Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

Barnes and Noble has a buy 2, get 1 free going on for a few months. I had a few questions that I could use some help with.

- Anything Teen Titans to get? I'm a fan of the cartoon but don't know a lot more than that. I read here that the omnibuses were good but vol. 1 is missing so is jumping into vol. 2 okay?
- Should I be interested in anything Birds of Prey? Stephanie Brown Batgirl preferred if possible.
- Green Arrow/Black Canary: yes or no? I saw Cliff Chiang's name and his work is pretty damn cool in Wonder Woman.
- If I own Hush is Heart of Hush a must? I still haven't gotten to reading Hush yet.
[quote name='Hostile']Barnes and Noble has a buy 2, get 1 free going on for a few months. I had a few questions that I could use some help with.

- Anything Teen Titans to get? I'm a fan of the cartoon but don't know a lot more than that. I read here that the omnibuses were good but vol. 1 is missing so is jumping into vol. 2 okay?
- Should I be interested in anything Birds of Prey? Stephanie Brown Batgirl preferred if possible.
- Green Arrow/Black Canary: yes or no? I saw Cliff Chiang's name and his work is pretty damn cool in Wonder Woman.
- If I own Hush is Heart of Hush a must? I still haven't gotten to reading Hush yet.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed Teen Titans right brfore One Year Later happened. After that, I lost all interest. If you can find it, I would recommend Young Justice by Peter David as its more lighthearted.

I tried, really really hard, to get into Birds of Prey. Never hooked me.

Stay away from Green Arrow/Black Canary. Other than the art, it had nothing going for

I enjoyed Heart of Hush. Read Hush first though (but not Hush Returns...yuck)
[quote name='Hostile']Barnes and Noble has a buy 2, get 1 free going on for a few months. I had a few questions that I could use some help with.

- Anything Teen Titans to get? I'm a fan of the cartoon but don't know a lot more than that. I read here that the omnibuses were good but vol. 1 is missing so is jumping into vol. 2 okay?
- Should I be interested in anything Birds of Prey? Stephanie Brown Batgirl preferred if possible.
- Green Arrow/Black Canary: yes or no? I saw Cliff Chiang's name and his work is pretty damn cool in Wonder Woman.
- If I own Hush is Heart of Hush a must? I still haven't gotten to reading Hush yet.[/QUOTE]

You might want to read Hush before you consider buying any other Hush related TPBs. I read it recently after looking forward to it for a very long time and was let down. It's not a terrible story, it's just kinda hollow. Catwoman is written pretty well in it, though.

On another note, I placed an order yesterday for this sale and picked up:

Batman: Knightfall Vol 1
Batman: Knightfall Vol 2
Catwoman: Trail of the Catwoman

If anyone would like to throw out suggestions, I'm all ears. I'm considering placing another order at some point.
I'm trying to collect all the Batman graphic novels. What's the chronological order to read them in? I don't want to be jumping around especially with the whole Batman RIP/Battle for the Cowl and all of those storylines mixing things up.
[quote name='Tsel']I'm trying to collect all the Batman graphic novels. What's the chronological order to read them in? I don't want to be jumping around especially with the whole Batman RIP/Battle for the Cowl and all of those storylines mixing things up.[/QUOTE]

Where do you plan on starting from? There's quite a bit depending on how far back you want to go...
[quote name='4thHorseman']Where do you plan on starting from? There's quite a bit depending on how far back you want to go...[/QUOTE]

I'd like to start with Year One, but as of now, I'm just picking up whatever I see as long as it's a decent price and then I'll go back and fill in the gaps later on. I just picked up these four for $5 each:

Batman Must Die
Time and the Batman
Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?
All-Star Batman and Robin, The Boy Wonder
[quote name='Tsel']I'd like to start with Year One, but as of now, I'm just picking up whatever I see as long as it's a decent price and then I'll go back and fill in the gaps later on. I just picked up these four for $5 each:

Batman Must Die
Time and the Batman
Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?
All-Star Batman and Robin, The Boy Wonder[/QUOTE]

