Comp USA Inventory Blowout $4.99 Games Starts FRIDAY!

[quote name='Alpha2']Oh. My. fucking. God.

This sale was so retarded it hurts. So I get out of work at 6PM and head over to Comp about 5 or 6 blocks away on Broadway. I get there about 15 minutes later expecting the usual mob of crazy consumers but strangly see almost no one in the store. I walked in and headed upstairs hoping to see a table with a few crap sports games and a few other titles no one will buy and maybe a few gems in the rough... But I saw nothing... huh? I walked around for a moment looking for the manager's specials to see most of the racks had been cleaned of a good deal of their stock. The PS2 games were maybe 6 titles still with prices unchanged. Someone had apparently also tried to hide 3 PSP games amid the left overs but all were (for once) labled with prices but prices that indicated no clearance action at all so it was pointless to hide them as they didnt seem to be part of the sale... of DS games there were maybe 4 left, all shit titles that normally would be part of a clearance like Fear Factor, so I figured maybe they did their sale early and these are whats left?

I went back downstairs to check the flyer. It said clearly "sale starts at 6 pm" so they couldn't have sold 2 or 3 dozen games in the 12 minutes it took me to walk to the store with no other signs of purchase frenzy so I went back upstairs and tracked down an employee. I asked him about the clearance and he stated that there was indeed a sale, when asked about games he said "All the clearnce stuff should be downstairs." remember that, it'll be important. I told the employee "Huh? there's no table down there." He looked puzzled for a moment and started to head for another employee to confirm. The next person confirms "yeah, the games should be downstairs." So I walked back down the stairs and looked around I saw a couple of cages with the usual clearance laptops and cameras, all the standard routine, I've been here during their cleanaces and recognize this but their was clearly no table like I'd seen in the past. Then I noticed a guy walking around very quickly with a bunch of Xbox games in a bag, clearly already purchased. As he passed I noticed a gathering of people by a service entrance that normally is "Employees only" and I figured they were all waiting for clearnace desk top computers to be pulled out of storage or maybe printers. A quick survey of both all located downstairs as opposed to upstairs all shown regular price... odd. So I loitered around the crowd wondering what they were waiting for when I noticed the crowd got smaller for a moment. I stepped forward to see how that happened as surely customers werent walking into an employee back room, right?

Suddenly an elevator door opened and a man quietly ushered another group of people in. As if sneaking groupies into the back stage of a concert, When finally pressed for details the man in a low secertive voice said "We're having a sale downstairs"... the fuck? I thought I WAS 'downstairs'... furthermore the hell are you whispering when you have a giant sign and a huge flyer posted int the front of the store with fucking ballons on it?! Another man next to me asked, "Do you need a pass or something to get in?", "No," came the reply "just wait here online."

WHAT'S WITH ALL THE SECRECY!? I finally got in the elevator hidden behind the employee only doors and went downstairs into what apparently was the stock room. As the elevator doors opened I sal a stack of cheaply made 6in screen portable dvd players and some MSN webtv style devices sitting with cleance price lables, further in where dozens of people were crowded around tiny little tables adorned with cheap 128mb mp3 players, a few 250 and 300gb hardrives all for prices more expensive then their MIR prices (oooh a 250gb maxtor for $115? SIGN ME THE HELL UP! even though I got one from you months ago for 70 after rebate!!) and some relativly useless flash drives with ... flashlights on them. Eventually I fought through the crowd to finally get to the games... which were all multiple copies of about 6 different Xbox titles and generally crappy ones at that (I dont give a shit about xbox so dont ask me what they were) and abouf a half dozen of 2 differnt PS2 Jampacks.

