*DEAD* Circuit City mistake - 5 dollar games!! (YMMV)

I saw the posts in this thread about an hour before my CC closed . . . I told my wife, she said go (so I'll shut up about it).

I think I could have passed on the glitch but someone posted an image of Project Gotham 2 and Crimson Skies (I was going to get these at EB on BF but I hate EB and I got screwed).

I pick up Mario Golf and Animal Crossing and PGR2 and CrimSkies. The ring up $5 each with the package but the clerk says "that's not right" . . . I can see that I'm in trouble (manager on the way) . . .

. . . so I blurt out "They say that if the games ring up they should be sold . . ." The "they" is you guys on CAG . . . so I'm dead . . . but he looks up and says "they told you that in back?" I meekly nodded and the deal went through.

I went back and searched . . . my CC is really awful no GH, PC or PH sections. I find Socom II, 007 Everything, MOH Rising Sun and Top Spin. He says they don't have the PH logo on them . . . I convinced him that they are (they are $20 in the sys afterall).

Mario Golf
Animal Crossing
Project Gotham R2
Crimson Skies
Socom II
Everything or Nothing
Top Spin
Rising Sun (not a great deal but I needed an extra fast)

for $40
none of the Xbox games have the silver cases!

THANK YOU CAG!!!!! :rofl:
You know. This is/was a great deal. But sometimes I'm just too lazy to go thru with a deal. Congrats to all that got in on this deal. I was too lazy on many regards, but specifically because I can't stand the PC, GH, PH banners....etc.
[quote name='lurknomore']You know. This is/was a great deal. But sometimes I'm just too lazy to go thru with a deal. Congrats to all that got in on this deal. I was too lazy on many regards, but specifically because I can't stand the PC, GH, PH banners....etc.[/quote]

I don't like PC, GH, PH banners either, but I managed to get only two with them. Every Gamecube game on my list had yellow sticker on top. Goo Gone worked well. I've been waiting for the GC games to go down in price. It doesn't happened very often.

Mario Golf (GC) (not PC)
F-Zero GX (GC) (not PC)
Super Mario Sunshine (GC) (not PC)
Soul Calibur 2 (GC) (not PC)
Harvest Moon (GC) (not PC)
Kirby (GC) (not PC)
Zelda WindWalker (GC) (not PC)
Manhunt (PS2)
Ace Combat 4 (PS2)(GH)
Kingdom Hearts (PS2)(GH)

Total $53.70 (with Tax)

There was a grandma with a big bag at the store taking every game from the shelf and trying to convince me she was buying them for her kids. I smiled at first , then after having enough of this :bs: , I told her, that I wish no one will pay more for the games at her shitty Ebay store. Finally I shut her up.

I would like to thank OP for posting this deal and standing behind it :boxing:
:) If anyone is going to CC tommorow on Dec. 13 and buys the $5.00 for 2 games . Please post a picture of your recipt here.

as soon as possibe if you can. If the deal is secretly going on still.

Bye :) :) :) :) :) :) ByE

can someone post a list of all the games that qualify?

or direct me...

i understand they are PC GH and PH but i don't want to miss one that isn't tagged! (if i go at 7:45 LOL)
[quote name='video_gamer324']According to the person I spoke with (a general manager, btw), THIS IS NOT A GLITCH. I asked if it was some kind of mistake, but they said it was not a mistake at all. I was able to get 20 games, but they had to be rung up as two separate purchases because of a limit of 12 games per purchase.[/quote]

Where in Michigan are you? I might have to take a lil roadtrip tomorrow if this is still active... :lol:
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='Dustin Echoes'][quote name='JSweeney']
Wow! You have a weak grasp of the English language, complete with a lack of proficency with punctuation![/quote]

proficiency :wink:[/quote]

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to pick up on that :)

You know, I have a really sick sense of humor about things like that.
Whenever I make a post like that, I'll purposely throw in a couple of errors... just to see if anyone picks up on them and corrects them.

