Chris Benoit kills wife, 7 year old son and then self.

[quote name='Psykoboy2']Morbid warning....

I was talking at work with another friend of mine who was following the story and I mentioned to him about how Chris had killed himself...with his weight equipment.

My friend pointed out how much pain that must have been considering the neck size of Benoit and how strong it probably was. First time I had thought of that.[/quote]

uh-oh, sounds like someone is questioning the "official" story that the "authorities" put out.

(whispers into intercom)
"we have someone that can think..."
:applause: [quote name='ndshide']Someone suggested a mental hospital earlier for you. Please go and take your insane ideas with you...they won't be missed.[/quote]

“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”

“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”

“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”

so did that happen before or after he text messeged that dude "i love you"
[quote name='Graystone']I don't know. You haven't bothered me...yet. :)

I love this in one of the articles.

"I have been a fan of Chris for a number of years. I have not lost any respect for him as a result of this incident, nor should it affect anyone else's opinion. Remember the man for who he was," wrote "Richard W."

No problem he was a murderer. He killed a child, and women before he killed himself. He wrestled he also killed.

Could it be that he was psycho all along, and wrestling let him live his psychotic fantasies.[/QUOTE]

No one fucking gets it. A bunch of supposed "intelligent" individuals can't wrap their head around one very simple concept. Benoit murdering his family in no way, shape or form changes what he did, it doesn't affect his career in any way. Benoit the man =/= Benoit the wrestler. If Tobey Maguire suddenly offed his family, we wouldn't be calling Spider-Man a murderer.

Another overlooked fact is that we don't know any of the specifics outside the death itself. You have no idea the mind frame he was in, what sort of person his wife is. The only thing we do know is that his son had a condition that may have made him mentally challenged.
[quote name='DJSteel']level1 - you don't know the long term effects of steroids do you??[/quote]

As a matter of fact, I don't. I'm only familiar with the short term.

I'll research it. I'll take a look at who does the study, and then who funds the study.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']
Another overlooked fact is that we don't know any of the specifics outside the death itself. You have no idea the mind frame he was in, what sort of person his wife is. The only thing we do know is that his son had a condition that may have made him mentally challenged.[/QUOTE]

Are you saying maybe his wife and kid deserved it?
[quote name='gregthomas77']Are you saying maybe his wife and kid deserved it?[/QUOTE]

I doubt that's what he means... but--and I'm sure the moral police is gonna jump all over this.. :roll:-- what I got from that is that who knows exactly WHAT happened. Not saying SHE deserved it, but maybe she was an instigator. Maybe she was always picking fights with him, and pickin at stuff...and he lost it.

Not that it justifies for ANYTHING he did...but something along the lines of being provoked and just going home one day and just casually murder your family are different states of mind, IMO.
I guess now is a good time to repost an image I scanned from a bootleg wrestling action figure package:


Maybe Taiwan was on to something.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']No one fucking gets it. A bunch of supposed "intelligent" individuals can't wrap their head around one very simple concept. Benoit murdering his family in no way, shape or form changes what he did, it doesn't affect his career in any way. Benoit the man =/= Benoit the wrestler. If Tobey Maguire suddenly offed his family, we wouldn't be calling Spider-Man a murderer.

Tobey Maguire =/= Spiderman

Benoit = Benoit

Am I missing something?

Now that I think of it, Saddam Hussein should have gone with this defense at his trial. "It wasn't me, Saddam the man, it was Saddam the ruthless dictator"
[quote name='Brak']I guess now is a good time to repost an image I scanned from a bootleg wrestling action figure package:


Maybe Taiwan was on to something.[/QUOTE]

That picture always gets me.
[quote name='Brak']I guess now is a good time to repost an image I scanned from a bootleg wrestling action figure package:


Maybe Taiwan was on to something.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: That is hillarious!!!
[quote name='gregthomas77']Tobey Maguire =/= Spiderman

Benoit = Benoit

Am I missing something?[/QUOTE]

Just like Tobey Maguire played Spiderman, Chris Benoit played a character when he went out into the ring.

