CAG PSN Gamesharing #3 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

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I do not want to watch friend defraud anyone not change any password I could never get into that account because you think that if he had cheated and would not be here. I want to solve esto.porfavor not change anything I could not get these people I'm not...
not funny to me I'm losing my mind and I look bad because Nose foro.pero accuse me of something not Believe I Hise PLEASE DO NOT ENTER YOUR ACCOUNT. I said to myself I could not incorrect password or user
I just want this to end well. I with my account and BF3 and rdr and with your account and rdr.porfavor BF3 and believe me my friend I will not change. mp send me anything and if you want to chat in private
I have been thinking about this, the answer is the date of the acc's password change, so you'll need to contact ProAtWork to figure this out and then we'll see if this was a mistake or not.

PS: Hola amigos, yo también hablo español.
god I did not cheat anybody if you would have your account here thinking it would be discussed. no .. do not enter your account Nose never happened. I am evil I have my account and I'm being wrong here.
Wow seems like a script to a great thriller, whats going on here? I'm going to predict a wild ending, Flame is really meek teaching yall a lesson! Either way this is kinda fucked up.
[quote name='FlameSRox']sorry but I do not understand what you say. management chile am not English. you want to do with the messages?[/QUOTE]

¿Se puede eliminar algunos de sus mensajes? Estás tipo de spamming el hilo ...
lol to hell with college football, this is far more entertaining!

my list of wants are a couple pages back, if anyone has any of them pm me. I'll not repost as I used to!
A lot of drama going on in here, but I'm still looking for an ass bro share. Might also be interested in infamous 2 and mass effect 2. Shoot me a pm, thanks.
[quote name='FlameSRox']when you retrieve your account and see the slots are going to realize that I never got to download the BF3.[/QUOTE]

DELETE YOUR POSTS!!!!! GOD DAYUM, DID YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!? Serious though, delete your posts T_T.
Was there a private group or anything setup for gamesharing from here forward?

For the LOVE of GOD will someone invite me, you guys know me, lol.

EDIT: Has anyone thought about "gamesharing" strategy guides? I found this one it looks pretty awesome and we all got BF3 for about $16, so depending on how many people wanted to check out this strategy guide (It has videos and stuff, preview really had me sold LOL) we could prolly grab it for a few bucks each? Seems like they put a lot of work into it?
[quote name='lilman']You can still play them if the account password has changed. Once your ps3 has been activated to play a game, you never have to log into that account again. You need the new password if you want to sell your share to someone else, or if you get a new ps3 and want to move the share over.

You only lose the ability to play a psn game if the psn account tied to that game has been deactivated.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for clarifying:D
[quote name='bastiartadi']Ahhh.. Just like the good old days. Hey steamboat, how does it feel not being on the receiving end? Hehe.[/QUOTE]

Lol. I actually feel sorry for everyone involved. People making life much more difficult then it has to be and being completely oblivious to it.
As the case of flamesrox proves.. I am pro asking host for a personalised password if you sell a slot so if something happens you definately know who is it!.
Visit the social group website and check whether you have an invite or not. You don't get any notification if you get an invite or not so you have to check it yourself.
Anyone have any experience with PSN downloads getting stuck at a certain percentage? A Red Dead Redemption share I purchased refuses to download fully and remains idle at the 59% mark. I have tried to download on 4 separate occasions each unsuccessful. I've rebooted my network with no results. I have the proper amount of HDD space the game requires and have no problems downloading anything else from the store. If anyone could be of assistance please send me a PM, thanks.
[quote name='SteamboatOperator']Anyone have any experience with PSN downloads getting stuck at a certain percentage? A Red Dead Redemption share I purchased refuses to download fully and remains idle at the 59% mark. I have tried to download on 4 separate occasions each unsuccessful. I've rebooted my network with no results. I have the proper amount of HDD space the game requires and have no problems downloading anything else from the store. If anyone could be of assistance please send me a PM, thanks.[/QUOTE]

I've had issues like that in the past. Sometimes it helped to be playing a game (a disc-based game of course!) when it got to the point. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't
[quote name='SteamboatOperator']Anyone have any experience with PSN downloads getting stuck at a certain percentage? A Red Dead Redemption share I purchased refuses to download fully and remains idle at the 59% mark. I have tried to download on 4 separate occasions each unsuccessful. I've rebooted my network with no results. I have the proper amount of HDD space the game requires and have no problems downloading anything else from the store. If anyone could be of assistance please send me a PM, thanks.[/QUOTE]

Is it for the RDR+UN bundle? It seems like they've changed the download now to the correct one, so you could be trying to download the old file. I'm not sure. Is this from a gameshare? and if so, when was the game originally donwloaded? Ask a slot holder if they recieved a message from Sony with a link to the correct files. They sent messages to accounts that bought the wrong bundle.
FlameSROx, your translator = shit, change it, or get a friend who can translate for you...

jlazenby1, handle it like the mod you are, and not like a 13year old girl, or Justin! :p

[quote name='BustdMagz']I am sure flames is a scammer I just did a trade with him, BF3 for RDR. So he gives me his info and I dl the game, then when I gave him the BF3 info 2 minutes later the password changes and he denies changing it. Anyone change the password to [email protected] ? I changed his RDR account password as I thought that was fair............. Whoever has a slot off that account make sure you weren't deactivated.[/QUOTE]
RDR $5, BF3 $17 (pre 18th), just saying...

