CC $40 off $200 **UPDATED** Full Scan - Now *Valid Thru 5/31*


CAG Veteran
Link to the new CC UPS coupon


The full scan is not uploaded by me but the cropped image was taking from it and uploaded by me.

Cropped Image(just coupon)

Full Coupon Scan

Thanks to pulverizer from fuckwallet

[quote name='pulverizer72'][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]FAQ

Q. Where do these coupons come from?
A. When you fill out a change of address form with the USPS, they will send you a welcome package to your new address that includes a number of coupons, including a 10% off at Home Depot and these Circuit City Coupons.

Q. What coupons are included?
A. There are three coupons. $40 off $199, 10% off on all TVs $100 & up including sale items & 10% off receivers, speakers, subwoofers & DVD recorders.

Q. Why is this YMMV?
A. This is YMMV because in the fine print of the coupons it reads "Reproductions/ photocopies will not be accepted" so it depends on your store. Many people have been very successful with these coupons. I've even been able to use B&W copies of these coupons, although I recommend a color printout.

Q. Can I use the coupons online?
A. No. But many have reported success ordering online for in-store pick up and then having the coupon applied by the CSR when they pick up their item. This is also the method to use if you want any other online discount applied.

Q. Are these one time use codes?
A. These are not one-time use codes. All of the USPS coupons so far use the same codes.

Q. Are there any other Circuit City coupons?
A. Yes, there are. If you are an member you can use a 10% off coupon from their site good on ANYTHING once a year online or instore. It may be beneficial to become a member and use it on a big ticket item, like a ps3. There is also a AAA 10% off coupon available.

Q. Will OTHER retailers such as Best Buy honor these coupons?
A. Generally, no. In certain circumstances (such as pricematching a Circuit City price on the 42" Panasonic TV last fall) BB has honored this in the past. Experience from several FWers indicates that having a receipt of someone else from a BB or CC with the final price indicated helps the YMMV factor on these attempts. Office Depot PM policy is to accept competitor's coupons.

Q. What is the best way to maximize this coupon?
A. The closer you get to $200 (not $199) without going under, the more you maximize your coupon. The reason you want to spend at least $200 and not $199 is to make sure any items with rebates still meet their minimum purchase price, which is usually 20% off. Assuming you spend exactly $200, the coupon will take exactly 20% off EACH item on your receipt. The coupon will never take more than $40 off your total. If you spend $300, each item will be reduced by 15% and the discounts will add up to $40. If you spend $400, each item will be reduced by 10% and so on. If you decide to return one item at a later date, it will not affect the discount applied to the other items but you will only be refunded the item's original price minus its discount, which is what you paid to begin with.

[quote name='siamesellama']I would definitely have to disagree with that. It sucks that you can't see the difference but the $200 (and $30 per movie) could easily be worth it to someone else. Even back in the day, you had people spending retarded amounts of money to get the best of the best in picture and audio fidelity when your average person couldn't even begin to see the difference. To me, $200 isn't that bad considering the difference I'm seeing in 720p content from the marketplace to the 480p output from standard DVDs on the 360. I could only imagine what a good transfer would look like in full 1080p on my television.

What movies are those by the way?[/quote]
Wait. Do you think i'm saying there's no difference between 480p and 720p? I'm saying there's no difference between upscale and HD-DVD. Hell yeah there's a difference between standard 480p and HD, but what i'm trying to say is save your $200 and buy a $40 (or less) VGA cable or an upscaling DVD player.

And yeah, like I said before, if you have a large tv capable of 1080p then yeah, it's probably worth it, but how many people have tvs like that? I'm willing to bet not many.
[quote name='dschroll']Not scanning for me. CC entered the code and tried scanning it...nothing worked.[/QUOTE]
So is this happening to other people to? I want to pick up a couple games with this but if it's not working I will buy the games elsewhere.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Wait. Do you think i'm saying there's no difference between 480p and 720p? I'm saying there's no difference between upscale and HD-DVD. Hell yeah there's a difference between standard 480p and HD, but what i'm trying to say is save your $200 and buy a $40 (or less) VGA cable or an upscaling DVD player.

And yeah, like I said before, if you have a large tv capable of 1080p then yeah, it's probably worth it, but how many people have tvs like that? I'm willing to bet not many.[/QUOTE]

It all depends on how the content was transferred. You're going to find many older movies that got transferred to HD DVD and are for all intents and purposes, no different than the upscaled version of that DVD. However, there will be times that a movie was transferred over extremely well, and then no upscaled DVD will be a match of the HD DVD equivalent.

Batman Begins on HD DVD is one such movie. Looks amazing in HD. The picture quality looks significantly better.

This is something that is more noticeable on larger TVs, but I have a 34" TV and can still see a large difference between something that was filmed in HD versus something that was upscaled to HD.
Well I have a 32 incher and so far i've watched V for Vendetta, Slither and The Last Samuri (sp?) and I don't notice a difference. Maybe it's just me though.