Amazingly, this board has had about a 75% success rate. Back when I posted on some other boards, they only had a 30% rate of catching those errors :)[/quote]

Christ, this egocentric windbag no doubt jacks-off to his own reflection in the mirror.

I especially enjoyed the bit where he flamed the OP and then doesn't have the integrity to admit he was in the wrong, all the while lecturing to others about ethics and proper conduct.

Also, I loved the part where he writes that he would unleash his criticisms face-to-face, even though it is painfully obvious to anybody possessing even a child's deductive reasoning that someone who talks this much shit on the Internet is an introverted twerp who uses online forums to elevate and compensate the tiny and irrelevant station that he occupies in life.

JSweeny, you may have thousands of posts in this forum but all that really conveys to me is that you have no life and spend far too much time in places like this. While your callow and feeble reasoning probably justifies your behavior within the parameters of your own delusional, narcissistic mind, the reality is that you are a shrill and obnoxious bore. This is the first time I've felt the need to call out an asshole at CAG, as most of the people here seem amiable and well adjusted. You however, are simply a prick of the highest order, a pseudo intellectual whose only pleasure is derived from trying to make other people feel inferior. You come off as sad, little, petty, and not nearly as brilliant as you think you are. Lighten up or f--k off but regardless, you are way out of line regarding the manner in which you have conducted yourself in this thread.

To everyone else, I'm sorry to go off topic. It won’t happen again.
[quote name='Nephets']I hope this deal is still around tomorrow morning, lots of games I want to pick up![/quote]

You are going to the MEsquite store right? Let us know how it works cause I need some $5 games.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='Dustin Echoes'][quote name='JSweeney']
Wow! You have a weak grasp of the English language, complete with a lack of proficency with punctuation![/quote]

proficiency :wink:[/quote]

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to pick up on that :)

You know, I have a really sick sense of humor about things like that.
Whenever I make a post like that, I'll purposely throw in a couple of errors... just to see if anyone picks up on them and corrects them.

Amazingly, this board has had about a 75% success rate. Back when I posted on some other boards, they only had a 30% rate of catching those errors :)[/quote]

Right.. you did it on purpose to test the rest of us. :roll:

Normally I wouldn't say anything but since you seem to nit-pick on eveything else people say, I had to point this out.
Something tells me ebay is getting flooded tonight w/ GH/PC/PH games.

I arrived at my local CC in north county San Diego around 6:50 pm. The first group that knew about the 'sale' arrived at the store about 30 minutes early. There was a chest high piles of empty game cases at the two registers near the games section of the store and a couple of the employees were splitting thier time between the customers and stashing games.
There were about five people rummaging through the games and about twice that w/ a stack of games in thier hands looking for more. It was an chaotic but amusing scene. I found the two games I was looking for on a display everyone seems to have missed until that point; after I pointed it out it was stripped bare. I also picked up a couple titles for my girlfriend and started heading for the register when I ticked off looking manager told the employee at the register to stop selling the games for $4.99 and manually override the price to $14.99. The employee asked if he could finish up with his current customer and the manager grunted and walked away. I asked the guy behind the register since I was already in line if he would ring me up at the sale price, he said sure no problem but I'd be the last one. So it seems I managed to slip just under the radar on this one. I don't think the deal will be live tomorrow.

It seems this deal broke out here based on the time stamps on the posts in the various formus. Anandtech posted the deal at 6:10pm and FW posted the deal at 5:27 pm, CAG had the deal posted at 11:25 am, per the time stamps on thier respective boards. 42 minutes later someone confirmed the post on FW. 42 minutes later on this board it looked like y'all were still flaming the OP. I think it's a little silly that CAGers could have had a jump on the deal thanks to the OP's heads up but spent the time flaming him instead.

Now off to the trade boards to find the games I missed.

Thanks for the deal OP, great post =)
I found this post shortly after I got off work from CC around 9:30.......

