[Canada] GameStop Boxing Week 12/30 MySims Party $9.89


18 (100%)

Day 1 - Sunday Dec 13 - Tekken 6 PS3/360 $34.99
Day 2 - Monday Dec 14 - Castlevania Judgement Wii $9.89
Day 3 - Tuesday Dec 15 - Terminator Salvation 360/PS3 $9.89
Day 4 - Wednesday Dec 16 - SOCOM Confrontation (game only) PS3 $9.89
Day 5 - Thursday Dec 17 - NHL2K10 Wii $19.89
Day 6 - Friday Dec 18 - PS3 160GB Fat Uncharted Bundle $329.99
Day 7 - Saturday Dec 19 - Assassin's Creed 2 $29.99
Day 8 - Sunday Dec 20 - James Cameron's Avatar: The Game (All versions, including limited edition) $29.99
Day 9 - Monday Dec 21 - Used 80GB PS3 $199.99 (was $279.99), Used 360 $74.99 (was $109.99), Used Wii $149.99 (was $179.99)
Day 9 - Monday Dec 21 - Free Sing It! with Wii Console $209.99
Day 10 - Tuesday Dec 22 - Naked Brothers Band Wii $4.89
Day 11 - Wednesday Dec 23 - SingStar Vol 2 with Mic $9.89
Day 12 - Thursday Dec 24 - Warioland: Shake It $19.89

Boxing Week Daily Door Crashers

Dec 26 - Tony Hawk Ride $99.99 and some cheap crappy games
Dec 27 - Smackdown vs Raw 2009 $4.89
Dec 28 - Hellboy $4.89
Dec 29 - Bionic Commando $14.89
Dec 30 - MySims Party $9.89
Dec 31 - AC/DC Track Pack $1.99
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[quote name='strife18']Has anyone figured out when they change the deals to the next day? It definitely isn't midnight my time. Or else it would be changed by now.[/QUOTE]

I would like to know
I stayed up til it was midnight MT and nothing
maybe we have to wait until its at least midnight everywhere (AKA PT)?
Tomorrow (Friday, December 18th), the deal is ....

PS3 160GB for 329.99.

From my undisclosed source.
[quote name='bbbc']Tomorrow (Friday, December 18th), the deal is ....

PS3 160GB for 329.99.

From my undisclosed source.[/QUOTE]

can you confirm what time the website gets updated for the new deal of the day
[quote name='Achmat']can you confirm what time the website gets updated for the new deal of the day[/QUOTE]

I agree with Game_Fanatic, this deal is ice cold. EB Games is going to have to go much lower considering a 250GB Slim is going for only 349.99 and the Slim is much less prone to YLoD.
[quote name='RchrdJ']I agree with Game_Fanatic, this deal is ice cold. EB Games is going to have to go much lower considering a 250GB Slim is going for only 349.99 and the Slim is much less prone to YLoD.[/QUOTE]
And if the Boxing Day thread is accurate, they will throw in Little Big Planet: GOTY Edition and the God of War Collection with the 250 GB console on Boxing Day.
[quote name='Achmat']I would like to know
I stayed up til it was midnight MT and nothing
maybe we have to wait until its at least midnight everywhere (AKA PT)?[/QUOTE]

This morning I noticed the banner ad on the front page changed to NHL2K10 around 9am EST. Not sure when the actual price changes online. Maybe it's when someone gets into work. I mean it's hard to automate MS paint.
[quote name='TripleQ']This morning I noticed the banner ad on the front page changed to NHL2K10 around 9am EST. Not sure when the actual price changes online. Maybe it's when someone gets into work. I mean it's hard to automate MS paint.[/QUOTE]

they probably have to wait for the guy with the university degree in MS paint to show up to work at HQ
[quote name='snuter']Say what you will but using MS paint to write legibly is hard. Almost as bad as doing circles on an etch-a-sketch.[/QUOTE]
im pretty sure they are pressing Print Screen on a page that has some crappy game for 19 then cropping the 19 out of that page and putting it on a new MS paint and saving it
if they arent then they deserve to be facepalmed by everyone as, likeyou said, writing legibly would be near impossible
[quote name='RchrdJ']I agree with Game_Fanatic, this deal is ice cold. EB Games is going to have to go much lower considering a 250GB Slim is going for only 349.99 and the Slim is much less prone to YLoD.[/QUOTE]

It does come with Uncharted, MLB 09 and Infamous, that does make it warmer.
[quote name='snuter']Say what you will but using MS paint to write legibly is hard. Almost as bad as doing circles on an etch-a-sketch.[/QUOTE]

There is a text function, you know :lol:
[quote name='zorba_the_greek']It does come with Uncharted, MLB 09 and Infamous, that does make it warmer.[/QUOTE]