Do you really think Undertaker is a dead man? That Umaga is a crazy Samoan who speaks no English? That Eugene is really retarded?
[quote name='-Never4ever-']No one fucking gets it. A bunch of supposed "intelligent" individuals can't wrap their head around one very simple concept. Benoit murdering his family in no way, shape or form changes what he did, it doesn't affect his career in any way. Benoit the man =/= Benoit the wrestler. If Tobey Maguire suddenly offed his family, we wouldn't be calling Spider-Man a murderer.

Another overlooked fact is that we don't know any of the specifics outside the death itself. You have no idea the mind frame he was in, what sort of person his wife is. The only thing we do know is that his son had a condition that may have made him mentally challenged.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps. I do think, however, as someone who views Benoit as, above and beyond *any* other wrestler, the finest pro wrestler of the past decade, that I will have an extraordinarily hard time watching or appreciating his matches any more.

I understand what you're trying to say, but I don't agree with it. Maguire may not be Spiderman, but Benoit is, to me, Benoit as much as OJ Simpson the man is OJ Simpson the football star. You're welcome to your opinion, of course.
[quote name='BustaUppa']the Bibles... were there any specific details about the Bibles? Were they closed or open? If they were open, then what passage where they opened up to? It'd be crazy if he did something like that to leave a clue or message.

I know this sounds crazy, but the fact that the bodies had Bibles placed next to them is pretty crazy already... so I don't even feel like I'm reaching here.[/quote]

I think I heard the man talking at the press conference yesterday that the Bibles were closed. One thing that was very strange is that one wrestler said that Benoit was not a religious man at all, and that he didn't believe in any religion.

Another way you could sorta think of it is since he killed his wife and son upstairs and had Bibles next to them you could think "Heaven". Since Benoit killed him self in the basement and did not have a Bible next to him, you could think "Hell". Not for sure if he was thinking the same way or not, I'd say probably not, but who knows.
[quote name='Roufuss']
Do you really think Undertaker is a dead man? That Umaga is a crazy Samoan who speaks no English? That Eugene is really retarded?[/QUOTE]

No, but I do think that Benoit is a murderer.
[quote name='mykevermin']
I understand what you're trying to say, but I don't agree with it. Maguire may not be Spiderman, but Benoit is, to me, Benoit as much as OJ Simpson the man is OJ Simpson the football star. You're welcome to your opinion, of course.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='DJSteel']first 2 no..the last one...maybe..[/quote]

:applause: Thanks for a chuckle in an otherwise morbid/sad thread.
Here's my quick take:

Let's just say, in a week or so, when the toxicology report comes out, that Benoit had in his system legal drugs prescribed to him by a doctor. Would we see an open discussion or investigation on the multi-billion/trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry and the negative side effects that even legal drugs can have?

Absolutely Not. All these tabloid news shows like O'Reilly, Hannity, Colmes, Limbaugh, Cooper, Beck will not address the real issue but rather attack the wrestlers, steroids, violence on TV, death metal, and violent video games as the main causes of Benoit snapping.

I trust that most of you guys steer clear of the garbage on Fox News and CNN. But remember, alot of older folks watch this stuff, and they are the highest percentage of voters. All it will take is more fear mongering, and the politicians will side with them and impose more laws on the rest of us.

more control, more big brother in our lives, less freedom.
[quote name='level1online']Here's my quick take:

Let's just say, in a week or so, when the toxicology report comes out, that Benoit had in his system legal drugs prescribed to him by a doctor. Would we see an open discussion or investigation on the multi-billion/trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry and the negative side effects that even legal drugs can have?

Absolutely Not. All these tabloid news shows like O'Reilly, Hannity, Colmes, Limbaugh, Cooper, Beck will not address the real issue but rather attack the wrestlers, violence on TV, and video games as the main causes of Benoit snapping.

