Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='Tsel']I usually just hold out until my LCS has a big sale, much like the .10 cent sale coming up this weekend. :bouncy:

I got a shit ton of comics at their .25 cent sale, so I can't imagine how big the stack I'll be coming home with will be on Saturday. They have some fairly recent stuff too. I also pick them up at garage sales or conventions, like Chicago Comic-Con. I'm kicking myself for not picking up more when they had $1 back issues, including stuff as recent as AvX #7.[/QUOTE]

Doh, Im not sure I can make it out for the sale. I was going to hit it up. How many long boxes do they usually have out?
I'm a collector of single issues (and have been since right before House of M). I do pick up some Trades of series that I have missed. Ex Machina, Y the Last Man, Immortal Iron Fist and a few others come to mind. I'm also a sucker for Omnibuses, even if I have most of the single issues.
Been trying to do some research to find something that would appeal to me.

Ordered The Cape and Blacksad.

The Cape sounded like an awesome concept with ok art and Blacksad's art looked amazing with an ok concept.

Been looking at some Conan comics, but the art style is too inconsistent. Some of the ones from Conan the Cimmerian look great, a nice painted look, but the newest ones look like your "standard" comic art.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Been trying to do some research to find something that would appeal to me.

Ordered The Cape and Blacksad.

The Cape sounded like an awesome concept with ok art and Blacksad's art looked amazing with an ok concept.

Been looking at some Conan comics, but the art style is too inconsistent. Some of the ones from Conan the Cimmerian look great, a nice painted look, but the newest ones look like your "standard" comic art.[/QUOTE]

what kind of things were you looking for?
[quote name='slowdive21']Doh, Im not sure I can make it out for the sale. I was going to hit it up. How many long boxes do they usually have out?[/QUOTE]

No idea since I've never been to the 10 cent sale before. For the 25 cent sale, which I believe was on FCBD, they had about 7-8 longboxes, 50% TPBs and hardcovers, and a cart full of CIB figures for around ~$6.
I'm not one for established or costumed heroes and I like self contained stories. Mini-series or one shots seem to be attracting me. I don't want to get into series that have been running for years and years unless they're already finished and collected for a reasonable price.

I'm a big fan of violence and gore, and I love a story about a journey because I like to be introduced to the world as the characters are.

I also love sword and sorcery type stuff especially dark or low fantasy settings. Anything dark and depressing is good too, anything with elements of Noir done properly especially. Bunch of dudes on a quest in a low fantasy world with tons of blood and gritty atmosphere would be perfect, which is why I've been looking at Conan.

I haven't read many American comics, but what I have I've enjoyed so far. The comics based on the Dark Tower books were great.

Finally, I'm a sucker for amazing art, no matter how shitty I think the setting is, if it looks great I'm happy just to get lost in the art. This is of course subjective, but in general I don't care for what I call standard comic art such as:

Whereas something like this is amazing every single panel, this could be the worst story ever written and I'd still love it just for the art:

This is also good:
[quote name='crystalklear64']I'm not one for established or costumed heroes and I like self contained stories. Mini-series or one shots seem to be attracting me. I don't want to get into series that have been running for years and years unless they're already finished and collected for a reasonable price.

I'm a big fan of violence and gore, and I love a story about a journey because I like to be introduced to the world as the characters are.

I also love sword and sorcery type stuff especially dark or low fantasy settings. Anything dark and depressing is good too, anything with elements of Noir done properly especially. Bunch of dudes on a quest in a low fantasy world with tons of blood and gritty atmosphere would be perfect, which is why I've been looking at Conan.

I haven't read many American comics, but what I have I've enjoyed so far. The comics based on the Dark Tower books were great.

Finally, I'm a sucker for amazing art, no matter how shitty I think the setting is, if it looks great I'm happy just to get lost in the art. This is of course subjective, but in general I don't care for what I call standard comic art such as:

If you're into noir check out Fatale, issue 7 was released last week, great art and a great story thus far. Any of the Criminal trades by the same team (Brubaker and Phillips) are amazing and are actually the things that got me back into comics. Also, Planetary was a great series where each issue was a stand alone tale that slowly added a piece to the overarching story. The whole thing was basically an examination of pop writing (pulp, noir, comics, horror etc.) and is excellent; it might actually get you to try some adult oriented superhero stuff.
[quote name='crystalklear64']I'm not one for established or costumed heroes and I like self contained stories. Mini-series or one shots seem to be attracting me. I don't want to get into series that have been running for years and years unless they're already finished and collected for a reasonable price.

