CAG PSN Gamesharing #5 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

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[quote name='Derfel']Haha, I thought you were all skeptical about it just a few hours ago :)[/QUOTE]

Still am but I figure it'll be worth it even a little on my commute to work. Make those 2 hours fly by.
[quote name='TurkFebruary']Still am but I figure it'll be worth it even a little on my commute to work. Make those 2 hours fly by.[/QUOTE]

Hey at least you will be prepared if any future vita game catches your eye.
[quote name='Teh Reaper']Any dead space 3 or crysis 3 share ? Pm me[/QUOTE]

I swear there was a group who was looking for a crysis 3 resale slot.. I can't find it now >.> lol
[quote name='TurkFebruary']Still am but I figure it'll be worth it even a little on my commute to work. Make those 2 hours fly by.[/QUOTE]

I picked one up because I have several 10 hr + flights coming up.
[quote name='boosted02gt']@Teh Reaper

The was a group earlier that involved WV Matsui and Rams81 but it has broken up.[/QUOTE]

Aww damn it lol >.> well I'm still looking for a dead space 3 and crysis 3 resale or phantom.
[quote name='Azazael13']While I completely agree with this, who do you suggest gets the account back? 3 people and 2 spots.

Already said I will be hosting it.[/QUOTE]

Who are the 3 and who bought it last?
[quote name='Usuyami']Who are the 3 and who bought it last?[/QUOTE]

The shares were purchased in this order: Kerouac 09/29/2012, Azazael 01/21/2013, Akbeast 2/18/2013.
[quote name='kerouac kid']I picked one up because I have several 10 hr + flights coming up.[/QUOTE]

Yikes, I hope there's some way you can charge it during the flight...
When this clears up, I will have a share of the Black Ops 2 Season Pass for sale. I will not discuss prices right now as I await resolution of the situation at hand.
[quote name='kerouac kid']The shares were purchased in this order: Kerouac 09/29/2012, Azazael 01/21/2013, Akbeast 2/18/2013.[/QUOTE]

It's a tough call to make, and I shouldn't be the one making it. But if you're asking for my opinion, Akbeast would have to suffer the loss and chalk it up to a learning experience. Maybe the one who sold the share to him could refund 50% of the cost out of good will. The two measures people should follow when buying/selling a resell were both neglected here.

1) The buyer should activate the share asap. Not always possible, but sniping problems occur from buyers not activating quickly enough. If you're buying something and you can't activate immediately, make sure the seller follows point 2 below.

2) The seller should change the password, contact the other resell holder about the password/owner change and let the buyer also know who the other resell holder is. This would ensure no more than three people at a time ever know the password to an account.

Sidenote: The original host of the account can also reset the password so this type of power shouldn't be so easily trusted to everyone. If I didn't host for most of the games I wanted, I would make sure the person hosting is someone I can trust.
[quote name='Derfel']Yikes, I hope there's some way you can charge it during the flight...[/QUOTE]

There are power outlets on the plane. I do have one flight that is actually 14+ hours.
[quote name='jlazenby1']Definitely, I'll take a resell

Tomb Raider (IF it comes out on psn lol)
1. jlazenby1 (can host)
2. Heavyd814life

1. WV Matsui

[quote name='Usuyami']It's a tough call to make, and I shouldn't be the one making it. But if you're asking for my opinion, Akbeast would have to suffer the loss and chalk it up to a learning experience. Maybe the one who sold the share to him could refund 50% of the cost out of good will. The two measures people should follow when buying/selling a resell were both neglected here.

1) The buyer should activate the share asap. Not always possible, but sniping problems occur from buyers not activating quickly enough. If you're buying something and you can't activate immediately, make sure the seller follows point 2 below.

2) The seller should change the password, contact the other resell holder about the password/owner change and let the buyer also know who the other resell holder is. This would ensure no more than three people at a time ever know the password to an account.

Sidenote: The original host of the account can also reset the password so this type of power shouldn't be so easily trusted to everyone. If I didn't host for most of the games I wanted, I would make sure the person hosting is someone I can trust.[/QUOTE]

Again, how in the world was I negligent? Why would I have changed the password when I had no idea who the other resell belonged to? Isn't that part of what created this mess to begin with? Why does the onus fall on good people, doing the right thing? Someone screwed us, and in the process screwed the delicate trust we have with each other, yet we're no closer to figuring out who it is? How difficult can this be, really? Seems like a simple process of elimination.

And, unless I'm missing something, why should anyone have to go without a share or their owed monies at this point? I had a share, and sold it to @akbeast. Someone changed the password. Now that the account has been retrieved from this idiot, what's the problem? The only thing it seems we need to do is figure out who is responsible for the mess, and exclude them from future sharing.

