Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='Dante Devil']I
Now my JLA line up would consist of
Batman: Dick Grayson
Flash: Wally West
Jem, Son of Saturn
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Captain Marvel
Donna Troy dressed as Wonder Woman, not the shitty costume Diana is wearing now. (Hey, we have 2 Captain Americas, 3 Flashes, and 2 Batmen)

This costume. It didn't get nearly enough use the first time

Did anyone happen to watch Conan last night? He went to the WB animation studios and got Bruce Timm to design a superhero for him. I nearly choked when they showed him.
New look for Venom, with solicit.


Venom is back with an all-new mission and all-new human host, but just what does this mean for the Marvel Universe? Find out in Venom #1, kicking off a new ongoing series from red-hot creators Rick Remender (Uncanny X-Force) & Tony Moore (Frankencastle), with major repercussions for Spider-Man! In this shocking direction for everyone’s favorite symbiote, the government now has Venom as their own Spider-Man, complete with a new look and new mission—eliminate threats to America as a covert agent. But can anyone control the destructive force of Venom? And just who is the man behind the mask?

Venom #1 also features a stunning cover by Marvel EIC and CCO & superstar artist Joe Quesada along with a dynamic variant cover from rising star Paulo Siqueira!

And don’t miss the birth of the all-new Venom in Amazing Spider-Man #654.1

Penciled by TONY MOORE
Its interesting to see the team of Fear Agent take on Venom. Even though I don't agree, it'll be fun to read. Like Frankencastle, shit too stupid to take seriously, but fun nonetheless.
I'll give this new ongoing a shot, but I'm not a fan of the concept.

Venom was my favorite villain as a kid, but it just hasn't been the same since Eddie Brock gave it up. The Mac Gargan Venom was okay, but since Ellis set the standard in T-Bolts there hasn't been much development for the character. I don't consider him a huge threat like I used to. And don't get me started on the lame Anti-Venom.
Silver Surfer will finally have a new book. I've been waiting for a new Surfer story that doesn't involve him playing second fiddle to Nova. Unfortunately it isn't an ongoing.
[quote name='ppself']What's the story with the new Venom look?

Why does he need ammo and guns now? Still a nice look though.[/QUOTE]

I'm not 100% sure if that's really how he's going to look. It says concept art.
[quote name='Rodimus']I'm dropping Batman & Robin but I still want to read at least 1 Batman book. Any suggestions for someone who doesn't read a lot of DC?

While in a non-comic book thread someone made a remark about not caring about recent comics because the old stuff is the best. It was off topic so I didn't want to get into a whole thing. I love old comics too so the remark didn't really bother me but instead I thought I'd bring the debate into this thread. Do you think the best stories have already been told or do you enjoy recent comics more?[/QUOTE]

I read this the other day and thought, "huh, wonder why he would drop Batman and Robin." Then I read the most current issue... Wow, talk about a dramatic shift in the comic between issues 16 and 17. I went ahead and signed on to Midtown Comics and promptly dropped it from my subscription list. The art, the writing, the plot, the characters (which are clearly NOT Damien and Dick anymore), the dialog, all completely past downhill. There wasn't a single thing I liked about issue 17 and I was a pretty big fan of Batman and Robin for the first 16 issues (despite the few issues where the plot got a little too convoluted and confusing).

I'm currently down to just Batman and Batman, Inc. but I could see myself dropping Batman, Inc. For the longest time I had Batman and Detective Comics but when they switched to it being Batwoman's comic I dropped it. I know they've since gone back to Detective Comics being Batman but by the time I realized it I was so many issues behind that I just said to hell with it. I might just continue on with Batman on its own as its getting too expensive to keep up with all these different comics.

I only have 14 titles on my subscription list and I still managed to somehow rack up a $50 bill a few weeks ago for just 2 weeks worth of books. This is really just getting too expensive. I appreciate that DC has bumped the price of most of their issues down to $2.99 but if Marvel continues with this $4 fisting I'll just have to continue dropping books from my list. Not to mention the pain one feels when they're an X-men fan. There's 3 fucking main line titles now at this point. Batman and X-men, I tell you, they'll be the death of me.
I went with Dark Knight. It just started so I figure a fresh start is good. I didn't know Finch was drawing and writing it.

For X-Men I only get Uncanny, it's the only one that matters to me, but the Quarantine arc is boring. And I'm tired of Land's art. He's a great artist but his characters don't have much diversity. Not feeling X-Force, if it doesn't pick up by next issue I'm dropping it. X-Factor is still a fun book, my favorite X-title.