That being said, I do own one and I do plan on keeping it. I just don't know if i'll be buying any more HD-DVDs to play on it. I mean come on, only some movies look better? Remember the transition from VHS to DVD? That was a huge leap. But now it's like "Well....only some movies look better...oh, and you have to have a big tv with the latest tech to notice.." To me, that's complete and utter bullshit.

Honestly, I say skip HD-DVD and Bluray and wait until for whatever comes after that.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Well I have a 32 incher and so far i've watched V for Vendetta, Slither and The Last Samuri (sp?) and I don't notice a difference. Maybe it's just me though.

That being said, I do own one and I do plan on keeping it. I just don't know if i'll be buying any more HD-DVDs to play on it. I mean come on, only some movies look better? Remember the transition from VHS to DVD? That was a huge leap. But now it's like "Well....only some movies look better...oh, and you have to have a big tv with the latest tech to notice.." To me, that's complete and utter bullshit.

Honestly, I say skip HD-DVD and Bluray and wait until for whatever comes after that.[/QUOTE]

The same could be said for VHS and DVD on some movies. Some of the older movies on DVD in some ways look worse than their VHS counterparts because transitioning from analog to digital makes the DVD look grainy. Again, it all depends on the original source material.

That being said, its obvious that we won't see as big of a leap from standard DVD to HD DVD or Blu Ray as we did when we jumped from VHS to DVD. We were going from an analog technology to a digital one, so many people could see many benefits (improved video, improved audio, longer shelf life, added extras, etc.). Now, we're going from one digital technology to another. There are improvements, but just not as significant.

You have to take the good with the bad. You can't expect a movie like Animal House to pop on HD DVD. Animal House wasn't filmed in HD. So, upscaling the picture to put it on an HD DVD may improve some, but ultimately you probably won't notice. That's just how it is. However, when a movie like 300 comes out on HD DVD, it will look significantly better than its DVD counterpart.
[quote name='siamesellama']To me, $200 isn't that bad considering the difference I'm seeing in 720p content from the marketplace to the 480p output from standard DVDs on the 360. I could only imagine what a good transfer would look like in full 1080p on my television.

Keep in mind, most HD DVDs look much better than the XBL Marketplace HD videos because of file size and compression. XBL videos are 6 gig so they are much more highly compressed than 15-30 GB HD DVDs.

Also, Temporary's pictures are flawed because they're compressed JPEGs and artifacting is quite clear in his pics. In a proper HD DVD screenshot (saved as an uncompressed image) from a well-transferred movie, you would see very few artifacts.

Finally, $200 just isn't that bad for a video player, especially one that uses a new technology. How much did DVD players and VCRs cost when they first came out?
Not to mention that many HD DVD movies can be had for $20, not $30.
Old movies can look excellent on hd-dvd or blu-ray. They were shot on film which has a higher resolution than even 1080. Just because a movie is old doesn't mean it won't look much better in HD than just DVD.
[quote name='Blade70']Did you read the fine print?:roll:[/quote]

damn that sucks i used the previous one to buy a wii last december
[quote name='DomLando']So is this happening to other people to? I want to pick up a couple games with this but if it's not working I will buy the games elsewhere.[/QUOTE]

The CSR may be entering the code in wrong. Keep in mind that the coupon includes both zero and 'O' in the code. The 8 towards the end also may be mistaken for a 3 too.
this may have been asked, sorry i didn't read the whole of the thread, but has anyone used this new coupon on a psp? it says no video game consoles and technically a psp isn't a console. however, i feel they probably didn't mean it that way. anyways anyone try? i think a psp might be worth $160 to me with my new found lumines addiction from xbla.
[quote name='speedracer']I used it last weekend. If it doesn't scan, make sure that they don't mistake the letter o for the number zero.

It's a zero.[/quote]

wait, what? lol

I see it going as number 0, letter O, number 0 in the code there. Are those the right numbers/letters?

Also, is this coupon from the Allconnect promotion thing they had going on, or the change of address usps form? I think they stopped accepting any coupons from the Allconnect promotion (which I guess is what everybody was referring to with the previous coupon and the Wiis). I checked the USPS change of address form packet awhile back but didn't see this coupon :( Is it only after you've sent in the address form and receive back your confirmation?
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Well I have a 32 incher and so far i've watched V for Vendetta, Slither and The Last Samuri (sp?) and I don't notice a difference. Maybe it's just me though.

That being said, I do own one and I do plan on keeping it. I just don't know if i'll be buying any more HD-DVDs to play on it. I mean come on, only some movies look better? Remember the transition from VHS to DVD? That was a huge leap. But now it's like "Well....only some movies look better...oh, and you have to have a big tv with the latest tech to notice.." To me, that's complete and utter bullshit.

