Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='4thHorseman']Well, if you haven't read Preacher or Y: The Last Man, those are the two I would recommend right off the bat. Also, I've heard many good things about Transmetropolitan and Sandman.[/QUOTE]

I've read Preacher and Y, loved them. I never heard of Transmetropolitan and I gave Sandman a try but didn't like it.
Try out American Vampire by Scott Snyder. My favorite non-superhero comic, and it's got some of the best line art and colors.
If you like western and/or supernatural stuff The Sixth Gun is really awesome (probably my favorite series actually). It's still ongoing, but there are three TPBs out for it (I actually switched to buying it monthly after the third one came out because I started with the first two TPBs and figured I keep reading it that way, but waiting for the third book was excruciating).

Oh and Fables is also really awesome (assuming you enjoy fairy tales in a modern setting). I kept procrastinating reading that series even though I knew it would be something I'd probably totally fall in love with, and well I'm five books into it and surprise I totally adore it, haha. If I ever get caught up I might start reading it monthly (and maybe I'd check out Fairest too) but that is still a ways off since there are so many TPBs left for me to read.
[quote name='icebeast']If you like western and/or supernatural stuff The Sixth Gun is really awesome (probably my favorite series actually). It's still ongoing, but there are three TPBs out for it (I actually switched to buying it monthly after the third one came out because I started with the first two TPBs and figured I keep reading it that way, but waiting for the third book was excruciating).

Oh and Fables is also really awesome (assuming you enjoy fairy tales in a modern setting). I kept procrastinating reading that series even though I knew it would be something I'd probably totally fall in love with, and well I'm five books into it and surprise I totally adore it, haha. If I ever get caught up I might start reading it monthly (and maybe I'd check out Fairest too) but that is still a ways off since there are so many TPBs left for me to read.[/QUOTE]

saw the sixth gun while ago and looked interesting, def going to buy the trade, is it about six powerful guns and hes trying to get the other 5? also was thinking bout getting all star western
[quote name='ShogunNage']saw the sixth gun while ago and looked interesting, def going to buy the trade, is it about six powerful guns and hes trying to get the other 5?[/QUOTE]

That's kind of it, without spoiling anything there are basically six guns each with a unique ability that never need to be reloaded. When someone touches one it becomes bound to them until they die, and the guns will quickly kill anyone who touches them that isn't the person they are currently bound to, when that person dies the next person who touches the gun is the one it binds to. The story focuses mainly on two characters Becky and Drake and their involvement with the six guns. And most of those adventures involve stuff like ghosts, folklore evils, and the like.
[quote name='icebeast']That's kind of it, without spoiling anything there are basically six guns each with a unique ability that never need to be reloaded. When someone touches one it becomes bound to them until they die, and the guns will quickly kill anyone who touches them that isn't the person they are currently bound to, when that person dies the next person who touches the gun is the one it binds to. The story focuses mainly on two characters Becky and Drake and their involvement with the six guns.[/QUOTE]

sounds cool probably get it at amazon or midtown, cant wait for nycc this year
[quote name='ShogunNage']sounds cool probably get it at amazon or midtown, cant wait for nycc this year[/QUOTE]

That's actually where I first heard about the series, when I went to the Oni Press panel at NYCC last year. During it they had Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt present The Sixth Gun, and one of the first things they talked about was how in the first book they have a scene with monks with a gatling gun, haha. After that they went over the general plot and even had the audience do a live reading of part of the first book, it was great. When I went to pick up the books right after that panel I saw a bunch of people who were also in the panel picking them up (so I guess their sales pitch was super effective, haha), and Cullen and Brian were both at the booth right after the panel so I got both of my books signed.
[quote name='icebeast']That's actually where I first heard about the series, when I went to the Oni Press panel at NYCC. During it they had Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt present The Sixth Gun, and one of the first things they talked about his how in the first book they have a scene with monks with a gatling gun, haha. After that they went over the general plot and even had the audience do a live reading of part of the first book, it was great. I saw a bunch of people go to the Oni Press booth after that and pick up the books (as did I) and they were both at the booth right after that so I got both of my books signed.[/QUOTE]

