CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Nintendo has come up with many "intuitive" ways to use the Wiimote. Things like smacking balls, conducting an orchestra, and shooting/slicing the crap out of things.

Are there any other "intuitive" uses for the wiimote you guys have in mind that already haven't been implemented in the upcoming wii software?

Thanks for your time. :]
Try this one on for size...

Where the hell is #41?!?!?! You have now ruined my Humpday morning commute. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! :p
Hey Cheapy and Wombat--

I'm thinking about going on a hunger strike until a video game company recognizes the legitimacy of Wombat's internet media credentials and sends him a free review copy of a game.

Do you think this is a good idea? Tanx!
When you got your DS Lite you said you gave your old one to your Mother-in-law so she could learn english through some DS game. So is she an english pro or can she barely sing "row row row your boat"?
i would like to talk about the ridiculous prices of consoles and games in Canada. i know it is worse in Europe but being just abouve the u.s it shouldnt be so different. for example the premium xbox360 bundle cost $399 American and $499 Canadian. at the exchange rates today the 499 CAN roughly translates to $450 American. Plus where i live there is 13% tax on all these items. i dont see why the prices should be so different when our countries are right next door. I would like to hear your opinion on this subject.

P.S Wombat due to a short obsession with resident evil 4 i have beat your gameplay by playing through the game 7 times with a record of beating it in 7 hours.aswell as haveing almost all the items.:D
I tipped Brian Ashcraft off to KJauburn's excellent XBL camera review at [email protected]. So hooray for me!

CheapyD and Wombat, you guys are my Howard Sterns. So here are my questions:

I really love the CAGWiki and the Amazon price change tracker. The site has lots of great little features like that. I feel like I'm discovering new little facets of the site all the time. So what can we expect in the future? Got any crazy cool new features that you guys have been thinking about doing that haven't quite come to fruition? Are there any features on the site now that you think CAGs under utilize? Are there features of the CAG site that you plan to expand on?
I'm not sure if anyone has ever asked you guys this, but when did you realize that paying $50 (or Suggested Retail Price) is too much for a video game?

Basically asking, when did you guys decide to become Cheap Ass Gamers?
CheapyD and Wombat: Love the show; Best gaming podcast on the net right now.
How do you guys tape the show given the large time difference between NY and Japan? Does Cheapy get up really early or does Wombat stay up late? Inquiring minds want to know.
[quote name='PINKO']Hey Would it be cool If I say I work for this site in an effort to get free games[/QUOTE]

Are you serious?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat. Long time listener, first time caller here.

I'm curious if Japan has its own videogame channel, like G4 or GamePlayHD, and if so what is the quality of the programming? I used to subscribe to the Famitsu Wave DVD magazine and thought Enterbrain made some pretty good segments, and I wonder if maybe they also broadcast some of that on TV.

Great podcast!

Have you ever considered the Xbox 360 being a next gen console not because of the games, but because of the Live Marketplace and the Dashboard? It is the only system that allow you to download and play demos, and has the biggest hard drive yet in a console (I know about the ps3). I think people should look at consoles and not just see the games. Although I do agree that games are important.
How do you guys feel about the XBL Vision Camera not being sold sans games? Specifically, do you feel like you are being charged extra for games and/or a subscription to XBLA you probably already have?
I'm a long time listener to the show but I'm new on the site. You guys have the best weekly gaming podcast. You're hilarious together and I often find myself laughing to myself at my desk while listening to your show at work. Last week was by far one the best episodes. Between the Mrs. Garrett impersonation, Wombat being called Cheapy's adopted retard, and mention of the CAG thong, I think my co-workers probably thought I got high before work.

Anyway, my question is are you going to Tokyo Game Show, Cheapy? And what's with the hate? AGI is a great show, give it a chance. Besides, what could you have to lose by getting your show syndicated on another site?

Die another day...
Hey guys
Love the show, got my gamer friends and family hooked as well. I'm just curious if you ever got recognized in public Cheapy? I mean, you're a pretty unique looking guy, not saying that you're ugly or anything, I just mean that it'd probably be easy to pick you out of a crowd.
Is there any game on the Xbox 360 horizon that you guys plan on paying the full/outrageous 60 dollar price for? If so, what?
Just for laughs, let's say that the Wii is a colossal failure and sells even less systems than Gamecube. Do you think Nintendo has a "contingency plan" waiting in the wings? (i.e. A "true" next-gen system with better graphics, HD, and the other stuff the Wii is basically lacking.) How well do you think the Wii will have to do before it's considered a success?
So now that Red Steel is getting redone (again) now with 1:1 sword fighting do you think that is the killer app for the non-prebubescent group? Also your thoughts on PAX and PA's FU to Sony?
Thank you Cheapy and Wombat for answering my previous CAGBag question on retro gaming and I recall that Wombat reads comics.

