CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Store websites seem to be making a lot of pricing errors as of late. Then the smucks don't honor the price unlike B&M stores. Don't you think they'd get more return customers if they honored their pricing errors instead of cancelling them? I know I'd give return business if someone honered their great Xbox 360 deal.
With the strong sales of Dead Rising in Japan, which was the 11th best selling game in Japan for the week of October 1st, how hard do you think Microsoft is going to try to keep it as an Xbox 360 exclusive?

Everyone knows how tough of a fight Microsoft is having to be even relevant over there, so the fact that this is such a hot selling game with so few consoles sold in that country, makes this nothing short of a miracle for Microsoft.

Seems to me, Capcom will take notice of how well it is selling and want to port that over to the PS3 though so they can cash in even more ala Resident Evil 4. Do you think it's worth a large chunk of change for Microsoft to cling for dear life to Dead Rising or is this title going to be forgotten in the next couple of weeks in Japan?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

Just listened to Show #47, excellent, keep it up.

During the show you mentioned G4's new reality TV show (which I agree sounds god awful). Do you think G4 has gone to crap in the last few months or do you think it's still as good as it ever was.

I used to enjoy the network, especially AOTS but ever since they re-launched 95% of the stuff on there garbage IMO.

Opinions gents ?
My question is for Wombat:

I've been collecting comics for over 26 years now and I always like hearing you mention about the comic related games you are looking forward to(Marvel Ultimate Alliance)and going to the store. How long have you been collecting? How many would you say you have? How do you store them in NYC? What's your local shop? You should do a CAGCast from NY Comicon 2007. Do you collect Indys or just Marvel/DC?

Haven't missed an episode listen on my Ipod at work. Cheapy you are always prepared for a good show. It brightens my shitty workday. Thanx guys keep up the good work.
Cheapy & Wombat,
We all know movie based games usually suck, but are there any movies you wish would have been made into a game? I think Underworld or I-Robot were missed oportunities for example.
Here's an early one for the 50th CAGcast: looking back from where you originally started, how do you feel that the show (and I guess CAG in general) has evolved? Are you still as motivated to do these things on a regular basis compared to in the past? And where do you see yourselves five years from now (videocasting, TV)? I guess, what are your specific goals for the CAGcast between now and the future?
With 'Guitar Hero II' just a few weeks away, I'm wondering what songs you would love to have added for play in the 'Guitar Hero' world... or what songs you hope become available for download via Live Marketplace (when the 360 version comes in '07)?
Care to make a prediction on what the average eBay selling price for a PS3 and Wii will be respectively? My guesses are $2200 for a PS3 and $325 for a Wii.
Cheapy, Wombat,
I see these deals at Play-Asia pretty often and consider getting them (Saint's Row mainly due to BIG ASS CHAAAAAINS)...
Until I then see some warning from somebody saying that it might not work on my 360, or it might not display right or something. I've got a cheap HDTV from costco, and I'm not too interested in ordering a game only to find out it won't run...

basically, tl;dr version: I've got the FUD in me about ordering from play-asia and actually ending up with a working game at 720p, should I not be concerned?
Cheapy, if you look at your Amazon associates from the start of CAG to now, is your referal dosh in the millions or billions?

Also, how did you get CAG so sucessful? Your website's sucsess is very impressive.
Cheapy and Wombat,

Do you think the Microsoft will ever succeed in Japan? I personnally feel no matter what Microsoft does it will fail. I agree with your New York baseball analogy Cheapy but I think there is more to it. I think the Japanese look at Microsoft as big corporate America moving in on an industry that Japan has dominated for years and the only way to protect that industry is to not buy any console that is not Japanese no matter how good or cheap that console is. What do you guys think?
Cheapy and Wombat,
In one of the recent issues of EGM, they had an interview with one of the lead designers of Dead Rising. When they asked him about the small text size on a SDTV, he said "you should really have a HDTV before buying a Xbox 360." Do you agree with him? I think he & his development team were just being lazy about testing the game. And Cheapy, how popular are HDTVs in Japan? Are they cheap & everybody has one, or are they still fairly new and only a fairly small amount of the population has a HDTV?
Hey guys--

I really liked Wombat's incisive question about the Wii and what you'll actually be able to do with SD cards. I have a similar detailed Wii-related question. I grew up gaming on my PC. I like sitting in my confy chair in front of my monitor playing games:

Will there be a first party VGA cable for the Wii?