I'm a big fan of violence and gore, and I love a story about a journey because I like to be introduced to the world as the characters are.

I also love sword and sorcery type stuff especially dark or low fantasy settings. Anything dark and depressing is good too, anything with elements of Noir done properly especially. Bunch of dudes on a quest in a low fantasy world with tons of blood and gritty atmosphere would be perfect, which is why I've been looking at Conan.

I haven't read many American comics, but what I have I've enjoyed so far. The comics based on the Dark Tower books were great.

Finally, I'm a sucker for amazing art, no matter how shitty I think the setting is, if it looks great I'm happy just to get lost in the art. This is of course subjective, but in general I don't care for what I call standard comic art such as:

Whereas something like this is amazing every single panel, this could be the worst story ever written and I'd still love it just for the art:

This is also good:

The Strange Talent of Luther Strode- read this and enjoyed it pretty violent.

these next few i have heard good things about or seacherd based on what you like

Crossed and Crossed Badlands- have not read but when i seen the crovers of badlands im just O_O

The Boys


Incognito- the poster above mentioned brubaker, whose good with noir

Northlanders- this one is about Vikings heard good stuff about it

Hack/Slash-im not big into horror movies but i like the concept
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[quote name='crystalklear64']Been trying to do some research to find something that would appeal to me.

Ordered The Cape and Blacksad.

The Cape sounded like an awesome concept with ok art and Blacksad's art looked amazing with an ok concept.

Been looking at some Conan comics, but the art style is too inconsistent. Some of the ones from Conan the Cimmerian look great, a nice painted look, but the newest ones look like your "standard" comic art.[/QUOTE]

just saw this the cape is written by joe hill, if you like it maybe try Locke and Key written by him too
volume 3 of crossed's art looked good, volume 1 not so much. looks like a zombie or zombie-type story though (i've yet to see anything with zombies be a good concept, its ALWAYS either a metaphor for society and a way to see how people react when forced together OR they are fodder enemies, either way is tired and boring to me)

Luther Strode looks good added that to my cart for later.

The Boys, I looked through the pages on amazon and saw too many superhero costumes for my liking. It really is that big of a turn off for me. Art style looked ok though.

I've heard good things about Preacher but I also know its like a million books long and would be really expensive to get.

Incognito looks good too, I see the full collection is coming out in Sept. Added that to cart for later as well.

Northlanders also sounds good though has similar appeal as Conan and looks to be 7 volumes (105$ is a lot if I end up not liking it which is why I like these self contained stories). I'll keep this one in mind. Has potential.

Hack/Slash :lol: oh god i read through the first pages.. its too ridiculous for me.

Thanks for the suggestions!
Going to keep looking for low fantasy stuff!
[quote name='crystalklear64']volume 3 of crossed's art looked good, volume 1 not so much. looks like a zombie or zombie-type story though (i've yet to see anything with zombies be a good concept, its ALWAYS either a metaphor for society and a way to see how people react when forced together OR they are fodder enemies, either way is tired and boring to me)

Luther Strode looks good added that to my cart for later.

The Boys, I looked through the pages on amazon and saw too many superhero costumes for my liking. It really is that big of a turn off for me. Art style looked ok though.

I've heard good things about Preacher but I also know its like a million books long and would be really expensive to get.

Incognito looks good too, I see the full collection is coming out in Sept. Added that to cart for later as well.

Northlanders also sounds good though has similar appeal as Conan and looks to be 7 volumes (105$ is a lot if I end up not liking it which is why I like these self contained stories). I'll keep this one in mind. Has potential.

Hack/Slash :lol: oh god i read through the first pages.. its too ridiculous for me.