monks with gatling gun has to be insta buy, last year was my first convention was fun just wish manage my time better, hope to get saga number 1 signed by fiona staples at the con, was lucky enough to get it signed by brian at midtown
[quote name='ShogunNage']monks with gatling gun has to be insta buy, last year was my first convention was fun just wish manage my time better, hope to get saga number 1 signed by fiona staples at the con, was lucky enough to get it signed by brian at midtown[/QUOTE]

Lucky, I really want to get Brian to sign my hardcover Runaways volume 1 book, and I guess he was at Image Expo which I didn't even realize happened out here until someone told me, but I wasn't able to make it this year. I guess WonderCon also happens out here, but this year it was moved to Anaheim so I didn't make it to that either. I'm hoping to make it to maybe SDCC or more likely NYCC (going with a friend who's from NYC) next year.

NYCC was actually my first comic convention too. I'd done anime conventions before that, but comic conventions have a totally different feel and vibe about them, haha. It sucked because I slept in a bit during NYCC and so I missed a few of the earlier panels since I was taking the subway in from the apartment I had in Queens, but I still got to explore the expo hall and managed to go to many of the panels I was interested in, plus picked up some art prints that I really liked.
Big thanks to BHK. I downloaded some Chew illegally a couple nights ago to try it out and...


I love everything about Chew. From the Story, characters and most of all the art. I spend more time reading a single issue of Chew than I do any other comic. It's great to see another Chew fan

Cibopath's Assemble
[quote name='icebeast']
NYCC was actually my first comic convention too.[/QUOTE]

How is NYCC? I've done Anime Boston every year except the first and went to SDCC a few weeks ago. I like SDCC but it was sooooo crowded and just sooo many lines. At least with the Anime Con with 16,000 people there were very few big lines and a lot of room to just walk around and look at people. SDCC was just crazy packed. As much as I liked it, I don't know if I will go back out there next year for it.

Also on topic of comics, Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe was pretty awesome this week. It reminded me of the original Deadpool stuff where he was more of a crazy killer merc than a slapstick joke.
Since some of you are doing pull lists, here are mine:

Adventure Time
Animal Man
Action Comics
Batman and Robin
Batman Beyond Unlimited
Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps
Green Lantern New Guardians
Justice League
Justice League Dark
Swamp Thing
Wonder Woman

Going to pick up new Sword of Sorcery title being put out by Dc Comics featuring Amethyst Princess of Gemworld
[quote name='Dokstarr']How is NYCC?[/QUOTE]

Having not gone to SDCC I can't compare those two (and actually your concerns are one of the reasons I'm a little reluctant to pick SDCC over NYCC, not even taking into account how hard it is to get tickets to SDCC apparently), but compared to the anime conventions I've been to NYCC was crowded but not unbearably so. I can totally understand your pain at attending a crowded convention, Otakon kind of has that problem, basically having almost too many people to actually fit in the place where it's held. The second year I attended Otakon I had learned that unless I really wanted to see something and was willing to get in line hours in advance my time was probably better spent wandering around and actually enjoying stuff that didn't require me to spend all day waiting (especially because sometimes they didn't have a staff member actually counting the line so you could wait a really long time and still find out that you were too far back in line and the room can't fit any more people). PAX East was actually kind of uncomfortable the first year they held that as well, although I think they did a fairly good job of limiting the badges so it wasn't as crowded as it could have been, but it was a lot nicer when they moved to the Boston Convention Center.