Indications point to yes, but they are weak:

This wikipedia article:
sites this page:

Q: Will Revolution hook up to a television?
A: Yes. It will also be able to interface with a computer monitor. In June 2004 Nintendo engineer Genyo Takeda said: "You'll be able to play [Revolution] not just by linking up to a television but to a computer monitor as well."
The problem is that the article is dated 9/12/05

But there is also this from (horrible English translation provided by google):
Nihongo de for the Japanese proficient:

Notice that the 4th item down (RVL-A-KD)--is that a VGA cable?
what happened to that creepy old guy at the end of the podcasts? his toothless voice was always chilling to hear on earphones... :(
Lately I've witnessed a couple of disappearing threads.

One popluar thread centered around obtaining a PS3 reservation. After a hundred or so replies, it got into a debate of the ethics of buying a system just to 'ebay' it. So I checked the politics area. No sign of it... Hmm, where did it go?

Next, I started a thread detailing a way you can get free microsoft marketplace points by signing up for A number of people got their points, and some are still waiting. But the thread itself disappeared. Many are asking what happened to the thread in this new dialogue:

So why do some threads disappear. If the promotion was not giving out the points anymore, shouldn't the thread be edited to indicate as such? Why leave CAG's out in the cold? Are the Mods just being censor-happy, or just merging threads?

If they are merging threads, then my way of tracking comments isn't working- I click on my name then "Find all Posts by XXX"; my comments are not in my list of posts!

Two more questions: I didn't think you liked the PS3 Cheapy. Why the urge to pre-order? What do you think of people buying the system just to turn around and sell it?
Cheapy and Wombat,

I know Japanese RPGs aren't your thing, but what do you think of the attention that Final Fantasy XII has been getting? So far the game has received nearly perfect scores. Are either of you willing to step out of your comfort zone to try it out?
question: so, why are neither of you playing or even talking about Okami?

i mean, seriously, it is quite objectively one of the best games on the PS2, and it's not something you have to push yourself to enjoy or be open to. in my recollection wombat is a big zelda fan, and this is arguably better than any zelda yet (it's not blasphemy, shut your mouth), and in the same vein. it's something i feel gamers owe to themselves and the industry to try, and i'm just curious what about it (outside of not being a 360 game) has steered you away so readily.
Cheapy and Wombat

I know both of you are guitar hero fans and was wondering if you are going to pick up guitar hero 2 for the ps2 or possibly wait for the 360 version. Do the xbox 360 achievements and possible market place d/l content give you enough reason to wait and re-invest in a new guitar?
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']Lately I've witnessed a couple of disappearing threads.

One popluar thread centered around obtaining a PS3 reservation. After a hundred or so replies, it got into a debate of the ethics of buying a system just to 'ebay' it. So I checked the politics area. No sign of it... Hmm, where did it go?

Next, I started a thread detailing a way you can get free microsoft marketplace points by signing up for A number of people got their points, and some are still waiting. But the thread itself disappeared. Many are asking what happened to the thread in this new dialogue:

So why do some threads disappear. If the promotion was not giving out the points anymore, shouldn't the thread be edited to indicate as such? Why leave CAG's out in the cold? Are the Mods just being censor-happy, or just merging threads?

If they are merging threads, then my way of tracking comments isn't working- I click on my name then "Find all Posts by XXX"; my comments are not in my list of posts!

Two more questions: I didn't think you liked the PS3 Cheapy. Why the urge to pre-order? What do you think of people buying the system just to turn around and sell it?[/QUOTE]

Please answer the disappearing thread question .

I've noticed two myself lately , why not just lock them and send them to "limbo or purgatory" like the deal graveyard .
Then they can still be viewed .

When I click on an Amazon (or any) link from and it takes me to a particular product and I buy it, CheapyD gets a paid, right? I believe the answer is yes.

My follow-up question for the CAGBag is if I click on an Amazon (or any) link on and it takes me to the main page, i.e., and I browse around and buy something during that session, does CheapyD get paid or does it have to be a direct link to the product?

In that case, since I buy a lot of stuff from, I wouldn't mind getting to via the link if it meant helping CheapyD and the site.
[quote name='CheapyD']Last call for CAGcast 48![/quote]

Well, you said last week you'd do my question from last week this week (which I understand if you don't due to the length), so my replacement question (if needed) is: was that Wombat that sent me the 360 friend invite? Even though it said Cagcast, they didn't have all of Oblivion's nerd points, so I just know it can't be Womabt! ;)
Wombatman and CheapyD: How many games do each of you own? What is your philosophy on your collections (i.e. sell when the price is high, hold on hoping your cheap games will be worth a bit more one day, etc)

Big Ass Chains < Cheap Ass Games
Hi Guys,

My 360, which I bought in July, crapped out on me at the beginning of September. I'll skip the rants about a console that breaks two months after purchase (Microsoft was pretty good about replacing the machine). But now that I have my "refurb" console, its working about as well as an old NES. More than 1/2 the time that I try to start the machine it up, it makes weird noises and just stares at me (the 360 start up screen does not load). I have to turn it off, wait a sec, and try again about 3 to 5 times before it finally turns on.

