Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

I'm not too familiar with Bane...

as far as Catwoman... I am lukewarm on that. Not really the character I would want to see.

I started reading a list of villains, Black Mask seems like he would have been cool.
Anne Hathaway is a neat choice for Selina. I think she looks more like Holly Robinson myself, but I think she'll do a good job.

I'll make my wild insane guess for the second actress/character: Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle/Catwoman 1 and Ellen Page as Holly Robinson/Catwoman 2. :bouncy:

I really like Catwoman. I wish she still had her own ongoing series. :cry:
[quote name='crazylikeafox11']
I'm about to take X-23 off my pull list. The first arc was related to the new Wolverine (goes to hell one, not the best there is) and it just wasn't doing it for me. Plus, it's supposed to have multiple tie-ins later with Daken and other story lines. I'd rather just have it as a stand-alone without having to read multiple other books to be able to follow what's going on.[/QUOTE]

That's understandable, thanks for your input. How do you feel about Dynamo 5?
[quote name='Kotomine']That's understandable, thanks for your input. How do you feel about Dynamo 5?[/QUOTE]

Haven't read Dynamo 5. Might have to pick up the first trade to give it a look. For my "superhero" fix, I read Secret Six.
[quote name='Clak']Hmmm Bane and Catwoman, strange combination. Still think that michelle pfeiffer was the best catwoman.[/QUOTE]

I think a good catwoman is devious and the only thing Hathaway is good at is playing dopey air-heads. She was good in Mad Hatter, but that's only because she was in a bit part opposite strong leads (Burton is a genius!)

They struck gold with Ledger and I think they're hoping lightning will strike twice, but I just don't see it.
Yeah, if it wasn't for the chance that he might have still died, I'd say they should have saved him for last. It's just going to be near impossible to top Dark Knight. Nolan may have had Ledger come back to do a cameo or something in Rises if he hadn't died. We'll never know how Ledger living may have changed this next movie.
Hmmm, wonder where the story for Superior is going after seeing the last page of #4.

i wonder if any angels is going to show up and set that monkey straight
Cool custom. Do you do them yourself?

I finally sat down and read a few comics last night. New Avengers #7 has redeemed the series in my eyes. It was okay until then but I really liked this issue. Finally seeing the Avengers sit down and talk about the new status-quo was a much needed issue. Seeing Squirrel Girl was great, but I didn't know Wolvie and Squirrel Girl have history. Also read Walking Dead #80, which always leaves me astonished. Chaos Wars #4 was good, defiantly the best in the series yet, but still leaves more to be desired.
Anyone with any details on how
Human Torch
dies in Fantastic Four #587?

I saw some stuff about
stopping another Annihilation Wave
but not much else.
[quote name='Hell Monkey']Anyone with any details on how
Human Torch
dies in Fantastic Four #587?

I saw some stuff about
stopping another Annihilation Wave
but not much else.[/QUOTE]

i had that surprise ruined for me by a news station today. very very pissed.
[quote name='lokizz']i had that surprise ruined for me by a news station today. very very pissed.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I saw that happened to a lot of people. I figured it out a few weeks ago from a Spider-Man cover that got released from early next month.
[quote name='Rodimus']Cool custom. Do you do them yourself?[/QUOTE]

No I have a friend that has done 6 in total for me a full TMNT set, Invincible, and Shaun from Shaun of the Dead.

Thinking about getting an Iron Spiderman next
@Hell Monkey
Johnny sacrificed himself to shut down the negative zone portal from within and ultimately saved millions of lives including Ben, Valeria and Franklin

One of the best issues of Fantastic Four to date, if not the best. And yet, one of the saddest.
At first I thought about ordering that issue of Fantastic Four to see who dies then I decided that I'm getting a little tired of the kill someone off for an easy bump in public interest. Considering I've never been a fan of Fantastic 4 in the first place though, it made the decision all that much easier.
I'm not really that surprised it was Johnny though. With Reed and Sue being married with kids I couldn't imagine them going so far as to kill off someone's parents (although that level of ballsiness may have garnered some of my attention) so it pretty much only left Johnny or Ben. Then you take into account one of those guys is made of rock and well it just leaves Johnny as the most logical "safe" choice.

Comic deaths in general though just feel so watered down these days. Its basically just one of those "running gags" that regular comic readers put up with at this point. I mean they had us absolutely sold on Captain America being deader than dead and what do you know? He's back in less than 3 years. Then Batman wasn't even gone for 2 years. I will relent that there is something to be said for basically telling the public that at least for the foreseeable future so and so character won't be around.

Then I see an advertisement "Death of Spider-man" for Ultimate Spider-man, sigh...

I will say that every year that goes by that they leave Jean Grey dead does give me a little bit more respect for Marvel (what has it been now? 6-7 years?). They're really sticking to their guns on that one considering there's been other characters that have died (or gone "missing") and come back twice in that same time frame (Magneto). I mean its not like she's a relatively minor side character either.