COMPLETE waste of time], and the way they were hiding it you'd think they were giving away gold, a totally unnessasary hassle for shit stock. By the time I got there the sale couldnt have been going for more than 25 minutes hardly enough time to clear out "the good stuff". They probably shipped half their stock to the wearhouse for online orders long ago if anything and figured since it was a store wide thing they had to have SOME kind of sale and this is what they came up with...

fuck you CompUSA, fuck you hard.[/QUOTE]

my cousin lives on the same street where they tape David Letterman... I've been to that compusa a few times... those employees have that "really shaddy" feel to them. Sorry to hear from you that I was right :whistle2:(

Can't get any useful help from them.
[quote name='ITDEFX']my cousin lives on the same street where they tape David Letterman... I've been to that compusa a few times... those employees have that "really shaddy" feel to them. Sorry to hear from you that I was right :whistle2:(

Can't get any useful help from them.[/quote]

That sounds like the weirdest CompUSA ever. Oh well, CompUSA's headquarters are located on the Dallas North Tollway in a big blue skyscraper. I may check tomorrow, haven't decided yet. My CompUSA usually sucks, but the ones farther in Dallas aren't that bad. Last December they were still selling a couple of n64 games!
I forgot to mention in my other post...

I don't know if this has been mentioned by anyone else, but when I picked up a game from my local Compusa tonight at the end of the transaction the cashier peeled a sticker from a sheet and stuck it over the return policy on the receipt.

It says:


I thought this was really weird, especially to do so after a transaction with no signage warning you of this. It's not a big deal because I know I won't need to return the game I bought, but I would have been PISSED if I had bought a couple games that I "maybe" wanted and couldn't return them.

I just thought I'd give everyone a heads up in case this rule is effective at all Compusa's.
Sad to say this, but this entire "sale" just fucking sucks. At my local CompUSA, there was a crowd of people, and a bunch of games piled on tables in the front. A majority of them were old sports games and licensed crap. The one game that caught my eye was The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, the game that's on sale on their web site for $15.98 ($4 instant savings). I wait in line, until I get up to the register. The cashier scans it... but it comes up at $19.98. I tell him that it was $15.98 on the CompUSA web site, so he leaves the register to apparently go check the web site. The cashier came back and said "Oh, the price is online-only." Needless to say, I just said "Thanks anyway" and left, since I didn't want to pay what's going to be essentially full price for it. I later checked the web site, and sure enough, it said "ONLINE ONLY" (Under the "Rebate Info" tab), but it was tucked away, not shown anywhere on the product page unless you know which link to click.

Overall, this entire sale, not just the games part, was a load of crock. My local CompUSA is fairly large, and despite walking through the store, I didn't see a single item that was worth getting. They were all either a few bucks off the full price, the common price at other stores (With that pathetic "Manager's Special" tag), an overpriced, outdated device, or likely to be put on sale again in the near future.

I have to give CompUSA credit though, they managed to trick loads of uninformed saps into thinking that they were getting inventory closeout prices. It was rather funny watching people buying loads of outdated or hardly reduced "Manager's Special" computer equipment. It was even funnier to watch people buying armfuls of "Manager's Special" games (Usually old sports games, licensed crap, or Rainbow Six: Lockdown), thinking that they are getting an excellent deal. :rofl:

Oh, and congrats to those who got the best $5 games in this sale. At least you were able to come away with something to brag about from this sale. I would have considered this whole night to be a bust if I didn't pick up the last copy of Drill Dozer for $9.99 at Best Buy before going to CompUSA. Great game for a great price :).

EDIT: I didn't stick around to see if what ManChowder posted is true, but if it's "All sales final" at all stores, that would definitely be the saddest part about this sale. Not only do they charge us near-full price on the crap they sell; they're not allowing us to return it? Who the heck do they think they are? Goodwill? ;)
In defense of the workers as the Broadway Compusa, they were atleast friendly and not assholes about the whole thing it's just the completelack of information and worthwhile content that pissed me off. If they worked for any other company they'd be cool.

are there psp games on sale?
HAHAHAHAHAHAH. no, sorry dude.
I really don't know what some of you people were expecting from CompUSA...their selection usually sucks anyway, with or without a sale. This sale is def a YMMV, but I certainly left happy tonight.
I ended up walking out with Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory with $5 and nothing else, I saw Max Payne 2 for $5 and thought about it but decided not to. Probably wasn't worth all the time and gas it took to get there, but I guess it coulda been worse.
Cao Cao I have a new copy of "The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction" for PS2. If you're interested give me a PM. I'll sell it to you for $13 shipped.
Well, guess I have to be the lone bandit to make out with anything good or at least decent. I ended up getting 15 (yes fifteen) games for a total of $58. Here is my all PS2 haul (the lowest game was $2, the highest was $6):