I started typing out the list, and got several years back, and then came across Wikipedia and figured it was as good of a list as any:

Little past halfway, they have a list of trades with issue numbers. Seems to be in chronological order.
Anyone have thoughts on older Transformer series? I keep passing them up on GoHastings when they are $2 or less, simply because i'm not sure if I will like them or not.
I'm new to comics, aside from the handful I read as a kid. So perhaps this is a dumb question, but it's sure something I'd like to find out was true: do real world comics you buy include a digital download of the comic too? So far I've only bought comics via comixology, which I like a lot, but I wouldn't mind dabbling in the real things, as long as I don't give up having the digital version.
[quote name='crunchewy']I'm new to comics, aside from the handful I read as a kid. So perhaps this is a dumb question, but it's sure something I'd like to find out was true: do real world comics you buy include a digital download of the comic too? So far I've only bought comics via comixology, which I like a lot, but I wouldn't mind dabbling in the real things, as long as I don't give up having the digital version.[/QUOTE]

marvel just started a couple months ago, their $4 comics have a free digital download. DC you have to buy the combo pack of the comic which is like a dollar more than the regular
[quote name='Tsel']I'm trying to collect all the Batman graphic novels. What's the chronological order to read them in? I don't want to be jumping around especially with the whole Batman RIP/Battle for the Cowl and all of those storylines mixing things up.[/QUOTE]

Chronological reading order for Batman in general is next to impossible thanks to Year One setting a new status quo. Most of the early Batman tales are just completely out of the picture. You can pick those up in chronological order in the Batman Chronicles collections. Select authors and artists from pre-Year One also are collected in the "Legends of the Dark Knight: [Name]" and "Tales of the Batman: [Name]" series.

I think the only pre-Year One things that some try to fit into the current continuity are the stores collected in Strange Apparitions and whatever Grant Morrison decides to pull out of his ass for his modern Batman books.

The other thing you will have problems with is not everything has a definitive point. A lot of stuff from the "Legends of the Dark Knight" comic series (not to be confused with the books I mentioned above) take place in the early years of Batman. And a lot of these trades that collect the "early years" stories of Batman are OOP and are obscenely expensive, but it seems like DC is slowly making their way around to reprint them.

The other thing is a lot of Batman stories are essentially Elseworlds tales. Those have no continuity. Some Batman books look like they could fit into continuity but there are things that also take them out of continuity, like Azzarello's "Joker" which is always on "must read" lists. And then not only do you have the books spun off of the style of The Animated Series, but Dini also has a book with art in that style that may or may not be in our regular Batman continuity.

There are also what amount to trade anthologies which you can't read in order unless you read one issue, put the book down, and come back to it 6 months down the line for the next issue. Stuff like "Officer Down" spans a beginning-middle-and later career of Batman/Gordon. There's a trade called Batman: International that's three different international Batman stories, all perfectly serviceable, but I don't think any of them fit into any particular point in continuity.

Plus you have to really ask yourself - is ALL of Batman worth collecting and reading? There are some bad Batman stories out there. There's that whole stretch of Murder/Fugitive and then War Games/Crimes that was written by names such as Brubaker, Rucka, and Dixon, but you rarely see those on any lists of "must read" Batman books, just because the quality isn't there even with talented authors. Some books are just "there" and you don't miss anything by not reading them. IMO I think books like the No Man's Land and Knightfall series are only so popular because they were a big deal spanning so many issues of so many series during a time when comic books were an in-thing - not necessarily because they were the best Batman tales quality wise.

Then you hit The New 52 and its a giant question mark of what things are still even in the continuity. People seriously question whether things like No Man's Land and Knightfall are in continuity because certain characters just don't exist in the New 52 anymore.

