Chris Benoit kills wife, 7 year old son and then self.

[quote name='GuilewasNK']It changes who he is. Think about it. There are probably people in your life that do great things for others, but you may still think that they are assholes because of the time they stole your money or are now dope heads, or took advantage of your little sister. You would say, the man who played Spiderman murdered his family. You can't say, the man who played Chris Benoit murdered his family. The difference is Chris Benoit was Chris Benoit in and out of the ring.

You keep looking for specifics, absolutes, anything that might give a shred of reason why Chris would do this. This is the state of our society today. Jack Thompson's career is MADE off this mentality. Trying to give reason to the unreasonable and trying to find cause beyond the individual.

You can try to seperate Chris' career all you want, but his actions over the weekend will forever overshadow anything he did in his career. There are moments in people's lives that define them above and beyond anything else they may have done, and this is one of them.

This is the ultimate betrayal for all of us. A guy we respected, looked up to, and was in awe of threw all of that away in a few days of insanity. That little boy won't ever have a first dance, a first kiss, a first car, a first job, a first family, a first child...he had his right to exist taken away from him by the very man who brought him in this world.

I saw the video during the tribute of Chris hugging Nancy and kissing his son with such love and affection. I wasn't thinking about how much he entertained me. I was thinking about what a great father to share success with his family. To have that image of love before your eyes and then to have the polar opposite being described by investigators? His career in the grand scheme of things doesn't have the least bit of signifcance.

Entertainers are often put on a pedestal far and beyond anything a regular person could hope to achieve. I have yet to see one murder case in which the murder did not define the murderer for the rest of his or her life. Murder is so final and absolute. It is the most heinous act a human can commit on another.

Chris' career isn't on my mind. All I can think of is a wife betrayed and little boy who didn't even know what hit him.[/QUOTE]

I've said a lot in this thread. But this is the best post in all 1100. good shit GNK
[quote name='Graystone']I present to you and everyones theory of too many chair shots to the head. Two good guys who aren't killers but have had their head smashed every night for 20+ years. [/QUOTE]

Which would be a great answer if everyone's brain functions and behaved in the same exact way. But they don't.

For the record though, I don't buy into "too many chairshots" bullshit.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']The only thing is that with all the concussions boxers and football players have, you never hear about it going to this extreme. I think it may have been a contributing factor, but he still had a methodical thought process that played out.[/QUOTE]

Football players and boxers don't put themselves through near the amount of strain that a professional wrestler working for the WWE does. 200 plus days of performing versus 2 fights a year or 20 games a year does not even compare. Sure you can say they spar and practice, but full contact is kept to a minimum.
[quote name='Roufuss']Unfortunately we can't get into their head to see that, though. For all we know Mick Foley is just as fucked up in the head as Benoit could have been.

It's really not a theory that repeated concussions can cause long term damage, it can actually happen, but without a brain scan we'll never know.

And Guile, didn't Tyson get fucked up in the head due to all the damage he took? I never really followed Tyson to see *why* he did what he did, but it just seemed one day he suddenly turned batshit crazy. I mean, look at Ali, guy took a ton of shots to the head and now he's almost a vegetable... I guess some people are just unlucky in that aspect. But not every boxer turns into Ali, it's just a very unlucky few.[/QUOTE]

Rou but how many other people have took shots to the head that aren't crazy. As far as Mick not being as crazy well we don't have police reports saying he is.

Like Guile said stop looking for absolutes people.
From a purely psychological standpoint, I'd love to see a brain scan be done, as it would (hopefully) provide a lot of insight into not only what happened with Benoit, but also what goes through someone's mind in general, if in fact something they do does turn up.

And if they do find something that was caused due to wrestling, you've gotta believe it would send shockwaves throughout the entire industry.

I'm not looking for absolutes, just curious about everything surrounding this rather than looking at things in purely black and white as many seem to be doing. Yes, Benoit was a bad person who murdered, let's find out why now, rather than saying "He did it because he was bad case closed!"
are you guys kidding me...there are a ton of football players that have had this affect their lives... hell this what's on the news on espn.. former nfl players trying to get disability and insurance better for the former players...
[quote name='terribledeli']Which would be a great answer if everyone's brain functions and behaved in the same exact way. But they don't.


