Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='GhostShark']Even though a lot of people call the Ultimate Universe crappy (not me), it had a lot of great stuff. The majority of Ultimate X-Men was pretty good and some of it sucked, but most of it was good. Some of Ultimate Fantastic Four was pretty good (the zombies, namor and president Thor arc). Ultimate Spider-Man was the most consistent book in the entire Marvel universe. The Ultimate Galactus trilogy was a fairly decent read as was Ultimate Origins and Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk. Let's not also forget how amazing Ultimate Iron Man was and of course Ultimates I and II (best Ultimate books out there).

There was crap however. Ultimate Power really sucked as did Ultimate Elektra and Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra. Ultimates 3 was pretty much the lowest point of the Ultimate Universe. Ultimatum didn't get that low. The main thing I hated about Ultimatum was the amount of people that died and for no reason. And that horrible stuff has continued on to the new Ultimate stuff. New Ultimates really sucks and so does Ultimate X.

However, the new Ultimate Spider-Man is entertaining and Avengers 1 and 2 are pretty good in themselves, but yeah, the ultimate-verse has had its ups and downs, but hey the books still sell.[/QUOTE]

Totally agree.

That FF Thor president story is my favorite issue.

Didn't enjoy Ultimate X, New Spider-Man or Ultimate Enemy. I can see SPiderman being good, but just isn't for me. I can't see the other 2 titles being any good at all. They just seem like bastard children to the ultiverse. :p

Enjoying Ultimate Avengers2, but New Ultimate's is falling for me. Maybe next issue story will pick it back up, the art isn't helping it.
[quote name='Rodimus']^ Awesome. Good to know he's decent guy since I subscribe to three of his books.

Steve Dillon seems like a guy who can drink. I'm sure him and Ennis have some fun stories.[/QUOTE]

According to his story, saying Dillon can drink is akin to saying that water is moist.
So Steve Niles is going to be at a local comic book store next week and even though I've never read any of his work...I am going to pick up Mystery Society this week so he can sign it when he is here. :p
I've been reading the new Ultimate Spidey and like it well enough. Only read the first two issues of X, the first New Ultimates with Red Skull, and the armor wars. Everything seems to be okay for the most part, even if Wolverine Jr can do things daddy couldn't. I haven't been in the Ultimate universe except for the first year or two as that's when I dropped out of comics. Am I missing much? Is the new stuff really that bad and I can't tell as I've only gotten back into comics over the past year?
The new stuff isn't bad unless its the stuff by Jeph Loeb. The good stuff like Ultimate Avengers 1 and 2 and Spidey (despite the art), but it's nowhere near as good as say Ultimates 1 and 2 or the original Ultimate Spidey.
I'm no Jeph loeb fan at all but I've actually enjoyed the first 2 issues of Ultimate X. Art Adams doing the pencils certainly helps, he's definitely one of my favorite artists.
Ok so this week was a really good week for me. First of all...Mystery Society #1 by Steve Niles and Fiona Staples.

I was blown away by this coming. I've never read anything by Steve Niles before (30 Days of Night doesn't really interest me), but man does this book ever delivery in every single way. The story and dialogue is amazingly superb and witty. The art is incredibly entertaining. Action is done smoothly, colors are perfect and it has somewhat of a James Bond feel to it. Overall, it's a perfect 10 in my book. I haven't a read a first issue of a series since Y the Last Man that has blown me away like Mystery Society has.

Secret Avengers #1: Hands down the best Heroic Age book so far. I really love Brubaker's books. It doesn't matter if it's Secret Avengers, Criminal or Uncanny X-Men, it's all good stuff. I would kind of like to see him take on the Ultimate Universe, but anyways I really like the team and seeing Beast as an Avenger is a really good thing. I love Avenger Beast. It's also very nice to see Moon Knight get a role in a pretty big marvel book.

