*DEAD* Circuit City mistake - 5 dollar games!! (YMMV)

[quote name='radjago'][quote name='shrike4242']Where'd the master list come from, mooky?[/quote]
Circuitcity.com I believe.[/quote]

Mortal Kombat®: Deadly Alliance (Xbox™) ?! 5 bux?
What do you do if you just want to see if the deal is good? Have them ring them up and if no good, then what? I don't want to look like an idiot. And act like a sale price of $30 is no good when I already should have known it was a sale.
[quote name='Calico']I just came back from the Madison Heights, Michigan store and no luck. I could see the 2 options on the cashier's screen, but i also saw that ESPN NFL 2k5 and College Hoops 2k5 for the xbox rang up for $19.99 each.
I also noticed that the employees were buzzing about, seemed like something had them all feeling cheated. So I think at one time this morning it worked and they are unhappy campers right now.[/quote]

Thanks, I was going to try that one at lunch, I'll pass now. Possibly the one in Roseville or the by LakeSide Mall....but it's not THAT big of a deal for me.
It's still working, but you have to get some idiot employee. This is the making the rounds at CC quite quickly, so you have to get someone who doesn't know about it. I went to 2 diff stores in Rochester NY. One they just price adjusted it back up, not saying a thing. The second one, she was all flustered (she knew they were wrong), and she ended up giving them to me 2 for 20 instead of 2 for 30 after the price adjust. Not good enough of a deal for me.
[quote name='khc'][quote name='radjago'][quote name='shrike4242']Where'd the master list come from, mooky?[/quote]
Circuitcity.com I believe.[/quote]

Mortal Kombat®: Deadly Alliance (Xbox™) ?! 5 bux?[/quote]

What's so surprising? It's a PH, just like the rest on the list.
officially off at the circuit city in Peoria, Il. The cashier was ringing up all the games manualy at 15.00 each. Bahhhh, anyway, maybe next time.
[quote name='Jack'][quote name='Fatesealer'][quote name='videogamejunkie']can someone totally confirm this for me? I can get ANY game that has a $20 price tag on it for this deal. Ie that katamari game and midway treasures? Does not have to be greathits, plat., etc... How can this be?[/quote]

So far, yes... but you have to buy it in multiples of two... so if you buy both KD and MAT2 at the same time, it SHOULD go through... but I've been strictly sticking to the PC/PH/GH titles with 2 per so I can't personally confirm it. I'm going there right now. I'll have news later tonight all.[/quote]

For some reason, Drakengard (which is $20) doesn't ring up as $5. It rang up full price.

Also, I don't think CC carries Katamari Damacy.[/quote]

Drakengard is $19.96, not $19.99. It only works for $19.99 games.
[quote name='doubledown'][quote name='Calico']I just came back from the Madison Heights, Michigan store and no luck. I could see the 2 options on the cashier's screen, but i also saw that ESPN NFL 2k5 and College Hoops 2k5 for the xbox rang up for $19.99 each.
I also noticed that the employees were buzzing about, seemed like something had them all feeling cheated. So I think at one time this morning it worked and they are unhappy campers right now.[/quote]

Thanks, I was going to try that one at lunch, I'll pass now. Possibly the one in Roseville or the by LakeSide Mall....but it's not THAT big of a deal for me.[/quote]

no problem... I will be there again later to return the games. I didn't want to stir up a bees nest that was already buzzing. The selection wasn't that good to start, perhaps someone picked them and that caused them to adjust.
[quote name='JohnnyA']It's still working, but you have to get some idiot employee. This is the making the rounds at CC quite quickly, so you have to get someone who doesn't know about it. I went to 2 diff stores in Rochester NY. One they just price adjusted it back up, not saying a thing. The second one, she was all flustered (she knew they were wrong), and she ended up giving them to me 2 for 20 instead of 2 for 30 after the price adjust. Not good enough of a deal for me.[/quote]

Not good enough? 50% off sounds pretty good to me. It isn't as good as 75%, sure, but it is still pretty damn good. You must not have wanted the games all that much in the first place.
[quote name='khc'][quote name='radjago'][quote name='shrike4242']Where'd the master list come from, mooky?[/quote]
Circuitcity.com I believe.[/quote]
Mortal Kombat®: Deadly Alliance (Xbox™) ?! 5 bux?[/quote]
When I said Circuitcity.com, I meant that's where he got the list of $19.99 games, which are the ones that are eligible for this deal in-store.

[quote name='tcrash247']What do you do if you just want to see if the deal is good? Have them ring them up and if no good, then what? I don't want to look like an idiot. And act like a sale price of $30 is no good when I already should have known it was a sale.[/quote]
Either walk or come back and return them.
Just got :

Animal Crossing
Kirby's Air Ride

for $10.58 total I used my "you got money" game check from the GC bundle and received 4.42 in change, what an awsome deal thanks OP! :) That price is worth the memory card alone lol.
Just got back from Clarksvile, Indiana store and it still works there. Eight games for $42.....good looking out OP!

all xbox
Ultra Bust a Move 2 (2 copies, one for me and one for my brother to play each other online)
Atari Anthology
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Guilty Gear X2
ESPN College Basketball 2k5
While I'm excited, and quite frankly, rather surprised that this glitch is still in effect, I'm a little hesitant to try it again as I think I just got lucky with my cashier selection yesterday... Also the CC near me seems to be pretty much tapped when it comes to GC games (I own most of the better ones).