Then, of the times that it turns on, 75% of the time I get a disk read error or a white screen telling me to put the game in a 360 console. I actually have to take the game out, blow on it, put it back in the system, and cross my fingers that it will work!

If the game actually does start, there are a few times when the system will actually crash and I'll lose my progress. Hello Mega Man II?

I enjoy nostaligic gaming as much as anyone else, but come the fuck on!

Have either of you guys had any trouble like this with your 360's? (especially wombat who had his replaced)

Love the podcast, keep up the good work.
Cheapy and or Wombat:

Are you starting to feel like the old creepy man in the school yard with candy trying to get the little kiddies to come your way? It seems the avg. age of caggers in the forums is of those in high school. I think there should be an adults only version of cag as it seems the message boards are becoming more and more a place to become a winner is you and argue with people over the interwebs than it is about video games or cheapness for that matter
[quote name='MrX']Cheapy and or Wombat:

Are you starting to feel like the old creepy man in the school yard with candy trying to get the little kiddies to come your way? It seems the avg. age of caggers in the forums is of those in high school. I think there should be an adults only version of cag as it seems the message boards are becoming more and more a place to become a winner is you and argue with people over the interwebs than it is about video games or cheapness for that matter

The average age of Cagers is in the 20's or so. There have been a bunch of polls done in the past.
I have a question.

I've been thinking about how europe always gets stuff at a later date. I believe that Europe gets stuff later because of Eurpoean warranty laws.

This is one of the only links I could quickly find dealing with this issue. If this is the case, than that means that the rest of the world is beta testing for Europe.

Here's another quick link:

I believe it is stating that Europe has a minimum 2 years product warranty on all consumer goods. 2 years is 1 year 9 months longer than what I got with my 360 here in the USA. (right?)

I bring this up because of Sonys delay and the problem with Blue Ray.

Anyone care to comment?
Hey guys:

Love the show.

I'm wondering your opinion on whether the extra time Sony is taking to release the PS3 will be all worth it in the end. As I look back over the last couple of years, I remember everyone being excited that such a powerful machine was being developed. Then as time went on it seemed that more and more people started to hate the thing.

Cheapy, you mentioned that the games you have seen for the PS3 at this time were better than the 360 games were at the same stage of development. Could this be a sign that the PS3 took longer because they were putting a better product out there?

I know it will all be speculation until the thing is actually released and had a few months to get out into the system, but that hasn't stopped anyone from giving their opinions so far.

Thanks for your time. I must be the worst gamer in history. I play N64 games on an emulator hooked up to my tv, and my portable gaming system consists of playing card games on my Treo 650. Pathetic, I know.

Thanks - jj
Ok so I know the 2 of you have tried (Dunno if you bought it yet..) Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. How did ya like it? I know it's the exact same thing as the arcade--But do you think there should of been any special features? Even just the slightest? i.e. being able to unlock Mileena, Classic Sub-Zero, and Ermac AND BEING ABLE TO SAVE THEM!!!! Noob & Rain were hidden characters in the SNES/Genesis, why would of it been hard to just add them too? And my last question about this: Do you think it's possible for them to say, release an update (most likley for points) with the ability to add the 3 hidden characters (to stay), as well as add Noob and Rain into the game? If so, how much do you think it should cost???
Here's a short question . . .

Now that it has been announced that online play over the Playstaion 3 service will be free, do you think Microsoft will make their Live service free (i.e. the Gold level)?
Quick question for the next CAGcast: With Major Nelson revealing that you can buy money for the Godfather game and the Tiger Woods downloads, is EA going too far with its downloads?

By the way, thanks for going over my question last week. For the record, my wife told our babysitter about the 360, who told her boyfriend who told his friend who was the one who broke in. (He later went to jail for shooting someone.) Wombat, you don't need to feel bad - it was all in perspective anyway, because the break-in happened right after my mom died and no one was hurt in the break-in.
Here's another 50th CAGcast question:

1) What were the top 3 deals to date that came out of CAG forums since the site started?

Here are general questions:

1) What do you think of Sony versus Lik-Sang and other importers?