Thunderbolts #144: I've never been a huge Thunderbolts fan, pre or post Osborn era, but I just had to get the book for Luke Cage. What can I say, the dude is a badass. I like the idea of redemption with most of the teammates and it's nice to see Juggernaut again and also OMG

X-Force #27 : Another solid Second Coming issue. I am going to LOVE Storm kicking Cyclop's ass after all this is over and I am saying that as a huge Cyke fan. I am glad to see more of the X-Men get injured and taken out. I was wondering when they were going to stop killing people and just injury some. Also, when is Magneto going start kicking ass? Also
I am willing to bet that Cable doesn't have just one jump left and he was just bullshitting the X-Men. I see no reason to kill off Wolvie, Cable, Archangel, Domino, etc

Ultimate Enemy #4: Easily the best issue of the so-so four issue series. Nick Fury and Hawkeye torture was great. My two biggest complaints are the fact that apparently Reed Richards is dead. I refuse to believe a figure that big in any universe is dead, but they did kill Wolverine so whatever. My other complaint is that this is really feeling a lot like the Ultimate Galactus trilogy and while that was OK, I really hope this isn't Galactus AGAIN.

I also got X-Men Origins: Emma Frost and it's a pretty nice and straightforward origin story. Nice art too. The Return of Bruce Wayne #2 was pretty good, but I've only ever read Batman comics in the DC universe so I really have no clue what the hell is going on with Superman in the issue.

Depending on some of IGN's reviews of some other comics that came out this week (Thor and Dazzler) I may head back to my local shop and pick up some more stuff.
I read 7 Psychopaths 1 from Boom! and I really enjoyed it. It's either a 3 or 4 issue limited series about the British putting together a team to assassinate Hitler. Sean Phillips (Criminal) does the art and I'm really looking forward to the next issue.
[quote name='neocisco']I'm no Jeph loeb fan at all but I've actually enjoyed the first 2 issues of Ultimate X. Art Adams doing the pencils certainly helps, he's definitely one of my favorite artists.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I was surprised I enjoyed it so much. Adam's work is sexy. For some reason it reminds me a little of Scott Campbell.

Anyone else read Astonishing Wolverine & Spider-Man? I'm not a team-up fan but this was a great first issue. I wish this would've been an Amazing Spider-Man story.
[quote name='Rodimus']Same here. I was surprised I enjoyed it so much. Adam's work is sexy. For some reason it reminds me a little of Scott Campbell.

Anyone else read Astonishing Wolverine & Spider-Man? I'm not a team-up fan but this was a great first issue. I wish this would've been an Amazing Spider-Man story.[/QUOTE]

Not trying to be all correctional, but Adams has been around since at least the mid-80's. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if Adams was a strong influence on Campbell.

I also read Spidey/Wolvie and enjoyed it as well. It was fun plus I love Adam Kubert's art.
Dang i totally missed out on the Spiderman and Wolvie. I didn't even see the issue on the listing when ordering. I was too excited to see Adam Kubert drawing it. Haven't seen him do any art in a whiles.

I finally got around to reading Ultimate Enemy, and once again they write a story up that doesn't even finish with some sort of hint to anything.

I don't even know what's going on in that storyline. Magneto should have just killed the whole planet off in Ultimatnum, and then you see the Watcher with a wtf look on his face on the last panel.
[quote name='neocisco']Not trying to be all correctional, but Adams has been around since at least the mid-80's. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if Adams was a strong influence on Campbell.

I also read Spidey/Wolvie and enjoyed it as well. It was fun plus I love Adam Kubert's art.[/QUOTE]

I guess he hasn't done anything I recognized in the last few years so I was unfamiliar with the name. But it's funny you said he could possibly be an influence on Campbell because that's exactly what his wiki page said. Good call.

