CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey Cheapy and Wombat, I was just wondering if you guys had any ideas for the Saints Row CAG Gang Name. I have a few suggestions. CheapyD and the cheap asses, prerequisite would be your character has to be bald and freakishly tall. My other one is Ed and the 209s or something Robocop related to pay homage to our fearless, hairless leaders unnatural obsession with said character.
[quote name='DangerDave']I know Sony has officially confirmed the Ps3 $600 price point, but didn't they say the PSP was going to be $500? When it came out for $300, everyone thought it was a total bargain and bought two. Could this just be another marketing trick?[/QUOTE]

They never said it was going to be $500. That was just a bunch of dumbass analysts and forum retards.
I have enough store credit to pick up a 360 premium for free at EB (roughly $400). There are sales online that sell the premium console for (roughly, again) $310 shipped. Would you spend the credit to get the console, or buy the cheaper one online (with out of pocket money) and use the credit for games?

I'm not sure. . .
Love the show , First time CAGbagger ...

Have you guys ever considered doing a weekly poll and discussing the results in the CAGcast ?

I think it would be a good way to involve people in the CAGcast , by making it interactive .
I'm not sure if you guys will cover this during the show, but I was wondering what your take on e3 moving to a "smaller venue" next year is.
In your next podcast, could you discuss the "morals" of CAG? In the latest Circuit City "Buy-one-get-one" glitch, there was a lot of talk in the forums about whether a "true" CAG would remove pricing labels, force the cashier to ring items in a certain order, etc, in order to take advantage of a glitch in the system. Is this what you intended when you started CAG? On what side of this argument do you stand?
Alright, ignore my other lame question and answer this lame question instead:

What game or games will be the first that you throw cash down for on the Wii's Virtual Console?
Can't wait to hear the guys' thoughts on the neutering of E3. What does this mean for the gaming industry and the media outlets that cover it? Who loses (Bloggers? Big media like IGN and GameSpot? Small publishers?)? Who wins (The Big Three? EA? Booth babes who no longer have to get groped?) Will this result in news (and possibly releases) getting spread more evenly throughout the year? Will other fan-targeted cons rise to fill the void (PAX seems to think they are the heir apparent)?

If they wanted to tone it down, they could have just brought E3 back here to Atlanta. That would have cut out about 2/3 of the crowd right there.

Cheapy: Was 2006 your first E3?

Have you ever been, Wombat?
Cheapy, are you planning on going to the Tokyo Games Show this year? Any specific games/publishers/companies/consoles you're looking forward to checking out?

Also, for both of you: What is your favorite Street Fighter character and why?
You guys mentioned racism in your last cagcast, but what about sexism? Does Mrs. Cheapy and Mrs. Wombat ever complain when you're playing a game about the way women are depicted in games, and then make out with each other? I'm dying to know!
As a video game tester (I run, I'm wondering if either of you have ever had problems with a game which were clearly obvious from day one of the game's release that you thought should have been fixed before the game was released. Especially any Xbox 1 games, which are the ones I've had the most hand in.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat. First off I wanted to tell you that you are getting new listeners every week, as I'm proof. All in all I like the show a lot. I've gone back and listened to the last few Cagcasts and they're just as good. Secondly, the question I would like to ask is directed towards Wombat. Since you admitted that you just quit being a talent agent, is there anyone that you or your firm (I'm assuming you worked for a some type of firm) represented that we would have heard of?
Cheapy and Wombat: Have you guys ever thought about having kids (mini Cheapys and mini Wombats, Cheapy Jr.'s, Wombat Jr.'s)? If so how soon would you have them and what would you name them? You could spawn a mini site for cheap toys or something, they could be like mini Mario and mini Luigi, CAG style.
When the Cag store opened you said you were going to get Mrs. Cheapy to wear the thong themed one. Well, were you successful or did she say no like when you came at her with the Rez trans-vibrator?
I was wondering what games you too are both ready to put your money down on a la pre-order, I have pre-ordered and paid for Dead Rising and Saints Row. I am considering plunking down some hard earned cash on Just Cause, Final Fantasy III and Gears of War to name a few. I really enjoy the show and am promoting you to every person I know who has iTunes so you can get more reviews. :D
Great podcast, guys. And I don't say that lightly, having been unable, even now, to make it through one Major Nelson podcast (I'll spare you my rants about that guy). Wombat, quick question: I'm a former Ziff-Davis'er, as well, and ever since the first CAGcast I listened to, your voice has sounded awfully familiar. You're way too funny to have been one of my co-workers, but maybe I overheard you in the elevators or something. The curiousity is killing me. Maybe you can throw me a bone and tell me what you did at ZD?
Hello! I just discovered your website/podcast and am already a big fan! I just had a few questions for you regarding the PC as a gaming platform.

