CC $40 off $200 **UPDATED** Full Scan - Now *Valid Thru 5/31*


CAG Veteran
Link to the new CC UPS coupon


The full scan is not uploaded by me but the cropped image was taking from it and uploaded by me.

Cropped Image(just coupon)

Full Coupon Scan

Thanks to pulverizer from fuckwallet

[quote name='pulverizer72'][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]FAQ

Q. Where do these coupons come from?
A. When you fill out a change of address form with the USPS, they will send you a welcome package to your new address that includes a number of coupons, including a 10% off at Home Depot and these Circuit City Coupons.

Q. What coupons are included?
A. There are three coupons. $40 off $199, 10% off on all TVs $100 & up including sale items & 10% off receivers, speakers, subwoofers & DVD recorders.

Q. Why is this YMMV?
A. This is YMMV because in the fine print of the coupons it reads "Reproductions/ photocopies will not be accepted" so it depends on your store. Many people have been very successful with these coupons. I've even been able to use B&W copies of these coupons, although I recommend a color printout.

Q. Can I use the coupons online?
A. No. But many have reported success ordering online for in-store pick up and then having the coupon applied by the CSR when they pick up their item. This is also the method to use if you want any other online discount applied.

Q. Are these one time use codes?
A. These are not one-time use codes. All of the USPS coupons so far use the same codes.

Q. Are there any other Circuit City coupons?
A. Yes, there are. If you are an member you can use a 10% off coupon from their site good on ANYTHING once a year online or instore. It may be beneficial to become a member and use it on a big ticket item, like a ps3. There is also a AAA 10% off coupon available.

Q. Will OTHER retailers such as Best Buy honor these coupons?
A. Generally, no. In certain circumstances (such as pricematching a Circuit City price on the 42" Panasonic TV last fall) BB has honored this in the past. Experience from several FWers indicates that having a receipt of someone else from a BB or CC with the final price indicated helps the YMMV factor on these attempts. Office Depot PM policy is to accept competitor's coupons.

Q. What is the best way to maximize this coupon?
A. The closer you get to $200 (not $199) without going under, the more you maximize your coupon. The reason you want to spend at least $200 and not $199 is to make sure any items with rebates still meet their minimum purchase price, which is usually 20% off. Assuming you spend exactly $200, the coupon will take exactly 20% off EACH item on your receipt. The coupon will never take more than $40 off your total. If you spend $300, each item will be reduced by 15% and the discounts will add up to $40. If you spend $400, each item will be reduced by 10% and so on. If you decide to return one item at a later date, it will not affect the discount applied to the other items but you will only be refunded the item's original price minus its discount, which is what you paid to begin with.

[quote name='cdeener']Dammit, I hope if I print this out that I can use it when my TV they are ordering for me comes in so I can get even more off the sales price of it.[/QUOTE]

If not you could just buy one of the 10% off tv codes from ebay and save a good sum of money on a tv. I bought one off there for $1.98 and used it to buy a $1500.00 tv and saved $150 ducks.
[quote name='ChuckyDJ']If not you could just buy one of the 10% off tv codes from ebay and save a good sum of money on a tv. I bought one off there for $1.98 and used it to buy a $1500.00 tv and saved $150 ducks.[/QUOTE]
I will find out this evening when I pick up my TV since they got in today which they are still letting me get it at the Memorial Day Sale price. It wouldn't be much of a savings because the TV I am getting only costs 220 bucks but some savings is better than none if they let me us the coupon.
bread's done