CAG Warhawk Night [TBD]

[quote name='mguiddy']

Also... bad news guys... I got a letter from some Islamic group complaining about using words from the Qu'ran last night.:cry:
Looks like I have to send my disc in to get it patched...

:whistle2:|:whistle2:?:whistle2:o:???::whistle2:k... :whistle2:|:whistle2:?:whistle2:&:lol:
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Also, I got wrenched for my Jeep... :whistle2:#[/quote]
A little bit of lag can be a good thing.:lol:

[quote name='freakyzeeky']:whistle2:|:whistle2:?:whistle2:o:???::whistle2:k... :whistle2:|:whistle2:?:whistle2:&:lol:[/quote]
I seriously wondered if anyone got the server message last night...
[quote name='mguiddy']:cool:
A little bit of lag can be a good thing.:lol:

I seriously wondered if anyone got the server message last night...[/quote]

Ohh! I know how to make the ultimate Carmeggeddon Jeep!
Here's the recipe!:

1 Jeep
1 Biofield Generator-thingy-ma-bob
1 Willing soldier to shoot at others using the Jeep's turret.

Put a biofield in front of that Jeep, and grab someone to shoot others with the turret. Then carmeggeddon to your heart's content! :D
Add a couple of Proximity mines to make things interesting! ;)

[quote name='mguiddy']
I seriously wondered if anyone got the server message last night...[/quote]

Oh, I think I know what you are talking about now. :lol:
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Ohh! I know how to make the ultimate Carmeggeddon Jeep!
Here's the recipe!:

1 Jeep
1 Biofield Generator-thingy-ma-bob
1 Willing soldier to shoot at others using the Jeep's turret.

Put a biofield in front of that Jeep, and grab someone to shoot others with the turret. Then carmeggeddon to your heart's content! :D
Add a couple of Proximity mines to make things interesting! ;)

I'm pretty sure the biofield would hit the guy in the turret, unless your talking teams, but that isn't as fun with Carmageddon, since there's less targets to hit. :twisted:

I really need to get some kills in a jeep... I just realized I've got enough points to rank up, but I need the Bandit 4x4 badge.:cry: I seem to have some sort of deflector array on the front of my jeep that pushes people out of the way, as I just can't seem to run anyone over.
I'm pretty confused as to what a Carmeggeddon is :lol: but when I get a night to stay at home on the weekend and play a couple of Warhawk games, I'm sure I'll find out exactly what it is. :whistle2:k
[quote name='GodlyOne']I'm pretty confused as to what a Carmeggeddon is :lol: but when I get a night to stay at home on the weekend and play a couple of Warhawk games, I'm sure I'll find out exactly what it is. :whistle2:k[/quote]
Did you ever get the boosters?
[g]Carmageddon[/g] is our name for one of the booster map layouts. It's called that due to the abundance of jeeps.
[quote name='mguiddy']I heard you... It's no biggy. I only get mad at teamkills if there aren't any enemies around when I'm teamkilled.[/quote]

Kind of like what I did the other night when I binoc'd you jumping into a warhawk. I seriously thought I was playing a DM level. I must have missed the word TEAM :whistle2:#

[quote name='freakyzeeky']Ohh! I know how to make the ultimate Carmeggeddon Jeep!
Here's the recipe!:

1 Jeep
1 Biofield Generator-thingy-ma-bob
1 Willing soldier to shoot at others using the Jeep's turret.[/quote]

The biofield thing is old news to me, I usually try to travel with one attached. It's really good at preventing those pesky carjackers from getting very far, kind of like a security system.
You could even get a double-biofield if another player on your team pops one on the back. Hell, you could even try for 4 at once, load up the sides too. make a Carmageddon smokescreen :)
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']Kind of like what I did the other night when I binoc'd you jumping into a warhawk. I seriously thought I was playing a DM level. I must have missed the word TEAM :whistle2:#
I expected a few teamkills during that game, since I usually don't do any TDMs and that is a level we usually do DMs on.
I was actually talking about when people shoot at me at when we're at our base during a game like CTF with no enemies around. Now that I think about it, that's more annoying than actually teamkilling me.
I was fuming over one of the Zones matches. I just came back, and was continually killed by some dude in a tank from the other team sitting in our HQ, was flogged by three Warhawks when I barely jumped in one, ran into prox mines, and ended up 0-11 with a couple minutes in the game. Our team was up without me in and somehow lost it once I started joining in, like the other team kicked it into another gear or somethin'

If I was home alone, I would've been cursing loud, hard, and long the entire match. I HATE losing, I'm too competitive for my own well being >.>
That may have been me again... I spent a lot of time in a tank attempting to lower the other teams home base, but, as usual, I wasn't coordinating anything with teammates, so no one was trying to raise our bases when I was lowering the other teams home base, so it wasn't very effective.