I like you don't believe in the too many chair shots. There has been thousands of wrestlers in Japan, Mexico, and guys here in the states that have retired just fine after 20 years of wrestling. fuck look at Ric Flair... err bad example :D
[quote name='Graystone']Rou but how many other people have took shots to the head that aren't crazy. As far as Mick not being as crazy well we don't have police reports saying he is.

Like Guile said stop looking for absolutes people.[/QUOTE]

We should be looking for absolutes, because that's the only way something positive might ultimately come of this. If it was caused by drugs or by repeated concussions, we can respond to that by changing to the drugs or the culture of the sports entertainment industries. While that won't bring back the lives lost here, it's at least a positive outcome that might prevent future tragedies. If we just write it off as a terrible human being without further inquiry, what do we gain?
[quote name='Roufuss']From a purely psychological standpoint, I'd love to see a brain scan be done, as it would (hopefully) provide a lot of insight into not only what happened with Benoit, but also what goes through someone's mind in general, if in fact something they do does turn up.

And if they do find something that was caused due to wrestling, you've gotta believe it would send shockwaves throughout the entire industry.

I'm not looking for absolutes, just curious about everything surrounding this rather than looking at things in purely black and white as many seem to be doing. Yes, Benoit was a bad person who murdered, let's find out why now, rather than saying "He did it because he was bad case closed!"[/QUOTE]

I understand that your looking for a why. But we'll proly never get it.

As far as shockwaves through the industry. You think wrestling would learn from Ali. Two or three boxing matches a year gave him parkins. Now the difference between boxing and wrestling is great. Boxing your getting hit in the head all the time unlike wrestling. Boxing when you practice your getting hit in the head. Wrestlers don't practice they walk trough their matches with whoever their facing that night.

What I'm saying based off your chairshot theory is that boxers should be more crazy then wrestlers. As far as tyson being a nut well he's always been a fucking nut job.
I read through all 57 pages and have nothing else to add that wasn't already.
However, if I may go a little off topic with a question. This was asked, but unfortunately never addressed. Is Vince going through some kind of health problem? He sounded really hoarse on Monday during Raw, which could have easily been caused by simple sickness or stress. It's just odd timing that he try the death angle, then come on sounding as though he could be really dying.
[quote name='Graystone']I understand that your looking for a why. But we'll proly never get it.

As far as shockwaves through the industry. You think wrestling would learn from Ali. Two or three boxing matches a year gave him parkins. Now the difference between boxing and wrestling is great. Boxing your getting hit in the head all the time unlike wrestling. Boxing when you practice your getting hit in the head. Wrestlers don't practice they walk trough their matches with whoever their facing that night.

What I'm saying based off your chairshot theory is that boxers should be more crazy then wrestlers. As far as tyson being a nut well he's always been a fucking nut job.[/QUOTE]

My theory wasn't just chairshots, Benoit took a lot of damage STRAIGHT TO THE HEAD. Look at that video JJSP posted, dude dove head first into a thick steel barricade. The only time I mentioned chairshot's is that Nowinski said Benoit took them to the back of the head which is extremely dangerous - think about how many people in WWE take them like that? Most go for the front and put their hands up - I can't even think of a time someone took a chairshot straight to the back of the head.

But yea, without a brain scan, we'll never know, and it's stupid one isn't going to be done. Hopefully Nowinski pushed enough to get it done. I'm inclined to believe that guy who has infinitely more knowledge of concussions and what they can do than any of us have.

Boxing, your getting hit in the head with padded gloves - you're certainly not diving head first into steel barricades and getting hit with solid steel in the back of your head, or jumping off ladders banging your head. If he took just fake chairshots, I'd agree with you, but the dude didn't, and probably gave himself so many concussions he lost count.

But no, I like how part of my theory mentioned chairshots, only because Nowinski brought it up, and suddenly it's the "chairshot theory"... no, it's the "dude used his fucking head as a weapon over and over and over and over again" theory. I can't think of any other wrestler who does diving headbutt's and rams his head into shit all the time without protecting it.
boxing head injuries like Ali's have to do the damage the brain took over the years with repetitious hits in the face and forehead... Wrestling is much more direct and violent...
womg double post...

It's stupid arguing about it, since who knows why he did it... was he a sane man who just snapped? was it depression due to drugs? was it roids and other drugs? was it concussions? was it a combination of everything? was it something none of us have even thought of?