I trust that most of you guys steer clear of the garbage on Fox News and CNN. But remember, alot of older folks watch this stuff, and they are the highest percentage of voters. All it will take is more fear mongering, and the politicians will side with them and impose more laws on the rest of us.

more control, more big brother in our lives, less freedom.[/quote]

in a week the only people who will still be talking about it are forum monkeys
[quote name='level1online']Here's my quick take:

Let's just say, in a week or so, when the toxicology report comes out, that Benoit had in his system legal drugs prescribed to him by a doctor. Would we see an open discussion or investigation on the multi-billion/trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry and the negative side effects that even legal drugs can have?

Absolutely Not. All these tabloid news shows like O'Reilly, Hannity, Colmes, Limbaugh, Cooper, Beck will not address the real issue but rather attack the wrestlers, violence on TV, and video games as the main causes of Benoit snapping.

I trust that most of you guys steer clear of the garbage on Fox News and CNN. But remember, alot of older folks watch this stuff, and they are the highest percentage of voters. All it will take is more fear mongering, and the politicians will side with them and impose more laws on the rest of us.

more control, more big brother in our lives, less freedom.[/quote]

no.. i expect that they will find that he had abused steroids to the point of depression.. and the man that benoit was..had become the shell of himself. If you want an example...look at justin strelzyk..I think the gov't will have to address the issue..
The voice of reason, Christopher Nowinski, gives his take.

But Christopher Nowinski, a former professional wrestler who worked with Mr. Benoit, and who was forced to quit because of head injuries, said he believed that repeated, untreated concussions might have caused his friend to snap.

“He was one of the only guys who would take a chair shot to the back of the head,” Mr. Nowinski said, “which is stupid.”

Mr. Nowinski said that he had been trying to persuade the coroner examining Mr. Benoit to allow a brain exam to look for the telltale neurofibrillary tangles in the brain’s cortex, but that he had thus far been rebuffed.

“Part of me hopes there was something wrong with his brain,” Mr. Nowinski said. “The Chris Benoit I knew was always more concerned about everybody else’s well-being than his own.”
[quote name='DJSteel']no.. i expect that they will find that he had abused steroids to the point of depression.. [/quote]

so what does one take to treat depression?

anti-depressants perhaps???

now you tell me... what are the long term effects of anti-depressants?
[quote name='lilboo']I think that's pretty much all we want to know! Not saying it would justify anything..but at least we can maybe possibly understand WTF was going on in his head..[/QUOTE]

We all do.

[quote name='Roufuss']About time.

I was wondering why she was so quiet about this for a long time - I've lost a lot of respect for Stone Cold since finding out he was a wife beater years ago.[/QUOTE]

QFT it seems wife beating is somewhat common among wrestlers

[quote name='Roufuss']Just like Tobey Maguire played Spiderman, Chris Benoit played a character when he went out into the ring.

Thank you. Chris Benoit the wrestler you saw on tv was a different person then Chris Benoit that live in Georgia.

[quote name='-Never4ever-']No one fucking gets it. A bunch of supposed "intelligent" individuals can't wrap their head around one very simple concept. Benoit murdering his family in no way, shape or form changes what he did, it doesn't affect his career in any way. Benoit the man =/= Benoit the wrestler. If Tobey Maguire suddenly offed his family, we wouldn't be calling Spider-Man a murderer.

Another overlooked fact is that we don't know any of the specifics outside the death itself. You have no idea the mind frame he was in, what sort of person his wife is. The only thing we do know is that his son had a condition that may have made him mentally challenged.[/QUOTE]

No you don't get it. Alright lets say you hire a guy to cut your lawn. He does a great job for 20 years. Then one day you come home, and find that he's brutal murdered your family. Now is he that guy that always did a great job on the law, or the man that killed your family them himself. To me killing a fucking child is low as you can go. Also killing a women is pretty fucking low as well.

Your hero the man you have in your sig has killed people. Those people's live cease to be because he killed them with his hands literally. Now I don't give a shit how good of wrestler he was. He killed after he wrestled, and thats who I'll remember a baby murdering, women killing sadistic son of a bitch.