But if you're just looking for something like a reading order for Grant Morrison's modern books, there are websites for that:

This should be of some help as far as Morrison is concerned:

Here are some other Batman reading order sites: (I don't think the site has been updated since half way through Morrison's turn on Batman)

IMO You'd be best off looking at some lists for essential Batman stories then start there. After that, look at and read about the books, see if they sound interesting. Then Google the book titles and look for reviews. Usually you can find some on Amazon and Good Reads, but also on blogs and comic book websites. Make your list of what you want, and start hunting from there.
I really dig the fact that Marvel is giving out the digital code comics. It does suck when I buy a variant edition and it doesn't have the code.

Anyone reading AvX? I have enjoyed the main story line so far and the art is pretty good as well. I have the pre-order for the graphic novel so hopefully it will include some of the side story lines as well.
[quote name='thebob101']I really dig the fact that Marvel is giving out the digital code comics. It does suck when I buy a variant edition and it doesn't have the code.

Anyone reading AvX? I have enjoyed the main story line so far and the art is pretty good as well. I have the pre-order for the graphic novel so hopefully it will include some of the side story lines as well.[/QUOTE]

kind of behind on most of my pulls i need to catch up but are you sure about variant because when i bought the skottie young variant of AvX it still had the code in the back
[quote name='4thHorseman']Well, since this site is for deals, might as well post this here:

Instocktrades is having 65% off some DC books. I saw three of the four Seven Soldiers of Victory (Grant Morrison) in there, and quite a few Showcase books.[/QUOTE]

I think we really need a comic book deals thread. Maybe in the Other Deals forum? B&N frequently has coupons. GoHastings is like a haven for used comic books over the internet and they have 50% off today (thread is in the Video Game Deals forum).

We should also have like a Master Trade List for comic books here on CAG, if the mods would allow it. That one Comic Book Lowball was pretty good a several months back.
[quote name='kodave']I think we really need a comic book deals thread. Maybe in the Other Deals forum? B&N frequently has coupons. GoHastings is like a haven for used comic books over the internet and they have 50% off today (thread is in the Video Game Deals forum).

We should also have like a Master Trade List for comic books here on CAG, if the mods would allow it. That one Comic Book Lowball was pretty good a several months back.[/QUOTE]

I'd love a comic/tpb/hardcover trade thread; there's really no good place to trade comics on the internet that I've found.
[quote name='Squall835']I'd love a comic/tpb/hardcover trade thread; there's really no good place to trade comics on the internet that I've found.[/QUOTE]

That's mainly because of condition. Since grading can vary by person, it would be tough to satisfy people. If you guys were just doing a 'reader condition' trade thread, then it would probably work.
[quote name='slowdive21']That's mainly because of condition. Since grading can vary by person, it would be tough to satisfy people. If you guys were just doing a 'reader condition' trade thread, then it would probably work.[/QUOTE]

Things get a bit messier with floppies when you're trying to guess at what grading company would price a single issue at. But if you're just talking trade collections, whether TPB or HC, its pretty easy to describe quality and any flaws or damage. As long as everyone is up front about the condition of trade collections, I haven't seen any problems trading across other forums and even doing a couple of trades here on CAG. Stuff like slow shippers, inconsiderate people, etc. will always exist no matter the form. If anything people who participate in these things are more honest than a lot of the re-sellers on eBay and Amazon Marketplace. And you can be upfront about shipping and packing expectations too.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']Come on over to the cgc boards. They can even help you grade your stuff with scans. The more the merrier.

The boards are "Collectors Society"[/QUOTE]

I do know a couple of people on there. One guy has a store in Michigan and the other only deals in high grade stuff here in IL. I was picking up Secret Wars 8 (alien costume) from him for 50 cents per book because he considered them VF+. I really have to give him a call and buy some more stuff. I would join, but I have held out for the same reason, I didn't become an overstreet adviser...I don't want people to recognize me and not want to deal with me.
I've really been loving Chew, but I'm nearing the end. What's next?

Definitely want to check out Harvest once it hits trade, so in the meantime, anymore suggestions?
everything i've gotten so far has been great though i've only read a total of like 6 comics so what i can recommend is limited...
i also like self contained stories so it won't be 6 trades long.