Alien Hominid
RTX Red Rock
Minority Report
Dr Muto
Galerians: Ash
Future Tactics
Herdy Gerdy
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness
Shadowman 2
Mark of Kri
50 Cent: Bulletproof
[quote name='Fatesealer']Well, guess I have to be the lone bandit to make out with anything good or at least decent. I ended up getting 15 (yes fifteen) games for a total of $58. Here is my all PS2 haul (the lowest game was $2, the highest was $6):

Alien Hominid
RTX Red Rock
Minority Report
Dr Muto
Galerians: Ash
Future Tactics
Herdy Gerdy
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness
Shadowman 2
Mark of Kri
50 Cent: Bulletproof[/QUOTE]

alien hominid is pretty good.
I'm glad you guys founds some deals. In Mesa , AZ the lowest was $10 and generally the manager's idea of a 'special' was bout $5 more or about the same price as Best Buy in the same plaza. Saw several of the CC $8.96 titles trying to fetch $20-25.
You know the only thing I wished is that they actually had some of the games that have been sitting on the shelf for the last year and a half in the sale, I'm certain they werent because it's not like I was that late unless fucking hoarders came in and snatched everything they could regardless of the game just to resell.
[quote name='Fatesealer']Well, guess I have to be the lone bandit to make out with anything good or at least decent. I ended up getting 15 (yes fifteen) games for a total of $58. Here is my all PS2 haul (the lowest game was $2, the highest was $6):

Alien Hominid
RTX Red Rock
Minority Report
Dr Muto
Galerians: Ash
Future Tactics
Herdy Gerdy
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness
Shadowman 2
Mark of Kri
50 Cent: Bulletproof[/QUOTE]

Those are all... bad.
[quote name='Fatesealer']Well, guess I have to be the lone bandit to make out with anything good or at least decent. I ended up getting 15 (yes fifteen) games for a total of $58. Here is my all PS2 haul (the lowest game was $2, the highest was $6):

Alien Hominid
RTX Red Rock
Minority Report
Dr Muto
Galerians: Ash
Future Tactics
Herdy Gerdy
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness
Shadowman 2
Mark of Kri
50 Cent: Bulletproof[/quote]

Bless your soul...
[quote name='Chacrana']Those are all... bad.[/quote]No, no they're not.

Alien Hominid
Galerians: Ash
Herdy Gerdy
Shadowman 2
Mark of Kri

RTX Red Rock
Minority Report
Dr Muto
Future Tactics
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness
50 Cent: Bulletproof

$58 for the good games alone would have been a great deal. Add in the trade-in fodder in the bad list, and you got an excellent deal!
[quote name='Alpha2']You know the only thing I wished is that they actually had some of the games that have been sitting on the shelf for the last year and a half in the sale, I'm certain they werent because it's not like I was that late unless fucking hoarders came in and snatched everything they could regardless of the game just to resell.[/QUOTE]

When I went to the first store, you had to go find the 'shelf' yourself. It wasn't clearly marked. At the front of the store was a bin full of GAMES SUPER LOW PRICES WE SWEAR. Sure, like I'd be ready to give Compusa $40 for a new Pikmin 2 which could be had for $20 elsewhere, how could I say no? For every $10 Dead or Alive 3 on Xbox, there was a $35 NBA Street V3... The majority of the games in that bin SHOULD have been in the mix with the clearance games. I'd have jumped on a lot more than I did. If I hadn't taken the chance and actually gone to the games department, I'd have never found what I had. I know I was just going to leave after seeing the initial bin at the front, like so many others will. There's yet one more Compusa near my house that I'll hit before work so maybe I can score other rarities.