I'm the same way with cursing, except not about losing, about stupid things like suicides or getting killed by someone when I could have easily avoided it.
[quote name='mguiddy']I only get mad at teamkills if there aren't any enemies around when I'm teamkilled. [/quote]

There was a match last week - I think it was the skirmish map where I was in a tank all on my own... NOBODY around me from either team. I was on the way to the middle base to try to take it over and then BAM! I got teamkilled by a tow missle :hot: I have no idea who it was - all I know it was not one of the regulars that did it. But I was really like WTF for a bit after that.
[quote name='fuss']There was a match last week - I think it was the skirmish map where I was in a tank all on my own... NOBODY around me from either team. I was on the way to the middle base to try to take it over and then BAM! I got teamkilled by a tow missle :hot: I have no idea who it was - all I know it was not one of the regulars that did it. But I was really like WTF for a bit after that.[/quote]

When I saw what you quoted I thought you were going to yell at me when I shot you with a tank when there was no one around a few weeks ago on that Omega Dawn map. :oops:
All you wanted was a ride... :cry:
[quote name='mguiddy']:lol:
When I saw what you quoted I thought you were going to yell at me when I shot you with a tank when there was no one around a few weeks ago on that Omega Dawn map. :oops:
All you wanted was a ride... :cry:

YA AND THAT ALSO!!!!!!!111!!!111!!!one!!!!!!1111

[quote name='mguiddy']:lol:
That may have been me again... I spent a lot of time in a tank attempting to lower the other teams home base, but, as usual, I wasn't coordinating anything with teammates, so no one was trying to raise our bases when I was lowering the other teams home base, so it wasn't very effective.

I'm the same way with cursing, except not about losing, about stupid things like suicides or getting killed by someone when I could have easily avoided it.[/quote]
It probably was you. It wasn't the fact that I got killed so much as you in the tank NOT missing a single shot most of the time, no matter the distance. I was in the open away from all posts and walls and would still get taken out. That kinda stuff annoyed me, plus the fact that I ran into prox mines that I saw before I ran into them, even one on foot >.>

The guy who knifed me through the bio field was lonicon of something like that, he even said "Huh, I didn't think that would work" :lol:

More practice and I'll get better ;)

It's my reaction time and aim that need work, just gotta find the right config/sens.
[quote name='fuss']YA AND THAT ALSO!!!!!!!111!!!111!!!one!!!!!!1111


[quote name='Inf^Shini']plus the fact that I ran into prox mines that I saw before I ran into them, even one on foot >.>
I do that sooooooo many times it isn't funny.
I have a bad habit of misjudging distance from mines... especially the red team air mines... those suckers are smaller visually than the blue mines, but have the same size hit box, so you can't get as close to them as you can the blue ones.:cry:
[quote name='mguiddy']I was actually talking about when people shoot at me at when we're at our base during a game like CTF with no enemies around. Now that I think about it, that's more annoying than actually teamkilling me.[/quote]

I'm seeing more of this lately, last time we played I was followed around by someone shooting me for a while, then totally TK'd by a teammate in a tank. I remember saying "Same Team!" after he killed me. I just chalk it up to all the newbies playing. I don't take offense, they'll learn eventually. Then they'll be TK'ing everyone as well as I do :whistle2:\"
All right, all right. It was ME! I was the mystery man in the tank! :wave:

And SoCal got his revenge on me tonight in an epic teamkill/suicide. I landed right next to him just as he was trying to binoc someone and instead it took the both of us. :shock: Luckily the flag we were saving made it back home okay. :D
[quote name='iggywiggum'] And SoCal got his revenge on me tonight in an epic teamkill/suicide. I landed right next to him just as he was trying to binoc someone and instead it took the both of us. :shock: Luckily the flag we were saving made it back home okay. :D[/quote]

BAH! NOT THE SAME! hahaha I was about to 'noc that guy in the turret and then you decide to land your plane right in front of me at the very last second. I had no time to stop the air strike that I called for two inches n front of me. :bomb::bomb: But man, we got our ass kicked in a very major way :drool:
[quote name='fuss']BAH! NOT THE SAME! hahaha I was about to 'noc that guy in the turret and then you decide to land your plane right in front of me at the very last second. I had no time to stop the air strike that I called for two inches n front of me. :bomb::bomb: But man, we got our ass kicked in a very major way :drool:[/quote]
I didn't get the picture as to what happened when Super was explaining...
[quote name='Inf^Shini'] The guy who knifed me through the bio field was lonicon of something like that, he even said "Huh, I didn't think that would work" :lol:

Yeah that was totally me (although it is Thelonicon, but I'm sure you know that already since you added me to your Buddy List since) It was a great moment, since the chances of it working were so low. :bouncy:

I'm hoping to make Saturday's game, but I'm not sure if I'll be staying out of town Friday night or if it will be both Friday and Saturday night.
[quote name='josh_animebum']Yeah that was totally me (although it is Thelonicon, but I'm sure you know that already since you added me to your Buddy List since) It was a great moment, since the chances of it working were so low. :bouncy:

I'm hoping to make Saturday's game, but I'm not sure if I'll be staying out of town Friday night or if it will be both Friday and Saturday night.[/quote]
Hah, that got me riled up, and a bunch of quick deaths ensued right after that, so thank you ;)