Hopefully it will be going on in the morning, I have one of my co-workers checking it out and calling me in the morning.....cross your fingers.
my roommate and I got:
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando
Socom II
Kingdom Hearts
Sly Cooper
Tekken 4
Soul Calibur II
Everything or Nothing
BOF: Dragon Quarter
Champions of Norrath
Sonic Mega Collection +!!!!!

Mario Sunshine
Smash Bros.

And to think we went just so he could get xensaga + EoN. I was SUPER excited to get dragon quarter and mega collection though.
[quote name='Randomthts']
It seems this deal broke out here based on the time stamps on the posts in the various formus. Anandtech posted the deal at 6:10pm and FW posted the deal at 5:27 pm, CAG had the deal posted at 11:25 am, per the time stamps on thier respective boards. 42 minutes later someone confirmed the post on FW. 42 minutes later on this board it looked like y'all were still flaming the OP. I think it's a little silly that CAGers could have had a jump on the deal thanks to the OP's heads up but spent the time flaming him instead.

Now off to the trade boards to find the games I missed.

Thanks for the deal OP, great post =)[/quote]

I think that speaks for itself. Too much flaming going on in the "post your deals" forum. It's little wonder that most are lurkers. God forbid a newbie might be onto a deal. It's not only regulars who pick up on these things you know.

PS. The :bs: icon is way overused. Remember the "$49.99 Metroid GC bundle" fiasco?
If it hasn't been said enough, thank you so much, OP! This is an AMAZING deal and even though I got in pretty late, my roommate and I got a good haul. Thank you, oh deal posters, for your great posts as you really make this community what it is!
hey si1ver did u remember me??? u gave me "mario sunshine" and i'm asking you "
where is ffx" did u right? 8:00pm rancho CC
i got bad news.. when u go out then .. i thought 10min later when i check out da fuckin manager said " no more 5$" .... i'm just shot down... rand up 19.99 all of them... u r lucky.. T.T
. . . so I blurt out "They say that if the games ring up they should be sold . . ." The "they" is you guys on CAG . . . so I'm dead . . . but he looks up and says "they told you that in back?" I meekly nodded and the deal went through.

:rofl: I tried to do the same thing with AC5, but it didn't work.. nice work.
[quote name='Grammaton-Cleric'][quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='Dustin Echoes'][quote name='JSweeney']
Wow! You have a weak grasp of the English language, complete with a lack of proficency with punctuation![/quote]

proficiency :wink:[/quote]

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to pick up on that :)

You know, I have a really sick sense of humor about things like that.
Whenever I make a post like that, I'll purposely throw in a couple of errors... just to see if anyone picks up on them and corrects them.

Amazingly, this board has had about a 75% success rate. Back when I posted on some other boards, they only had a 30% rate of catching those errors :)[/quote]

Christ, this egocentric windbag no doubt jacks-off to his own reflection in the mirror.

I especially enjoyed the bit where he flamed the OP and then doesn't have the integrity to admit he was in the wrong, all the while lecturing to others about ethics and proper conduct.

Also, I loved the part where he writes that he would unleash his criticisms face-to-face, even though it is painfully obvious to anybody possessing even a child's deductive reasoning that someone who talks this much shit on the Internet is an introverted twerp who uses online forums to elevate and compensate the tiny and irrelevant station that he occupies in life.

JSweeny, you may have thousands of posts in this forum but all that really conveys to me is that you have no life and spend far too much time in places like this. While your callow and feeble reasoning probably justifies your behavior within the parameters of your own delusional, narcissistic mind, the reality is that you are a shrill and obnoxious bore. This is the first time I've felt the need to call out an asshole at CAG, as most of the people here seem amiable and well adjusted. You however, are simply a prick of the highest order, a pseudo intellectual whose only pleasure is derived from trying to make other people feel inferior. You come off as sad, little, petty, and not nearly as brilliant as you think you are. Lighten up or f--k off but regardless, you are way out of line regarding the manner in which you have conducted yourself in this thread.