It says he did the Longshot mini-series back in the day. I think I have an issue or two of that. I'll have to search for it in my collection.
That's what I love about Adams' work. His stuff from 20-25 years ago looks just as good as about anything else being done today. That Longshot mini looks really good. If you want to see some of his '80s X-Men work, check out X-Men: Asgardian Wars. He doesn't do the art in all of it (Paul Smith does some of it) but it's still incredible today.
Just picked up Brightest Day #3...It was terrible, but I think I'm gonna have to sit the rest of the series out. They're trying to too many storylines into each issue to really give the plot any form of depth. The art is really good, though.
This week was OK at best. Avengers Prime was just decent. I was really expecting something amazing, but my hopes failed :(

Best comic this week was the awesomeness that was Hawkeye and Mockingbird #1. I absolutely loved the debut issue.
[quote name='lokizz']anybody else like booster gold?[/QUOTE]

I do as my friend, she gets it so I read it on a semi-regular basis. I'm not too picky on storylines, so for the most part I enjoy pretty much anything out there. Which is why I guess I have most of the recent Deadpool series that are out >.>;

Probably will not be getting my comics till about next week if not the week after. Still need to finish reading stuff from the past 4 weeks that I picked up Saturday.
[quote name='GhostShark']This week was OK at best. Avengers Prime was just decent. I was really expecting something amazing, but my hopes failed :(

Best comic this week was the awesomeness that was Hawkeye and Mockingbird #1. I absolutely loved the debut issue.[/QUOTE]

I was going to give Avengers Prime a chance, but that artist style just frustrates me. If it was some good art at least, i would buy it even if the story was mediocre.

It's cool though. I guess i finally saved me some money this week. :p

I'm sure tons of new stuff will come out next week.
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']Just picked up Brightest Day #3...It was terrible, but I think I'm gonna have to sit the rest of the series out. They're trying to too many storylines into each issue to really give the plot any form of depth. The art is really good, though.[/QUOTE]

I am willing to give it a shot. I imagine that everything will tie together in the end. I myself am wondering if these resurrected characters are doomed and postponing the inevitable.
Read through my stack of comics and I have a couple things to say:

I'm dropping Secret Warriors. The story isn't doing anything for me. I liked the few issues were they focus on Alex (Ares' son) but I'm a little confused with the rest. I'm getting lost with all this Hydra, Kraken, Leviathan, Gorgon and other mystical creatures jargon. I'm ussually a fan of Hickman but this on has been falling flat with me. I like Caselli's art. I'd love to see him do Spider-Man.

Speaking of Spidey anyone reading the SHED story arc? I love it. It's pretty grim for a Spider-Man story. I can't remember the last good Lizard story I read but this ones up there.

Finally read Avengers #1. I liked it, nice launching pad. Interesting to see the Next Avengers being featured in comic book form but I wasn't a big fan of the movie. I do get worn down with all the possible futures. It seems each Marvel book has their own version of what will happen. I know the FF deals with saving the future in just about every story arc.

Secret Avengers was okay. I like how they got poor-man versions of the Avengers and made them a team. I'm just curious how Nova became part of the group. I'm assuming the story takes place after the Thanos Imperative?
so whats the deal with millar & mcniven's nemesis and dr voodoo. are these series still going on or are they done? as far as i know the nemesis series only has one issue out which was cool but its been months since ive heard anything else about it.
Yeah, second coming needed a break me things. Also, Dr. Voodoo has been canceled for a while now. Which really sucks because I was really loving his series. It's weird not seeing him nor Dr. Strange (yet) in the heroic age.
I think Nemesis is only at issue #1. I haven't read it yet. But if it's anything like Kick-Ass get used to the delays. It takes him 2 years to write 6 issues.

I'm starting to dislike this Millar trend of comics being opted as movies before they're even finished. Being treated as a movie first and a comic second makes me appreciate the source material less. And I use the term "source material" lightly. I groan whenever I see subtitles on TPBs like "Movie Edition" or "Based on the #1 Movie Hit of the Summer!!!"

Marvel messed up by taking the title of Sorcerer Supreme from Strange and giving it to Dr. Voodoo. It might have been an interesting story but in the long run nobody cares about Dr. Voodoo. I could see Strange getting the title back within the year.
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[quote name='Rodimus']I think Nemesis is only at issue #1. I haven't read it yet. But if it's anything like Kick-Ass get used to the delays. It takes him 2 years to write 6 issues.

