Comp USA Inventory Blowout $4.99 Games Starts FRIDAY!

GOod post but note the text reads 'up to' 90%, which means it can be any clearance amount. I wish it WERE $4.99 each because there's an assload of games at the Compusa near my job but at $20 per game, not trigger worthy.
... and they start at 6pm. So, it's not like you can just 'run out' and see what they have - it's Friday night rush hour and gridlock everywhere.
The games assortment will be so YMMV, I wouldn't recommend going out of your way for this sale. If there's one nearby, then it might be worth a look.
That link's not working for me...there's a compusa right by my office but it's just on the other side of the intersection from Hades. Don't want to brave it unless I have to.

Yes, HAVE to. The power of sales compels me.
:D Beat me to it! I read aanother commercial here at the studio. Heres what it says:

Starting at 6pm this friday through Sunday get unbelieveable savings of up to 75% off COMPUSA massive warehouse sale we got it. we get it. While supplies last.

About the link. I get this when I clicky: - Page Not Found

Sorry for the inconvenience, but the address you are looking for does not exist on our site. Our site is constantly changing so that we can serve you better, so the information you need may have moved.
[quote name='dago2727']Link still doesnt work..[/QUOTE]
Couldn't get it to work here either.

My CompUSA has always sucked for clearance, though; they've still got the "manager's special" $25 Mortal Kombat GBA game on the shelf, and it's been there for maybe two years now. Unfortunately, that's their idea of sale.

Also, why no love for any of the other systems? They sell games for the PC, GameCube, and the handhelds; you'd think they'd have something to clear out for those platforms as well...
Maybe this is a diff. sale but CompUSA in Fairfax, VA has all PS2, XBOX titles marked $19.98 on clearance for $4.99... has had this sale up for a while now. Nothing too exciting. ALMOST bought a copy of Halo for $4.99 but the sticker said $19.99 and not $19.98. fuckers.
On the main link for the deals, under the Xbox and PS2 notice it states "See store for titles," so I am guessing that it is a YMMV type of deal.
LOL- UP to 90% off

got to love that "up to" bastards- they need to just say 90% off- but no, this is a way to try to trick people into coming in.
It's on my way home from work, so I'll stop by to pick up a 1GB CompactFlash card for my camera ($20 is a bargain, compared with $48 on, and NO mail-in rebates) and check out the video game selection while I'm there. Too bad Logitech computer speakers aren't on sale.
Check the CompUSA front page. They list the sale prices there. As far as games go, there's really nothing there except for Free Auto Assault with full price purchase of Guild Wars Factions. (Eugh. Guild Wars. Bleh.) That and Hulk:UD PS2 for $15.88-ish. Nothing here that cannot be beat by Big Lots, GameCrazy's $5 sale, or the GGC.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Check the CompUSA front page. They list the sale prices there. As far as games go, there's really nothing there except for Free Auto Assault with full price purchase of Guild Wars Factions. (Eugh. Guild Wars. Bleh.) That and Hulk:UD PS2 for $15.88-ish. Nothing here that cannot be beat by Big Lots, GameCrazy's $5 sale, or the GGC.[/QUOTE]

WHAT THE fuck ? Smackdown:BOTP which was released over 4 years ago is still $40 fucking dollars? This is crapUSA's idea of a sale?
[quote name='RollingSkull']Check the CompUSA front page. They list the sale prices there. As far as games go, there's really nothing there except for Free Auto Assault with full price purchase of Guild Wars Factions. (Eugh. Guild Wars. Bleh.) That and Hulk:UD PS2 for $15.88-ish. Nothing here that cannot be beat by Big Lots, GameCrazy's $5 sale, or the GGC.[/quote]
They have Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for only $39.98! :shock:

I am so there!

...But seriously, thanks to cheesehead5775 for posting this.
I have a feeling it will just be the current clearance games at each store, now just advertised. Some games are 90% off I guess like I saw Future Tactics for $2.98 a few weeks ago
I picked up BGAE, Future Tactics and Starsky and Hutch for like $13.72. Going to trade in FT and SAH. Might keep BGAE.
Ahhhhhhhh I was hoping to see some of those 1st gen PSP games that are clogging up the shelves on here. Ah well, I might give it a look because they have a ton of games on the shelf, albeit most are old.
hopefully this means further in-store discounts. there's a bunch of stuff I want at my store..
I'll check this out on Friday at the good Compusa near my side of town. I'll give an update Saturday morning.
[quote name='RustyOrgan']Maybe this is a diff. sale but CompUSA in Fairfax, VA has all PS2, XBOX titles marked $19.98 on clearance for $4.99... has had this sale up for a while now. Nothing too exciting. ALMOST bought a copy of Halo for $4.99 but the sticker said $19.99 and not $19.98. fuckers.[/quote]