Pro, didn't you changed all your BF3 passwords?
[quote name='meeek']FlameSROx, your translator = shit, change it, or get a friend who can translate for you...

Pro, didn't you changed all your BF3 passwords?[/QUOTE]

I tried it right before I gave it to him
[quote name='TurkFebruary']I've had issues like that in the past. Sometimes it helped to be playing a game (a disc-based game of course!) when it got to the point. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't[/QUOTE]

Thanks I'll give that a shot.

[quote name='Fondren']Is it for the RDR+UN bundle? It seems like they've changed the download now to the correct one, so you could be trying to download the old file. I'm not sure. Is this from a gameshare? and if so, when was the game originally donwloaded? Ask a slot holder if they recieved a message from Sony with a link to the correct files. They sent messages to accounts that bought the wrong bundle.[/QUOTE]

It is not the bundle, just the original RDR. It is indeed from a gameshare. I actually purchased 2 slots for my brother and I, he was able to download the share just fine.

I'm not going to hassle with this, if my next attempt fails I'll simply roll with the disc version.
[quote name='meeek']

jlazenby1, handle it like the mod you are, and not like a 13year old girl[/QUOTE]

Lmao, that's the spirit meeek, you SPIN DOCTOR you!

*insert a stream of emoticons here*
[quote name='SL4V3DOG']Wow seems like a script to a great thriller, whats going on here? I'm going to predict a wild ending, Flame is really meek teaching yall a lesson! Either way this is kinda fucked up.[/QUOTE]
welcome to my ignore list. Great privilege you have, you'll be the first one!

Steamboat, when you'll reply to PMs I sent BEFORE posting them on the thread, because you wouldn't answer, you can then open it.
Bustd, the fact he added you with a no trophy account isn't proof of scamming, especially if said account had + logo next to it (means he [could have] used it to buy RDR)...
[quote name='SteamboatOperator']Thanks I'll give that a shot.

It is not the bundle, just the original RDR. It is indeed from a gameshare. I actually purchased 2 slots for my brother and I, he was able to download the share just fine.

I'm not going to hassle with this, if my next attempt fails I'll simply roll with the disc version.[/QUOTE]
Maybe rebuilding your PS3 database helps you there.
[quote name='meeek']jlazenby1, handle it like the mod you are, and not like a 13year old girl, or Justin! :p[/QUOTE]
Lol, that's how I use to handle things as a mod on QJ, but then a little while after I quit as a mod I learned what my mistakes as a mod were. Instead of being a "judge and nothing else" in an argument, i'd choose a side. I've learned from that mistake now, though.
[quote name='meeek']

Pro, didn't you changed all your BF3 passwords?[/QUOTE]

Pretty much this, if one of the shares I bought for my friends gets sniped after the host promised to change the password.......

[quote name='BustdMagz']I tried it right before I gave it to him[/QUOTE]

Did you have to ask pro to give u the new password? or was it still the same original password?
With the Reddead thing I guess its just liars and cheats +legends and killers that dont work? The rest should be ok for everyone is that correct?
[quote name='meeek']Bustd, the fact he added you with a no trophy account isn't proof of scamming, especially if said account had + logo next to it (means he [could have] used it to buy RDR)...[/QUOTE]

Nope game was purchased without ps plus

Did you have to ask pro to give u the new password? or was it still the same original password?
No it was the original password and pro was offline at the time too (off CAG). I didnt even get the share from him but I was told he was the host of it, I bought it from Vyrtigo.
[quote name='meeek']
Steamboat, when you'll reply to PMs I sent BEFORE posting them on the thread, because you wouldn't answer, you can then open it.[/QUOTE]

I can then open what exactly?

I'm afraid my inbox is now empty, besides, all your questions were answered on the thread itself. If however you feel that is not the case then I have no qualms responding to any future PM's you send my way.
[quote name='meeek']jlazenby1, handle it like the mod you are, and not like a 13year old girl, or Justin! :p[/QUOTE]
Lol, that's how I use to handle things as a mod on QJ, but then a little while after I quit as a mod I learned a mistake I was always doing. Instead of being a "judge and nothing else" in an argument, i'd choose a side. I've learned from that mistake now, though.
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