Sooo if anyone has a CC that they know is doing the deal and has an abundance of copies of Animal Crossing or Need for Speed Underground (possibly SMB2 as well if one of the other 2 is missng) for the cube and feels like being nice enough to pick them up for me, it would be very much appreciated ;)
Just got back from the Poughkeepsie NY CC and had no problems. This is what I scored :

Jak & Daxter PS2
Ace Combat 4 PS2
Super Monkey Ball GC
Wario World GC
Animal Crossing GC
Starfox Adventures GC
PGR 2 Xbox
Medal Of Honor Frontline Xbox
It technically still works at my local CC, but the managers are upping the price at checkout. So I guess I'm SOL.

That having been said, if anybody can score extra copies of Psi Ops (XBX) and GGX2 #Reload (XBX) I'd gladly pay + shipping + a little extra for them.
[quote name='clariste']Does anyone know if the deal works in Overland Park, KS? Don't want to make the extended drive if it'll fall short. Thanks.[/quote]

On 119? Yup. It was working last night. I can't check now. I'm heading to work.

This is what I got from there:


Old lady really did the damage.

The store in Lenexa didn't honor this sale last night , maybe you have a chance there. Good Luck.
[quote name='"masha"'][quote name='clariste']Does anyone know if the deal works in Overland Park, KS? Don't want to make the extended drive if it'll fall short. Thanks.[/quote]

On 119? Yup. It was working last night. I can't check now. I'm heading to work.

Thanks! I'll have to head out there after I take a final exam today. Hopefully they won't be cleaned out and the deal will still be on.
What a list...I am so damn tempted...especially since most of those I've paid for $15 or more...Interesting how when I read the beginning of this it was treated as bs and now...well I guess it's a price mistake....
Looks like I am going to miss out on this one. That's OK though. I have most of the $20 games I would want anyway. So to take advantage of this deal, I would have to do a lot of returning. Might be worth it if I could score everything I would want, but that is doubtful even if my CC is still doing this. Oh well. Thanks anyway OP.
Most of the games I saw did not have the PC GH banners, I am going to go back in about an hour and try to nab a few more, did someone say that THUG was a GH?
This was posted on FATwallet yesterday evening, there's no way the gltich is going to be happening after 6 PM today (for my area, at least).

Congrats to all who got in on it.
[quote name='leeloo1977']Most of the games I saw did not have the PC GH banners, I am going to go back in about an hour and try to nab a few more, did someone say that THUG was a GH?[/quote]
Yes, THUG is a GH/PH/PC.
It works in minneapolis at the Ridgedale store. There were at least three other people in there buying games all from different registers so who knows how long it will last. The manager helped me and looked at the till funny but rang it up after I asked if they were 5$ each.

I think the fact that Everything or Nothing and Prince of Persia were stilll marked at 39 and 49 is what confused him the most.

BTW Does anyone else feel kinda guilty about this? Tell me I didnt just do something wrong.
[quote name='swick']It technically still works at my local CC, but the managers are upping the price at checkout. So I guess I'm SOL.

That having been said, if anybody can score extra copies of Psi Ops (XBX) and GGX2 #Reload (XBX) I'd gladly pay + shipping + a little extra for them.[/quote]
woah I was going to post the same games... also Tenchu Return from Darkness (XBOX) if someone gets a game for themselves or something like that. I will pay for shipping and something for your time.
Anyone wanting to pick me up a few games I would greatly appreciate it. Mario golf, super smash bros., need for speed underground, super mario, sunshine. Would pay shipping and some for your time. Thanks, pm me if you are feeling giving.
Just got back from Newark, DE CC:

Jak 2 (PS2)
Ratchet and Clank 2 (PS2)
Midnight Club 2 (Xbox)
Rise to Honor (PS2)
Sly Cooper (PS2) EDIT: Got carried away with the 2's. Sorry.
007: Everything or Nothing (Xbox)

29.94-not bad
[quote name='Grammaton-Cleric'][quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='Dustin Echoes'][quote name='JSweeney']
Wow! You have a weak grasp of the English language, complete with a lack of proficency with punctuation![/quote]

proficiency :wink:[/quote]

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to pick up on that :)

You know, I have a really sick sense of humor about things like that.
Whenever I make a post like that, I'll purposely throw in a couple of errors... just to see if anyone picks up on them and corrects them.

Amazingly, this board has had about a 75% success rate. Back when I posted on some other boards, they only had a 30% rate of catching those errors :)[/quote]

Christ, this egocentric windbag no doubt jacks-off to his own reflection in the mirror.

I especially enjoyed the bit where he flamed the OP and then doesn't have the integrity to admit he was in the wrong, all the while lecturing to others about ethics and proper conduct.