I don't care what the tox reports say no frame of mind is excusable for murder. His talents as a wrestler aren't excusable or cover up that facts that he murdered a 7 year old innocent child.

By your train of thought a drunk driver kills your parents in a car accident. but Oh its okay he wasn't in a normal frame of mind. it was nice having you around mom, and dad but this guy wasn't in a normal frame of mind so its okay.

[quote name='level1online']so what does one take to treat depression?

anti-depressants perhaps???

now you tell me... what are the long term effects of anti-depressants?[/quote]

who knows...maybe he decided to not take them...the fact is this happens a lot with people who have abused steriods over a period of time...
Here's a very easy solution:

Don't abuse the fucking steroids in the first place!
[quote name='level1online']so what does one take to treat depression?

anti-depressants perhaps???

now you tell me... what are the long term effects of anti-depressants?[/quote]
[quote name='Graystone']Thank you. Chris Benoit the wrestler you saw on tv was a different person then Chris Benoit that live in Georgia.p[/quote]

No you don't get it. Alright lets say you hire a guy to cut your lawn. He does a great job for 20 years. Then one day you come home, and find that he's brutal murdered your family. Now is he that guy that always did a great job on the law, or the man that killed your family them himself. To me killing a fucking child is low as you can go. Also killing a women is pretty fucking low as well.

Your hero the man you have in your sig has killed people. Those people's live cease to be because he killed them with his hands literally. Now I don't give a shit how good of wrestler he was. He killed after he wrestled, and thats who I'll remember a baby murdering, women killing sadistic son of a bitch.

I don't care what the tox reports say no frame of mind is excusable for murder. His talents as a wrestler aren't excusable or cover up that facts that he murdered a 7 year old innocent child.

By your train of thought a drunk driver kills your parents in a car accident. but Oh its okay he wasn't in a normal frame of mind. it was nice having you around mom, and dad but this guy wasn't in a normal frame of mind so its okay.


These seem rather contradictory, don't you think?

For the record, I'm with Never 4 Ever on this one, for now anyway. I can understand how many people aren't, however.
[quote name='Rocko']These seem rather contradictory, don't you think?

For the record, I'm with Never 4 Ever on this one, for now anyway. I can understand how many people aren't, however.[/QUOTE]

If you read the quote I was replying to it said "Chris Benoit played a character when he went out into the ring." You made it contradictory by editing the post/ putting words in my mouth.

Thats why I said he was different at home, and in the ring. The fact of the matter is that Benoit on tv was an act. When at home the police records show his wife feared for her life. I wasn't saying anything less or more.
[quote name='Graystone'] I don't care what the tox reports say no frame of mind is excusable for murder. His talents as a wrestler aren't excusable or cover up that facts that he murdered a 7 year old innocent child.

By your train of thought a drunk driver kills your parents in a car accident. but Oh its okay he wasn't in a normal frame of mind. it was nice having you around mom, and dad but this guy wasn't in a normal frame of mind so its okay.


I agree with you up to this point. Any information on his mental capacity will have quite an impact on how I view this. What if we learn that he was taking medication which, either alone or together with the other medications he was on, produced an unforeseen side effect that made him insane to the point that he had no control over his actions? It's one thing if you make yourself intoxicated voluntarily, like in the case of the drunk driver. It's another thing altogether where one is involuntarily insane. It's not "okay", but it's not possible to genuinely condemn a person who could not control his or her actions because of something they could not control or expect.

I don't think the latter scenario is very likely AT ALL in this situation (it's very rare), but the possibility exists.
[quote name='strummerbs']I agree with you up to this point. Any information on his mental capacity will have quite an impact on how I view this. What if we learn that he was taking medication which, either alone or together with the other medications he was on, produced an unforeseen side effect that made him insane to the point that he had no control over his actions? It's one thing if you make yourself intoxicated voluntarily, like in the case of the drunk driver. It's another thing altogether where one is involuntarily insane. It's not "okay", but it's not possible to genuinely condemn a person who could not control his or her actions because of something they could not control or expect.