I'll most likely make both nights, now that I'm playing this like I used to play Counter-Strike, long, often, and with lots of "Wow", "WTF?!?", "You gotta be kidding me...", "SOB's!!!", "Fuuuuuucccccccckkkk! #%#@! %$#*!", "&$%# YEA!", "Get back here", "Idiot!", "Dumbass!", "Yea, go figure...", "STUPID, Stupid, stupid...", "Come on, come on, come on.....NOOO!", "Come on, Come on, Coooomee OOONNnnnn.....NOOOOOOOOO!", "Come on, come on, Coooommeee oooonnn....YES! Woo Hoo!"
and the most common one is....*fart*..."Whew..."
[quote name='Kandal']

I'm on warhawk if anyone wants to join me. Just follow[/quote]
I'd love to play if I wasn't at work.

Anyway, I think my mic problems might be because of my new audio setup(Better, Louder, More likely to annoy others!), so I'll switch to the headset for awhile.
[quote name='Kandal']Can you smell, what the rock! is cooking?[/quote]
Did you stop playing for awhile and did you get my messages?

I was friggin' rockin' that match and then the server just disconnects, that's just typical for when I'm on a roll, I hope my stats got recorded, b/c I got at least 4 recommendations and there were still 10 minutes left in the game!

I'll probably be on tomorrow morning/afternoon again, since last Friday was my last day of work, so I have a lot of free time before I start my next job!
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I had to bring my dad to get his medication. Do you want to play again? Please add me on AIM if you have it. I'm going to get back on WARHAWK if you want to join please just follow
[quote name='Kandal']I had to bring my dad to get his medication. Do you want to play again? Please add me on AIM if you have it. I'm going to get back on WARHAWK if you want to join please just follow[/quote]
I'm done for today. My Video Card is coming today so I'll be working on my comp the rest of the day.
I have not played Warhawk since the update: Do the mics consistently work now or is it still intermittent? Great game but that problem really started to bug me.
[quote name='Zyzomys']I have not played Warhawk since the update: Do the mics consistently work now or is it still intermittent? Great game but that problem really started to bug me.[/quote]
The only problem I have with the mics is that sometimes other people have this continuous wheezing/garbled sound so I have to mute them. Other than that, everything has seemed fine.
[quote name='Zyzomys']I have not played Warhawk since the update: Do the mics consistently work now or is it still intermittent? Great game but that problem really started to bug me.[/QUOTE]The mic problem isn't as bad anymore. We played Warhawk on Friday and the mics worked for all matches.
[quote name='blackjaw']I just picked this up with the headset at Target...anyone still play regularly?[/quote]

Yes! :D
In fact, lots of PS3 CAGs play this every week, and it's arguably the most popular of the PS3 online games we play here. ;)
[quote name='blackjaw']I just picked this up with the headset at Target...anyone still play regularly?[/quote]

LOL, how often do newcomers start off with this post? Do they fail to see the pages and pages of active discussion! ROFL
[quote name='zenprime']LOL, how often do newcomers start off with this post? Do they fail to see the pages and pages of active discussion! ROFL[/QUOTE]

I blind posted from an old post I had tagged and went back afterwards to see recent posts. I'll be joining everyone once I stop sucking. I'm surprised how many people are on the regular game (I dont have any of the exp packs yet...grab those once I get decent in my unranked matches).
I just bought a PS3 (running the latest software) and when it tries to update Warhawk it stays on 0% and give me an error.

Any suggestions on how to fix this, get the update, and play some Warhawk?

Error: 80710723

Edit: Fixed with, "But when I went on the PS3 XMB screen and went to Network Settings and turned OFF Connection to Media Servers..."
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[quote name='soccerstud652']
Error: 80710723

Edit: Fixed with, "But when I went on the PS3 XMB screen and went to Network Settings and turned OFF Connection to Media Servers..."[/QUOTE]It can screw things up, hard to explain.
[quote name='soccerstud652']So should I keep it on or off?[/QUOTE]

Off...Ive had my PS3 for almost two years and have never been able to turn media crap on. It's something to do with my linksys router.
Is it on or off by default? I never paid much mind to the media server feature.

Btw, I'mma play some Warhawk this morning for a couple hours, so if you wanna hop on, I'll be playing in a bit
Usually I play because I'm around in the morning, but right now I currently prefer to not discuss my current state. I will host tomorrow for sure. Those who have pending clan invites, PLEASE accept.
Are the servers down tonight? I couldnt quick connect to any games, or show any games on the list. oh well Socom is getting my free time anyway :)
[quote name='blackjaw']I blind posted from an old post I had tagged and went back afterwards to see recent posts. I'll be joining everyone once I stop sucking. I'm surprised how many people are on the regular game (I dont have any of the exp packs yet...grab those once I get decent in my unranked matches).[/quote]

You don't have to worry about your skill level. For one, you'll learn a lot by playing with experienced people by seeing some of the paths they take and other things they do. Secondly, even if you are the worst player there, I won't be too far ahead of you. I've had this game since release but I've played it so sporadically I never built up any true skill level. It's all about fun, so just join up and kick back.
bread's done