2) Your opinions on the state of XBL--is MS offering enough content to justify the monthly service fees, do you think they are holding back until the competition gets up to speed, and how to do think they can improve given the upcoming online services from Nintendo and Sony?
Wombat, is Deadpool and Cable in Marvel Ultimate Alliance even though Nathan Summers Askanison isn't Cable in the Ultimate Universe though?

I was thrilled about the possibility of Deadpool in the game but it isn''t worth getting a 360 if I cannot pair him up with Cable though. Also how is the multiplayer as in if each individual has to have the same TV resolution as the other players?

Happy 50th CheapyD and Wombat.
CheapyD, you keep saying you want to get a PS3 so you can talk about it on the CAGcast. Well, how are you gonna get one? A fellow CAG, ebay, give up anal cherry; what is it?
You guys have touched on this in the past, but I'm curious about your take on the different pricing strategies employed by Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo.

Sony, at one end of the spectrum, is sticking with a model from the last two generations, taking a big loss on the console itself and trying to make it up on the software. Online will be free, with some exceptions.

Microsoft adopted a similar strategy (which hasn't paid off for them yet and may not until 2008 by their lastest estimate) but seems to have developed a new stream of revenue in the form of Xbox Live subscriptions and the XBL Marketplace.

Nintendo, conversely, is selling its console at a small profit, but will offer most online services for free. However, they too will have a significant online revenue stream in the Virtual Console.

Which strategy makes the most sense to you? What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages to each? Do you think selling a console at a loss, while ensuring a lower price initially (debatable with the PS3), ultimately guarantees that the customer is going to get nickled and dimed for everything from there on out, including online services? Would it not make more sense to charge what things cost plus a small margin so that aberrations like online consumables do not become necessary to ensure profitablity?

Answer this question insightfully and they might pay Cheapy next time he's on Bloomberg. ;)
Cheapy and Wombat,

A few shos back you had a discussion on tv shows that should be video games. I had a great idea, how about a G.I. Joe Tactical Shooter Game. It could be on XBL and maybe have 12v12 teams with each person play a different member of G.I. Joe or Cobra with objective based mission. I guess since I have to make this a question... Is this an awesome idea, a lame one or just so-so?

With the Holiday season rolling around and deals from retailers coming in hoping to entice shoppers to buy at their stores, I wanted to know your stance on CAGs trying to take "advantage" of certain game deals.

Take for instance the two past deals from TRU and BB. In the latter's instance, you could buy any game and get the point cards for $5. It was found that the $5 GOW pre-order could be used that comes with the free shirt. Here's what could be considered "issues": It seems a few users would hoard the pre-orders and point cards and also, there was discussion of shoppers returning these packaged items in order to take advantage of the $5 point cards.

What's your stance on that, especially regarding the deals in which you buy something and get a deal on another item when purchased on the same receipt? Is it the retail store's duty to take care of these loopholes? Or do you feel CAGs should take these deals in the manner they were intended? Or do you not care? Obviously it's hard to control what people do, but I'd hate for CAG to turn into and have the bad rap that FatWallet has at times.
Wombat (and indeed Cheapy),

I was just watching X-Play (yeah, I'm the only person who'll admit to liking it) and I noticed something very strange. Right after the first review Kato Kaelin walked on the set with a milk carton and started sniffing it. He then says that there is something weird with the milk and tries to get Adam and Morgan to sniff it too.

My question to you is:
Do you think someone at G4 is a listener of the CAGcast and do you think they stole one of the tasks at your previous job for this bit?

It seems like a pretty random thing to do, even for X-Play.

Great work guys and a big congrats on the 50th episode.

What, from the first 50 cagcasts, will you be placing in the Cagcast time capsule that will be opened during cagcast #200?
Quick Question:

There have been some great $40 Xbox 360 deals with Play-Asia thanks to region free code. Given that the PS3 will be region free for all titles, do you think Play-Asia wil have similar deals for PS3 games? I'd be very interested. Thanks!

[quote name='natureboy46']Wombat (and indeed Cheapy),

I was just watching X-Play (yeah, I'm the only person who'll admit to liking it) and I noticed something very strange. Right after the first review Kato Kaelin walked on the set with a milk carton and started sniffing it. He then says that there is something weird with the milk and tries to get Adam and Morgan to sniff it too.

My question to you is:
Do you think someone at G4 is a listener of the CAGcast and do you think they stole one of the tasks at your previous job for this bit?

It seems like a pretty random thing to do, even for X-Play.

Great work guys and a big congrats on the 50th episode.


I would have to watch it, and its not on the x-play website or youtube, damn you internets
New show will be recorded tonight... Last call for questions!
Now would be a good time for those PS3 inquiries.
bread's done