...sidenote: to those that have the opinions about what I did end up getting, it doesn't bother me all that much. Sometimes what some hate I find to be very enjoyable, and vice versa. There were PLENTY of $4.99 and $9.99 or under games I left behind because I outright knew they sucked, so be happy. :) Though I won't lie: if I DO end up disliking something, I still have until the 25th to take advantage of the 3 for $10 extra. Considering what I paid for some of them, that'll be a profit.
Hit up my CompUSA yesterday. The actual blowout was a bust, but the trip was well worth it, thanks to that ongoing "$19.98 or less becomes $4.99" Managers Special. Picked up a copy of Pariah (XBX), ZooKeeper (DS), Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits (DS), Rocky Legends (XBX) (Note: Yes, the game is mediocre, but I loves me some Rocky), Viewtiful Joe 2 (GCN), and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (GCN). All $4.98. Best comes to best, 6 great games for $30. Worst comes to worst... trade fodder.

Oh, and can someone confirm if FE: PoR is universally pricedropped? If so I'll have to go back.
At the Little Rock Comp USA there was some stuff that's still overpriced but I did score Blazing Angels PC for $3, Eye Toy Kinetic and Play 2 with the cameras for $5 each. I just took the games to the csr and told her there were no prices listed for them and wanted a price check. They rang up at original price but when I told her they came from the sale area, she just took 90% off rather than checking to see what the actual % off should have been. Score! :)
This "sale" has been going on for months. I got stuff like Alien Hominid ($4.98), Silent Line: Armored Core ($4.98), and Final Fantasy X-2 ($4.98) a few months ago. Maybe Comp USA is finally just advertising it?
[quote name='Hoffgod']Hit up my CompUSA yesterday. The actual blowout was a bust, but the trip was well worth it, thanks to that ongoing "$19.98 or less becomes $4.99" Managers Special. [/quote]

There's a Manager's Special like that? o_O
I bought some more decent games at CompUSA. They didn't have it on the shelves but back in the warehouse. Picked up:

Drakengard 2 - 19.99 (Couldn't find this game at Best Buy so I figure I might as well buy it at CompUSA)
Metal Gear Solid 2 - 4.98
Shadowman 2 - 2.98
Silent Hill 4 - 4.98
Wait a minute, games are now being sold at CompUSA for $4.99 universally?

That did not seem to be the case when I went to my store yesterday.
Got back from my latest store. Picked up Killer 7, Drakengard and Transformers for a total of $15. All are PS2 games. As for Fire Emblem, I found it on GC but it rang up as $45, no discount. What I'm seeing as being consistant is if a game is under $19, it is dropped to $5. This was the case with 50 Cent Buletproof, and the previous three i just bought. All were labeled $10, rang up $10, but total button reduced them all to $4.99 each. If thats true for all stores then holy shit, I have to go back to the one near my job: there's like a Ratchet and Clank and a Freedom Fighters out there for $9.99 each!
hit up another Compusa today--

I go to the "secret sale room" and see a PS1 LCD combo. I knew this wouldn't end well, but I brought it up to have it price checked anyway. It comes up $99.99 as expected and I ask what the discount is since it was in the clearance room.

The douchebag manager comes up and goes "Oh yeah, well it's $100." I tell him the PS2 is $130, so why would a PS1 only be $30 cheaper. He counters "Actually, the PS2 is $175." :bomb:

I tell him his own store sells them for $130 and ask him where he gets his info. He doesn't answer and says "well, the gamestore around the corner sells these for $75." I call him a liar, tell him GS sells them for $30, and tell him good luck with the sale.

Compusa is so freaking sorry. I can't believe that guy was trying to screw me during a freaking CLEARANCE sale. The idea is to clear things out, not haggle as much cash out of people as possible.
The only thing I got from this sale (other than Shenmue II) was King Kong for Xbox, for $4.98, which I figured was a good deal. Anybody want it? :)
[quote name='ilikegames']are there psp games on sale?[/QUOTE]

my compusa had
hot shot golf open tee
untold legends
???? (there was probably something else, but that is all I remember)
for $14.99 each.