EDIT: Also, while @akbeast didn't make it any easier by waiting so long to activate the account and subsequently telling me days later it wasn't working, it's his right. It's his ACCOUNT! You can't blame the victim here.
Black Ops 2 Bundle (Full game & season pass)
1. Apollyon
2. Fishwaterjohn
1. Setup
2. cereal_killerxx

Pricing structure is like that because phantoms only get the first dlc map pack.
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[quote name='Apollyon']Black Ops 2 Bundle (Full game & season pass)
1. Apollyon
1. Setup

Pricing structure is like that because phantoms only get the first dlc map pack.[/QUOTE]

in for a phantom
[quote name='Apollyon']Black Ops 2 Bundle (Full game & season pass)
1. Apollyon

Pricing structure is like that because phantoms only get the first dlc map pack.[/QUOTE]
How does a phantom work exactly with a season pass of stuff that hasn't come out yet?
[quote name='breakfuss']And, unless I'm missing something, why should anyone have to go without a share or their owed monies at this point? I had a share, and sold it to @akbeast. Someone changed the password. Now that the account has been retrieved from this idiot, what's the problem? The only thing it seems we need to do is figure out who is responsible for the mess, and exclude them from future sharing.[/QUOTE]
The fact is there are two slots that three people all feel entitled to. The solution that was suggested is the original two resell slots (meaning not the one that was stolen and resold) should be restored to the people that own the first two (legit) resell slots. Currently, it looks like you, and in turn akbeast, got tricked into buying a stolen slot, and we are not 100% sure who is responsible for that sniping just yet. I wouldn't call it negligence on your end thou, it's just a bad situation you found yourself in without prior knowledge of what you were stepping into. It sucks that this shit happens.
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[quote name='cereal_killerxx']How does a phantom work exactly with a season pass of stuff that hasn't come out yet?[/QUOTE]

Phantoms will only get the game plus the first dlc which comes out at the end of this month
[quote name='Apollyon']Black Ops 2 Bundle (Full game & season pass)
1. Apollyon
2. cereal_killerxx

Pricing structure is like that because phantoms only get the first dlc map pack.[/QUOTE]

I'll take the last phantom!
Who was it that hosted the AC3 + season pass + fat princess? I lost the message but I am supposed to get the rest of the season pass dlcs in 6 months when there can be 2 more phantoms.
Selling Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Decade Duels Plus share with DLC packs 1-10 for $8 or trading it for a share of RE6 DLCs (Not the Maps)
Tomb Raider (IF it comes out on psn lol)
1. jlazenby1 (can host)
2. Heavyd814life

1. WV Matsui

Matsui weren't you already in a group with Tiger, Ohram and I?
[quote name='mrcheeses']Who was it that hosted the AC3 + season pass + fat princess? I lost the message but I am supposed to get the rest of the season pass dlcs in 6 months when there can be 2 more phantoms.[/QUOTE]

Try to search through your email.

[quote name='Bigwig_rah']Tomb Raider (IF it comes out on psn lol)
1. jlazenby1 (can host)
2. Heavyd814life

1. WV Matsui

Matsui weren't you already in a group with Tiger, Ohram and I?[/QUOTE]

Yup lol

Tomb Raider

1. tigerlust
1. bigwig_rah
2. ohram
3. wv matsui
[quote name='mrcheeses']Who was it that hosted the AC3 + season pass + fat princess? I lost the message but I am supposed to get the rest of the season pass dlcs in 6 months when there can be 2 more phantoms.[/QUOTE]
That was me, your fellow phantom, and the two resells are realit3y and extra80. Realit3y manages most of the account stuff now.

The 6 month period should end at about the end of April, maybe the beginning of May; I'm not sure exactly when we did the remote deactivation, but it would have had to have been sometime after Oct. 30th.

Here's a nice bonus btw: the account is apparently one of the ones to which Sony sent the recent $10 promo credit, so we all get some more game(s). :) Just over $12 on the account now, last Realit3y said.
[quote name='TigerLust']The fact is there are two slots that three people all feel entitled to. The solution that was suggested is the original two resell slots (meaning not the one that was stolen and resold) should be restored to the people that own the first two (legit) resell slots. Currently, it looks like you, and in turn akbeast, got tricked into buying a stolen slot, and we are not 100% sure who is responsible for that sniping just yet. I wouldn't call it negligence on your end thou, it's just a bad situation you found yourself in without prior knowledge of what you were stepping into. It sucks that this shit happens.[/QUOTE]

For fuck sake, I give in. So, now there are three people that are "entitled" to this account? And you've determined the 2 that get to keep it how? I don't understand. I had this game for a little under a month, and their was NO issue. NONE. THE day I decide to sell it THE PASSWORD changes? No one finds that just a bit...weird? So, what we can deduce from this is that the person was logged in no earlier than Monday and was in this thread, otherwise they would have had no idea to act when they did. Unbelievable. No wonder the old heads and veterans are so cynical around here. Who would do this over a fucking measly couple of dollars?! WHO?!