To everyone else, I'm sorry to go off topic. It won’t happen again.[/quote]

Grammaton-Cleric, it's unfortunate that your excellent post will be dismissed simply because of your post count. That's how some people work around here...
I went into circuit city aroudn 9:15 pm. I checked the store times and thought the extended holidays started the 12th, but they start the 13th here. So my friend and I are walking around the store for abotu 10 mins, when suddenly a guy runs up to us huffing and puffing, they were about to close the store on us, So i had to put my games back because the registers were already shut down :(. So it looks like ill be going in the morning, hopefully i wont get shutdown.
[quote name='Grammaton-Cleric'][quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='Dustin Echoes'][quote name='JSweeney']
Wow! You have a weak grasp of the English language, complete with a lack of proficency with punctuation![/quote]

proficiency :wink:[/quote]

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to pick up on that :)

You know, I have a really sick sense of humor about things like that.
Whenever I make a post like that, I'll purposely throw in a couple of errors... just to see if anyone picks up on them and corrects them.

Amazingly, this board has had about a 75% success rate. Back when I posted on some other boards, they only had a 30% rate of catching those errors :)[/quote]

Christ, this egocentric windbag no doubt jacks-off to his own reflection in the mirror.

I especially enjoyed the bit where he flamed the OP and then doesn't have the integrity to admit he was in the wrong, all the while lecturing to others about ethics and proper conduct.

Also, I loved the part where he writes that he would unleash his criticisms face-to-face, even though it is painfully obvious to anybody possessing even a child's deductive reasoning that someone who talks this much shit on the Internet is an introverted twerp who uses online forums to elevate and compensate the tiny and irrelevant station that he occupies in life.

JSweeny, you may have thousands of posts in this forum but all that really conveys to me is that you have no life and spend far too much time in places like this. While your callow and feeble reasoning probably justifies your behavior within the parameters of your own delusional, narcissistic mind, the reality is that you are a shrill and obnoxious bore. This is the first time I've felt the need to call out an asshole at CAG, as most of the people here seem amiable and well adjusted. You however, are simply a prick of the highest order, a pseudo intellectual whose only pleasure is derived from trying to make other people feel inferior. You come off as sad, little, petty, and not nearly as brilliant as you think you are. Lighten up or f--k off but regardless, you are way out of line regarding the manner in which you have conducted yourself in this thread.

To everyone else, I'm sorry to go off topic. It won’t happen again.[/quote]

Dude. You totally kicked the crap out of any flame I've ever done.

I bow to you.
[quote name='Zoltek99']Grammaton-Cleric, it's unfortunate that your excellent post will be dismissed simply because of your post count. That's how some people work around here...[/quote]

Haha. I retract the above statement then. People are bowing down to the greatness of your post. Excellent work.
I wasn't able to get to my CC on Sunday so I missed out on the $4.99 "sale". Would someone help me out and sell me games that you have extra copies of or don't feel like wanting anymore at a reasonable cost? I can pay using a non credit card PayPal account.

If you want to trade, you can also check my tradelist. My feedback rating is currently over 15.

I'm looking specifically for these games:

Crimson Skies
Project Gotham Racing 2
Simpsons Hit & Run
007: Everything or Nothing

Rise to Honor
Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for the deal to continue today, but I don't expect it to really happen. If anyone heads off to their CC early this morning, please post and confirm whether the deal is still ringing up or not. Even if the manager denies it or whatever, just knowing that the prices are still in effect will help some other people get in on the deal. :D
Well I managed to get a few games tonight, despite the unintentional efforts of a fellow customer to sabotage the whole thing. It's a little anecdote I like to call "How NOT to be a Cheapassgamer". :D