I'm starting to dislike this Millar trend of comics being opted as movies before they're even finished. Being treated as a movie first and a comic second makes me appreciate the source material less. And I use the term "source material" lightly. I groan whenever I see subtitles on TPBs like "Movie Edition" or "Based on the #1 Movie Hit of the Summer!!!"

Marvel messed up by taking the title of Sorcerer Supreme from Strange and giving it to Dr. Voodoo. It might have been an interesting story but in the long run nobody cares about Dr. Voodoo. I could see Strange getting the title back within the year.[/QUOTE]

i thought he couldnt do magic anymore because of his hands. besides wasnt he trainin some chick? damn shame about dr voodoo i was really into that and kinda hoping with him and moon knight back and the ghost riders knocking around there could be some kind of revival of the midnight sons stuff.
They had plans to continue it much like they had plans to continue Bendis and Maleev's Spider-Woman, but I believe the sales weren't that great so they just shortened it. I really wish they wouldn't but what can I say :( there was no Wolverine or Spider-Man on every other page so of course nobody would buy it =/
[quote name='GhostShark']They had plans to continue it much like they had plans to continue Bendis and Maleev's Spider-Woman, but I believe the sales weren't that great so they just shortened it. I really wish they wouldn't but what can I say :( there was no Wolverine or Spider-Man on every other page so of course nobody would buy it =/[/QUOTE]

or deadpool showing up to do whatever. the guy is a cool character and all but ive really had my fill of them dropping him in the middle of every damn major marvel storyline. it makes sense hed be in the x titles but damn enough is enough already!!!! damn shame about spiderwoman that was a good series too i especially liked the art style. well at least cage, bp and moonknight have been getting some love. i also cant wait to see bullseye back to being openly evil.
I always like Dr. Strange as the recurring guest star, and it seems like the concept of Heroic Age is suited to that very well. I do like the Brother Voodoo redesign, but he didn't need to be Sorcerer Supreme. There was a nice build up to bring Luke Cage and Spider Woman back to prominence, but it feels like Doctor Voodoo was forced on us in a very short period of time.
[quote name='Rodimus']Can anyone recommend "The Boys"

I want to start buying some new TPBs[/QUOTE]

I've read up until about issue 25. It has a very.. english(?) sense of humor. Its an enjoyable break from all of the superhero comics I read (in that it portrays heroes as the bad guys).

Buy the first TPB and see if you like it.
So over the past week or so I've been re-reading Ultimate Spider-Man from the very beginning. I've just gotten to issue 102 and finished up the amazing clone saga arc. This is by far the most consistent comic of recent memory and quite possibly of all time. How I miss Bagley's art and covers :(
[quote name='Rodimus']Can anyone recommend "The Boys"

I want to start buying some new TPBs[/QUOTE]
I find it to be more of a crude Ennis rather than the meaningful violence Ennis I've grown accustomed to. It's funny in a mature and dark way but I dropped off after about fifteen issues.
This week was a really good week. At least for Marvel it was.

Avengers Academy #1: I wasn't really looking forward to this book, but after reading it, I really like it. The Art is handled well by McKone and Gage's writing is pretty underrated, but it really shines in this issue. I really like Veil as a character so far. Also, Quicksilver being back is awesome. I can't wait to see how this series pans out.

Captain America #606: Ed Brubaker has had probably the greatest run on Captain America out there. Whether it be Steve Rogers or Bucky. I am a little indifferent on Zemo being in this book and being in Thunderbolts, but I'm sure there is a plan there. Also, the Nomad story was pretty good too at the end.

Daredevil #507: This is a somewhat quiet end to Diggle and Johnston's Hand arc and honestly I was expecting more dialogue, but the action truly does the speaking in this issue. If anything, this issue prepares everyone for Shadowland.

The Invincible Iron Man #27: Fraction and Larocca once again deliver another stellar issue of IIM. The Hammer girls continue to parade around Detroit Steele while we get some great dialogue between Tony and Pepper. This is a great prep issue to lead into an action-packed issue #28. I can't wait to see the return of
I am a huge fan of Batman and anything Grant Morrison Batman as well. If you need a list of must reads let me know! I'm in the process of owning as many graphic novels/key comic issues as I can. Loving Batman and Robin as well, although when Tim gets a little older and Bruce DOES retire(assuming i don't know where this is going) I think Tim would make an excellent batman.
Shield and Ultimate avengers are still being good reads.