I still can't justify the price with MLB 09 :roll: and Infamous (which is going for $17 right now @ Staples). Is it Uncharted 1 or 2, if 2 then that does make it a lot warmer.
LBP: GOTY and GoW Collection with the 250GB are also hard to pass up though...
[quote name='kathos']TripleQ do you have the dates wrong or have I horribly missed this sale?[/QUOTE]

I think it's accurate unless I've done something boneheaded again that I can't see. Don't you work for EB anyway?
[quote name='thegamecubist']AC2 sure is tempting, but I counted all the games I bought over the past few months...and it's a scary number D:[/QUOTE]

I get that feeling too brother, a few months ago I stopped buying games completely, no new releases and shit. This AC2 deal is REALLY tempting, I might actually bite, the only other game I bought was Skies of Arcadia for the GC, only because I've always wanted to play it and it was factory sealed (at $30) and super rare.
[quote name='RchrdJ']I agree with Game_Fanatic, this deal is ice cold. EB Games is going to have to go much lower considering a 250GB Slim is going for only 349.99 and the Slim is much less prone to YLoD.[/QUOTE]

Definitely agree. But that's what they're gonna sell ...

Anyway, I do believe that the game after Avatar will be Singstar for 10 dollars.

Comes with mics.
We have a chance of getting Assassin's Creed II, but it is YMMV.

If you go to the PS3 homepage on gamestop.ca, it has a big banner of AC2 on it with the price 29.99. I'll give it a shot later.
[quote name='heimdal']We have a chance of getting Assassin's Creed II, but it is YMMV.

If you go to the PS3 homepage on gamestop.ca, it has a big banner of AC2 on it with the price 29.99. I'll give it a shot later.[/QUOTE]

It links to AC1. AC2 is still regular price on the product pages.
The following locations don't have the Master Asssassin Edition in stock:

21 Famous Avenue (Woodbridge)
Vaughan Mills Mall (Woodbridge)
8280 Highway 27 (Woodbridge)

Was going to pick up another one for my buddy for X-Mas, but didn't want to venture out of the 'bridge for it, so that's all the stores I've checked. None of them are getting more in before the sale either.
I called too see if they would do a price reduction and they said no they won't that i would have to come in tomorrow and be one of the first people too get a copy.

and that was in the Halifax area for the young street and HFX Mall and Bayers Lake.

Good Luck too those going for it. the stores i called don't have more then 3 left it's gonna be brutal
[quote name='game_fanatic']Ughh looks like I'll be hitting my local EB in the AM and see if I can snag a copy before the hoarders hit it with a vengeance.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm gonna try my luck too tomorrow. I'm hoping to get a CE, but honestly it doesn't look good.
Yeah I hear ya. I won't bother getting the regular edition for $30, either. Go big or go home! It'll be down to $30 by the summer no question.
I suppose I'll take a chance and see if I can find it at the EB near where I live, but I don't see the point of going any further. It's a shame too, because I really would have liked to pick this up before the holidays.
I grabbed two copies of the CE, (one of each console) at Commerce Court on my lunch break. They're closed tomorrow but dude said I could get it adjusted at another EB games. I'll sell the 360 one at cost to a local CAG if I'm successful. It's gonna be a bitch to bring it on the subway though.
I'd love to pick up the CE tomorrow, but I'm on a plane early in the morning. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to pick up a regular edition when it drops in price later on.
If you're from Ottawa, the Merivale EB will not allow hoarding. They have a no-hoarding policy that they enforce to the letter. They hate hoarders. So, if you want to score a cheap copy of ACII, go there. Me, I already have a copy so I'm going to pass. I don't need a CE version, either.
[quote name='Gamin_Guru']I hope I can snag at least 2 copies. One for a friend and one for sale.[/QUOTE]

Why not buy one for your friend and leave one for someone who wants to play it? Unless you're selling it to a fellow CAG for cost + a little extra.
[quote name='game_fanatic']Why not buy one for your friend and leave one for someone who wants to play it? Unless you're selling it to a fellow CAG for cost + a little extra.[/QUOTE]

I bought AC2 a few weeks ago when it was part of the B2G1F deal, so I need to recooperate some losses. I dont plan on selling it for much probably $40, $45 at the most.
Hopefully I'll be able to grab a CE. The local malls opens at 10, so it's not like I have to line up or anything to be there for opening.
How's Toys R Us for price matching? There's one in the same mall that usually has tonnes of CEs for everything, maybe if EB is out I'll try them.
[quote name='Gamin_Guru']I bought AC2 a few weeks ago when it was part of the B2G1F deal, so I need to recooperate some losses. I dont plan on selling it for much probably $40, $45 at the most.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm sure. Well here's hoping those who want to play AC2 beat you to whatever EB you're going to.

Beat me to it.

This deal has been confirmed with EB Games, it is definitely the deal tomorrow. The site probably gets updated around 9 AM when people get to work.
bread's done