I've also been dropping quite a few Marvel titles and picking up more non-superhero stuff from other companies. I hear good things from Morning Glories so I'll give that a shot.
[quote name='Clak']So in this they're playing it as he's not a god, just from a technologically superior race? I thought in the comics, at least traditionally, that he actually was a god?[/QUOTE]

Yes, in the comics he is the actual god of thunder. But seriously, try interpreting that in a movie tied in with other superheroes like Cap and Iron Man. The route they took was for movie fans to make sense of it, while retaining a mythological viewpoint. Besides it's not like the Asgardians just magically pop up in modern times. They create a history with ancient Scandinavians who in turn tell stories about Asgard. After time people believe this to be nothing but mythology, only it just so happens to be real.

I always thought Thor would be a hard sell for a movie. I'm sure it wont be a blockbuster like Iron Man but he's been my favorite hero since a kid. I want to see this movie more than anything else.
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[quote name='sotc1988']Favreau announced he's not directing Iron Man 3. That kind of sucks but I'm looking forward to his movies outside Marvel.[/QUOTE]

That's not necessarily a bad thing but it makes you wonder why he isn't though because of how much he seemed to like directing the first 2.
[quote name='Rodimus']Yes, in the comics he is the actual god of thunder. But seriously, try interpreting that in a movie tied in with other superheroes like Cap and Iron Man. The route they took was for movie fans to make sense of it, while retaining a mythological viewpoint. Besides it's not like the Asgardians just magically pop up in modern times. They create a history with ancient Scandinavians who in turn tell stories about Asgard. After time people believe this to be nothing but mythology, only it just so happens to be real.

I always thought Thor would be a hard sell for a movie. I'm sure it wont be a blockbuster like Iron Man but he's been my favorite hero since a kid. I want to see this movie more than anything else.[/QUOTE]
So a movie about a dude who is given a power ring by an alien who was part of an intergalactic police force is totally believable for a movie, but a Norse god is too hard a sell? Come on, they could have done it right if they'd tried, but they took the easier way out. They basically took all the fun out of Thor.
[quote name='Clak']So a movie about a dude who is given a power ring by an alien who was part of an intergalactic police force is totally believable for a movie, but a Norse god is too hard a sell? Come on, they could have done it right if they'd tried, but they took the easier way out. They basically took all the fun out of Thor.[/QUOTE]

I think their problem is that they're basing the rest of the Avengers on science and technology so they feel like they have to shoe-horn Thor into the same thing.
[quote name='Clak']So a movie about a dude who is given a power ring by an alien who was part of an intergalactic police force is totally believable for a movie, but a Norse god is too hard a sell? Come on, they could have done it right if they'd tried, but they took the easier way out. They basically took all the fun out of Thor.[/QUOTE]

You are talking about a DC movie and a Marvel movie. Maybe they have different standards.
Yeah I know they're from different companies, but that doesn't make a real difference. Norse mythology is awesome, they could have done something with it. Seems like they're basing these movies more off the Ultimate universe.
Clancy Brown is the only person who should voice Lex Luthor, it never sounds right whenever someone else does it.
[quote name='Clak']Yeah I know they're from different companies, but that doesn't make a real difference. Norse mythology is awesome, they could have done something with it. Seems like they're basing these movies more off the Ultimate universe.[/QUOTE]

Yeah basically every (recent) marvel movie is based off the ultimate universe.
[quote name='Clak']Yeah I know they're from different companies, but that doesn't make a real difference. Norse mythology is awesome, they could have done something with it. Seems like they're basing these movies more off the Ultimate universe.[/QUOTE]

They're not directly based on the Ultimates, but there are a few similarities. He still is based on Norse mythology. Cap & Iron Man have reasons why they are, this movie is just creating that reason of belief instead of just saying "well he's Thor... nuff said"
[quote name='RedvsBlue']That's not necessarily a bad thing but it makes you wonder why he isn't though because of how much he seemed to like directing the first 2.[/QUOTE]

i thought he was upset with how things went with the second im film. marvel trying to pay him the same money he made on the first and all the changes they wanted made to the film. im2 was pretty bad when you compare it to im1.

im not excited for any of the superhero films coming out thor looks shit and green lantern is going to suffer because of ryan reynolds and the amount of cgi needed to pull it off is hard to pull off convincingly.

green arrow would have been a better dc series to do and as far as marvel goes heroes for hire or the midnight sons (with new people cast as blade and ghost rider).
A Green Arrow movie does have the potential to be awesome.

I have high hopes for Green Lantern though. Ryan Reynolds doesn't really seem like Hal Jordan to me, but whatever. Just trying to remain positive despite him.
[quote name='whoknows']A Green Arrow movie does have the potential to be awesome.

I have high hopes for Green Lantern though. Ryan Reynolds doesn't really seem like Hal Jordan to me, but whatever. Just trying to remain positive despite him.[/QUOTE]

I would like to see a GA movie too, but he is still a second tier character to DC.

Yeah Ryan Renolds is more of a Kyle Rainer...I'm just glad it isn't someone from Twilight or the guy who played Human Torch.
[quote name='whoknows']A Green Arrow movie does have the potential to be awesome.