Thanks for the suggestions!
Going to keep looking for low fantasy stuff![/QUOTE]

two more things to check out

Richard Stark's Parker, Vol. 1: The Hunter (theres two other volumes)

and maybe Fables (theres alot of trades for this and still ongoing )

all i know about the boys is the superheros let fame go to their heads and are corrupt, so the boy are a cia team to take the out
[quote name='crystalklear64']

The Boys, I looked through the pages on amazon and saw too many superhero costumes for my liking. It really is that big of a turn off for me. Art style looked ok though.

I've heard good things about Preacher but I also know its like a million books long and would be really expensive to get.[/QUOTE]

Regarding The Boys, yes it has superheroes in it, but it's a "what if superheroes were assholes?". I only read the first 25 issues or so and liked what I read, but I wasn't enjoying the pacing due to the monthly release. I want to pick up the trades and see if it reads better collected, but I enjoyed the characters and the idea behind it.

Preacher. Can. Not. Recommend. This. Enough. One of the few books where I picked up one trade, went back after reading it picked up two more. Rinse and repeat until everything was bought. I believe it's 9 trades, and there's a bit of repetition in it that's annoying (the way Jesse keeps leaving Tulip behind for example), but I absolutely loved the book. It kind of stalls between the middle-end section, but wraps up nicely.
[quote name='Rodimus']Which Marvel NOW titles are you guys intrested in?[/QUOTE]

Uncanny Avengers - Love me some Scarlet Witch
Iron Man - Not sure how much I will miss Fraction and Larocca, but I can't ditch Tony now
Hulk - Hulk and Banner, Agents of SHIELD? Sign me up.
Fantastic Four - Love the team way too much
Future Foundation - The team looks awesome so far.

I'm on the fence about the rest except Deadpool. The new Thor series could be good, but I've been out of the Thor books since JMS stopped writing Thor. All New X-Men has potential, but it's Bendis, and I am quite burnt out on his style of character writing.
[quote name='GhostShark']Uncanny Avengers - Love me some Scarlet Witch
Iron Man - Not sure how much I will miss Fraction and Larocca, but I can't ditch Tony now
Hulk - Hulk and Banner, Agents of SHIELD? Sign me up.
Fantastic Four - Love the team way too much
Future Foundation - The team looks awesome so far.

I'm on the fence about the rest except Deadpool. The new Thor series could be good, but I've been out of the Thor books since JMS stopped writing Thor. All New X-Men has potential, but it's Bendis, and I am quite burnt out on his style of character writing.[/QUOTE]

Let me know how Hulk and Iron Man turn out then. I'm not a huge fan but I'll enjoy a good Hulk or Iron Man read. And unless the book turns out to be amazing I'll pass on the Future Foundation team. Same with Deadpool, I read the bulk of his last series and I'm kinda sick of him.

I've also been out of Thor since JMS. I got a couple here and there but nothing really grabbed me. Might take a chance on the first few issues of this one. Same with All-New X-Men.

Uncanny Avengers & Fantastic Four are absolute musts for me. Plus I'll continue with the other Avenger titles. I was very impressed with his FF run so I can't wait to see what Hickman does with the Avengers.
Uncanny Avengers - Yeah. It should be good.
Iron Man - I liked Fraction's Iron Man until Fear Itself. Its getting better now, but If the 1st arc is good i'll stick around.
Hulk - No.
Fantastic Four & Future Foundation - Solid Maybe.
Deadpool- Yeah. No brainer.
All New XMen- No. Not at first.
Thor- Not that big of a fan of his to buy the book.
Yeah, I will still read the Avengers books that stick around, which I think is just Avengers and Secret Avengers. As far as I know, New Avengers is ending after a Brother Jericho arc soon.

I also might give Journey Into Mystery a shot since it will focus on Sif, and she is one of my favorite Asgardians.
Uncanny Avengers - I'm a Rouge and Wolverine fan, so I'm in.
Fantastic Four - I'm a fan so I'll see where it goes.
FF - She Hulk! Yes.
All New X-Men - I'll probably check it out and see what I think.
Hulk - I didn't really enjoy the current run at all, and I can't imagine a direct continuation from those events changing my mind, I'd take anything with Red Hulk over this. So no.
Journey Into Mystery - I liked the Loki arc so I'll probably stick around and check this out.

The other new titles don't have characters that I typically follow.