It's a moot point so I'm done talking about it, until at least tox screens come back, since all we can do is speculate and speculate but since none of us have access to anything other than what the media gives us we'll just be going in circles constantly.
[quote name='DJSteel']are you guys kidding me...there are a ton of football players that have had this affect their lives... hell this what's on the news on espn.. former nfl players trying to get disability and insurance better for the former players...[/QUOTE]

A couple of hundred at most, compared to the tens of thousands that have played football isn't a ton.

[quote name='strummerbs']We should be looking for absolutes, because that's the only way something positive might ultimately come of this. If it was caused by drugs or by repeated concussions, we can respond to that by changing to the drugs or the culture of the sports entertainment industries. While that won't bring back the lives lost here, it's at least a positive outcome that might prevent future tragedies. If we just write it off as a terrible human being without further inquiry, what do we gain?[/QUOTE]

Nothing, but we people here on CAG should stop looking for absolute's. We're not the law enforcement in GA. We can theorize, but shouldn't make excuses for his actions. It could be me reading posts in the wrong light as well.

I don't think it was insanity. I think the evidence that we have been given might show what happened. The wife had a blood trickle behind her head. IMO domestic dispute turned into murder. He in a bad state of mind thought killing the rest of the family was better then prison. This doesn't excuse what he did though.
[quote name='DJSteel']boxing head injuries like Ali's have to do the damage the brain took over the years with repetitious hits in the face and forehead... Wrestling is much more direct and violent...[/QUOTE]

Lets see getting thrown around on a padded ring (that still hurts) by a guy trying not to hurt you but make it look real. Or getting punched in the face as hard as fucking possible by the other guy. Even during practice which most do all year long. :whistle2:k

[quote name='Roufuss']

It's stupid arguing about it, since who knows why he did it... was he a sane man who just snapped? was it depression due to drugs? was it roids and other drugs? was it concussions? was it a combination of everything? was it something none of us have even thought of?

It's a moot point so I'm done talking about it, until at least tox screens come back, since all we can do is speculate and speculate but since none of us have access to anything other than what the media gives us we'll just be going in circles constantly.[/QUOTE]

No one is arguing we are having a civilized discussion.
I'm not buying that the shots to the head had a play in this.

If I'm wrong though, I will say this. You should know that in wrestling, you will get hit. In the head. Many times. That's not an excuse. The only way it could be an excuse is if he told the WWE he can't take chair shots to the head anymore and the WWE still made him take them.
Blanket statements about the brain ahead.

The location of the chair shots (The cerebellum) would render Benoit in a coma quicker than it would cause him to go crazy. He wouldn't be able to walk properly, let alone conduct himself in ring in the fashion he did.

But what about the flying headbutts then? Well, I assume we're talking about his frontal lobe being damaged right. His emotions (and as a result, personality) would be ape shit all the time then. Even with proper behavior therapy, folks that suffer damage to the anterior part of the frontal lobe never regain full control of their emotions. Depending on the damage, his fine motor skills would be shot as well.

So yeah. I'm not buying this too much damage to the brain crap Nowinski is trying to push.
[quote name='terribledeli']Blanket statements about the brain ahead.

The location of the chair shots (The cerebellum) would render Benoit in a coma quicker than it would cause him to go crazy. He wouldn't be able to walk properly, let alone conduct himself in ring in the fashion he did.

But what about the flying headbutts then? Well, I assume we're talking about his frontal lobe being damaged right. His emotions (and as a result, personality) would be ape shit all the time then. Even with proper behavior therapy, folks that suffer damage to the anterior part of the frontal lobe never regain full control of their emotions. Depending on the damage, his fine motor skills would be shot as well.

So yeah. I'm not buying this too much damage to the brain crap Nowinski is trying to push.[/QUOTE]

Very nice post with the details of how those would affect him. Thanks

For those who don't want to read 1200 posts.

Gulie has the best post in this thread a page or two back.

Chris in Cali has the funniest. "I knew something was wrong when that guy had all that money, and never got his tooth fixed."
Who knows? It's difficult to speculate on cumulative head injuries. Much of the brain is still not understood well. With head injuries, the damage is not purely local. There is a coup and countercoup injury caused by the skull transmitting force to the brain which causes the brain to hit itself on the other side of the skull too. Plus, there is an aspect of neuronal injury caused by shearing forces. In a word, its quite unpredictable.