So I get to my So Cal store and grab an Animal Crossing & Manhunt combo (two polar opposites of gaming, but hey). Spot a guy cruising the aisles with 10-12 PS2 Greatest Hits under his arm, obviously he's onto the deal too. He comes up to me, all excited, and tells me about the deal, I say, yep, I know about it, I'm gonna try it out now. So I go up to the register thats in the videogame department (NOT the main register at the front of the store), and slap my two games on the counter. They get rung up, computer screen shows $10 as the price. Excellent, nearly there.
But the employee stares at the screen, puzzled. :? Obviously nobody else has tried it at this particular store. But, Uh-oh, possible danger here. So I do my best subtle holding-my-money-out pose and smile :D , as if to say, hurry it up please, and I think he's about to shrug and just complete the transaction, when this doofus holding the bunch of PS2 games sticks his nose in and tells the employee "Yeah its supposed to be 2 for $10, part of the promotion", like he's the authority figure here. :roll: The employee looks at this guy, looks at the stack of PS2 games he's carrying, and clearly doesn't like what he sees at all. He calls another employee over and they look at the screen together trying to figure out what to do, all this time I'm holding my $11 out right in front of them, and PS2 doofus asks me "So where'd you hear about this deal?". Both employees looked at me waiting for my answer. No way am I going to blurt out about CAG, so I just said "uh, from a friend", :x but by this point the game was up. The employee called the manager on the phone, and I knew it was a bust. The employee says its a price mistake so we can't honor it. And this ASS was going on about how the deal was on the internet, and how if it said so on the computer then they ought to honor it, but the guy wasn't gonna budge. So the jerk puts his PS2 games back and leaves the store, empty handed.
:idea: So I improvised and grabbed a couple of Xbox Platinum hits, strolled over the main register where a young kid was working, and he rang 'em up, came up as ten bucks, I paid. Dare I push my luck and try it again? Fortune favors the bold, so... I snuck around the store Sam Fisher style (managed not to break anyone's neck though) back to the videogame section without the first employee seeing me, grabbed two Gamecube player's choice and got back to the front register, rang 'em up with the same guy, I grinned and said "Hey I'm back for more!", and got the hell out of there. Dare I go back a third time? Well, no. Four games, not too shabby. Four more than that JERK who almost blew the whole thing for everybody.
Like I said, its a textbook example of how NOT to be a Cheapassgamer. Dude, if you're reading this, you're obviously a noob at these things, so here's some advice - When you're dealing with an obvious mistake/glitch in the computer system like this one, you just play it cool. Do not exploit it by walking around holding more PS2 games than you can handle, obnoxiously trying to tell employees what they should be doing, and talking about how this deal was on the internet. Act natural, as if you didn't know the deal was there in the first place, and be polite and friendly to the employees, as you want them do you a favor by letting the deal through. You blew it, bub. No soup for you.
Or you do like I do.. talk with the employee about games, be just as amazed as he is when it rings up $4.99, then run back to the shelves, excited, and grab whatever other games that you know are $4.99, and "see" if they ring up 4.99. I did this during the CC $5 sale and walked out with 7 games, including sealed copies of Star Wars: Jedi Outcast and Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I actually ran into "guessed" there one time and shook his hand and talked for a minute, neither of us were greedy.. I didn't take multiples, and he had been there the night before and left the extra copy of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for someone lucky enough to find it (go me!).. I love CC deals.
Hehe. I walked in and casually picked ut some titles I was hoping to get on Saturday at CompUSA's buy2get1 free. I then get some more and by this time have about 6. Some kid walks up to me and excitedly asks if the deal works. I tell him I don't know.

Such a rush.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I can’t believe it but I actually read this entire thread. [/quote]

Glad to see I'm not the only one, and I wasn't even going to take advantage of the prices (not that it matters, as it's 2 am Pacific time here). It was like being a fly on the wall, back in time. I got to see flames for the OP, flames for whiners, flames for the flamers of whiners, and hear tales of success and failure. Gripping stuff.