That in mind I think you should check out The Cape.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I've really been loving Chew, but I'm nearing the end. What's next?

Definitely want to check out Harvest once it hits trade, so in the meantime, anymore suggestions?[/QUOTE]

Saga!! Judging from your two examples it seems you might be more into independent/creator-owned books rather than capes and tights. I think that Revival might be the next sleeper hit, its a zombie comic that isn't really a zombie comic, I'm totally intrigued. Mind the Gap is also a great whodunit. I think those are all Image books, by the way when did Image start killing it again. Also, if you like weird, heady books go back and give Casanova a try, I think that the new arc is starting soon.
10 cent sale was a success. They had a whole tent full of boxes. You could buy them for 10 cents each, fill a short box for $15 or fill a long box for $30. I went ahead and got me a short box full of different series.
[quote name='Tsel']10 cent sale was a success. They had a whole tent full of boxes. You could buy them for 10 cents each, fill a short box for $15 or fill a long box for $30. I went ahead and got me a short box full of different series.[/QUOTE]

fuck. About how may boxes did they have 10, 30, 50? did they have any 'older' books like 35 cent cover price?
[quote name='slowdive21']fuck. About how may boxes did they have 10, 30, 50? did they have any 'older' books like 35 cent cover price?[/QUOTE]

They had probably 20-25 long boxes and the guy said if they sold a longbox, they had more to bring out. The oldest I noticed were probably late 80s, early 90s.
so wheres everyone local comic shop, i usually go to Fordham comics, and Midtown on occasion. Wanted to try other shops, so went to Forbidden planet this past week. The store was nice but didnt like that there wasnt many back issues, and the ones they had they kept them on bookshelves, and wasnt very organized.
My closest LCS is Metropolis Comics, but the owner's a massive douche. I have to drive an hour to go to Acme Comics, but it's worth it.
[quote name='Tsel']My closest LCS is Metropolis Comics, but the owner's a massive douche. I have to drive an hour to go to Acme Comics, but it's worth it.[/QUOTE]

Sorry to hear bout the owner, you should post pics of your pick ups would like to see what you got
My closest is ZBK comics about 10 minutes away. It's a small place but the staff is nice. My favorite store is Tate's comics. It's 30 minutes away, but the place is huge. It's got everything you'd ever want.
[quote name='4thHorseman']So...anyone see the news of what's going to happen in Justice League #12?



I fear that this falls into the category of "giving fans what they think they want." Sure, on one level it makes sense and it's been done in other books, but it was usually kept to alternate-U situations and such. I'm also skeptical as to if GG can make this work as more than a gimmick.
[quote name='ShogunNage']Sorry to hear bout the owner, you should post pics of your pick ups would like to see what you got[/QUOTE]

I'l definitely have to take some pictures. I actually went back today and surprisingly found another decent haul. Ended up getting another short box. I probably should've just got a longbox in the first place, but I'm still walking away with anywhere from 400-500 comics for $30.
[quote name='Tsel']I'l definitely have to take some pictures. I actually went back today and surprisingly found another decent haul. Ended up getting another short box. I probably should've just got a longbox in the first place, but I'm still walking away with anywhere from 400-500 comics for $30.[/QUOTE]