I'll also keep reading Avengers stuff that sticks around (outside of Avengers Assemble which I don't follow). As well as Wolverine & The X-Men which I'm fairly sure is sticking around.
You guys don't trust the guy writing the #1 critically acclaimed capes 'n' tights book - Daredevil by Mark Waid - to write a good Hulk book?
[quote name='4thHorseman']Preacher. Can. Not. Recommend. This. Enough. One of the few books where I picked up one trade, went back after reading it picked up two more. Rinse and repeat until everything was bought. I believe it's 9 trades, and there's a bit of repetition in it that's annoying (the way Jesse keeps leaving Tulip behind for example), but I absolutely loved the book. It kind of stalls between the middle-end section, but wraps up nicely.[/QUOTE]

Just wanted to add that one TPB is all backstory and totally skippable. I loved the series and as a bonus, it's a story that actually ends.
[quote name='kodave']You guys don't trust the guy writing the #1 critically acclaimed capes 'n' tights book - Daredevil by Mark Waid - to write a good Hulk book?[/QUOTE]

It's Hulk. Not the writer for me.
[quote name='kodave']You guys don't trust the guy writing the #1 critically acclaimed capes 'n' tights book - Daredevil by Mark Waid - to write a good Hulk book?[/QUOTE]

That's why I am jumping on the book. If Waid can do to Hulk what he is doing to Daredevil right now, then this book will be awesome.
[quote name='kodave']You guys don't trust the guy writing the #1 critically acclaimed capes 'n' tights book - Daredevil by Mark Waid - to write a good Hulk book?[/QUOTE]

I don't read Daredevil so I can't really comment on my thoughts on the writing, although to be fair Bendis is a very critically acclaimed writer too and I certainly haven't enjoyed everything he's written. But I'm mostly just turned off by the current story arc for Hulk which I think is awful and the fact that this new series is only going to take place a couple weeks after the events of the current series, so I'm not expecting to suddenly love where they've taken Hulk (but I mean it could be great and maybe they will quickly escape everything to do with Hulk's current story arc). In reality I thought the concept of a crazy Bruce Banner wasn't terrible and the start of this current series wasn't bad, but then when Bruce Banner and Hulk re-fused and it entered Stay Angry where there was no plot development and the art wasn't particularly astounding with Hulk kind of looking like Shrek I lost all interest.
[quote name='GhostShark']New Avengers is ending after a Brother Jericho arc soon.[/QUOTE]

New Avengers is also getting a relaunch with the Hickman/Epting team.

I'm actually ashamed I havn't read Daredevil yet. I'm not a big fan but I never let that stop me from reading a good story, and I only hear good things about it. I'll get around to it.

Anyone else reading Venom or the Carnage Mini series? I've always been interested in the Symbiotes and their offspring. The couple Carnage mini series that came out have been good reads, which is all leading up to Minimum Carnage of course. Venom's been a solid read, not great but not bad, unfortunatly the ending to the last arc sucked.
I don't like the way they handled the Eddie/Toxin bond. I wanted to see where they're going to take this and it's made little sense to long time followers of the characters
I'm about 3 months back into reading comics(my buddy dragged me back with Hellspawn and ZVR). Previously I read about 1 book a month or so but I've picked it up drastically.
Recently I've mostly just been getting what I can in bulk, from the bargain bins because of the large backstock of material i already have.

Powers Vol 1
Ultimate Spiderman 1-82(have until 115 or so)
Star Wars Dark Empire
Kick Ass 1-8
LXG 1-3, 1910 TPB's
Firefly/Serenity books
Jericho Season 3

On Deck:
Ultimate Fantastic Four Issues
From Hell(Complete)
Tom Strong 1+2
Sin City
Rising Stars 1-24
Cowboy Ninja Viking
The Darkness Vol. 1(Top Cow)
Kick Ass 2 1-7 Hitgirl 1-2
[quote name='Rodimus']New Avengers is also getting a relaunch with the Hickman/Epting team.

I'm actually ashamed I havn't read Daredevil yet. I'm not a big fan but I never let that stop me from reading a good story, and I only hear good things about it. I'll get around to it.