I have high hopes for Green Lantern though. Ryan Reynolds doesn't really seem like Hal Jordan to me, but whatever. Just trying to remain positive despite him.[/QUOTE]

He's more of a pre-Parallax, high-flying, happy go lucky Hal Jordan than the near Batman-esque emotionally flat Hal Jordan that is currently in the comics. You have to remember that Hal Jordan was originally kind of a cocky-dick (yeah, I said it). Hal Jordan as a character has probably changed the most over the years. The only other character I would say that has changed as much would be Green Arrow (and that's provided his current "dicky-ness" lasts beyond the current story arc).

[quote name='slowdive21']I would like to see a GA movie too, but he is still a second tier character to DC.

Yeah Ryan Renolds is more of a Kyle Rainer...I'm just glad it isn't someone from Twilight or the guy who played Human Torch.[/QUOTE]

He may look like Kyle Rayner but in terms of character he is nothing like him. Kyle Rayner's kind of a dork who's never very sure of himself, that's definitely not Ryan Reynolds.
Kyle Rayner is a doucher and Reynolds resembers Jordan more so than Rayner. However, Guy Gardner is still the greatest GL ever.
[quote name='GhostShark']Kyle Rayner is a doucher and Reynolds resembers Jordan more so than Rayner. However, Guy Gardner is still the greatest GL ever.[/QUOTE]

I think you are the first person I have met that likes Guy Gardner. ;) Alan Scott is my favorite.
i never liked gardner much either but hes been pretty cool since the whole super hero zombie thing and when he got that red ring holy shit. im digging that emerald warriors thing hes in too .
Gardner would be pretty threatening if he didn't have that ridiculous hair cut, can't help but laugh at that.
Sorry for the randomness, but...the newest Savage Dragon finally gave the payoff to a teaser from an issue released in THE SUMMER OF 1996. Best of all it was unhyped - you just get to the last page and there it is, no advanced warning, nothing.

Not only that, but unlike the X-Traitor storyline, you can tell this was what has been planned since it was originally teased, and it works.

THAT'S how you reward long-time readers.
are there any marvel novels that are a one book story... like how watchmen is. i don't want to have to buy 15 books for one story. or at least a trade that is 3-4 volumes.
[quote name='dkreegz515']are there any marvel novels that are a one book story... like how watchmen is. i don't want to have to buy 15 books for one story. or at least a trade that is 3-4 volumes.[/QUOTE]

"Marvels" by Alex Ross. It isn't an exciting story, but it is a good one.
I guess you mean a good self contained story. There's tons of them.

Off the top of my head Marvel 1602, Wolverine: Old Man Logan, Marvel Zombies.
[quote name='Rodimus']IMO the first Marvel Zombies is all you need to read anyways.[/QUOTE]

And marvel zombies return.

I got a midtown gift card myself and looking for a good graphic novel or something. My pick up iron man the end, which I love them "the end" stories.
Remember a few weeks back when I said BIG changes were coming for Ultimate Spider-Man? Something old, something new...

Well, the "old" was announced yesterday. Mark Bagley is back at Marvel and he will be returning to Ultimate Spider-Man.