I'm willing to compromise, and pay my fair share for someone else's theft, but I will not do shit until we discover who the imbecile is. We've determined everyone who's has had this account in their hands at one point or another, so how are we unable to determine who's responsible? I'll also elect to place myself under temp. suspension from gamesharing.
[quote name='TurkFebruary']A friend recommended Dungeon Hunter but the summary of the game looks like an online multiplayer game. Can it be played solo?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it can me solo'd/ You can play it with me though, babycakes.
[quote name='breakfuss']For fuck sake, I give in. So, now there are three people that are "entitled" to this account? And you've determined the 2 that get to keep it how? I don't understand. I had this game for a little under a month, and their was NO issue. NONE. THE day I decide to sell it THE PASSWORD changes? No one finds that just a bit...weird? So, what we can deduce from this is that the person was logged in no earlier than Monday and was in this thread, otherwise they would have had no idea to act when they did. Unbelievable. No wonder the old heads and veterans are so cynical around here. Who would do this over a fucking measly couple of dollars?! WHO?![/QUOTE]
The fact is there are TWO resell slots, and THREE people feel entitled to it, because they paid for it. I'd love all three of you to walk away with it, but that's not going to happen. If I was Obama I'd promise it to you. Anyhow, realistically none of us have an ideal solution, but the one Usuyami proposed is the best option I have heard so far and what I was thinking about before he mentioned it. Do you have a better solution? Speak up if you do.

I understand it's a frustrating situation, and I bet you aren't happy to hear you might just end up being the one getting screwed over here. It does suck that some scumbag is screwing people over for a couple of bucks.
[quote name='breakfuss']For fuck sake, I give in. So, now there are three people that are "entitled" to this account? And you've determined the 2 that get to keep it how? I don't understand. I had this game for a little under a month, and their was NO issue. NONE. THE day I decide to sell it THE PASSWORD changes? No one finds that just a bit...weird? So, what we can deduce from this is that the person was logged in no earlier than Monday and was in this thread, otherwise they would have had no idea to act when they did. Unbelievable. No wonder the old heads and veterans are so cynical around here. Who would do this over a fucking measly couple of dollars?! WHO?!

I'm willing to compromise, and pay my fair share for someone else's theft, but I will not do shit until we discover who the imbecile is. We've determined everyone who's has had this account in their hands at one point or another, so how are we unable to determine who's responsible? I'll also elect to place myself under temp. suspension from gamesharing.[/QUOTE]

Breakfuss I have not made a post in the thread that accuses anyone.

Please understand this.

I purchased my resell on 09/29/2012

Azazael13 purchased his resell on 01/21/2013

You purchased your resell on 01/23/2013

The account was available to be reset on 01/23/2013. You draw your own conclusions on who the rightful owners of the account are.
[quote name='Brainberry']Yeah, it can me solo'd/ You can play it with me though, babycakes.[/QUOTE]

Can someone on the PS3 play with someone on a Vita?
[quote name='breakfuss']For fuck sake, I give in. So, now there are three people that are "entitled" to this account? And you've determined the 2 that get to keep it how? I don't understand. I had this game for a little under a month, and their was NO issue. NONE. THE day I decide to sell it THE PASSWORD changes? No one finds that just a bit...weird? So, what we can deduce from this is that the person was logged in no earlier than Monday and was in this thread, otherwise they would have had no idea to act when they did. Unbelievable. No wonder the old heads and veterans are so cynical around here. Who would do this over a fucking measly couple of dollars?! WHO?!

I'm willing to compromise, and pay my fair share for someone else's theft, but I will not do shit until we discover who the imbecile is. We've determined everyone who's has had this account in their hands at one point or another, so how are we unable to determine who's responsible? I'll also elect to place myself under temp. suspension from gamesharing.[/QUOTE]

You seem to be the most upset at this whole situation and the one yelling the loudest. Unless I missed it no one ever said 'breakfuss why did you steal this?'. Yes someone did something shadey, and the likelyhood of them standing up and saying 'Hey guys I ruined my rep and screwed you all for a few dollars' is next to nothing.
[quote name='Azazael13']You seem to be the most upset at this whole situation and the one yelling the loudest. Unless I missed it no one ever said 'breakfuss why did you steal this?'. Yes someone did something shadey, and the likelyhood of them standing up and saying 'Hey guys I ruined my rep and screwed you all for a few dollars' is next to nothing.[/QUOTE]

Breakfuss was unfairly accused of being the "culprit" earlier in the thread by another member.
[quote name='Snow Vixen']If Dynasty Warriors is still happening, I'd like a phantom.

Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires

1. Indignate
2. SnowVixen[/QUOTE]

Just to be clear, I took a guess at the $50 price point. I believe Xtreme Legends is $40, but IIRC Empires always sold for more.

Either way, I'd rather people sign up and be happier about a cheaper price point if it's lower than think that it's $40 and be bummed out and drop if it's higher.

Anyways, looking for two more here.
[quote name='breakfuss']Again, how in the world was I negligent? Why would I have changed the password when I had no idea who the other resell belonged to? Isn't that part of what created this mess to begin with? Why does the onus fall on good people, doing the right thing? Someone screwed us, and in the process screwed the delicate trust we have with each other, yet we're no closer to figuring out who it is? How difficult can this be, really? Seems like a simple process of elimination.

And, unless I'm missing something, why should anyone have to go without a share or their owed monies at this point? I had a share, and sold it to @akbeast. Someone changed the password. Now that the account has been retrieved from this idiot, what's the problem? The only thing it seems we need to do is figure out who is responsible for the mess, and exclude them from future sharing.

EDIT: Also, while @akbeast didn't make it any easier by waiting so long to activate the account and subsequently telling me days later it wasn't working, it's his right. It's his ACCOUNT! You can't blame the victim here.[/QUOTE]

I'm not trying to say you were negligent. More on giving advice to the community in general on how to prevent sniping from happening in the future. If everyone followed the two points I listed, we wouldn't be having these types of problems. If the person you bought the account did what I suggested, then you would have known who the other resell holder was. This would also narrow the number of people who have the password down, making any potential problem a lot easier to resolve.

[quote name='breakfuss']For fuck sake, I give in. So, now there are three people that are "entitled" to this account? And you've determined the 2 that get to keep it how? I don't understand. I had this game for a little under a month, and their was NO issue. NONE. THE day I decide to sell it THE PASSWORD changes? No one finds that just a bit...weird? So, what we can deduce from this is that the person was logged in no earlier than Monday and was in this thread, otherwise they would have had no idea to act when they did. Unbelievable. No wonder the old heads and veterans are so cynical around here. Who would do this over a fucking measly couple of dollars?! WHO?!

I'm willing to compromise, and pay my fair share for someone else's theft, but I will not do shit until we discover who the imbecile is. We've determined everyone who's has had this account in their hands at one point or another, so how are we unable to determine who's responsible? I'll also elect to place myself under temp. suspension from gamesharing.[/QUOTE]

I'm willing to chip in $1.50 to the third person that will lose their share upon the condition that we figure out who the culprit was.

Looking through the flowchart of previous owners, the only gap I'm seeing is who ipacman got his second share from. Hopefully he can shed some light on that.

Anyone know who the host of the account was?
[quote name='Apollyon']Black Ops 2 Bundle (Full game & season pass)
1. Apollyon
1. Setup
2. cereal_killerxx

Pricing structure is like that because phantoms only get the first dlc map pack.[/QUOTE]

I'll take the Full Game/Season Pass Slot. JohnnyBeeBadd on PSN. Thanks man. (I'm also gonna PM ya..).
[quote name='Usuyami']
I'm willing to chip in $1.50 to the third person that will lose their share upon the condition that we figure out who the culprit was.

Looking through the flowchart of previous owners, the only gap I'm seeing is who ipacman got his second share from. Hopefully he can shed some light on that.

Anyone know who the host of the account was?[/QUOTE]

sigmablast. And he is trying to get to the bottom of things as well.
Really biting my tongue on this whole bullshit debacle that should really be talked over PM's or a different thread altogether....

Let me point a finger here and ruin this guys rep because this is my opinion! Oh and this guy too, and THAT guy too! fuck it, let's blame him too even though he wasn't involved.

[quote name='Brainberry']Yeah, it can me solo'd/ You can play it with me though, babycakes.[/QUOTE]

Hey Snakey, think Brainy's about to join ya there buddy! ;)

[quote name='Mageshadow']Really biting my tongue on this whole bullshit debacle that should really be talked over PM's or a different thread altogether....

Let me point a finger here and ruin this guys rep because this is my opinion! Oh and this guy too, and THAT guy too! fuck it, let's blame him too even though he wasn't involved.


Nobody has come out and said "He did it!!", it's called talking over theories. It's how investigations are done
[quote name='Mageshadow']Really biting my tongue on this whole bullshit debacle that should really be talked over PM's or a different thread altogether....

Let me point a finger here and ruin this guys rep because this is my opinion! Oh and this guy too, and THAT guy too! fuck it, let's blame him too even though he wasn't involved.


Apparently you have not bitten hard enough. Your dribble has managed to spew forth. This affects the community as a whole. Moreover, it is gameshare related.
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