1. What do you think of Gamespot/EB's policy of not accepting used PC Games (something I was unaware of, having been out of the US for a while).

2. Do you think that with the massive amount of money Mcrosoft is pouring into promoting Vista as a gaming platform (Games for Windows, more shelf-space, uniform boxes etc.), more casual gamers will be willing to play games on the PC?

3. Do you personally consider the PC a legitimate gaming system, or more of a catch-all device that happens to play games?

(BTW, I am not a PC elitist. I recently bought a PS2 (which I enjoy quite a bit), and my rig is adequate at best. I simply enjoy the freedom of design offerred by the PC when it comes to games.)

Hey CheapyD and Wombat, great show. Do you think that if Nintendo and Sony offer their online services free that it will put pressure on Microsoft to give it's users Live for free also? Also, we haven't had a NutraSystem update from Wombat in a while. Has Wombat thrown in the towel? Thanks for the show.
This poll has been running for quite some time but I don't recall it ever being mentioned in the CAGCast. Seriously Wombat, why label a poll "Important" and not share the reasons why? Why was this poll so damned "Important?" Why can't I get some friggin answers around here?!?! Why!!!!????!!!!

:bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

My wife and I love origin stories, and we'd love to hear the origin of the CheapyD / Wombat team. Does it go way back from the pre-CAG days, like were you childhood friends, or was it genesised from the site?

Additionally, we know that Wombat is a former talent agent. What did CheapyD do for a living before he moved to Japan, and are these questions somehow related?

Thanks for the weekly entertainment, and keep up the candid uncensored honest opinions that we look forward to on a regular basis.
Hey guys, I like the show but sometimes feel that CheapyD is stifling Wombat's zaniness. Particularly, I notice that CheapyD has grown fond of saying "All right..." as a way to cut Wombat off. My question is for wombat, do you feel that you are allowed actually co-host this show as you'd like, or do you feel oppressed by CheapyD's constant censoring?
[quote name='doctorfaustus']Hey guys, I like the show but sometimes feel that CheapyD is stifling Wombat's zaniness. Particularly, I notice that CheapyD has grown fond of saying "All right..." as a way to cut Wombat off. My question is for wombat, do you feel that you are allowed actually co-host this show as you'd like, or do you feel oppressed by CheapyD's constant censoring?[/QUOTE]

QFT. In CAGcast #39 it was always "settle down."
I know you talked about it in the past CAGcast, but I would like a little update on Wombat's opinions of Dead Rising and if CheapyD gets his before the next CAGcast, I would like to hear his responce to the greatest save system since steel toed boot to the nuts. I myself have been burned a few times by the system and haven't played the game much. I would like to contact Capcom myself like Wombat said, but I don't know where to start. Maybe I should grab my camera and head over to Japan and give those sadistic sons of bitches a piece of my mind and or get my question answered before being escorted out by armed guards.

For Wombat, I am looking into losing some weight myself. Would you recomend Nutra-system? I am not obeast(aka I can still see my feet standing up without bending over), I recently went off my anti-depressants for my panic attacks and have gained a few pounds that I would love to leave behind. Besides the meals, are you working out/exercising? If so what are you doing? My betterhalf has an eliptical machine that she uses every night and I am thinking of getting one for myself to aid my weight loss. I would gladdly accept a PM if you didn't feel like talking about all of this on the show. I was also thinking that maybe we could get a group going on the site for us to lose weight for those who want to. Sort of a a support group for the D&D buld members that would like to get into shape.
[quote name='PawnTakesKing']QFT. In CAGcast #39 it was always "settle down."[/QUOTE]

I love Wombat as much as the next guy, but I think Cheapy has a good sense of when things have gone a bit far afield and is right to politely snap things back on topic. Wombat often does it for Cheapy too, which is why I think they work so well together.

If I had any desire to listen to Opie & Anthony, I wouldn't have bought an iPod.

Incidentally, we should probably limit comments to the specific show threads and reserve this thread for questions we want answered on the next show.
You guys have said more than once that there should be a multiplayer Pac Man game on the Xbox Live Marketplace and you then refer to Pac Vs. . While I can see how it'd be fun, wouldn't it be a huge stab in the back? After all Shiguru Miyamoto created Pac Vs., so if Namco stole the concept and put it on a rival's console that'd make them a huge douche right?
Hi guys love the cag cast. My problem is that I cant figure out how to rate you all. The link takes me to the apple home page but from there I am stumped. Some help would be appreciated.
[quote name='dmes65']Hi guys love the cag cast. My problem is that I cant figure out how to rate you all. The link takes me to the apple home page but from there I am stumped. Some help would be appreciated.[/quote]

You need to have iTunes installed on your PC.
Use this link:

You will also need either:
1) an iTunes account
2) or an AOL (IM) account

that's it!
[quote name='memis'], a domain analysis tool, estimates to have a value of $107.649. Do you think this is an accurate estimate?[/QUOTE]

I find it humorous that lists itself as being worth $656
In terms of home consoles, Nintendo has long placed more value on party or "in the same room" multiplayer, while Sony and Microsoft have almost exclusively invested in online multiplayer. Though it looks like Nintendo will finally embrace online play with the Wii, it's clear they still plan to promote the party game dynamic. Which multiplayer dynamic do you find more enjoyable? Do you think Nintendo should keep doing what they're doing in terms of multiplayer or focus more heavily on the kind of comprehensive online experience Microsoft brings to the table?
After hearing CAGcast 40, Wombat made an interesting point. How do you guys think that some games are released with an obvious flaw? I'm not talking about a cutscene being choppy, or some long load times. Best example is the Dead Rising save system.
Of course games are played before they are released, but how do you think they overlook these things? Do you guys think they just do not care??
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

I have tried numerous times (actually 2) to get Trauma Center at my door step. I first tried with Amazon back on July 1st, but I still haven't received anything today. I called their customer service and politely explained my situation. They said they had "supply issues" and all they did was push my shipping estimate from July 24th to August 24th and then proceeded to give me 2-3 day shipping.

I then tried Overstock on July 26th and I actually got a better deal on Trauma Center there than Amazon and they Actually shipped it within 2 days. But it's still at the post office...supposedly. I called their customer service and they put a trace on my package. It's going to take yet another week to trace it. If they can't find it, and since they don't have anymore TC in stock, the MOST the can do is refund my money...

I'm grateful for that, but I really want that game in my hands. Is there any way to get these unreliable companies to compensate for all the time I've lost and all the deals I've passed waiting for my package? I have a feeling Wombat might be able to answer this.:) thanks.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

Lets say hypothetically that CAG gained so much clout that you could hire any actress, singer, model, or celeb in general to be the spokesmodel for CAG, who would it be and why?

Also I think a great idea for a new show feature would be to talk about some of the hottest threads in each forum. I mean afterall, CAG isn't just about the games it's also about the community. Thanks and keep up the good work guys. Good luck on your diet Wombat.
Wombat and or Cheapy

Simpsons Movie: Too soon or Too late and do you think we will get another parade of crappy licensed games based off this movie since they have had such a sorted history of good and bad games IE Simpsons Hit and Run, Simpsons Skateboarding
Wombat and Cheapy what is best game that you have played in the Ps2, gc, and xbox generation? Even though you guys are CAGs, recommend one game you would buy at full price without giving it a second thought.
Cheapy: Now that the CAGcast has proven to be a worthwhile endeavor, have you given any thought to alternative distribution channels? Xbox Live, for example, seems like the perfect place for the CAGcast. That's got to be the biggest collection of a CAG audience on the planet! Heck, if Penny Arcade can charge people for (IMO) crappy dashboard artwork and gamer pics, why couldn't the CAGcast be made available FOR FREE on XBL too?
Could someone tell me what event Christopher Grant was talking about in the last Cagcast that was in South Philly where he was giving away t-shirts? I go to south philly all the time and have never heard of a video game event. I thought he mentioned Pat's(cheesesteaks) also, was he just standing outside of Pat's?
Hey there cheapy and wombat.

I completely agree with Wombat, games often have *features* that seem like terrible ideas. yet if you read interviews even from major website they often ask questions that have been answered on the back of the retail box or on a games website. I'm so sick of questions that despretly need to be answered never being asked, but when reviews come out they act like they are the consumer and unable to get answers to these questions or being uncapable of even asking them.
Hey wombat and cheapy, I was wondering, with the summer draught, a solid-but-not-groundbreaking game like Dead Rising can get a ton more attention by gamers hungry for a new release. Why don't more companies aim for Summer releases in order to take advantage of the drought, rather than have their titles drown in a sea of games during more packed times of the year?
i read a couple articles about this lately and was wondering what you though. A couple developers were discussing putting games onto Nintendo consoles, but their biggest problem is Nintendo games. They talk how 1st party games canablize the market share of games bought, which makes it a lot harder for 3rd party games to sell well on a Nintendo system. Do you think this is true and if so do you think there is anyway for Nintendo to break this trend?
What are your thoughts on having Color options for consoles?
The new HOT pink slim ps2 looks sweet. Coming with 2 controllers is also a nice change for the ps2. Im just not sure for a 5 year old console at the end of its life cycle it really needs a limited edition color version. The Ps3's could really use different colors on the other hand.
Cheapy and Wombat: Have you guys ever thought about having kids (mini Cheapys and mini Wombats, Cheapy Jr.'s, Wombat Jr.'s)? If so how soon would you have them and what would you name them?
bread's done