I just hope that, when we die, we get to look back at all aspects of life like they were posts on a message board -- or like an all-encompassing DVD. That way, we can catch up on everything that happened in the history of the world.
[quote name='Grammaton-Cleric'][quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='Dustin Echoes'][quote name='JSweeney']
Wow! You have a weak grasp of the English language, complete with a lack of proficency with punctuation![/quote]

proficiency :wink:[/quote]

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to pick up on that :)

You know, I have a really sick sense of humor about things like that.
Whenever I make a post like that, I'll purposely throw in a couple of errors... just to see if anyone picks up on them and corrects them.

Amazingly, this board has had about a 75% success rate. Back when I posted on some other boards, they only had a 30% rate of catching those errors :)[/quote]

Christ, this egocentric windbag no doubt jacks-off to his own reflection in the mirror.

I especially enjoyed the bit where he flamed the OP and then doesn't have the integrity to admit he was in the wrong, all the while lecturing to others about ethics and proper conduct.

Also, I loved the part where he writes that he would unleash his criticisms face-to-face, even though it is painfully obvious to anybody possessing even a child's deductive reasoning that someone who talks this much shit on the Internet is an introverted twerp who uses online forums to elevate and compensate the tiny and irrelevant station that he occupies in life.

JSweeny, you may have thousands of posts in this forum but all that really conveys to me is that you have no life and spend far too much time in places like this. While your callow and feeble reasoning probably justifies your behavior within the parameters of your own delusional, narcissistic mind, the reality is that you are a shrill and obnoxious bore. This is the first time I've felt the need to call out an asshole at CAG, as most of the people here seem amiable and well adjusted. You however, are simply a prick of the highest order, a pseudo intellectual whose only pleasure is derived from trying to make other people feel inferior. You come off as sad, little, petty, and not nearly as brilliant as you think you are. Lighten up or f--k off but regardless, you are way out of line regarding the manner in which you have conducted yourself in this thread.

To everyone else, I'm sorry to go off topic. It won’t happen again.[/quote]

HA! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Sweeney!
Christ, this egocentric windbag no doubt jacks-off to his own reflection in the mirror.

I especially enjoyed the bit where he flamed the OP and then doesn't have the integrity to admit he was in the wrong, all the while lecturing to others about ethics and proper conduct.

I wasn't wrong. The OP's method of doing this was an outright scam and is not at all consistant with how the vast majority of other posters got the deal. There is a distinct difference.

Also, I loved the part where he writes that he would unleash his criticisms face-to-face, even though it is painfully obvious to anybody possessing even a child's deductive reasoning that someone who talks this much shit on the Internet is an introverted twerp who uses online forums to elevate and compensate the tiny and irrelevant station that he occupies in life.

Right. Believe what you want. I doubt there's little I could say that would disaude you from the fragile little world view you've set up for yourself, so it's probably not worth the bother of trying.

JSweeny, you may have thousands of posts in this forum but all that really conveys to me is that you have no life and spend far too much time in places like this.

Again, you've already made up your mind, and most of this doesn't flow from logic, so trying to agrue against you on the matter would be like pissing into the wind.

While your callow and feeble reasoning probably justifies your behavior within the parameters of your own delusional, narcissistic mind, the reality is that you are a shrill and obnoxious bore. This is the first time I've felt the need to call out an asshole at CAG, as most of the people here seem amiable and well adjusted. You however, are simply a prick of the highest order, a pseudo intellectual whose only pleasure is derived from trying to make other people feel inferior. You come off as sad, little, petty, and not nearly as brilliant as you think you are. Lighten up or f--k off but regardless, you are way out of line regarding the manner in which you have conducted yourself in this thread.

You're entitled to your opinion. It's too bad you feel that way.
A shame, really.
[quote name='dpatel'][quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='Dustin Echoes'][quote name='JSweeney']
Wow! You have a weak grasp of the English language, complete with a lack of proficency with punctuation![/quote]

proficiency :wink:[/quote]

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to pick up on that :)

You know, I have a really sick sense of humor about things like that.
Whenever I make a post like that, I'll purposely throw in a couple of errors... just to see if anyone picks up on them and corrects them.