I may have to check it out.
[quote name='shrike4242']The games assortment will be so YMMV, I wouldn't recommend going out of your way for this sale. If there's one nearby, then it might be worth a look.[/quote]

I agree, selection was poor at the stores nearest me--not worth going out of your way for sure.
[quote name='RustyOrgan']Maybe this is a diff. sale but CompUSA in Fairfax, VA has all PS2, XBOX titles marked $19.98 on clearance for $4.99... has had this sale up for a while now. Nothing too exciting. ALMOST bought a copy of Halo for $4.99 but the sticker said $19.99 and not $19.98. fuckers.[/quote]That's why I'm excited for this. I'm sure there'll be drops beyond what's on the site. And, the big question is... if a game gets clearanced to $19.98... does it then apply to the managers special and drop to $4.98? Afterall, $4.98 for a new copy of Rainbow Six Lockdown? Sounds good to me!
EDIT: And no, this is not a sale, this is a mangers special for the site. I know this because I picked up five new games for $5 each back in may under this deal. They said it was only that weekend. Apparently not...
Yeah CompUSA...great price:

Zelda: Windwaker - $39.99, AFTER $10 savings. What a joke.

Almost all of the games advertised were from $5-10 at previous store sales since January.
[quote name='RustyOrgan']Maybe this is a diff. sale but CompUSA in Fairfax, VA has all PS2, XBOX titles marked $19.98 on clearance for $4.99... has had this sale up for a while now. Nothing too exciting. ALMOST bought a copy of Halo for $4.99 but the sticker said $19.99 and not $19.98. fuckers.[/QUOTE]

yes I can confirm that too... they've had those titles out for awhile... to be honest nothing special. :(
The only decent sale I can see is on the HP plasma (Which is a rebadged Panasonic 42PX500U... which seems to be superior to this year's model). Still too pricy for my blood (if they even have it in stock).
My compusa is really disorganized so I dont expect much. Occasionally they have come through with some surprises though...
The nearest CompUSA for me already marks down games to $10 pretty frequently. It just isn't in an area I visit much anymore but it's usually worth taking a quick five minute scan if I'm nearby.
Before everyone bashes CompUSA to death, realize that they do occasionally have good deals. I've been able to pick up some dirt cheap games that no other store has because no one ever goes through there anymore. I picked up the Chaos Theory LE for 18 bucks and DOA3(original release) for 10 bucks a few months ago. I like that they screw up their prices because people come in and bitch about the prices being so high but when you get to the register most of the games ring up between 10 to 25 bucks. It's the same thing that happens at CC but people worship them for all their great deals. I guess CompUSA just isn't cool.
I'm not bashing CompUSA, it's merely that their stuff is so YMMV/store-specific that it makes getting a deal difficult.

I've found deals at CompUSA as well, though it's like WalMart in my mind, so YMMV, it's almost not worth the extra trip.
[quote name='shrike4242']I'm not bashing CompUSA, it's merely that their stuff is so YMMV/store-specific that it makes getting a deal difficult.

I've found deals at CompUSA as well, though it's like WalMart in my mind, so YMMV, it's almost not worth the extra trip.[/QUOTE]

that's true.
not to mention gas money for me.
so i'd choose between clearance titles at CompUSA or get a used one at an Gamestop a few meters from my place.
i was just at my compusa today and they had all of their gamecube, ds and gba games on clearance. i'm jw if anyone knows if all the compusas are doing this.
[quote name='shrike4242']I'm not bashing CompUSA, it's merely that their stuff is so YMMV/store-specific that it makes getting a deal difficult.

I've found deals at CompUSA as well, though it's like WalMart in my mind, so YMMV, it's almost not worth the extra trip.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree that although not impossible it is very rare the times that I actually find something good at compusa. 9 out of 10 times I feel that I just waste my time plus the employees are very little help as well...
The thing I hate about compusa is their refusal to put clear price stickers on their games. Probably because they never update the stickers when they DO put them on. Games that should be selling for 10 bucks or less often labeled as 39.99 only to suddenly become 8.98 on clearance when you least expect it.

I'd like to think I'll find something decent tomarrow but then again the compusa I go to has been so slowly phasing out console games that I'll probably be lucky to find ridgeracer for the DS....

...labeled 29.99
bread's done