Then I wikipedia her and well, god. damn. it.
"Re-return" to publication
Regarding Jean's actual return to the X-Men franchise, Marvel indicated that Jean's eventual return is being discussed, but also stated that the return of Jean Grey was "a story Marvel does not want to rush."[43] Marvel also loosely tied questions regarding Jean Grey's eventual return to the events in 2007's X-Men: Messiah Complex in which a mutant girl named Hope – who has red hair, green eyes, and immense mutant powers – is born[44] and 2010's X-Men: Second Coming which sees both Hope's return as an adult and the return of the Phoenix Force.[45][46]

God fucking damn it Marvel, so help me if Hope ends up being Jean Grey in some twisted convoluted way.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']At first I thought about ordering that issue of Fantastic Four to see who dies then I decided that I'm getting a little tired of the kill someone off for an easy bump in public interest. Considering I've never been a fan of Fantastic 4 in the first place though, it made the decision all that much easier.
I'm not really that surprised it was Johnny though. With Reed and Sue being married with kids I couldn't imagine them going so far as to kill off someone's parents (although that level of ballsiness may have garnered some of my attention) so it pretty much only left Johnny or Ben. Then you take into account one of those guys is made of rock and well it just leaves Johnny as the most logical "safe" choice.

Comic deaths in general though just feel so watered down these days. Its basically just one of those "running gags" that regular comic readers put up with at this point. I mean they had us absolutely sold on Captain America being deader than dead and what do you know? He's back in less than 3 years. Then Batman wasn't even gone for 2 years. I will relent that there is something to be said for basically telling the public that at least for the foreseeable future so and so character won't be around.

Then I see an advertisement "Death of Spider-man" for Ultimate Spider-man, sigh...

I will say that every year that goes by that they leave Jean Grey dead does give me a little bit more respect for Marvel (what has it been now? 6-7 years?). They're really sticking to their guns on that one considering there's been other characters that have died (or gone "missing") and come back twice in that same time frame (Magneto). I mean its not like she's a relatively minor side character either.

Then I wikipedia her and well, god. damn. it.
"Re-return" to publication
Regarding Jean's actual return to the X-Men franchise, Marvel indicated that Jean's eventual return is being discussed, but also stated that the return of Jean Grey was "a story Marvel does not want to rush."[43] Marvel also loosely tied questions regarding Jean Grey's eventual return to the events in 2007's X-Men: Messiah Complex in which a mutant girl named Hope – who has red hair, green eyes, and immense mutant powers – is born[44] and 2010's X-Men: Second Coming which sees both Hope's return as an adult and the return of the Phoenix Force.[45][46]

God fucking damn it Marvel, so help me if Hope ends up being Jean Grey in some twisted convoluted way.

thatll make for some interesting drama on utopia lol.
I was able to read FF today and I got the prediction right. I'm really interested to see how Hickman deals with the fallout of this story.

[quote name='Rodimus']^ That pretty much spoils it for me right there. I can make a good guess now who it is. I would spoiler tag that.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was a real bone-headed post. I've reported it so hopefully it's quickly removed.
I was hoping Marvel wouldn't "press release" this reveal but of course those idiots would rather have the press hours before fans could even read the comic. I've loved Hickman's run so far and want to see how he transforms the F4 after this.
Oh for crying out loud. I didn't even mention a damn name. You spoiler babies drive me up the damn wall sometimes.

Anyway I'll just delete the post.:roll:
[quote name='Clak']Oh for crying out loud. I didn't even mention a damn name. You spoiler babies drive me up the damn wall sometimes.

Anyway I'll just delete the post.:roll:[/QUOTE]

You gave a clue, whether inadvertently or not, just like Rodimus pointed out. Some people actually like to enjoy a story without plot details being given in advance.
Man they do need to bring Jean back, Set the xmen straight.

I wished they would explore to what happens to all the phoenix people when they go to the "white room".

At first i thought hope was Jean, but not anymore. And I don't want her to be.

Comic book character deaths is getting old though. They need to have good guys turn into bad guys or something.
Heh, it snowed in NJ this time just like it did when the Death of Captain America issue came out, so I never got that issue either.
Jean Grey doesn't need to come back. What the X-Men need is some good writers and artists to prevent them from becoming stale. Look at X-Factor, good creative and it has been the most consistent X-book. Jean Grey needs to stay dead like she has been for years now. Same with The Wasp, Goliath and other people who've died recently.
[quote name='GhostShark']Jean Grey doesn't need to come back. What the X-Men need is some good writers and artists to prevent them from becoming stale. Look at X-Factor, good creative and it has been the most consistent X-book. Jean Grey needs to stay dead like she has been for years now. Same with The Wasp, Goliath and other people who've died recently.[/QUOTE]
X-Factor the most consistent X-book? Really? While it's good now, about 6 months ago that series was shit for a long time.
99% of the time, death's in comic books are overblown and over-hyped. Didn't Mr. Fantastic die several years ago? I give this a couple of years before
Johnny Storm
comes back. :roll:
[quote name='Clak']Oh for crying out loud. I didn't even mention a damn name. You spoiler babies drive me up the damn wall sometimes.