Amazingly, this board has had about a 75% success rate. Back when I posted on some other boards, they only had a 30% rate of catching those errors :)[/quote]

Right.. you did it on purpose to test the rest of us. :roll:

Normally I wouldn't say anything but since you seem to nit-pick on eveything else people say, I had to point this out.[/quote]

Believe whatever you want.
[quote name='ReggAe']hey si1ver did u remember me??? u gave me "mario sunshine" and i'm asking you "
where is ffx" did u right? 8:00pm rancho CC
i got bad news.. when u go out then .. i thought 10min later when i check out da shaq-fuin manager said " no more 5$" .... i'm just shot down... rand up 19.99 all of them... u r lucky.. T.T[/quote]
Yea, I remember you. You had a stack full of games in your basket. Sorry to hear you didn't get the deal. I had no problems check out, maybe because I only had 4 games. The other asian guy with about 12 games checked out ahead of me and the deal went through for him.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='dpatel'][quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='Dustin Echoes'][quote name='JSweeney']
Wow! You have a weak grasp of the English language, complete with a lack of proficency with punctuation![/quote]

proficiency :wink:[/quote]

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to pick up on that :)

You know, I have a really sick sense of humor about things like that.
Whenever I make a post like that, I'll purposely throw in a couple of errors... just to see if anyone picks up on them and corrects them.

Amazingly, this board has had about a 75% success rate. Back when I posted on some other boards, they only had a 30% rate of catching those errors :)[/quote]

Right.. you did it on purpose to test the rest of us. :roll:

Normally I wouldn't say anything but since you seem to nit-pick on eveything else people say, I had to point this out.[/quote]

Believe whatever you want.[/quote]

Kinda off topic with the current discussion, but if you go to your local CC and the deal doesn't work; do us all a favor and don't make a big deal out of it. Don't go on about how you heard this on the internet and you should honor the price blah blah blah. Don't buy multiple copies of the same title, don't make a big deal out of it, and don't be an asshole. You got lucky if it worked and don't be a bitch if it doesn't.
[quote name='Killdozer']Kinda off topic with the current discussion, but if you go to your local CC and the deal doesn't work; do us all a favor and don't make a big deal out of it. Don't go on about how you heard this on the internet and you should honor the price blah blah blah. Don't buy multiple copies of the same title, don't make a big deal out of it, and don't be an asshole. You got lucky if it worked and don't be a bitch if it doesn't.[/quote]

Good advice, unfortunately the type of person you're appealing to gets into bad situations precisely because they ignore silly things like "logic" and "sound advice", choosing instead to allow impulse and a sense of entitlement to dictate their conduct. I'm afraid these troublesome types may be lost causes... but I admire you for trying.
I think I know some of the employees that might be there in the morning whenever I go. I hope it works, I want to pick up 5-6 games for me and a few friends.

I won't complain if it doesn't, but I'll be very upset. :p
It's always easy to agree with those who's beliefs and values are in line with your own.
The issues come up when someone has nearly the exact opposite beliefs as you.

I understand that there are many times when my posts do bother people... that's been blatantly obvious for a long time.

It's hard to tell, however, if all of the rancor around it is just the screaming of a very vocal minority.
For every person who flamed me or agreed with some of the flames, there was a person who agreed with me in thread, or a person who sent me a PM saying that they agreed.

I already know I'm backing an unpopular position, and even at times playing the devil's advocate.
The thing is, you can heap the flame on as high as you like... it's not going to change much.
If people agreed to a uniform level of decorum, I'd gladly adhere to it... of course, it's highly doubtful than anyone will do that.
Reading the other posts here about agreeing or disagreeing with someone, the best approach (one i've taken) is neutrality... I don't go Woot! if I see a favorite member post, and I try (really hard, I swear... :shock: ) not to go apeshit when it comes to flaming... I've sort of developed my own anonimity that way here on CAGm but I'm sure I'm known to a degree, which is fine by me... I love you guys... :p
bread's done