I certainly didn't attend all of the popular panels at NYCC but the more popular ones I did decide to go to I got in line an hour to 45 minutes before and so the wait wasn't too bad and I got fairly decent seats. As far as the expo hall and artists area, they were crowded but not to the point where just getting from one point to another was cutting into my day. Honestly I really enjoyed NYCC which is why I'm thinking I might like to go again in the future, plus it would be fun to get back to NYC again since of all the places I've lived it's been one of my favorites.
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SDCC is doing the prereg for 2013 this morning. I hopped inline within 60 sec of opening and 4 day badges w/ preview night are sold out. This pre-reg is only for people who attended 2012. Seems really weird that people who didn't go last year have no option to make it to preview night.

I registered for 4 day badge (4 individuals since it said the 4-day was sold out). Kind of sucks since I liked preview night the best. Oh well. Honestly, I may not go and end up requesting a refund, but I thought I should register in case I want to go.
Me and my friends got in at 8 on the dot. One was 387, I was 666 and we were in and out with Preview night badges for all 4 of us. Easy Peasy.

General registration will happen March-ish for the remaining batch of tix. Preview night will be available then as well. Do not be discouraged.

All that's left for me to book is airfare. Hotel and tix already acquired. WOOT!
How would it work if you try again when they have regular reg? I already have tix for Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun. Would I have to register for the 4+ preview night and then cancel the 4 individual passes.

At least I have like probably 5 months to think about it. I may not end up going. I only have so much vacay time (and money to spend) so it may be spent better elsewhere in the long run and just hitting a closer comic-con or something.
I do believe that you have to surrender your existing tickets to have a shot at preview night tix. Though this year they upgraded everyone who bought 4 individual day passes to a standard 4 day pass.
So this weekend I went and read all of Morning Glories up to the current issue. I'd been interested in it since it gets compared to Lost a lot, which is my favorite TV show ever, and after finally having a chance to read it I can see why, haha. There was even one panel which was a direct parody of Lost.

I'm still unsure of what I think of the series though, I mean I'm interested in it (interested enough to read 20 comics in a single day, haha) but I also feel like the way it's being told is just going to lead to more and more confusion the longer it goes on (mainly stemming from multiple time travel related loops as well as the fact that it jumps between groups of characters so much). I also feel like it doesn't do the best job of resolving cliff hangers in the more recent issues, the problem is an issue will end on a cliff hanger and the next issue will jump to a totally different set of characters which have nothing to do with the events I want to see resolved from the last issue (possibly not even in the same time frame as it). It also has the same Lost style of mysterious stuff that gets shown, talked about, or referenced but with no explanation, in that regard it is very much like Lost, but that never really bothered me. We'll see at this point I still want to see where the series is heading so I might start getting issues of it, although I'm a bit torn since this is a series that I really feel might actually be easier to read in TPB form since that will collect an arc of the story and there wouldn't be this feeling of a long wait to get resolution to the cliff hangers in that arc.
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I saw the Dark Knight Rises last nite and realized the last movie I saw in the theater was The Dark Knight. It was good, there are definately some holes in the plot, liberties, etc.
Around issue #15 of Morning Glories, I grew completely detached to the series. It's failing for the same exact reasons that LOST failed; it's opened up too many questions and it's rarely delivering on any answers. However, I've stuck withe series for 20 issues, so I gotta stomach this one out. That and Rodin Esquejo's art is just out of this fucking world on every issue.

Another problem I have, and this is similar to LOST as well, is that most of the characters are just completely boring or unlikable with the exception of a lone few, and the ones that are enjoyable very rarely get any page time, at least recently.
[quote name='GhostShark']Around issue #15 of Morning Glories, I grew completely detached to the series. It's failing for the same exact reasons that LOST failed; it's opened up too many questions and it's rarely delivering on any answers. However, I've stuck withe series for 20 issues, so I gotta stomach this one out. That and Rodin Esquejo's art is just out of this fucking world on every issue.