There are some classic examples of brain injuries causing behavioral alterations (look up Phineas Gage). But, I would guess that acute injuries would more likely either cause a large hemorrhage and kill you or perhaps lead to a seizure disorder.

The pathologists doing the autopsy might take a look the brain in sections, if indicated, but subtle changes will not likely be easy to detect with gross anatomy. Plus, I don't really know how the anoxic injury caused by hanging will affect the specimen.
[quote name='BigT']There is a coup and countercoup injury caused by the skull transmitting force to the brain which causes the brain to hit itself on the other side of the skull too. [/QUOTE]

Isn't that a concussion when the brain hit the skull?
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']1,000 posts that are all basically "I don't know why he did it, but here's what I think. *chairshots* *roids*, *etc."[/QUOTE]
Yes. Speculation usually happens with any sort of discussion. It also so happens that many people were interested in this discussion, which makes your statement fully accurate.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Yes. Speculation usually happens with any sort of discussion. It also so happens that many people were interested in this discussion, which makes your statement fully accurate.[/quote]When people know as little as they do in this case, and with so many different factors that could have come into play, from rampant roid abuse and subsequent rage, to Nancy burning the roast, to Benoit hearing Paris was getting out early and just snapping, I don't really see the point of prolonged discussion of the topic. Leave the "why?" up to the professionals, Dexter Morgan.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']1,000 posts that are all basically "I don't know why he did it, but here's what I think. *chairshots* *roids*, *etc."[/QUOTE]

There is yet another kind of post: the "I got nothin' to say, so I'll just be a typical troll" asshole:

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Pretty sad how Benoit would rather kill his family, then himself, than put over CM Punk. And here I thought Triple H was petty...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']When people know as little as they do in this case, and with so many different factors that could have come into play, from rampant roid abuse and subsequent rage, to Nancy burning the roast, to Benoit hearing Paris was getting out early and just snapping, I don't really see the point of prolonged discussion of the topic. Leave the "why?" up to the professionals, Dexter Morgan.[/QUOTE]

I believe there is a meme that suits your needs.


As the great W.C. Fields would say, "Go away kid, ya bother me."
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']When people know as little as they do in this case, and with so many different factors that could have come into play, from rampant roid abuse and subsequent rage, to Nancy burning the roast, to Benoit hearing Paris was getting out early and just snapping, I don't really see the point of prolonged discussion of the topic. Leave the "why?" up to the professionals, Dexter Morgan.[/QUOTE]
And here you are prolonging it by stating the obvious. You're lucky you're not a chocolate gorilla or otherwise you'd have some clansman at your door and a burning cross on your lawn.
All right, I was going to edit the insult and it was already gone. Fair enough and fast acting on the moderators. Beat me to my self moderation.
Honestly not a racist, but rather just a bit of wordplay that got out of hand in regards to taste and consideration for others. My apologies, even to Vanilla Gorilla if he saw that post.
Here's the newest Observer site update, which might have some repeat info, but could also have some new stuff.
X: Chris Benoit’s personal physician met with him the day of the murder, according to an Associated Press report. Dr. Phil Astin also said he prescribed testosterone to Benoit because of a low count being produced by his body. Astin said that condition likely stemmed from previous steroid use. Here is the link:

X: There are other details soon to surface nationally about the murder/suicide that include details about Nancy Benoit spoke with Astin the day before her murder to try and gain information about treating her son Daniel. WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt told me the promotion has information stating Daniel was suffering from Fragile X, which is an inherited mental impairment that causes autistic-like symptoms [more information about the disease can be found at]. McDevitt said it’s believed that Nancy Benoit was struggling trying to cope with Daniel and that neck surgery she had undergone wasn’t make the situation any easier for her and Chris.

One question that can be posed is this: If Chris Benoit killed his wife stemming from a confrontation about Daniel, did he later kill his son because of concerns about who would take care of a needs child while he was in prison? While this doesn’t make Benoit’s actions any more justifiable, the scenario may shed some light on why Chris Benoit killed his son before taking his own life.

X: I will be discussing this situation and other Benoit developments along with former WWE star Bret Hart at 8 tonight on CNN’s Nancy Grace.

X: The fallout from the Benoit situation helped spike ECW on Tuesday night to a 1.78 rating, which was almost .2 of a point higher than last week.