This is my question for you Wombat, since I doubt Cheapy looks for US based comics in Japan:
52/Infinite Crisis or Civil War?

I guess things are heating up in both the DC and Marvel line of comics with the outing of Spiderman and the 'disapearence' of Superman/Wonder Woman/Batman.

Thank you for reading this post and I need to get to a comic book shop to pick up on both 52 and Civil War.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, love the CAGCast, considering you do one every week the quality is excellent.

BTW Do you know that on Itunes the CAGcast is under "Game and Hobbies" and not Video Games, is that by choice ?

My qustion is, having received Texas Hold'Em for free on XBLA I'm starting to think some of the other games should be available for free. Not original content games like Mutant Storm Reloaded or Cloning Clyde but some of the retro titles like Pac-man and Galaga really aren't worth 400 points. I don't really think putting these games on XBLA requires any more effort than emulating an old Xbox game and that service is free. Perhaps some of the retro titles could be paid for with advertising or something.

What do you guys think ??
This one is for Wombat:

You mentioned that you read comics in a previous CAGcast. What are you currently reading? If you are reading or have read Civil War and Infinite Crisis, which one did you enjoy more? Does your cheapassness roll over to comics as well and you trade wait, or do you buy singles? :D
Cheapy D and Wombat (although I think Wombat is well qualified to answer alone) -

Regarding the PS3's new slogan "This Is Living!". Am I the only one who remembers this being the catchphrase during the 80's for Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig?!

Every time I read that slogan, I picture a stocky furry fellow eating turkey burgers out of his Ken Kutaragi Grill.

Love the show.
You guys often talk about how your wives react to games. I think other married guys, like myself, and perhaps single guys who want to see how the other half lives, would be interested in a segment or whole show with your wives as guests. I know our (sadly) few female members would find it refreshing. They could talk about the games they like, specific titles that you guys enjoy that they hate, and how they feel about being married to 30+ guys that still regularly play video games (and I do not mean that in a negative or condescending way; I am, after all, in the same boat).
Clearly they are not your forté, but could you at least try to show a bit more interest in traditional japanese RPG releases? (Pointing out the overly gay character in Enchanted Arms doesn't really count and not all of us are into Oblivion) You seem to always pass over them with barely a mention most of the time. Don't get me wrong, I love the 'cast. I'm just saying that maybe you could get some more variety into the mix. Listening to lengthy discussions on whatever trivial stuff may have popped up on XBL Arcade all the time gets a little stale, you know?

(Speaking in an overall broad sense here, not really related to any specific CAGcast)
Dear CheapyD and Wombat,

Do you think Nintendo will release a peripheral for the Wii that is similar to the Gameboy player for Gamecube that will possibly allow you to play DS games on your TV while somehow implementing the Wii-mote to be used as the Stylus?

Dig the show,

Do you think Sony purposely drives their franchises into the ground with a million sequels so they don't become like Nintendo (intimidate third parties with great first party titles)?
Cheapy, I see you have a birthday coming up. :roll: :lol:

Any special plans for celebrating? Are birthdays celebrated differently in Japan than in the US?
I am not too sure if you've addressed this question in a CAGcast yet, and I am too lazy to search all the CAGbag questions, so please forgive me if this has been asked.

Since EA recently released the statement that they're going to be focusing less on the PSP and more on the Nintendo portable, what games in their stable of titles would actually find a good home on the DS? I understand their move as far as going with the system that has the highest fanbase/sold units, but is the DS really that condusive to sports gaming?
Do you guys usually finish games to their end? What factors contribute to you wanting to play the whole game? What makes you shelf a game immediately? Whats a good game, that for some reason, you just gave up on?
[quote name='thorbahn3']Do you think Sony purposely drives their franchises into the ground with a million sequels so they don't become like Nintendo (intimidate third parties with great first party titles)?[/QUOTE]

Do you find the irony in Thorbahn's question regarding Sony making tons of sequels for their franchise titles? :p

Do you guys think that Sony will seal their doom (as if they haven't already) by announcing game prices above $60?
Hey guys, how did you spend your Labor Day Weekend? Did you hear that Sony has delayed the PAL launch for the PS3 until March of 07?!? What do you think of this? I think that Sony's PS3 shortages will be so bad that we can expect PS3 prices reaching the amount of small cars on ebay.
Why did you all hate on the NFL headset for the 360 in cag cast 42? I ain't gonna wear it out in public, but it doesn't look bad. I would rather look like a rabid football fan than a cyborg (as some of the third party headsets appear).
Sturdy > Beauty. Has the headset which came with ur 360 died yet? Maybe I will change my mind when I get a look at myself playing games via vision camera.
Wombat, I'm curious as to how many total hours you've put into Oblivion. I think I stand at 125 hours, got me beat?
dudes, my dog 'Ruca' said that you had the best CAGcast guest ever: Wombat's dog! She flipped out when she yelped!