Another problem I have, and this is similar to LOST as well, is that most of the characters are just completely boring or unlikable with the exception of a lone few, and the ones that are enjoyable very rarely get any page time, at least recently.[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same boat. The first 10 or so issue were great, but the series came to a point where I'm like "WTF is going on?" I'm just scared to see where this is heading. I haven't been enjoying it in recent issues and I've been considering dropping the series. Just like you I've stuck with it for this long, it's a shame to drop it, but if I'm not enjoying it, why should I bother?

On the other hand Saga is probably my favorite book out right now. Just 5 issues in and this already has the legs to become a great epic comic.

And just read Walking Dead #100
Anyone else find Glenn's death disturbing. I was expecting a long time character to die but damn.
[quote name='Rodimus']I'm in the same boat. The first 10 or so issue were great, but the series came to a point where I'm like "WTF is going on?" I'm just scared to see where this is heading. I haven't been enjoying it in recent issues and I've been considering dropping the series. Just like you I've stuck with it for this long, it's a shame to drop it, but if I'm not enjoying it, why should I bother?

On the other hand Saga is probably my favorite book out right now. Just 5 issues in and this already has the legs to become a great epic comic.

And just read Walking Dead #100
Anyone else find Glenn's death disturbing. I was expecting a long time character to die but damn.

Yeah those couple pages stuck with me for like a week.
[quote name='Santurio']I'm still behind on a lot of series but I read Issue #1 of Harvest and thought it was really good.

Glad to hear good things, I'm waiting for the TPB.

Also going to jump into the batman series this week. Looking forward to the lead up to the joker.
[quote name='slowdive21']I'll be at the Chicago comic con Friday and Sunday if anyone knows me, feel free to say hi.[/QUOTE]

Aw man, I'm going on Saturday!
[quote name='Tsel']Aw man, I'm going on Saturday![/QUOTE]

[quote name='dkreegz515']im most likely going thursday (tomorrow)[/QUOTE]

Yeah I wanted to go tomorrow, but my bro wants to go Friday for some reason. I think my bro is worried everyone won't be set up. I will go Sunday with my Dad and hopefully buy a few longboxes or a booth! :lol:
[quote name='Santurio']I'm still behind on a lot of series but I read Issue #1 of Harvest and thought it was really good.

[quote name='combatrhombus']Glad to hear good things, I'm waiting for the TPB.

Also going to jump into the batman series this week. Looking forward to the lead up to the joker.[/QUOTE]

How long until we see a trade for Harvest?
[quote name='GhostShark']So, after reading Batman #12, I am completely enamored with Harper Row. She's awesome.[/QUOTE]

I have 1-11 waiting, I might read them tomorrow on my road trip.
Hope you enjoy it, them! Personally, so far, Snyder's run on Batman has been my second favorite Batman run behind Frank Miller's Year One.
[quote name='Tsel']I'll be going to Wizard World Comic Con tomorrow. What should I expect? First time attendee here.[/QUOTE]

Sorry didn't check CAG until this morning:

You probably already left, but they changed the layout this year. Not that a new person would notice per se, but I would grab that sheet of paper wizard is calling 'a program' (it used to be an actual program) since it has all the vendors listed.

You may get a bag with a set of AMPM WoW cups is they have any left.

There aren't many giveaways, but TOYNK has a $10 or higher GC giveaway if you register your email.

A couple of booths have .25 cent books.

Graham Crackers always have a 50% off TPB booth.

Most of the autographs are in the middle this year.

The best place to eat is the cafeteria in the back (from the main entrance). It is about $10 a sandwich, but if you like fried stuff you can get chicken fingers and fries for $7.

Pack a cooler and make trips to the car for water, pop, and snacks (you can bing in anything you want).

Park as close to the 'skybridge as you can' as it shortens trips back to the car.

The 501st (star wars) is located by the escalators in the main entrance. You can pick up a droid hunt badge. If a costumed character stops you and asks about droids, you give them the badge and they enter you in a raffle.