Funny how i never paid much attention to Shield in the marvel universe, and now it's a book i can't miss reading. It's definitely becoming a interesting story.

Punisher in Ultimate Avengers is becoming to much a sissy now. And didn't they chose him to be there Cap America? but Hawkeye or that black widow are in charge? Still a good read and i hope they take the ghost rider story to a interesting place, and not lame it up somehow.
[quote name='ppself']Shield and Ultimate avengers are still being good reads.

Funny how i never paid much attention to Shield in the marvel universe, and now it's a book i can't miss reading. It's definitely becoming a interesting story.

Punisher in Ultimate Avengers is becoming to much a sissy now. And didn't they chose him to be there Cap America? but Hawkeye or that black widow are in charge? Still a good read and i hope they take the ghost rider story to a interesting place, and not lame it up somehow.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I hope they don't screw up Ghost Rider by killing him off or something even lamer. Too many big names have been killed for no reason in the Ultimate-verse. I'm just hoping we get to see Ultimate Mephisto in this series.
[quote name='GhostShark']Yeah, I hope they don't screw up Ghost Rider by killing him off or something even lamer. Too many big names have been killed for no reason in the Ultimate-verse. I'm just hoping we get to see Ultimate Mephisto in this series.[/QUOTE]

It could be cool if Mephisto was the same version from the 626 verse. Since he is a devil or something and he could transverse from dimension to dimension.

Maybe he will pop up and revert everything in the Ultiverse back to normal before Ultimatum and erase SpiderMan's memory. ;)
Has anyone here read Whatever Happened to Baron Von Shock #1? It is surprisingly decent and if you are a fan of Rob Zombie's other comic (The Nail (one of my favorites), Bigfoot, El Superbeasto) and a fan of his movies, then you should dig it. I think it just went into a second printing because the first sold out relatively fast.

Also, how is the Random Acts of Violence GN? I recently ordered a copy because the premise intrigued me.
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I know this is mostly comic books, but as many are probably aware of the Young Justice coming to Cartoon Network and the Aqualad that seemed was created for that show. Well just interesting that he is actually being introduced the comic books before the show via Brightest Day #4

Makes me wonder then if the show will be focused on what is currently happening in the DCU.

Two questions, since I really don't follow the industry at all anymore, I just buy my few monthly books:

1) Why is Wolverine on like #900?
2) Did Invincible start over or something? I saw an "Invincible returns" ad, it was a #1 issue. I usually catch up on that book every 6 months or so.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Two questions, since I really don't follow the industry at all anymore, I just buy my few monthly books:

1) Why is Wolverine on like #900?
2) Did Invincible start over or something? I saw an "Invincible returns" ad, it was a #1 issue. I usually catch up on that book every 6 months or so.[/QUOTE]

1) It's the same reason why Deadpool is getting to #1000: There are so many fucking Wolverine series out there these days.

2) It's basically the second season of Invincible. The first series ended and this series started. Basically like a TV show.
1) Strictly a promotional gimmick, nothing more.

2) Invincible is still ongoing, the oneshot serves as a jumping on point for new readers. The issue numbering will continue as it has been.
I didn't even notice Wolverine was on 900's. I thought it was funny that Deadpool Team-up started at 900 and is working down to number 1 in 75 years. :p

I don't care about the issue numbers anymore, they keep resetting after a year or so when they change the teams or writers. I just care that if i a #5, then i need #6. ;)
What's this #900 about anyways? I don't care much for Wolverine stories taking place in the present, but I like his one-shots & mini series where they talk about little tid-bits of his past. "The Amazing Immortal Man" was a pretty good issue. And I also liked Vaughan's "Logan" which was about him being in Japan during WWII.
Rodimus, you should track down Wolverine: Weapon X 10. It's a standalone issue and is a great read. The cover (and it's a good one) gives a good indication of the story's subject.

bread's done