Anyone else reading Venom or the Carnage Mini series? I've always been interested in the Symbiotes and their offspring. The couple Carnage mini series that came out have been good reads, which is all leading up to Minimum Carnage of course. Venom's been a solid read, not great but not bad, unfortunatly the ending to the last arc sucked.
I don't like the way they handled the Eddie/Toxin bond. I wanted to see where they're going to take this and it's made little sense to long time followers of the characters

Oh, nice to hear. Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Iron Fist need to be the main members of the team, and make it more street-centric than the other Avengers titles. I know that was the original plan for New Avengers after Siege, but it never panned out.

As Icebeast's Bendis statement, you can clearly see a difference between his best work (Alias, Daredevil, Spider-Woman, Powers, Takio, Moon Knight, USM, New Avengers volume 1) and his less-than-stellar work (Avengers, Avengers Assemble, New Avengers V2, the events he's scripted save House of M). There is a reason he became acclaimed. Not that I like Bendis that much, he's become so generic over the past few years, but you can deny the amazing stuff he's done.
[quote name='GhostShark']As Icebeast's Bendis statement, you can clearly see a difference between his best work (Alias, Daredevil, Spider-Woman, Powers, Takio, Moon Knight, USM, New Avengers volume 1) and his less-than-stellar work (Avengers, Avengers Assemble, New Avengers V2, the events he's scripted save House of M). There is a reason he became acclaimed. Not that I like Bendis that much, he's become so generic over the past few years, but you can deny the amazing stuff he's done.[/QUOTE]

Oh I can totally understand that, I mean I'm mixed on his work too there is stuff I really like and stuff I've thought was meh, I was mostly just pointing out that just because a writer does an amazing job on one title doesn't automatically mean they will do the same for another.

I think in the right hands what they are doing with the Hulk could be saved, I'm interested to see what they do. But at the same time I'm a bit cautious, I'll probably end up checking it out just to see what they do with him.


As far as favorite title coming out of Marvel I think I'd personally say I've loved Uncanny X-Force except for the Otherworld arc which was still good but a bit of a step down, and Wolverine & The X-Men which I think is amazing except the AvX tie in stuff has been kind of weak (but I kind of feel that way about a lot of the AvX tie-ins especially the Avengers books, way too much Groundhog Day viewings of events I've already seen and prison stories).
Tie ins is what poisons a lot a good books. I remember X-Factor had this problem bad, but once the tie-ins were dropped it became a more consistent read.

Avengers Academy was haunted by mediocre tie-ins but it's so sad to see it go. It was amazing, my favorite book to come out of Siege. Later on it started to expand the roster and give others a home (X-23, Sentinel, Initiative, White Tiger, She-Hulk Lyra, etc) I thought it would go somewhere but nope, it started to stagnant. All the team did was sit around the campus and get attacked, fight with each other, or their teachers.

Sucks to see it go, but not just for me. Take Butterball. He's a fat cosplayers dream.

[quote name='Tronny']Speaking of Bendis, does anyone know if he plans to continue Scarlet? I haven't heard anything in over a year.[/QUOTE]

There are plans for it, but Bendis and Maleev always work at such a slow, infuriating pace with their books. And Scarlet was really good, I mean what did it last, like 4 issues?
5, I think.

The Icon books are never first priority (Scarlet, Powers, Brilliant). IIRC, the pay system is similar to Image's. No payment is made to creators until 30-60 days after the book has shipped to stores. When that's the case and bills have to be paid, creators always have to back burner the indy stuff and take regular paying work. As much as Bendis enjoys his creator-owned books, they don't pay anywhere near as much as work-for-hire, thus the long gaps at times.
The Cape was an awesome read. Great plot and didn't "wuss out" like I expected it too. They carried it to the end perfectly.

The first issue of Blacksad was also awesome. Will read the second one tonight. The art is just fantastic and I love the setting. The artist does expressive faces really well, and pretty much everything else too, but the animal thing feels gimmicky, though maybe he can make the faces so expressive because of it.

Should be getting Tale of Sand tomorrow.