I don't think the latter scenario is very likely AT ALL in this situation (it's very rare), but the possibility exists.[/QUOTE]

What I wonder is if it was medication, does that mean he continued to take it over three days, while the killing was going on. He killed his wife on Friday, son on Saturday, self on Sunday, right?
I was wondering the same thing that Nowinski is asking about... anybody who watched Benoit knows one of his finishing moves was a diving headbutt - the man probably suffered more blows to the head than any of us realized.

It's possible, very rare but possible, that all those blows to the head unlodged something in his brain, and that he really did have no control over this.

I do think it's BS they won't examine his brain to check for this. 22 years of diving headbutt's and chairshot's to the back of the head very possibly could have damaged him in ways nobody knew about. Then you think, 22 years of diving headbutt's, probably 300 or so wrestling shows a year, and that is an insane amount of blows he's taken to the head.

I'm not trying to justify what he did, I just want to believe that something else caused him to snap, rather than he was just sitting around his house and thought "well, today, I'll kill my wife and kid".
[quote name='strummerbs']I agree with you up to this point. Any information on his mental capacity will have quite an impact on how I view this. What if we learn that he was taking medication which, either alone or together with the other medications he was on, produced an unforeseen side effect that made him insane to the point that he had no control over his actions? It's one thing if you make yourself intoxicated voluntarily, like in the case of the drunk driver. It's another thing altogether where one is involuntarily insane. It's not "okay", but it's not possible to genuinely condemn a person who could not control his or her actions because of something they could not control or expect.

I don't think the latter scenario is very likely AT ALL in this situation (it's very rare), but the possibility exists.[/QUOTE]

Your argument is valid. I agree with it. But just not in this case. He was giving his son steroids "because he was to small for his age" He also killed over a 3 day period. The evidence we have doesn't say temporary case of a drug side effect.

Now if he took his meds then killed everything within an hour time span I understand that. But like I said he killed one a day for three days, and didn't murder the dogs. He sent a text message to a friend saying "the door is open."The dogs are by the pool area" He was in a somewhat normal frame of mind. He was telling people to come get the bodies.
Didn't some of the reports say he was getting worse over the past year too, like how he told Nancy to not go outside because people were following him or something like that?

I'm inclined to believe something happened upstairs and it slowly and slowly got worse the more he kept wrestling - most people who are crazy in fact think they are acting pretty normal most of the time. Who knows, Benoit's mind could have just exploded and he thought everything he was doing was normal.
[quote name='Roufuss']Didn't some of the reports say he was getting worse over the past year too, like how he told Nancy to not go outside because people were following him or something like that?

I'm inclined to believe something happened upstairs and it slowly and slowly got worse the more he kept wrestling - most people who are crazy in fact think they are acting pretty normal most of the time. Who knows, Benoit's mind could have just exploded and he thought everything he was doing was normal.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Roufuss']I was wondering the same thing that Nowinski is asking about... anybody who watched Benoit knows one of his finishing moves was a diving headbutt - the man probably suffered more blows to the head than any of us realized.

It's possible, very rare but possible, that all those blows to the head unlodged something in his brain, and that he really did have no control over this.

I do think it's BS they won't examine his brain to check for this. 22 years of diving headbutt's and chairshot's to the back of the head very possibly could have damaged him in ways nobody knew about. Then you think, 22 years of diving headbutt's, probably 300 or so wrestling shows a year, and that is an insane amount of blows he's taken to the head.

I'm not trying to justify what he did, I just want to believe that something else caused him to snap, rather than he was just sitting around his house and thought "well, today, I'll kill my wife and kid".[/QUOTE]

Its possible, like I said earlier in this thread that. A Serial killer in the courtroom before being condemned to die asked the his brain be examined. His name still eludes me though :bomb:

Anyway they examine his brain, and find tumors that could have been removed, and he would have proly never killed. He would've been a standup member of society.
[quote name='Graystone']Your argument is valid. I agree with it. But just not in this case. He was giving his son steroids "because he was to small for his age" He also killed over a 3 day period.

