CAG Warhawk Night [TBD]

[quote name='Cthulhu8u']

It felt like Threerandomwords was constantly on my ass last night. I kept thinking of three random words whenever he killed me: Go. :censored:. Yourself.


ROFL. Now you've inflated his ego! I've got to bring it down a couple pegs somehow.
[quote name='m_d_amore']wait last night wasnt ranked pooo[/quote]
No, due to the past two weeks disappointing turnouts I started off unranked instead of having to restart after the first 30 minute pre-game.:cry:
Figures the week I start off unranked we get enough people. Watch, next week we'll have a low turnout again.:lol:
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']Last night was great. Man do I looooove that Carmageddon DM level!
Finally got the Resourceful Driver trophy on that map too:whee:

It felt like Threerandomwords was constantly on my ass last night. I kept thinking of three random words whenever he killed me: Go. :censored:. Yourself.

So, in the next game I should beware the wrath of Cthulhu8u.:whistle2:(

[quote name='zenprime']ROFL. Now you've inflated his ego! I've got to bring it down a couple pegs somehow.[/quote]
no you don't
Hey I'm up for some games tonight, though I might play some Left 4 Dead later..

Does anyone know if the "Home Joining" feature is still in? I thought I read about it in one of the older versions. I just got my beta code for Home so I'm installing it now :)
[quote name='Sinistar']Hey I'm up for some games tonight, though I might play some Left 4 Dead later..

Does anyone know if the "Home Joining" feature is still in? I thought I read about it in one of the older versions. I just got my beta code for Home so I'm installing it now :)[/quote]

curse you! :p you do anything special to get the code or just random?
I can't do the Home stuff yet. Anyway, I'm debating about making the ENTIRE game boosters only (4-8 matches are boosters). If no one posts that they are new, I might just do it.
if lots of boosters I vote for APC action :) And some ground games on Omega Factory - seems like we only do either dogfight or rumble dome on that map, lets mix it up some and get some other OF maps going on.
[quote name='Sinistar']Hey I'm up for some games tonight, though I might play some Left 4 Dead later..

Does anyone know if the "Home Joining" feature is still in? I thought I read about it in one of the older versions. I just got my beta code for Home so I'm installing it now :)[/quote]

Its in there. I was just using it.
[quote name='zenprime']Can we have a hero or TDM on Tau Crater?[/quote]
I have been ignoring that map on Saturdays.:lol:

[quote name='metaly']Let's have some jetpack action.

I should be there tonight. It's been a while![/quote]

Jetpacks on non-TC maps are fun and out of the ordinary. Hero with Jetpack on Close Corridors, Fortress, or Garden Showdown is fun.:bouncy:

[quote name='fuss']if lots of boosters I vote for APC action :) And some ground games on Omega Factory - seems like we only do either dogfight or rumble dome on that map, lets mix it up some and get some other OF maps going on.[/quote]

I always ignore that map too.:lol:
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I can't do the Home stuff yet. Anyway, I'm debating about making the ENTIRE game boosters only (4-8 matches are boosters). If no one posts that they are new, I might just do it.[/quote]
if we are doing boosters, can we have a map with the drop ship, I'm still trying to get the flying fortress trophy.
[quote name='mguiddy']Jetpacks on non-TC maps are fun and out of the ordinary. Hero with Jetpack on Close Corridors, Fortress, or Garden Showdown is fun.:bouncy:[/quote]

Close Corridors + Hero + jetpacks is the recipe for awesome!
[quote name='ThreeRandomWords']if we are doing boosters, can we have a map with the drop ship, I'm still trying to get the flying fortress trophy.[/QUOTE]I will. I know someone else who needs it, just need to make sure he gets in.

I'm not sure about doing it because I'd have to allow for a team in-balance. I hope people make sure teams are balanced.
[quote name='metaly']Close Corridors + Hero + jetpacks is the recipe for awesome![/quote]
It's been a staple on Saturday games for weeks now.;)
I think people are starting to get sick of it.:lol: Half the time freaky just flies off into the sunset.
Fun games tonight. My favorite moment was on Tau Crater when I was trying to rocket freaky out of his AA turret from across the map. Just before it exploded, he jumped out, flew way up into the air and stabbed me just as he landed. Holy fuck! Don't disturb the freaky!
Yeah, lots of fun tonight and all boosters work great.