Also, I loved the part where he writes that he would unleash his criticisms face-to-face, even though it is painfully obvious to anybody possessing even a child's deductive reasoning that someone who talks this much shit on the Internet is an introverted twerp who uses online forums to elevate and compensate the tiny and irrelevant station that he occupies in life.

JSweeny, you may have thousands of posts in this forum but all that really conveys to me is that you have no life and spend far too much time in places like this. While your callow and feeble reasoning probably justifies your behavior within the parameters of your own delusional, narcissistic mind, the reality is that you are a shrill and obnoxious bore. This is the first time I've felt the need to call out an asshole at CAG, as most of the people here seem amiable and well adjusted. You however, are simply a prick of the highest order, a pseudo intellectual whose only pleasure is derived from trying to make other people feel inferior. You come off as sad, little, petty, and not nearly as brilliant as you think you are. Lighten up or f--k off but regardless, you are way out of line regarding the manner in which you have conducted yourself in this thread.

To everyone else, I'm sorry to go off topic. It won’t happen again.[/quote]
I read the entire post and one thing kept leaping to my mind, someone needs to bitch slap that jackass!
One word: OWNED (caps are intentional, do not attempt to correct me JSweeney haha)

[quote name='JSweeney']
Of course, the shame of it is that if he actually believes a word of what he posted, he made himself a hypocrite in the same breath.
He applied the same tactics as he was accusing me of using. If he actually believed in the ideal he was backing, every single word of his applies to him just as surely has he believes it applies to me. [/quote]

The difference is, he has 20 posts to your 4000, he called you out when you deserved it and he smashed the fragile little world you live in with one outstanding post. He does not spout miles and miles of crap just to play "devil's advocate," he does not consider himself to be an unearthly sophist whose rhetoric can instantaneously alter a persons perceptions, you on the other hand do.

Honestly, you remind me of someone who took a debate class and upon completion believed you were ready for a presidential debate. Word to the wise, when you are wrong, admit it. People respect those who can admit they made a mistake and berate those who cannot.

[quote name='JSweeney']
You get used to being a lighning rod after a while. [/quote]

...and its not "lighning" Sweeney its lightning, although I'm sure you were just "testing" us, again...
[quote name='AlucardDE']Just got back from Newark, DE CC:

Jak 2 (PS2)
Ratchet and Clank 2 (PS2)
Midnight Club 2 (Xbox)
Rise to Honor (PS2)
Sly Cooper 2 (PS2)
007: Everything or Nothing (Xbox)

29.94-not bad[/quote]

SLY @?!?!? :shock:
LOL, eventually you just realize that JSweeny is JSweeny, like him or not, he is who he is. Myself? I may have had problems with him in the past but if your gonna stick around on CAG you have to realize that there are people you're not going to agree with around here (hmm maybe even like real life?) but you just deal with it.
theeternal, did you check out the Gainesville store this morning? if so, any luck? Im a little hesitant to try again today.
I decided to check this out at the Grand Rapids, MI/Alpine store. I picked out 2 games and took them to the counter in back, but the salesdude told me that I'd have to take them up front. "There's a pricing problem in the system, so they'll have to adjust the prices up front to make it work out right."

I conveniently discovered that I had forgotten my wallet and had to leave the games there.
Okay, just made the fastest trip to CC that I've ever made...22 minutes round-trip, including driving, shopping, and driving back. LOL I picked up:

Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Kirby's Air Ride
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
Final Fantasy X-2
$21 & change

The cashier was female and quite nice, and just rang everything up with no questions...she looked at the screen funny when the price came up, but charged me what the register said. As she was opening all the games, the store manager was working on some shelf RIGHT BEHIND ME, and I just knew he was going to come over and supervise the transaction, but he didn't. When she hit total and told me the price, another employee walked over, whom I just knew was going to shoot it down, but he didn't say anything either!

Major thanks to the OP and to CAG for providing us with more cheap games. \:D/ :notworth:
[quote name='Qbe']I decided to check this out at the Grand Rapids, MI/Alpine store. I picked out 2 games and took them to the counter in back, but the salesdude told me that I'd have to take them up front. "There's a pricing problem in the system, so they'll have to adjust the prices up front to make it work out right."

I conveniently discovered that I had forgotten my wallet and had to leave the games there.[/quote]

off topic: so did you drive without your license? :shock:
[quote name='Mishimaryu'][quote name='Qbe']I decided to check this out at the Grand Rapids, MI/Alpine store. I picked out 2 games and took them to the counter in back, but the salesdude told me that I'd have to take them up front. "There's a pricing problem in the system, so they'll have to adjust the prices up front to make it work out right."

I conveniently discovered that I had forgotten my wallet and had to leave the games there.[/quote]

off topic: so did you drive without your license? :shock:[/quote]

I didn't say WHERE I had forgotten it: I'd simply forgotten which pocket it was in. :wink:
Just to be sure... I don't need to try to convince the employee to choose the package two do I ? Cause I saw the option on the screen, but she was already huffing and puffing about something.
Anyone tried it in cheektowga, ny (sp?)? The circuit city near the walden galleria mall (near buffalo), I'm passing by there later and want to know if it will work. It will be rather late so I don't want to waste even more time if it's not going to work.
bread's done