "not fun at all multiplayer game" you're referring to AvP... I got that vibe, but I liked AvP (though not enough to get it by myself to play with random people) and, as of now, I'm not too impressed with DS2. In AvP, each race would have a different amount of players to balance it out a bit. In DS2, humans have 4 players, necromorphs have 4 players (though I think they get a few computer controlled necromorphs... but why not just have them be player controlled?). Which is bad because humans are vastly more powerful than necromorphs, though that may be because controlling a necromorph is a bit confusing. Even if you knew how to control a necromorph, a human can still kill a necromorph in one or two shots, they die so often, there isn't even health for necromorphs... it's like they designed them to be cannon fodder. I would be slashing on a human for 20-30 seconds and he still wouldn't die. Of course, humans respawn with a health pack (and a stasis) and necromorphs will occasionally drop more health packs when they die, so that may be a part of that. Another issue is spawn time. Humans have 5 second delays (I think) and can move instantly once they spawn. Two of the three necromorphs can respawn instantly, the third has a 5 or so second wait, but it really isn't instant because you have to pick your spawn point and then wait for it to slowly crawl out of the panel and if a human happens to come around the corner as you're crawling out (with no control of the character) he can easily shoot you and kill you before you can even move. I get that it's kinda by design to prevent necros just spawning on top of the humans, but several times I'd pick an isolated area, but a human would show up before I was done spawning and cut my legs off.

A few things I wish they would've done differently. Less humans or more necros. Faster respawns for necros, by streamlining the spawning process and cutting out the crawling out of the woodwork. Slower respawn for humans. Although... my opinions could change if I had more time playing as a necro. Apparently necros can lock humans in a melee battle, but I could never figure out how to do it. To me, it kinda seems they copied the dynamics straight over from the single player game and it just doesn't feel like it works well in a multiplayer environment.
DD you should probably submit that feedback to the developers, it sounds like a very well thought out and reasoned approach to fixing balance issues in the game!
One of my friends works for Visceral. I'll print out DD's post and fold it into a paper airplane so I can throw it at him the next time I see him.
[quote name='metaly']One of my friends works for Visceral. I'll print out DD's post and fold it into a paper airplane so I can throw it at him the next time I see him.[/QUOTE]
Make sure to put a paper clip on the nose so it flies better and hits harder.

The DS2 beta email says an invite to the forum will be coming soon, but it's been a few days since I got it and never saw the invite.
I wrote a nasty article about the beta...I'll dump it on Goozernation, oh look I also got a survey from EA about dead space 2...
Sorry, Metaly the "How Harmonix is screwing the PS3 user base" has dropped, no PS3 RB3 keyboard bundle in the US, despite existing everywhere else in the world...
I didnt see anything about an NDA, I'll check again....

Mainly the terms and conditions affect employees of EA or people who work for game stores
bread's done