Now if he took his meds then killed everything within an hour time span I understand that. But like I said he killed one a day for three days, and didn't murder the dogs. He sent a text message to a friend saying "the door is open."The dogs are by the pool area" He was in a somewhat normal frame of mind.[/QUOTE]

It's possible, though extremely unlikely, as I said before, that the medication (or, as Roufuss states, his repeated head injuries, could have caused a more permanent psychological breakdown, not just a sudden rage. During my short stint working for a prosecutor's office, I saw this happen (the long-term insanity from drug use, not the multiple murders).
[quote name='strummerbs']It's possible, though extremely unlikely, as I said before, that the medication (or, as Roufuss states, his repeated head injuries, could have caused a more permanent psychological breakdown, not just a sudden rage. During my short stint working for a prosecutor's office, I saw this happen (the long-term insanity from drug use, not the multiple murders).[/QUOTE]

I still agree that's possible but would he go so far as to kill the dogs as well, and not text message friends If truly insane.
[quote name='Graystone']I still agree that's possible but would he not go so far as to kill the dogs as well, and not text message friends If truly insane.[/QUOTE]

Who knows? You can't say with any certainty what an insane person would and would not do, it's completely unpredictable.

For all we know in his brain the dogs could have been the ones who told him to kill his family, or to "send them to heaven" which is why he left bibles. We will honestly never know what he was thinking at the time this all happened. I really wish that brain scan would be done in the slim chance they found something was seriously wrong but no one ever knew about.

His text messages made no sense and were very cryptic, but to him, they probably made perfect sense at the time, if he really was suffering from long time brain damage.

I just don't think it's so black and white or cut and dry as people are making it seem, the more I think about it.

And for the video, JJSP posted, he did that shit OFTEN... that wasn't just a one time occurance.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']No one fucking gets it. A bunch of supposed "intelligent" individuals can't wrap their head around one very simple concept. Benoit murdering his family in no way, shape or form changes what he did, it doesn't affect his career in any way. Benoit the man =/= Benoit the wrestler. If Tobey Maguire suddenly offed his family, we wouldn't be calling Spider-Man a murderer.

Another overlooked fact is that we don't know any of the specifics outside the death itself. You have no idea the mind frame he was in, what sort of person his wife is. The only thing we do know is that his son had a condition that may have made him mentally challenged.[/quote]

It changes who he is. Think about it. There are probably people in your life that do great things for others, but you may still think that they are assholes because of the time they stole your money or are now dope heads, or took advantage of your little sister. You would say, the man who played Spiderman murdered his family. You can't say, the man who played Chris Benoit murdered his family. The difference is Chris Benoit was Chris Benoit in and out of the ring.

You keep looking for specifics, absolutes, anything that might give a shred of reason why Chris would do this. This is the state of our society today. Jack Thompson's career is MADE off this mentality. Trying to give reason to the unreasonable and trying to find cause beyond the individual.

You can try to seperate Chris' career all you want, but his actions over the weekend will forever overshadow anything he did in his career. There are moments in people's lives that define them above and beyond anything else they may have done, and this is one of them.

This is the ultimate betrayal for all of us. A guy we respected, looked up to, and was in awe of threw all of that away in a few days of insanity. That little boy won't ever have a first dance, a first kiss, a first car, a first job, a first family, a first child...he had his right to exist taken away from him by the very man who brought him in this world.

I saw the video during the tribute of Chris hugging Nancy and kissing his son with such love and affection. I wasn't thinking about how much he entertained me. I was thinking about what a great father to share success with his family. To have that image of love before your eyes and then to have the polar opposite being described by investigators? His career in the grand scheme of things doesn't have the least bit of signifcance.

Entertainers are often put on a pedestal far and beyond anything a regular person could hope to achieve. I have yet to see one murder case in which the murder did not define the murderer for the rest of his or her life. Murder is so final and absolute. It is the most heinous act a human can commit on another.