Wombat what is your favorite comic book based game? What comic book do you wish they'd base a game off of the most?

oh yeah, and happy birthday CheapyD! What did you do to celebrate? Any cool videogame related gifts?

CheapyD, in a recent CAGcast, you mentioned taking Japanese lessons. How's your Japanese coming along? I'd eventually like to learn Japanese. I'm more interested in reading Japanese than in speaking it, but speaking it would be nice too, eventually. Any tips for learning the language?
Question regarding the hypothetical aftermath of the PS3 Launch.

Considering that Japan is getting such a low number of PS3 units come launch time, it is conceivable that Sony could divert a larger number of PS3 units to Japan following the initial run to make up for the lack of units. This would translate into less availability here in the U.S.

What is your impression of this hypothetical situation? What sort of fallout, if any, do you predict could occur?

Also, do you believe Sony's isolation strategy (one market over the other) is the best route for them to take considering the shortage? Or should Sony have just bit the bullet and delayed the launch so everyone could have a PS3 in March?
I remeber cheapy talking about how cool it would be to have a castlevania game on the wii. you could use the wiimote for all sorts of things, espcially the whip. Now lo and behold, a rumor from wii fanboy states that there might just be such a thing planned.

my questions cheapy and wombat are:

have you ever in your life considered actually designing video games

do you think or know if any software developers listen to the cagcast?
What do you guys think of the upcoming Marvel Ultimate Alliance? I realize it doesn't look incredibly "next-gen", but I enjoyed X-Men Legends and am intrigued by the online co-op modes and the massive amount of playable characters.
If there isn't any conflict of interest or something like that, I was wondering what you guys thought of the great Joystiq Exclusive News Scandal of 2006.

Wombat , now that you've earned 1000 nerd points in Oblivion , will you tell Mrs. Wombat that you've finally beaten it , which I can't imagine you not doing the moment you earned the last acheivement , so you can continue to play it ?

Cheapy , I have no question for you but a request instead , Can I get a "big ass chains" shoutout ?

Oh wait , where's the poll ?
You said you guys would do a regular poll .
I don't see no polls .
Cheapy and Wombat-

In the last show, Cheapy mentioned a problem commonly brought up regarding the Wii controller-- that repeated arm/hand motions with the controller will tire gamers out.

Is this looking at it the wrong way? People don't complain that Duck Hunt used to tire them out, and DDR's ability to keep gamers in shape is seen as a positive. Fact is, if you were really running around shooting zombies or swordfighting, you'd get tired in more than just your wrist.

So does this potential fatigue not add realism, and bring gaming a bit closer to something more athletic and sport-like? If you want to be the best at a competitive Wii game, doesn't it add a dimension of competitiveness to have to be able to keep your arm up & flailing longer than your adversaries?
Do 360 nerd points encourage you to 100% a game like Saints Row, or would you have got all the treasures and taxi missions in GTA regardless of Nerd Points.

I.e, do Acheivments make you play games to the full extent, or are you above them :p

Edit: BTW, Congrats to Wombat on getting 1000 points on Oblivion.
1. To both (especially Cheapy since he is going to try to get a PS3 and would own a Blu-Ray player): Do you plan on buying the HD-DVD add on for the 360?

2. Wombat, if I send you various items from my household, will you sniff them and give me an analysis?

[quote name='theq87']Cheapy and Wombat-

In the last show, Cheapy mentioned a problem commonly brought up regarding the Wii controller-- that repeated arm/hand motions with the controller will tire gamers out.

Is this looking at it the wrong way? People don't complain that Duck Hunt used to tire them out, and DDR's ability to keep gamers in shape is seen as a positive. Fact is, if you were really running around shooting zombies or swordfighting, you'd get tired in more than just your wrist.

So does this potential fatigue not add realism, and bring gaming a bit closer to something more athletic and sport-like? If you want to be the best at a competitive Wii game, doesn't it add a dimension of competitiveness to have to be able to keep your arm up & flailing longer than your adversaries?[/QUOTE]
What a loaded question. Why didn't you just post "You're wrong about the Wii controller?"
bread's done