thats pretty sick, need to find sales like that here
The local comic shop I go to is Fantastic Comics which is right in downtown Berkeley, its a slightly smaller place but everyone who works there seems really nice and they've given me some really good recommendations. I think there are a few bigger places in San Francisco but they aren't that close to where I work, and the comic shop in Berkeley is really easy to stop at when I take public transit home (which I do every week day since I don't own a car, a result of me living in NYC previously, but it hasn't been too bad using San Fran's public transit system) and then I can stop at the grocery store on my walk back to my place from there (so I basically do both which works out nicely since I usually only buy enough groceries to last me about a week).
I have a bookstore within walking distance that sells comics, but it's a bookstore first and a comic shop second, so the selection leaves a lot to be desired. Luckily, there's a legit comic place that's a five minute drive from my house, so that's not too bad. In fact, there's two, but one of them is a bit grubbier so I try to avoid it.
The place closest to me is Lone Star Comics (they have quite a few shops in the DFW area) and it's pretty awesome. The employees are incredibly helpful and they always get some nice figures/variants/shirts from the bigger conventions in. The only negative with the one I go to (literally right next to my college) is that they don't have any back issues, and if I were to want back issues, I would have to drive about an hour, depending on traffic, to get them. However, you can order them to be delivered to any of their stores, so that is awesome.
[quote name='GhostShark']The place closest to me is Lone Star Comics (they have quite a few shops in the DFW area) and it's pretty awesome. The employees are incredibly helpful and they always get some nice figures/variants/shirts from the bigger conventions in. The only negative with the one I go to (literally right next to my college) is that they don't have any back issues, and if I were to want back issues, I would have to drive about an hour, depending on traffic, to get them. However, you can order them to be delivered to any of their stores, so that is awesome.[/QUOTE]

I've ordered from their site before, the site is nice
[quote name='ShogunNage']I've ordered from their site before, the site is nice[/QUOTE]

Ya me too actually, haha. Of all the comic book sites I've ordered from that one is by far the easiest to navigate and get a sorted list of a particular series. Quite literally it's easy enough that mom can use it, since I've had her pick up some older comics I was interested in as gifts before and she had no trouble at all ordering the right issues. They pack them really well too.
I've gotten an item or two through Lone Star Comics on either Amazon or eBay. Worked out well.

For those of you interested - That Buy 2 Get 1 at Barnes and Noble also included some Absolute Editions. I was able to get Absolute Batman The Long Halloween, Absolute Batman Dark Victory, and the upcoming Absolute Batman and Robin: Batman Reborn (even though its a pre-order), PLUS use my "surprise" coupon they emailed me for this weekend that ended up being for 30% Off. So I got 30% off the most expensive Absolute with the cheapest one free. It broke down to like $38 an Absolute. Just have to wait until mid-January for that Batman and Robin one. Hopefully B&N's notoriously shitty shipping doesn't damage the other two.
Just a quick glimpse of what all I got. I was extremely surprised to find some New 52 stuff in there as you can see Justice League Dark (just issues 3 and 4), but still. That's issue 1 of Punisher 2099 too. Tons of variant covers too. :bouncy:

[quote name='Tsel']Just a quick glimpse of what all I got. I was extremely surprised to find some New 52 stuff in there as you can see Justice League Dark (just issues 3 and 4), but still. That's issue 1 of Punisher 2099 too. Tons of variant covers too. :bouncy:


nice man, got a lot of reading ahead of you
[quote name='Rodimus']icebeast, your sig. WTF?[/QUOTE]

What can I say, Teddie isn't afraid to bear it all, and look good doing it. (I am a little surprised you came across it here first and not in the GGT, haha).


I picked up the first 3 issues of Mind The Gap last week, and I'm actually liking that series a lot, I like it's interesting blend of mystery and supernatural, hopefully it stays paced well to focus on all the different characters and plot threads that have been introduced and keep them all (or most all) interesting which is my only worry. If it stays well paced though I could see it being a really great series.
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fun it sort of funny my cousin is still pissed she cant get what she paid for the knightfall series back in 1993

(she got them after the prices went nuts) paid between 7 to 15 and issue
[quote name='icebeast']What can I say, Teddie isn't afraid to bear it all, and look good doing it. (I am a little surprised you came across it here first and not in the GGT, haha).


I picked up the first 3 issues of Mind The Gap last week, and I'm actually liking that series a lot, I like it's interesting blend of mystery and supernatural, hopefully it stays paced well to focus on all the different characters and plot threads that have been introduced and keep them all (or most all) interesting which is my only worry. If it stays well paced though I could see it being a really great series.[/QUOTE]

Mind the Gap is pretty cool, and it's not even characters that do it for me, it's the mystery surrounding everything. Plus, it's Jim McCann, and he did the awesome Hawkeye and Mockingbird limited series.
bread's done