Then its a day of Dark Souls followed by a million hours of Guild Wars 2. Will order some more comics when I need a break.
Anybody pickup the full color edition of Scott Pilgrim Volume 1? I read through all of the books real fast when the last one came out thanks to my local library and I was wondering if the full color adds anything to it.
[quote name='icebeast']Uncanny Avengers - I'm a Rouge and Wolverine fan, so I'm in.
Fantastic Four - I'm a fan so I'll see where it goes.
FF - She Hulk! Yes.
All New X-Men - I'll probably check it out and see what I think.
Hulk - I didn't really enjoy the current run at all, and I can't imagine a direct continuation from those events changing my mind, I'd take anything with Red Hulk over this. So no.
Journey Into Mystery - I liked the Loki arc so I'll probably stick around and check this out.

The other new titles don't have characters that I typically follow.

I'll also keep reading Avengers stuff that sticks around (outside of Avengers Assemble which I don't follow). As well as Wolverine & The X-Men which I'm fairly sure is sticking around.[/QUOTE]

I actually kinda like Avengers Assemble, you should give it a shot.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']I actually kinda like Avengers Assemble, you should give it a shot.[/QUOTE]

I've heard good things about it. Anything with Thanos is a must for me.
[quote name='Rodimus']I've heard good things about it. Anything with Thanos is a must for me.[/QUOTE]

I think he showed up early too, like issue 3 or 4 IIRC.
So, I read the latest ASM and I am soooo disappointed in Slott. I mean, that was just awful. I thought the whole Alpha thing sounded like a dumb idea and I was kind of (and still am) hoping it was some sort of joke, but they seem serious. Bad on so many levels and I am surprised because of how strong this title has consistently been.

Aside from the manic pacing and bad writing, my issue is this: So they introduce someone who essentially has the same power set as Ms. Marvel, but with the limitation that he can only use one power at a time, and then Mr. Fantastic declares he may be the most powerful superhuman on the planet? Really? Carol Danvers gets no respect.

If they insist on continuing this "sidekick" thing, it might be time for me to take a few months off from ASM, which makes me sad.
Danvers gets no respect? Have you not read the amazing first two issues of her new ongoing series? I think giving her the title "Captain Marvel" is a huge show of respect to the character.

Also, I, Vampire was by far the best book of the week this week. It makes me want to read Stormwatch now.
[quote name='GhostShark']Danvers gets no respect? Have you not read the amazing first two issues of her new ongoing series? I think giving her the title "Captain Marvel" is a huge show of respect to the character.

When I said she gets no respect, I was referring to how quick Mr. Fantastic was to name a kid with a stripped-down version of her power set as the most powerful superhuman on the planet.

I like the efforts Marvel has been taking to highlight Ms. M over the past couple years.
So...anyone see the news of what's going to happen in Justice League #12?


*sigh* Not sure what to think. It could be interesting, but it's also Geoff Johns writing it and he claims it's the new status-quo that should be going on for a while. Don't think he does that kind of topic particularly well, and I wonder how that will affect their individual books.
Holy shit Tale of Sand is amazing. I'm going to have to re-read that a bunch. It starts out confusing and by the time you're done theres still quite a bit not explained but you just want to read it again to see what you missed the first time. There is hardly any dialogue but what is going on visually is fantastic. I really wish I could see how this would have played out on film.

Also finished the 2nd issue of Blacksad. Even better than the first, though the sidekick is stupid. Can't wait to read the last one tonight. Might even order the newest issue even though its only one.
[quote name='DestroVega']I have been a big proponent of I, Vampire since it started. It's fantastic.[/QUOTE]

ahh crap, I bought the wrong one again. I pulled a run of American Vampire form the 25 cent bins at Chicago Comic Con :dunce:

I just have to remember it is the same name for the run from the house of mystery series in the early 80s (I did pull a couple of issue of that too).
[quote name='slowdive21']ahh crap, I bought the wrong one again. I pulled a run of American Vampire form the 25 cent bins at Chicago Comic Con :dunce:

I just have to remember it is the same name for the run from the house of mystery series in the early 80s (I did pull a couple of issue of that too).[/QUOTE]

I don't think you'll go wrong with American Vampire though...
Well, Liefield quit and no longer works at DC. But instead of being professional about it, decides to take to Twitter with his frustration in the most childish way ever. Its quite hilarious in a sad, pathetic sort of way.
bread's done