Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='Rodimus']Wow, $15 a month?! Don't think I'll be getting it then. Still I am enjoying the demo.[/QUOTE]

yeah but i guess fees like that are the norm for mmorpgs but i cant see doing it. i love the game but not that much lol.
Anybody else enjoying the uncanny force as much as me?

Loving the new team, and story. I like how simple the new horsemen are, but interesting with their backstory.

Wish archangel was more alpha though.
I've enjoyed Uncanny X-Force a lot more than I thought I would. I expected just another rehash but this first story arc has been pretty good. Plus I love Jerome Opena's art, he's all-new to me.
[quote name='neocisco']I've enjoyed Uncanny X-Force a lot more than I thought I would. I expected just another rehash but this first story arc has been pretty good. Plus I love Jerome Opena's art, he's all-new to me.[/QUOTE]

I'm enjoying the art too. Not enjoying psylockes face though :p
X-Force hasn't grabbed me yet. I've only read the first 2 issues but I'll hang in there till at least issue #5. I do like the art.

Haven't read any comics for the past month. I've just been so busy. I got a huge stack sitting in my closet I need to dive into.
Yeah, it didn't grab me either. I dropped it after one issue. Haha.

In other news, I've read Superman Earth One. I found it to be really good. I eagerly await a sequel and other Earth One books.
Well, it hasn't come out yet so there's no honest way for most people to know without stealing it.

Fox optioned it several months ago and Tony Scott will probably be directing. Millar's creator-owned books are made with the express purpose to sell the movie rights.
Just read serenity "the shepards tale". Not what I expected, but still good.

Read batman year 100 too and can't believe I missed this one over the years. I always enjoy batman in the future storylines.

Bought superman at earths end too since I lost it years ago when it came out. That story cracks me up.

Think I will buy nemesis since it is done now. Wonder why they stopped on kick ass 2? They released #1 months ago.
I'd say Superior is far and away the best of Millar's creator-owned books. Nemesis ended up being a big ball of blah and Kick Ass has just become a retread.
[quote name='neocisco']I'd say Superior is far and away the best of Millar's creator-owned books. Nemesis ended up being a big ball of blah and Kick Ass has just become a retread.[/QUOTE]

Is superior a new book or something? Or old material?
It's a new book. The third issue just came out last week and it's a 6 issue limited series. If you're considering trying one of Millar's series I definitely recommend Superior over Nemesis. Finding the first 2 issues shouldn't be a problem.
I only read the first issue of Superior. I have issues 2 & 3 sitting around. It's an interesting book, easy to pick up and read. Unfortunately it suffers from a little miss placed profanity and pop references that seem to plague all his books. He tries too hard to make his stories relevant.

So Millar's recent books will be in a crossover together? (Kick-Ass, Nemesis, Superior)
[quote name='Rodimus']I'm wrong. They were just the variant covers. The image and title of the article threw me off.[/QUOTE]

Dang, i want that cover.

I love yu art.

Edit: wtf. I just searched for superior on midtown for my next order run and i didn't even know Yu was doing art on it. I never even heard of this series until a few posts up.
Anyone in AZ going to Amazing Arizona Comic Con next weekend? I'd be interested in the Walking Dead 80 variant they're offering. I'll make it worth your while. Let me know if you're interested.
Just got a ton of great comics in the mail today. Holy cow Fables #100 is thick, I can't wait to read it.

It's nice to see a new Infinity Gems arc. It started off pretty good. Bendis really is stringing the Hood along. Also got Heroes for Hire #1. Anyone read it yet?

Marvel needs to stop messing with the issue numbering, it's annoying. What the meaning of this .1 issue numbering that Marvel is doing? I don't get it.
The .1 is supposed to allow for jumping-on points IIRC. IMO it's a really bad idea, probably from a clueless someone in the marketing department. A .1 says to me that something has just been added on and it's incomplete. Personally, I don't see it lasting very long.
Alright, kinda makes sense, but they just past the perfect jumping on point for all their comics with the end of Dark Reign and rebooting a few of their big names like Wolvie. It seems a bit early. If people haven't jumped on board yet I don't think the .1 system will encourage them.
I have to stop myself from buying graphic novels every other day, like Hit-Monkey. I mean, come on, a monkey that is also a hitman? It's like someone reached into my imagination from when I was in grade school. Why do there have to be so many comics I want to read?
Man i miss going to the comic shop on Wednesdays. :(

I hate waiting a week to get comics. I also hate looking online to buy comics and nothing is out, so i don't buy anything. So that's two weeks i gotta wait for comics.

If i drove the comic store, even if noting is out i still bought something. Cause i hate wasting a trip.
I bought a bunch of trades this weekend from Border's with their 50% off coupon. Let's see...Batman: Dark Victory by Loeb/Sale. This was a very good comic and almost forces you to check to make sure it really was Loeb doing the writing. Seems hard to believe this is the same guy behind Ultimatum.
Then I bought Sandman recolored edition vol. 2. I've heard how great this comic is for years and wanted the absolute editions but they were too damn pricey. These new editions now offer a cheaper way to be introduced to the series and it's almost unreal how good this comic is compared to most of the stuff being put out these days.
Next up. I got Sweet Tooth Vol. 1, which is a really cool Vertigo title that does an interesting take on the apocalypse with incredible art (though I imagine it takes getting used to).
Finally, I bought the newly released Powers definitive collection 4 which is a whopping 600 pages for about $18 (w/ coupon). This is probably the only work by Bendis I've ever liked besides Ultimate Spider-man. Overall I bought a ton of comics and paid about a buck per issue in the trades. My shelves are starting to run out of room...
[quote name='sotc1988']I bought a bunch of trades this weekend from Border's with their 50% off coupon. Let's see...Batman: Dark Victory by Loeb/Sale. This was a very good comic and almost forces you to check to make sure it really was Loeb doing the writing. Seems hard to believe this is the same guy behind Ultimatum.[/QUOTE]

Old batman Loeb was really good. The long halloween might be my favorite batman story.
Anybody know if I can get the walking dead digitally to put in my ereader? I just finished volume 10 but it's getting pricey playing $10 per volume. If they are available through download maybe they are cheaper.
A comic thread!? - Scott Pilgrim is where it's at!