I do want to apologize to Darkleaper because I got the PSN message, just didn't see it until when Warhawk started.
[quote name='metaly']Fun games tonight. My favorite moment was on Tau Crater when I was trying to rocket freaky out of his AA turret from across the map. Just before it exploded, he jumped out, flew way up into the air and stabbed me just as he landed. Holy fuck! Don't disturb the freaky![/quote]

Hahaha, I agree that kill was awesome... It even surprised me how quick I got the kill. :lol:
Doh! I missed the game tonight. I was messing around in Home (and I did try the game joining/hosting thing with one other person and it worked pretty well, though I'd like to try with more people, lol), then I got sidetracked with some other stuff.
I should be able to make it to the next one, though :)
Damn, didn't mean to ghost tonight. I was home and messing around in Home when I got called to watch my folks dogs for the weekend. By the time Warhawk finished updating on my mom's PS3 the game was over :whistle2:(. I'll be able to make Saturday though.
good games late night. Could we do a match tonight in that glacier place? and would someone be nice enough to let me blow them up in a warhark in the crevasse? I'll gladly return the favor for anyone else who still needs this trophy. I've been trying for that trophy for ages, noone ever flies down there.
[quote name='tenchi']good games late night. Could we do a match tonight in that glacier place? and would someone be nice enough to let me blow them up in a warhark in the crevasse? I'll gladly return the favor for anyone else who still needs this trophy. I've been trying for that trophy for ages, noone ever flies down there.[/quote]

Tenchi I need that trophy too, add me to your PSN list and next time you're playin' I'll hop on.
[quote name='Sinistar']Tenchi I need that trophy too, add me to your PSN list and next time you're playin' I'll hop on.[/QUOTE]

Cool. I sent you a friend request. I'll be playing tonight on CAG Warhawk night. Check the first page for info. Cheers.
So did WH night go well? I couldn't stay up past 11, my wife wanted to sleep & the TV is in the bedroom
I feel WH night slipping away for me...
We had 8 player ranked matches for a while, eventually I had to go to bed though (someone else had already left too).

And I learned that I need to play more collection.
It was still a lot of fun. Though I felt like one of those ducks at a shooting gallery on that one hero math. ThreeRandomWords probably sniped me at least a dozen times. haha. Grr.

Thanks DD83 for helping me with that trophy. :)
Yeah, we had around five ranked games, then I had to restart the server to unranked.
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And I miss it when you aren't there Fuss. We played Hero at standoff and I was living far too long. It's not as much fun sniping if it isn't against you. Hell, I learned how to snipe and find good nests from getting sniped by you.
I just recently got Warhawk, but haven't played it yet, but would like to meet up with you do I need to download additional content?
[quote name='jwargand']I just recently got Warhawk, but haven't played it yet, but would like to meet up with you do I need to download additional content?[/QUOTE]I had Warhawk 100% booster last weekend, but I can change that and make it more so 50/50. If you plan to play I can do that, so you can get somewhat into it.
Definitely feel free to join in. Some CAG members are damn good but don't get discouraged by that because there's always someone like me who is just playing for fun and will balance out the good/casual ratio :D
[quote name='jwargand']Sounds good, I just need to remember to make it, I'll try to practice before friday...[/QUOTE]

Also, make sure you've updated to the latest version. It adds some nifty pick-ups and modes, and is free to boot.
[quote name='zenprime']And I miss it when you aren't there Fuss. We played Hero at standoff and I was living far too long. It's not as much fun sniping if it isn't against you. Hell, I learned how to snipe and find good nests from getting sniped by you.[/quote]

LOL :applause: But the sad thing is I am going to miss both the game tonight and the game on Saturday because of work.

But i have been playing all week long and I finally ranked up to 1st Lieutenant. Now am I happy with the 50,000 points I have or do I try to go for 70,000.....
[quote name='fuss']But i have been playing all week long and I finally ranked up to 1st Lieutenant. Now am I happy with the 50,000 points I have or do I try to go for 70,000.....[/QUOTE]

Jeez SoCal, it's getting harder and harder to outrank you! Well, I guess I better start earning more points so I can make commander, only 12000 to go!
bread's done