X: Booker T weighs in on the Benoit situation at this link:

X: Lex Luger weighs in on the Benoit situation at this link:

X: Wrestling Babylon author Irv Muchnick is slated to appear at 8 and 11 p.m. e.s.t. on the O’Reilly Factor. “Nightmare” Ken Wayne is slated to appear at some point on MSNBC.

X: Albert Ching of the Arizona Daily Star is keeping a Chris Benoit blog at

X: Mike McIntyre of the Winnipeg Free Press has Benoit stories/comments up at and

X: Phil Strum of the Poughkeepsie Journal has Benoit stories/comments up at and

X: The Washington Post reported about how WWE and USA Network are handling the Benoit situation in light of the fallout of having aired a show-long Benoit tribute on this week’s Monday Night Raw. Here is the link:

X: Dr. Keith Lipinski will be on the Monday Night Mayhem radio show that starts at 10 tonight at Scott Hudson and Jim Molineaux are the hosts.

X: Brian Christopher was on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 speaking about this subject last night. While I didn’t see the segment, every email I have received about it didn’t speak highly of the performance. Judge for yourself here:

I could actually see the brain damage sustained through decades of blows to the head being the cause for this, and I might not think that had they not been listed as a major reason why Mike Awesome took his own life earlier this year.

New York Times article, with quotes from Christopher Nowinski about it possibly being caused by a history of concussions -
Christopher Nowinski, a former professional wrestler who worked with Mr. Benoit, and who was forced to quit because of head injuries, said he believed that repeated, untreated concussions might have caused his friend to snap.

“He was one of the only guys who would take a chair shot to the back of the head,” Mr. Nowinski said, “which is stupid.”

Mr. Nowinski has written a book called “Head Games: Football’s Concussion Crisis” (Drummond Publishing Group, 2006), about chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a condition that can cause memory loss, depression and “bizarre, paranoid behavior.”

Mr. Nowinski said that he had been trying to persuade the coroner examining Mr. Benoit to allow a brain exam to look for the telltale neurofibrillary tangles in the brain’s cortex, but that he had thus far been rebuffed.

“Part of me hopes there was something wrong with his brain,” Mr. Nowinski said. “The Chris Benoit I knew was always more concerned about everybody else’s well-being than his own.”
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']1,000 posts that are all basically "I don't know why he did it, but here's what I think. *chairshots* *roids*, *etc."[/QUOTE]

Thanks for trolling please come again. How many times have you been banned for the "I've got nothing to say but I'll post anyway."

[quote name='Roufuss']
Boxing, your getting hit in the head with padded gloves .[/QUOTE]

You've never been hit with a boxing glove, I take it. It hurts like a bitch, it amplifies the pain. Next time your at the sports store put one on, and hit yourself with a little force in the face. It hurts.
The gloves boxers wear are to protect their hand from being injured, and not to protect the other guys face.
[quote name='Graystone']You've never been hit with a boxing glove, I take it. It hurts like a bitch, it amplifies the pain. [/QUOTE]

John Sullivan and I had a good laugh at that last line.
Judging by the case histories of comparable individuals, the likelihood that Benoit was insane is almost nil. His actions were deliberate and methodical, which is not consistent with insanity.

As I've mentioned already a few times in this thread, do a little research on the "Family Annihilator" profile type. I posted a link to a detailed article about these men that kill their families and themselves, and it goes into great detail about motives, mindset, and reasoning.
Just saw this from the Associated Press

Wrestler and Wife Argued Over Child Care

ATLANTA - In the days before pro wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife and child and hanged himself, the couple argued over whether he should stay home more to take care of their mentally retarded 7-year-old son, an attorney for the wrestling league said Wednesday.

"I think it's fair to say that the subject of caring for that child was part of what made their relationship complicated and difficult, and it's something they were both constantly struggling with," said Jerry McDevitt, an attorney for World Wrestling Entertainment. "We do know it was a source of stress and consternation."

McDevitt said the wrestling organization learned from the couple's friends and relatives that the Benoits were struggling with where to send the boy to school since he had recently finished kindergarten.

He also said Benoit's wife didn't want him to quit wrestling, but she "wanted him to be at home more to care for the kid. She'd say she can't take care of him by herself when he was on the road."

The child suffered from a rare medical condition called Fragile X Syndrome, an inherited form of mental retardation often accompanied by autism, McDevitt said.