...well WAS the Walking Dead is where it's at now!
calibre can convert cbr/cbz to a format that kindle can read. It most likely will work for other readers as well. So if you can obtain the cbr files you should be able to read them. I can't vouch for quality on it though.

If you have an iDevice you could get the ComicZeal app and load up all your cbr files to it. It's an amazing app and displays beautifully on the iPad.
So I got The Walking Dead Compendium One for Christmas... Finished it a couple nights ago. Great series, already ordered the next two volumes from amazon! :)
I absolutely loved the debut issue of Ultimate Captain America. Walking Dead #80 along with Children's Crusade #4 highlighted this week for me.
[quote name='GhostShark']I absolutely loved the debut issue of Ultimate Captain America. Walking Dead #80 along with Children's Crusade #4 highlighted this week for me.[/QUOTE]

Is the cap ult worth the buy?

I was hesitant on ordering it.
Strictly art-wise, Avengers Prime 5 is the comic of the week. Alan Davis' pencils are unparalleled. The story was a nice wrap-up for the series as well.
[quote name='Rodimus']Some of the Ultimate books suck, some are good. I just can't tell which ones to jump on.[/QUOTE]

Only one that has my interest is Ultimate Thor. Was reading Ultimates with Leinel Yu, but it started getting lame after the ghost rider ark. And the other Ulimates with the vampires was lame from the beginning. In fact, anything with vampire in it. IS LAME!!

How many fraking Ultimate title do they really need anyways? This is why they got rid of Ulti FF and Xmen for? Them 2 books weren't that bad towards the end, just needed new writers to spruce it back up.

That is why i was hesitant to get Ultimate Cap series. Cause Ultimate verse is finally going further down the drain, and even i can't muster a reason to keep buying.

For some reason i have been buying Ultimate Doom though. The story has got me some how. Sue storm getting beat down by
was satisfying somehow.
Ultimate Universe is dead to me. Ultimatum was one of the worst crossovers I've ever read and they followed it up with pure dreck.

Originally the "let's be different than 616" idea worked really well but then they started taking it to the extreme of "how possibly different can we get?"
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Anyone else notice how Ultimate Iron Man's design is similar to 616 now. Same with a lot of other characters they just introduced like Blade and Ghost Rider. I remember how they used to take a different spin on things, now it's just more of the same.

Any ideas who the new Venom will be? For some reason I was thinking Flash Thompsan considering his military background.
All I know is I'm still picking up Ultimate Spidey. That's the only ultimate title I care about. The rest pretty much are dead to me. Though that Ultimate DOOM spoiler has me intrigued. Anyhow, I still enjoy ultimate spidey. This is one of the few Marvel titles I'm still following.
I'd say Ultimate Cap is worth it. The art is pretty damn good and it feels like a true Cap story. Something he hasn't really had in the Ultimate Universe.
so i just got back into comics lately... i was a major valiant/image whore back in the early/mid 90s. so i never was into DC or marvel... but i recently picked up the following trades/novels
Watchmen, Kingdom come, Dark knight returns, Batman year one, the joker, green lantern rebirth. that should hold me down for a bit. im planning on getting Astonishing X-men omnibus soon too.
[quote name='LXL_Guy']All I know is I'm still picking up Ultimate Spidey. That's the only ultimate title I care about. The rest pretty much are dead to me. Though that Ultimate DOOM spoiler has me intrigued. Anyhow, I still enjoy ultimate spidey. This is one of the few Marvel titles I'm still following.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what's happening, but i have seen some "death of spiderman" ads for ultimate universe.

Keep seeing "age of X" ads too. I have no idea what that is about. But it looks like Oliver koepel art, so I will buy it. :p

[quote name='GhostShark']I'd say Ultimate Cap is worth it. The art is pretty damn good and it feels like a true Cap story. Something he hasn't really had in the Ultimate Universe.[/QUOTE]

I picked that up today, and was happy.

Picked superior as recommended and I loved it. The last panel on issue 3 has me totally intrigued.
Has anyone been watching the Avengers- Earth's Mightiest Heroes show? It's better than I thought it would be, way better than the old 90s show they tried on fox. Better than those two Ultimate Avengers movies too.
No, it's actually fairly mature. I get the feeling it's a lot like the live action is going to be. A dysfunctional group that has to put aside their differences to fight...whatever the weekly villain is. It's interesting see how all the different personalities get along, Hulk and Thor going at it over Hulk's behavior, Tony and Hank fighting over whether or not Tony is a heartless businessman, Cap dealing with being in the future and Tony's leadership etc.

Some cool events too, they even have Carol Danvers becoming Ms. Marvel in one episode.
bread's done