Anyway I'll just delete the post.:roll:[/QUOTE]

I wasn't making a huge deal of it but it was pretty easy to figure out considering the clue. I was just giving you a heads up and asking you to tag it, nothing more. If I would've known is was a "possible spoiler" I would've scrolled past it, but once you read something you can't unread it.

Then again it's the internet, what can you do? If I want to keep away from spoilers I should know better than to enter forums. I'm used to this stuff by now so I'm over it.
ends up being Jean that would be kinda....sick. Isn't

Not sure if that many spoiler tags needed but trying to be safe.
Marvel has killed off way too many people in the last few years. So many that I've become desensitized to the trend. The only one that got me and came as a complete shock was
. Everyone else I've either seen coming or just didn't effect me.

[quote name='Hell Monkey']Wait..If
ends up being Jean that would be kinda....sick. Isn't

No, Hope is not romantically involved with Cable. He raised her since she was a baby by slipping in and out of time. Essentially he's her father.
[quote name='Rodimus']Marvel has killed off way too many people in the last few years. So many that I've become desensitized to the trend. The only one that got me and came as a complete shock was
. Everyone else I've either seen coming or just didn't effect me.

No, Hope is not romantically involved with Cable. He raised her since she was a baby by slipping in and out of time. Essentially he's her father.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. It's not a shock anymore when a character dies.

Nightcrawler death was meh, to me (i actually forgot about it). Mainly because he wasn't a character i felt attached too.

I think the death of Colossus was epic. And when he returned it was even more epic.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']X-Factor the most consistent X-book? Really? While it's good now, about 6 months ago that series was shit for a long time.[/QUOTE]

I don't see how anybody can say that, but I guess to each their own. I've been reading it since the first issue after House of M and I've loved it ever since then. That's more than I can say about the other X-Books.
[quote name='Rodimus']I wasn't making a huge deal of it but it was pretty easy to figure out considering the clue. I was just giving you a heads up and asking you to tag it, nothing more. If I would've known is was a "possible spoiler" I would've scrolled past it, but once you read something you can't unread it.

Then again it's the internet, what can you do? If I want to keep away from spoilers I should know better than to enter forums. I'm used to this stuff by now so I'm over it.[/QUOTE]
Yeah sorry, I just get sick sometimes of having to be careful all the time, my fault.
[quote name='Rodimus']Marvel has killed off way too many people in the last few years. So many that I've become desensitized to the trend. The only one that got me and came as a complete shock was
. Everyone else I've either seen coming or just didn't effect me.

No, Hope is not romantically involved with Cable. He raised her since she was a baby by slipping in and out of time. Essentially he's her father.[/QUOTE]
That would be pretty messed up to find out Cable is actually his own father.
[quote name='GhostShark']I don't see how anybody can say that, but I guess to each their own. I've been reading it since the first issue after House of M and I've loved it ever since then. That's more than I can say about the other X-Books.[/QUOTE]
New Mutants blows X-Factor out of the water. Which is why I'm so sad Wells is leaving the book.
X-Factor sucks when it ties into other X-books. The tie-ins seem so forced that it throws off the flow of the main story. Right now the book is solid. I don't read New Mutants but IMO it's better than X-Force and Uncanny.

And speaking of Uncanny it's not very good right now. This seems like a side story right now till things with Hope pick back up.
Did anybody else's Marvel books this week have crappy stapling? The centermost pages of both of my Ultimate books this week fell out.
Yeah, my Secret Avengers had very crappy stapling, but that's about it. As far as New Mutants. It was great when it was New X-Men or hell, even Young Mutants, but after that it just got bad. But once again, that's my opinion. If I had to choose one X-Book to keep on my pull list, it would easily be X-Factor.
Wow, all this X-men talk makes my head spin. I stopped reading once Marvel ret-conned all of Morrison's work a couple years ago. It reminds me of the Annihilation stuff that's been going on for the past few years at Marvel; it looks cool, but there seems to be a lot of comics I'd have to read through before the story really made sense to me. Though I did read Messiah Complex and I did like that a fair bit.
[quote name='sotc1988']Wow, all this X-men talk makes my head spin. I stopped reading once Marvel ret-conned all of Morrison's work a couple years ago. It reminds me of the Annihilation stuff that's been going on for the past few years at Marvel; it looks cool, but there seems to be a lot of comics I'd have to read through before the story really made sense to me. Though I did read Messiah Complex and I did like that a fair bit.[/QUOTE]

That really was some of the finest writing X-men have ever gotten. That's what got me back into not only reading X-men but comics in general. Magneto was at his villainest, the surprises were genuine surprises, and the battles felt epic. The closest I'e come to being that wrapped up again lately with X-men was Second Coming, and even that was nothing compared to Morrison's run.
I just gotta say this with regard to the Batman Incorporated "reboot"...why does he have to wear his jock and protective cup outside of his new costume? Do we really need to see that?
bread's done