But many of the $4.99 games that people are reporting such as Shenmue II and Drakengard were marked $9.99 at my store. Also, the games were ringing up as the regular price. Good thing I paid attention during checkout. Otherwise, I would of paid twice as much for my games I brought (Ninja Gaiden Black and Hot Shot Golf Open Tee for $14.99 each).
I hit up my CompUSA. Even though I didn't pick up any $4.99 game they did have a buy 3 get 2 free. I was able to pick up:

Dynasty Warriors PSP
Ape Escape PSP
Donkey Konga 1 w/ Bongos GCN
Mister Driller DS

All total it came out to $60. I got Ape Escape and Mister Driller for free as they were the 2 lowest priced items. They did have Path of Radiance but it was marked Manager's Special for $45.

I also picked up a wireless router for $15. Hope it works since I can't return any of it. This is the Comp USA on W826 Highway in Miami, FL.
[quote name='wbc1228']
But many of the $4.99 games that people are reporting such as Shenmue II and Drakengard were marked $9.99 at my store. Also, the games were ringing up as the regular price. Good thing I paid attention during checkout. Otherwise, I would of paid twice as much for my games I brought (Ninja Gaiden Black and Hot Shot Golf Open Tee for $14.99 each).[/quote]

fatesealer wrote about this in a previous post. Games marked as 9.99 ring up as 9.99 but when the cashier totals everything the price gets dropped so the games end up as 4.98. Might be the same for some other games under 19 bucks. You have to check out the prices after the cashier totals everything; I know it's a stupid method of pricing, blame compusa!
I hate CompUSA and I hate their sales even more then when you eat a sub from Quizno's and you find a hair in it.

I went in because I thought Oh 90% off is great, but when I got there it was a different story. At 5:50pm when I got there they weren't even ready and the Manager got into a fight with a lady who just wanted to know what was on his clearance list and he wouldn't show her. So she ripped it out of his hands and he got furious and told the Customer Service lady to call the cops. She ran and got her Printer and called him some naughty language and then went on line, paid, and ran out.

At 6pm they let me take a look at the games in the Secret Lair. It was all crap so I left. What a waste of time. All that plus they did not have an air conditioner on!!! It was 90 degrees in there!

I will never go in CompUSA again!
[quote name='super_nerd']fatesealer wrote about this in a previous post. Games marked as 9.99 ring up as 9.99 but when the cashier totals everything the price gets dropped so the games end up as 4.98. Might be the same for some other games under 19 bucks. You have to check out the prices after the cashier totals everything; I know it's a stupid method of pricing, blame compusa![/QUOTE]

guessed I must of missed that post.
thanks for the info.
i might head back to compusa later tonight or tomorrow.
I got Drakengard and Crimson Sea 2 for $5 each, got Crimson Sea 2 price checked after I saw Drakengard's price. Might go again tomorrow.
made a 2nd trip today and got
Hot Shots Golf 3 $5
Drakengard $5
Dark Cloud $5
Shenmue 2 $5
Dead or Alive 3 $5
King of the Fighters 00/01 $5
Maximo Ghosts to Glory $5

I'll probably make another trip tomorrow.
It is great sale. If only the prices were marked correctly, then it would have been perfect. This sale was very unorganized. Seems like the $9.99 games are really $4.99. Some of the games are scanning at the original price, not the marked price. Many of the games don't have price tags so it is hard to figure out if it is $4.99, $14.99 etc.
[quote name='super_nerd']fatesealer wrote about this in a previous post. Games marked as 9.99 ring up as 9.99 but when the cashier totals everything the price gets dropped so the games end up as 4.98. Might be the same for some other games under 19 bucks. You have to check out the prices after the cashier totals everything; I know it's a stupid method of pricing, blame compusa![/QUOTE]
Yeah. If I've gotten one thing from this sale (Besides seven games; picked up Asphalt: Urban GT for the DS today) it's a sense of loathing for the way CompUSA operates. I went back today, went to the register with that and two other games from the shelf advertised with the aforementioned Mangers Special. The other two (without a pricetag on them) rung up at $30 each.
Apparently my Manager's Special is trying to pull a quick one on customers. :bomb:
[quote name='newtype06']any DS games that are worth picking?[/quote]
they rarely have decent DS games on sale. which is why i hate it.
The CompUSA in Northern Dallas had a good selection. I got these PS2 games for $4.98 each: Resident Evil Outbreak File 2, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, The Suffering and 50 cent Bulletproof!

