CAG Warhawk Night [TBD]

I won't be on tonight, I'm moving and so I'm too tired to stay up, esp since the big stuff is getting moved tomorrow. I'll ty to be on tmorrow night, if not it's next week.

OMG that's a long time off without Warhawk :hot:
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']I won't be on tonight, I'm moving and so I'm too tired to stay up, esp since the big stuff is getting moved tomorrow. I'll ty to be on tmorrow night, if not it's next week.

OMG that's a long time off without Warhawk :hot:[/QUOTE]

Plus there's the possibility of no game next Friday because of Halloween. :cold:
Awesome games tonight. I was a bit late cuz I was watching some *gasp* political coverage stuff (I just need to learn to not watch).

I probably would still be up for some games next Friday/Saturday even with Halloween if others are still interested (I've got the Halloween type party happening tomorrow).
I missed last nights game - had a friend pop by and by the time we got back from dinner I logged in juuuuuust in time to see the server disconnected screen.

And I may miss tonights game - gotta take the kids to Legoland to pick up some stuff.


But Super King and I had fun last night playing some CTF games on some drunk guys server. He was comedy - I wanted to mute him but then I did not because i would miss out on his drunken balh-blah-blah.
[quote name='fuss']

And I may miss tonights game - gotta take the kids to Legoland to pick up some stuff.
[quote name='fuss']
But Super King and I had fun last night playing some CTF games on some drunk guys server. He was comedy - I wanted to mute him but then I did not because i would miss out on his drunken balh-blah-blah.[/quote]
I should have joined you.
[quote name='Kandal']fuck Did I Miss Warhawk Night!?[/quote]
We were still playing at midnight.
We only quit around 1 am eastern.
OMG! I didn't know there was a legoland! I HAVE TO GO THERE, don't let ManaKnight in though, he might rebuild the entire park...
[quote name='Xrazor']OMG! I didn't know there was a legoland! I HAVE TO GO THERE, don't let ManaKnight in though, he might rebuild the entire park...[/QUOTE]There is a Legoland. I've heard all about it and I wish I could go (since I love Lego).
hahaha ya there is a Legoland - we have had year passes since the park first opened :bouncy: Last night was the last night they were giving out their special Brick-or-Treat nightime brick so we had to go get it for the collection. But I am glad I was only 90 minutes late - since that left lots of Sat night gameplay. Some good fun in those games. I had to laugh when my son asked if Super King was on my team - I tld him he was nto for that match. Then my son said "Thats good because Super King does a lot of team killing, so you don't want him on your team" :applause:
[quote name='fuss']I had to laugh when my son asked if Super King was on my team - I tld him he was nto for that match. Then my son said "Thats good because Super King does a lot of team killing, so you don't want him on your team" :applause:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='fuss']But I am glad I was only 90 minutes late - since that left lots of Sat night gameplay. Some good fun in those games. I had to laugh when my son asked if Super King was on my team - I tld him he was nto for that match. Then my son said "Thats good because Super King does a lot of team killing, so you don't want him on your team" :applause:[/quote]

:lol: 90 minutes late == lots of Sat night gameplay.:cool:

:rofl: at Super King doing lots of team killing. Though I think I gave new meaning to "Team" killing during that standoff hero game. :oops:
[quote name='mguiddy']:rofl: at Super King doing lots of team killing. Though I think I gave new meaning to "Team" killing during that standoff hero game. :oops:[/quote]

That was definitely a sight to behold, even though I mostly just saw myself flying through the air. This game seriously needs that Youtube feature.

I think a new title is in order...

It was pretty fun last nite, couldn't believe it when I looked at the clock and it was after midnight, the only problem being the new-comer is during dogfights, basically turns my rank into Air-Target.. lol
Warhawk is really growing on me. I love flying Warhawks, only problem is I go through them like candy.

How do you avoid missile locks when you have a jetpack? I fired at one guy and he was able to scrub it.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Warhawk is really growing on me. I love flying Warhawks, only problem is I go through them like candy.

How do you avoid missile locks when you have a jetpack? I fired at one guy and he was able to scrub it.[/quote]Double tap R2.
[quote name='aihuman']Double tap R2.[/quote]
Huh, didn't think of that :dunce:

The hit reg with the knife is so weird at times, you can pass a guy and a few feet later he'll die or you both die at the same time, they need to fix that.

So who else uses almost all their fingers to pilot a Warhawk? I got my middle finger to accelerate, index to fire machine guns, thumb to switch between hover/flying or dismount, other hand same setup to brake, fire secondary weapons, and select secondary weapons.

A charged up electric bolt doesn't seem to be as effective as 10 separate shots, and the area damage with the charged up shot seems to do very little damage :/
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Huh, didn't think of that :dunce:

The hit reg with the knife is so weird at times, you can pass a guy and a few feet later he'll die or you both die at the same time, they need to fix that.

So who else uses almost all their fingers to pilot a Warhawk? I got my middle finger to accelerate, index to fire machine guns, thumb to switch between hover/flying or dismount, other hand same setup to brake, fire secondary weapons, and select secondary weapons.