The rest is at for anyone that wants to read it.
[quote name='Excalibur']Just saw this from the Associated Press

Wrestler and Wife Argued Over Child Care

ATLANTA - In the days before pro wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife and child and hanged himself, the couple argued over whether he should stay home more to take care of their mentally retarded 7-year-old son, an attorney for the wrestling league said Wednesday.

"I think it's fair to say that the subject of caring for that child was part of what made their relationship complicated and difficult, and it's something they were both constantly struggling with," said Jerry McDevitt, an attorney for World Wrestling Entertainment. "We do know it was a source of stress and consternation."

McDevitt said the wrestling organization learned from the couple's friends and relatives that the Benoits were struggling with where to send the boy to school since he had recently finished kindergarten.

He also said Benoit's wife didn't want him to quit wrestling, but she "wanted him to be at home more to care for the kid. She'd say she can't take care of him by herself when he was on the road."

The child suffered from a rare medical condition called Fragile X Syndrome, an inherited form of mental retardation often accompanied by autism, McDevitt said.

The rest is at for anyone that wants to read it.[/QUOTE]

So its looking more and more like a domestic dispute gone wrong.
[quote name='Graystone']So its looking more and more like a domestic dispute gone wrong.[/QUOTE]

Gone worse, more like it.
Still looks like a double murder suicide to me.
[quote name='Graystone']So its looking more and more like a domestic dispute gone wrong.[/quote]
[quote name='Graystone']So its looking more and more like a domestic dispute gone wrong.[/QUOTE]

I suppose so. And given their apparent dissatisfaction with Daniel's physical size - and the HGH injections they subjected him to as a result - perhaps Benoit just decided that his son's situation was hopeless and therefore life wasn't worth living, for him or for Nancy and Daniel. It's all just conjecture on my part though, much like we've all been speculating for days now. We want to find some sense and logic in a totally nonsensical and illogical tragedy.
i dunno I would kind of see (not that I would do this) it if Benoit thought he was putting his kid out of his misery so to speak considering the illness he had...might make sense why the bible were around...
[quote name='DJSteel']i dunno I would kind of see (not that I would do this) it if Benoit thought he was putting his kid out of his misery so to speak considering the illness he had...might make sense why the bible were around...[/QUOTE]

Yup, I had the same thought; mercy killing.
When I heard about the blood under Nancy's head yesterday I thought it was a domestic problem gone bad. I do really hope that's what it was, only because that's easier to deal with as a fan than the idea of him coming home and killing them on a whim.

As I think I've said earlier, it's possible he pushed her or something and realized she was injured, and sort of just snapped inside realizing what he'd done. We'll probably never know, but for me it makes it somewhat better knowing that this may have stemmed from an argument rather than a random killing.

Note that I'm not saying it makes it more excusable, just that it makes it eaiser to deal with.
[quote name='naes']Thank God it was a mercy killing. That completely changes the fact that he killed his wife and son.[/QUOTE] one said or implied anything of the sort. I think you need to learn the difference between an explanation and an excuse. We are exchanging ideas here about Benoit's possible motivations for committing the crime that he did. Nothing more, nothing less.
[quote name='Excalibur'] one said or implied anything of the sort. I think you need to learn the difference between an explanation and an excuse. We are exchanging ideas here about Benoit's possible motivations for committing the crime that he did. Nothing more, nothing less.[/QUOTE]

Oh, and I would just like to thank you for linking to that article. Benoit is almost a perfect fit for it.
[quote name='naes']Thank God it was a mercy killing. That completely changes the fact that he killed his wife and son.[/quote]

wow...i love your thinking... you assume 3 steps ahead...
I think there's some ignorance going on as to what 'insanity' is. Insanity does not mean that somene becomes retarded and is unable to commit simple tasks such as bounding someone's hands and feet.

All insanity is an extreme irrationality and Chris Benoit was clearly insane when he did everything he did. It's not an excuse, but it is a reason. Everyone who says he was in a clear state of mind when all of this was going on is an idiot. Insane people can act deliberately and methodically as long as what they're doing makes sense to only them.
All I'm saying is that your explanation is not an excuse.
[quote name='Excalibur'] one said or implied anything of the sort. I think you need to learn the difference between an explanation and an excuse. We are exchanging ideas here about Benoit's possible motivations for committing the crime that he did. Nothing more, nothing less.[/quote]
Probably a domestic dispute that went wrong and then he didn't want a son growing up without a father or mother since the kid was retarded.
bread's done