These were priced about $10 each on the sticker. When I went to the cash, the 'managers special' came up and repriced it at $4.98 for each game. All these games I got from the warehouse at the back of the store. There were a good selection of old XBOX games and some Gamecube, thats all. Its all YMMV as I brought other games from the back and some didn't register the 'managers special' like from 'From Russia with love', still came out as $19.99

Sales ends this Sunday
Picked up the following:

$0.98! - Splinter Cell (PS2)

$1.98 - Onimusha (PS2)
WWE Smackdown - JBI

Transformers (PS2)
Onimusha - Blade Warriors (PS2)
Sly 2 (PS2)
Ratchet & Clank - UYA
Eternal Darkness (GC)
Waverace (GC)
Wreckless (Xbox)
I picked up

R.A.D. $5
Shrek for $3
Ghost in the Shell: The Stand Alone COmplex $5

Plus I found a Evolution Worlds Strategy Guide for a $1 and some change.

I tried to pick up
Naval Ops
Gallop Racer
for $5 but they couldn't find the games.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']I picked up

R.A.D. $5
Shrek for $3
Ghost in the Shell: The Stand Alone COmplex $5

Plus I found a Evolution Worlds Strategy Guide for a $1 and some change.

I tried to pick up
Naval Ops
Gallop Racer
for $5 but they couldn't find the games.[/QUOTE]

Oh snaps!! RAD for $5 is win dude! That's the only good thing about CompUSA... some of those semi-rare/valuable/HTF games can be found at their stores hidden away in their clearance bins.
Well, I ordered Splinter Cell Chaos Theory for in store pickup this morning, and got the confirmation email about 10 minutes later. I left my house and went out to get it 30 minutes away (I had a couple other things to do in the area and didn't want to pay the 5 buck shipping, this was the closest compusa). I get there and they tell me that while there are four showing up in the computer, they can't find them either on the shelf, in the bin, or in the back, and that they tried to call me at my house but I wasn't there. So no game for me. I offered the solution of having them just send it through their online store but with free shipping...but no dice since the "order was too small". They called another store and had them reserve it, but this store was another 20 minutes completely in the opposite direction of my house, so I just said screw it. I guess I'll still pick it up online, but the shipping is as much as the game costs, which is ridiculous. CompUSA online pickup system needs to get it's shaqfu together. This is also the second time in three days that online portions of stores have told me that a store has something in stock only for me to get there and there be nothing even though the computer says it should be there. gggggh
[quote name='Vinny']Oh snaps!! RAD for $5 is win dude! That's the only good thing about CompUSA... some of those semi-rare/valuable/HTF games can be found at their stores hidden away in their clearance bins.[/QUOTE]

heh, I know. I scored some major stuff like Way of the Samurai 2 for $10 before the sale. I passed up on R.A.D. several times but at $5, I couldn't resist getting it to replace my worn EB copy.

I did notice that the Donkey Konga w/bongos I always seen was gone. I guess that was one of the clearance titles.
Thank God I went back to the store I hit last night. WIth the 10 to 5 knowledge, I got these PS2 games:

Crimson Tears
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
Ratchet and Clank
Freedom Fighters

All rang up $5 each after total button hit.
[quote name='PigeonSt']ouse, so I just said screw it. I guess I'll still pick it up online, but the shipping is as much as the game costs, which is ridiculous. CompUSA online pickup system needs to get it's shaqfu together. This is also the second time in three days that online portions of stores have told me that a store has something in stock only for me to get there and there be nothing even though the computer says it should be there. gggggh[/quote]

Yet another shining example of ChumpUSA's incompetence and lame-inocity.

The American people's ease to be hornswoggled, buffaloed, railroaded, double-crossed, baited and switched by big corporations (aided and abetted by big government employing the same tactics) never ceases to amaze me.
bread's done