A charged up electric bolt doesn't seem to be as effective as 10 separate shots, and the area damage with the charged up shot seems to do very little damage :/[/quote]
I suck at using a Warhawks and rarely get into them.I use my index fingers to fire and boost.The electric bolt is to create panic or confusion.I use it in combination with the Warhawks machine gun-a deadly combination.Great for clearing mines and capturing flags.
[quote name='aihuman']I suck at using a Warhawks and rarely get into them.I use my index fingers to fire and boost.The electric bolt is to create panic or confusion.I use it in combination with the Warhawks machine gun-a deadly combination.Great for clearing mines and capturing flags.[/quote]
Mines can be so damn annoying. I haven't tried it yet, but lower ranked servers allow people to capture the flag and book it in a Warhawk, does this also occur in higher ranked games?
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Mines can be so damn annoying. I haven't tried it yet, but lower ranked servers allow people to capture the flag and book it in a Warhawk, does this also occur in higher ranked games?[/quote]
Yes,it depends on the server settings.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Mines can be so damn annoying. I haven't tried it yet, but lower ranked servers allow people to capture the flag and book it in a Warhawk, does this also occur in higher ranked games?[/quote]
Those servers are labeled FCTF (flying capture the flag).
Quick question on hosting a server.. I just set up ranked dedicated server so my friends can mess around on. But under server address it shows my local 192.168 IP address.. does that mean no one outside my LAN can see it? Network type shows Internet.
Let me know if you guys can see it. Server name is Boxers-or-briefs.
[quote name='Sinistar']Quick question on hosting a server.. I just set up ranked dedicated server so my friends can mess around on. But under server address it shows my local 192.168 IP address.. does that mean no one outside my LAN can see it? Network type shows Internet.
Let me know if you guys can see it. Server name is Boxers-or-briefs.[/quote]
I didn't check, but you should be fine.
I'm fairly certain it said that when I hosted dedicated servers. It's just because it's not connected directly to the modem.
I noticed the server through the clan list, but I never checked in the Join Game section.

Sometimes I forget what the Red and Blue team's Air Mines look like, is the Red with the spiked mines and the Blue ones with the funky radar looking one?

I've have some stupid deaths because the mines I thought were from our team ended up being the other team's >.>
[quote name='Inf^Shini']I noticed the server through the clan list, but I never checked in the Join Game section.

Sometimes I forget what the Red and Blue team's Air Mines look like, is the Red with the spiked mines and the Blue ones with the funky radar looking one?

I've have some stupid deaths because the mines I thought were from our team ended up being the other team's >.>[/quote]
Yeah, red is spiky and blue isn't. I remember by thinking red == evil and evil == spikes.:lol:

Also remember that they have the same size hit detection radius, even though the red ones are physically smaller (though I guess the spikes would increase the physical size even though they are near impossible to see).:cry: I've died many times by getting as close to the red mines as I do the blue mines.
[quote name='mguiddy']Yeah, red is spiky and blue isn't. I remember by thinking red == evil and evil == spikes.:lol:

Also remember that they have the same size hit detection radius, even though the red ones are physically smaller (though I guess the spikes would increase the physical size even though they are near impossible to see).:cry: I've died many times by getting as close to the red mines as I do the blue mines.[/quote]
Haha, now all I gotta do is remember that and I should be fine.

My aim still needs work, gotta work on aiming dumbfire rockets properly as well as grenades, especially against ground troops, it's pretty friggin' hard.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Freaky, let me know if you can host Friday, or someone.

EDIT: I'm honestly not too sure tomorrow, since it's my big test.[/quote]

I most likely can, since I'm not doing anything on Halloween night, though I'm not 100% sure... I'll let you know by tonight, Mana.

EDIT: I made the 4,000th post!!!! :D
[quote name='freakyzeeky']I most likely can, since I'm not doing anything on Halloween night, though I'm not 100% sure... I'll let you know by tonight, Mana.

EDIT: I made the 4,000th post!!!! :D[/quote]
Maybe, but technically I got #4000 ;)

...and I didn't even know it
Host: freakyzeeky
Server: Freaktown Last 4 maps booster
Pass: shaqfu
Date: 10/31
Time: 10pm EST

Host: DD83
Server: CAG_Clan
Pass: no password, but you MUST be a CAG clan member to get in, Boosters Required Last 4 Maps
Date: 11/1
Time: 10pm EST

That's the info.
So a bit off topic...... who here has LBP and of those... who is going to make a Warhawk themed level? I made a cool Warhawk sticker I decorated my pod with. I may make a stupid little level so I can share it with my fellow Warhawk players.
[quote name='fuss']So a bit off topic...... who here has LBP and of those... who is going to make a Warhawk themed level? I made a cool Warhawk sticker I decorated my pod with. I may make a stupid little level so I can share it with my fellow Warhawk players.[/quote]
It crossed my mind... I need to spend the time to learn how to make levels though.
Warhawk night is still on, but Freaky will be hosting. Freaky, set the minimum people to 4, needing to start a game (I expect a lower turnout). I may play for a short time, but will go to bed very early due to being tired after the drive test (which I passed).
[quote name='Inf^Shini']You're barely starting to drive?

I'll be able to join, and I'm playing some Warhawk right now if anyone wants to join in.[/QUOTE]I just never had the chance to get it due to being away at college for a while (where everything was nearby).
[quote name='m_d_amore']Are fridays ranked?[/QUOTE]Only Saturdays, mostly because it's more of our private match for anyone at CAG to join (but gotta know the password).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I may play for a short time, but will go to bed very early due to being tired after the drive test (which I passed).[/QUOTE]

Congrats, welcome to the world of overpaying for insurance
Now that you have a license, you can now legally drive the jeep in~game
bread's done