Chris' career isn't on my mind. All I can think of is a wife betrayed and little boy who didn't even know what hit him.
[quote name='JJSP']The voice of reason, Christopher Nowinski, gives his take.[/QUOTE]

I said this much earlier in the thread because I believe Nowinski is correct in his assertions about the multiple concussions that Benoit probably suffered due to his moves (this was before he said anything, but based on his prior interviews and his discussions by him about the subject at hand). I really do hope they allow a brain scan to see what kind of state it was in after all the repeated blows his head took.
While I generally agree with what Guile posted, let's pretend for a moment that they do listen to Nowinski, they do a brain scan, and they find out something was seriously messed up due to repeated head injuries, and he had no way to control what was going on in his brain.

Then what?

As of right now, I think it's far too easy to say "He's a horrible person" because we don't know why he did what he did. Nobody is making justification, people just want to know WHY he did it.

Did he do it in a sane state of mind and pre meditate it? If he did, then yea, he's pretty fucking horrible.

Did he do it because years of wrestling and head injuries fucked him up to a point none of us can comprehend? Then can we really put the blame on him in that case? Who gets blamed then? What if he never wrestled or Vince told him to stop hitting shit with his head? That's why they outlawed the Piledriver, IIRC. Then you get into a really grey area.
[quote name='Roufuss']And for the video, JJSP posted, he did that shit OFTEN... that wasn't just a one time occurance.[/QUOTE]
Case in point, Jericho/Benoit's ladder match at the Rumble. The flyswatter dive into the chair was sickening. (I think it's that match, IIRC)

Anyone who doesn't think repeated headshots will mess you up need only look at Benoit's idol, Dynamite Kid. Dynamite's nearly a vegetable from all of the abuse he went through in the ring.
[quote name='Roufuss']
Did he do it because years of wrestling and head injuries fucked him up to a point none of us can comprehend? Then can we really put the blame on him in that case? Who gets blamed then? What if he never wrestled or Vince told him to stop hitting shit with his head? That's why they outlawed the Piledriver, IIRC. Then you get in
to a really grey area.[/QUOTE]

I present to you and everyones theory of too many chair shots to the head. Two good guys who aren't killers but have had their head smashed every night for 20+ years.



[quote name='Roufuss']While I generally agree with what Guile posted, let's pretend for a moment that they do listen to Nowinski, they do a brain scan, and they find out something was seriously messed up due to repeated head injuries, and he had no way to control what was going on in his brain.

Then what?

As of right now, I think it's far too easy to say "He's a horrible person" because we don't know why he did what he did. Nobody is making justification, people just want to know WHY he did it.

Did he do it in a sane state of mind and pre meditate it? If he did, then yea, he's pretty fucking horrible.

Did he do it because years of wrestling and head injuries fucked him up to a point none of us can comprehend? Then can we really put the blame on him in that case? Who gets blamed then? What if he never wrestled or Vince told him to stop hitting shit with his head? That's why they outlawed the Piledriver, IIRC. Then you get into a really grey area.[/quote]

The only thing is that with all the concussions boxers and football players have, you never hear about it going to this extreme. I think it may have been a contributing factor, but he still had a methodical thought process that played out.
[quote name='Graystone']I present to you and your theory of to many chair shots to the head good guys who aren't killers but have had their head smashed every night for 20+ years.




Unfortunately we can't get into their head to see that, though. For all we know Mick Foley is just as fucked up in the head as Benoit could have been.

It's really not a theory that repeated concussions can cause long term damage, it can actually happen, but without a brain scan we'll never know.

And Guile, didn't Tyson get fucked up in the head due to all the damage he took? I never really followed Tyson to see *why* he did what he did, but it just seemed one day he suddenly turned batshit crazy. I mean, look at Ali, guy took a ton of shots to the head and now he's almost a vegetable... I guess some people are just unlucky in that aspect. But not every boxer turns into Ali, it's just a very unlucky few.
bread's done