Peter Parker has made many new friends in the Ultimate Universe over the past couple years, but in 2011, he welcomes home one of his oldest pals.
That’s right: next year Mark Bagley’s back!
It’s been nearly three years since the celebrated artist and co-creator of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN has graced the House of Ideas, but he’ll soon be returning to his baby just in time for the Death of Spider-Man event. Marvel has certainly missed Bagley’s immense talents, and to hear the artist tell it, he’s psyched for the reunion.
“[It] feels great to be back ‘home,’” he says. “I’ve always been a Marvel guy at heart and look forward to playing in that pool again. Don’t get me wrong, [DC Comics] treated me well [and] it was fun to play around there. Having said that, most folks have a special place in their heart for one company [or the other] and since I was nine years old and after a 20-plus-year career at Marvel, that place [has been] the house that Stan and Jack built. I’d like to be able to make another solid statement on a Marvel book as I did with NEW WARRIORS, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, THUNDERBOLTS and, of course, ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN.”
Bagley went on to emphasize his time away had been well-spent and he’ll be bringing several new tricks with him when it comes time to re-enter the Ultimate Universe.
“I’ve had three years of working on well-established, iconic characters that were frankly out of my comfort zone,” he notes. “I think I’ve improved as an artist and I look forward to seeing how the adjustments in my drawing style that I’ve made translate to Marvel characters. I realized quite quickly that some of the artistic shorthand I’d been using drawing ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN for years wouldn’t work as well on very different types of characters. It was an interesting and exciting learning experience [and] I think I’m a better artist for it.”
In 2006, Bagley and writer Brian Michael Bendis broke Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s record for the longest continuous run by any creative team when they reached ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #103 without either having missed an issue. While the other artist accomplished that among many milestones and achievements during over half a decade on the premiere Ultimate title, he promises to continue making history this time around.
“I’m pretty uncomfortable returning to such a well-plowed field,” admits Bagley. “[However], I’m always open to a great opportunity. Brian called to personally ask me to consider this Death of Spider-Man arc. Everybody thought it would be a wonderful ‘welcome back’ splash, and once Brian had laid out the basics of the story I was sold. I never stopped loving [the book], ‘my’ Peter Parker and Brian’s writing; Stuart [Immonen] and David [Lafuente’s] artwork was of course the icing on the cake.”
In keeping up with Spidey’s Ultimate adventures since he’s been away, Bagley has enjoyed many of the new twists introduced, but one above all others:
“I really like his new haircut! That is a lot easier to draw; the only challenge is making his face distinctive enough. I always saw his original hairstyle as sorta Superman’s spit curl—a visual key to immediately identify the character. More importantly, it’s interesting to see how Peter’s supporting cast has been solidified and shaped. Each character adds a fun or exciting mix to the collective story. I’m certainly going to have to stop by my daughter’s high school and refresh my teenage fashion sense a bit. Damn kids, you dress funny.”
One thing Bagley won’t need to adjust to will be working with Bendis. In addition to their unprecedented ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN tenure, the duo also collaborated on the artist’s last Marvel work to date on MIGHTY AVENGERS.
“I’ve collaborated with a lot of terrifically talented writers who have become my friends over the years,” reflects Bagley. “Guys like Fabian Nicieza, Kurt Busiek, Tom DeFalco, James Robinson—some of whom I talked to nearly every day, others who I only talk to occasionally. Brian falls into the latter category—he is one busy, rambling man—but when we do talk, and when I can get my hand on his script and we discuss it, it is magic; really I can’t put it any other way.”
Throughout the halls of Marvel, the anticipation of that magic reigniting runs rampant, particularly in the Ultimate Office.
“Having Mark Bagley come back to ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN is one of those times here at Marvel where I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming,” says Senior Editor Mark Paniccia, who will oversee the Death of Spider-Man story. “I speak for all of Marvel when I say we couldn't be happier that he's on this project. After his and Brian's historic run on USM, this event is taken to a whole different level of impact and poignancy with their reunion.”
“I come into this with Brian, Mark Millar and others having worked out what will be a great, emotional and moving story,” shares Bagley on the event. “It’s the kind of thing Brian does so well, and to be honest, the kind of human and dramatic story that I love to draw. I’ll try to visually tell this story as clearly and as powerfully as Brian writes it. My job is to do that and along the way attempt to enhance the narrative as much as I can with my storytelling abilities—I’m pretty good at that.”
As far as the future, all those years at Marvel certainly haven’t dulled Bagley’s ambition, and his he has plenty of big ideas to come:
“There are quite a few books at Marvel I haven’t made any impact on and I look forward to settling on something exciting and long-term. To make another book ‘mine,’ whatever book that might be—I have an idea or two.”

The biggest event in Ultimate Comics history just got bigger, as superstar artist Mark Bagley returns to Marvel and the series he helped make one of the best-selling of all time! ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN #156reunites the record-setting duo of Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley to kick off Death of Spider-Man. With a new creative team and the biggest Ultimate story ever, you can’t miss a single issue of
Together, the team of Bendis and Bagley revolutionized the comic book world with Ultimate Spider-Man, setting a new record for consecutive issues by a single creative team and producing some of the most acclaimed comic books of all-time.
Bendis exclaimed. “I’ve been jumping up and down with excitement! Mark and I have huge plans this year both in both the Marvel Universe and Ultimate Comics Universe and this is just the beginning. Join me in saying my new favorite catchphrase: Bagley's Back!!”

The team that sold over a million copies of Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1 is back together for their biggest story yet—Death of Spider-Man—because in the Ultimate Universe there are no rules and you never know what to expect next!

And if you think that's big, just wait until the "new" is announced.
Anyone else play the DC Universe Online beta? I played some yesterday and thought it was pretty good considering I don't play MMOs.
[quote name='Rodimus']Anyone else play the DC Universe Online beta? I played some yesterday and thought it was pretty good considering I don't play MMOs.[/QUOTE]

im hooked on it. its pretty fun glitches and freezing up aside. the flying in that game is the best ive ever seen so far ( as far as flying humans go) spent most of my time in metropolis only yesterday i finally made my way to gotham. the voice acting of many of the npcs is horrible but the game did spuerpowers very well and the ways you can tweak your character are awesome.

basically i havent touched another game since i started this one so im glad theres a 15 dollar a month charge for playing the retail release that way ill avoid it and avoid being one of those people who lose themselves to mmorpgs lol.
bread's done