Honestly, I say skip HD-DVD and Bluray and wait until for whatever comes after that.[/QUOTE]

Make sure you have 1080p HDTV then you'll see a "huge" different........
I was jaw-dropping when I first saw "2 Fast 2 Furious" HD on my Sony 40' LCD HDTV. ...........
[quote name='Purkeynator']Old movies can look excellent on hd-dvd or blu-ray. They were shot on film which has a higher resolution than even 1080. Just because a movie is old doesn't mean it won't look much better in HD than just DVD.[/QUOTE]

Old movies don't look good on HD-DVD unless they have been "digitally remastered". Older movies transferred to DVD may contain scratches and dirts and colors may also be off.

You'll be surprised if you put first generation DVD movie or non-remastered into looks terrible......
Will this coupon work on the Xbox 360 120 GB hard drive? Gaming consoles are disqualified, but gaming hardware doesn't seem to be... And will Circuit City actually get the HD before the coupon expires??? Hmm...
[quote name='eastx']Will this coupon work on the Xbox 360 120 GB hard drive? Gaming consoles are disqualified, but gaming hardware doesn't seem to be... And will Circuit City actually get the HD before the coupon expires??? Hmm...[/quote]
I doubt they will get it before it expires but it should work, people have used this on the HD DVD drives.

Gamespot says:

So they might get it in on time, who knows.
[quote name='Tebunker']I've used it on a PSP so if anyone was thinking about that it's not a bad deal.[/QUOTE]
awesome! gonna try it this weekend. did you just print out from OP or do you have the actual coupon?
Just so you all know, CC got rid of a lot of their very experienced staff today(over 3000 of our high paid hourly associates were immediately terminated this morning). That means there should be less questioning of these print out coupons. You still may have trouble, but I think there will be fewer rejections. Also, many associates are still in shock and may not be as up on their toes about checking or questioning 'grey area' items like coupon scan printouts.
Holy crap I need to get down to my CC fast. I've got to catch up on my DS/Wii games, and I can always use more MS points. :bouncy:
[quote name='xplode427']does anyone know what psp packs CC has? do they just have the core? or do they have the value and entertainmant packs as well?[/QUOTE]

Just the Core and Entertainment packs, Sony doesn't make the Value pack anymore.
ok if this worked on a psp, I'm convinced.

I just want to double check. Did you use this coupon? or the previous one without the console limitations.
[quote name='OGHowie']Front link works fine but I can't get the back to load?[/quote]

Same here.

By the way, it was mentioned before in this thread, but if you can't get them to take the coupon print out there should be a ton of $15 off $100 purchase coupons at all the registers. These will be good starting Sunday, April 1st through April 18th. Not quite as nice a deal, but a good alternative if the print outs won't work.

Also, most stores are instructed to destroy these coupons before the effective dates("they are to bring people in, not help people who are already here"), so grab some while you can if you need them.
i had the coupon to work on a Zune 30 GiG mp3 player. i saved 30 bucks after taxes! iF u read the coupon, it exclude game consoles, portables, sleected Brands such as Apple. The guy at CC just typed out the numbers on the coupon. The coupon couldnt go through the scan tran. Thanks for the coupon!!
[quote name='Machikunas']Planet Earth finally convinced me to get the hd dvd add-on... and the damn coupon just expired.[/QUOTE]
umm... what are you smoking? :oops: 4/30/07=april 30th 2007
thanks for posting the coupon ... I used it a couple of days ago to buy a new 22" Widescreen Monitor for my PC ... $260 out the door ($239 for the monitor itself, thank you)
I looked around and didn't see it. I have it in my possession as a high resolution scan and would love to share it with you all... can I just post it here or do I have to post i on a file buckety site? Also... I don't know how to do the latter... splain?



There it is... enjoy all. A friend and I are using it for Guitar Hero tomorrow.
[quote name='souleman96']I looked around and didn't see it. I have it in my possession as a high resolution scan and would love to share it with you all... can I just post it here or do I have to post i on a file buckety site? Also... I don't know how to do the latter... splain?


Browse and click "Send."
[quote name='xplode427']umm... what are you smoking? :oops: 4/30/07=april 30th 2007[/QUOTE]

Right, but now that I've seen Planet Earth, I want to have an HD-DVD player to rewatch it in HD. And so long as I now know I want the HD-DVD add-on, I'm not sure why I'd need to wait until the end of the month to buy it.

Oh, and to answer your question: Northern Lights, Cannabis Indica.
Had the coupon from a move so I just used it to get Guitar Hero II (360), 1600 MS Points, Lost Planet (360), Earth Defense Force 2017 (360), The Natural (DVD) & Lost Boys (DVD) for $171.
shit I may have to use this for a digital camera + guitar hero II. Hope they accept the scan. the employees at my circuit city are pretty damn cool believe it or not so they just might. Damn you OP! Why do you hate my wallet so much!!!
Does the NDS count as a 'console'? :whistle2:k

"Reproductions/photocopies will not be accepted". So copies of this coupon dont work or something? Or what are they referring too? Sorry for being a nub. Never printed out a coupon before. Infact, never even knew you could print out coupons.
bread's done