Hopefully you will see this post.
[quote name='slowdive21']Sorry didn't check CAG until this morning:

You probably already left, but they changed the layout this year. Not that a new person would notice per se, but I would grab that sheet of paper wizard is calling 'a program' (it used to be an actual program) since it has all the vendors listed.

You may get a bag with a set of AMPM WoW cups is they have any left.

There aren't many giveaways, but TOYNK has a $10 or higher GC giveaway if you register your email.

A couple of booths have .25 cent books.

Graham Crackers always have a 50% off TPB booth.

Most of the autographs are in the middle this year.

The best place to eat is the cafeteria in the back (from the main entrance). It is about $10 a sandwich, but if you like fried stuff you can get chicken fingers and fries for $7.

Pack a cooler and make trips to the car for water, pop, and snacks (you can bing in anything you want).

Park as close to the 'skybridge as you can' as it shortens trips back to the car.

The 501st (star wars) is located by the escalators in the main entrance. You can pick up a droid hunt badge. If a costumed character stops you and asks about droids, you give them the badge and they enter you in a raffle.

Hopefully you will see this post.[/QUOTE]
Didn't see it until just now, but I did just fine. I actually found a better booth than .25 cent books. I found a 5 for $1 booth and picked up some good stuff there.

Didn't pay for any autographs or pictures or anything like that, but did take a few pictures of celebrities and stuff and shook a quite of few of their hands. I kind of just hung out around the area and then when it got quiet I asked politely if I could shake their hand and I would make small talk. Actually had a conversation with a few of them.

Overall, it was a great time and I'll definitely try to make it back their next year. Now to rest my feet. :lol:
[quote name='slowdive21']^^^Ohh, do you remember where it was or the name of the booth? They probably dropped their prices today.[/QUOTE]

Shit, no. I could say it was near some comic booths and it may or may not have had the word "Comics" in the name, but that wouldn't be much help now would it? :lol:

I wanna say it was the 200-500 aisle range though. Definitely on the left side.
[quote name='Tsel']Shit, no. I could say it was near some comic booths and it may or may not have had the word "Comics" in the name, but that wouldn't be much help now would it? :lol:

I wanna say it was the 200-500 aisle range though. Definitely on the left side.[/QUOTE]

That's alright. I will find them...I would have seen them yesterday if they were 5/$1. ;)
[quote name='slowdive21']That's alright. I will find them...I would have seen them yesterday if they were 5/$1. ;)[/QUOTE]

I picked up a bunch of Spawn comics. There's also one around that area that has $1 current issues with ones as recent as AvX #6 and 7 and a ton of New 52 stuff.

Oh, and they had a Lionsgate booth that had drawings for free stuff. Everyone's a winner and you get either an Expendables 2 shirt or badge, or a poster and you get to choose from Dredd, Expendables 2, and The Possession. I got myself a Dredd and Possession and they are huge.
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[quote name='Tsel']I picked up a bunch of Spawn comics. There's also one around that area that has $1 current issues with ones as recent as AvX #6 and 7 and a ton of New 52 stuff.

Oh, and they had a Lionsgate booth that had drawings for free stuff. Everyone's a winner and you get either an Expendables 2 shirt or badge, or a poster and you get to choose from Dredd, Expendables 2, and The Possession. I got myself a Dredd and Possession and they are huge.[/QUOTE]

I found the 5/$1 booth. I actually know the guy running it. I offered to buy out his remaining stock when his store closed, but he wanted $250,000. :roll:

[quote name='detectiveconan16']Joe Kubert passed away yesterday at age 85. He was a damn fine artist/writer.[/QUOTE]

Yeah my brother just told me. We just saw him a few months ago at C2E2, but I didn't have anything ready for him to sign, so we left the line. I guess we should have just talked to him.
[quote name='slowdive21']I found the 5/$1 booth. I actually know the guy running it. I offered to buy out his remaining stock when his store closed, but he wanted $250,000. :roll:[/QUOTE]

I take it he didn't have close to 1,250,000 comic books in his inventory?
bread's done