[Dead] Nintendogs: Chihuahua (DS) $15 at Amazon (Target)

[quote name='scp89']so where is the best deal to get this game at now/????[/QUOTE]

i say best buy

29.99 But if you got the 5 buck off gift card = 24.99 + you get a 5 buck gift card

this game is sick they dog smiles when you scratch its butt : )
I still think the best deal is at EB with the trade in. I went ahead and opened my copy I got with that, I was hoping to retun it for Advanced Wars. Oh well.
Yep, just got the same e-mail. I figured something like this would happen. Now I have to wait 9+ months for a price drop. No, I don't have 4 GBA games to trade in.

Oh well. I really wanted the dachshund version anyway.
[quote name='scp89']so where is the best deal to get this game at now/????[/QUOTE]

Best Buy
$29.99 - $5.00 nintendogs coupon in the Summer Coupon Book =$24.99 They then give you a $5.00 gift card.
Is there an address I can send an email to? I'm sure if enough of us complain we will get gift cards or something like that.
I might have to get Nintendogs at BB now.
[quote name='Maverick CRV']Yep, just got the same e-mail. I figured something like this would happen. Now I have to wait 9+ months for a price drop. No, I don't have 4 GBA games to trade in.

Oh well. I really wanted the dachshund version anyway.[/QUOTE]

i don't understand how a $25 price tag for a game could warrant trading in 4 gba games anyway
i called them back again and they gave me a bunch of bull about how they have every right to pull down any price they want and not sell you a thing. they said they are going to give me another Email to compalin to the higher ups But they said this

Dont expect anything out of it no matter how much you complain. The higher ups have already said they wont give anyone anything it was just cancelled. i still think i will call the BBB tomorrow
[quote name='slidecage']i called them back again and they gave me a bunch of bull about how they have every right to pull down any price they want and not sell you a thing. they said they are going to give me another Email to compalin to the higher ups But they said this

Dont expect anything out of it no matter how much you complain. The higher ups have already said they wont give anyone anything it was just cancelled. i still think i will call the BBB tomorrow[/QUOTE]

Im curious to know if you spoke to them as well as you type :whistle2:k , :applause: on your recent improvements looks like your putting that spell check to good use ;), regardless keep us posted...
[quote name='slidecage']i called them back again and they gave me a bunch of bull about how they have every right to pull down any price they want and not sell you a thing. they said they are going to give me another Email to compalin to the higher ups But they said this

Dont expect anything out of it no matter how much you complain. The higher ups have already said they wont give anyone anything it was just cancelled. i still think i will call the BBB tomorrow[/QUOTE]

It's in their terms man. Let it go.

Not every store has to take back a return. You gonna call the BBB too?
[quote name='Friedle']It's in their terms man. Let it go.

Not every store has to take back a return. You gonna call the BBB too?[/QUOTE]

its 1% nintendogs 99% another long boring amazon story is the main reason im calling the BBB. I was going to call them around the first of the month but i will push the phone call up a few days.

i already picked up the winnie dog version today at Best buy
Had a feeling this was coming since the Target/Amazon LOTR game was cancelled too (due to a misprice). I've learned long ago with price mistakes that S happens and you just move on to the next deal if a deal doesn't come through...

However, today Amazon gave me a $10 GC from another order that I only inquired about being late to ship 'cause it is backordered. I wasn't complaining in my email, but it was nice of them and it was a nice surprise for just a simple inquiry.
[quote name='slidecage']i called them back again and they gave me a bunch of bull about how they have every right to pull down any price they want and not sell you a thing. they said they are going to give me another Email to compalin to the higher ups But they said this

Dont expect anything out of it no matter how much you complain. The higher ups have already said they wont give anyone anything it was just cancelled. i still think i will call the BBB tomorrow[/QUOTE]

you win some and you lose some, so calm down...mistakes happen and it's apparantly listed on their site somewhere that they don't have to honor price mistakes....the problem with price mistakes is this...while companies should honor them, most won't...the some that do spoil us and then we expect everyone to honor them and get pissed off when they don't...just be happy that some companies do honor price mistakes and get over it...every knew from the get-go that this was a price mistake and all along it was questioned on whether or not they would honor it...well you have your answer and you're just wasting your time trying to save $5...grab a job at mcdonalds, work for an hour, grab your check and be happy...because an hour for $5 of work is worth it compared to the hours of work that you're doing for nothing...ive been there and sometimes you've just got to let it go....then again, im talking to slidecage...who put a million dollars into AOL stocks :lol: i wonder how many years it took you to stop calling up AOL about that :lol:
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']i don't understand how a $25 price tag for a game could warrant trading in 4 gba games anyway[/QUOTE]

Well, the better deal was 3 GBA games (did it 3 times :) ) but even at 4, if you could get $4 games then it was $16 for Ndogs.

I got the Amazon email . . . was expected.
Best Buy
$29.99 - $5.00 nintendogs coupon in the Summer Coupon Book =$24.99 They then give you a $5.00 gift card.

where did you get the summer coupon book ?
[quote name='badtzm']Best Buy
$29.99 - $5.00 nintendogs coupon in the Summer Coupon Book =$24.99 They then give you a $5.00 gift card.

where did you get the summer coupon book ?[/QUOTE]

They are usually in the games department, its a small gamepro sponsored free magazine that has some coupons in the back.
Got the e-mail yesterday as well. Earlier in the day, however, I was able to pricematch at Best Buy, so I picked up 2 of them for my sister and I. They couldnt do the $14.99 without giving me the $5 gift card for the sale this week, so they charged me $19.99 each and gave me 2 $5 gift cards which I used on the mispriced Ringu Anthology 4 disc set for $22.99 at Best Buy. Couldn't use the Gamepro Coupon with this deal because it was one or the other. I really couldnt believe they pricematched the printout.
Wow, that employee must have been a total dummy to allow that. You might as well edit the HTML and make up whatever price you want, than price match that!
[quote name='paul6']Wow, that employee must have been a total dummy to allow that. You might as well edit the HTML and make up whatever price you want, than price match that![/QUOTE]

You know, it was actually a Manager. I couldn't believe it myself.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Whoa, I want the Ringu Anthology for 23 bucks!![/QUOTE]

Most Best Buys are catching on to this, as the website price went up today to the regular $42.99. I heard it was working up until this morning, so maybe you want to try the closest B&M and see if it still rings up incorrectly at the register. Good luck!
[quote name='slidecage']It pisses me off big time That they said yesterday it would come and now they go cancelled[/QUOTE]

This is very worrying. They said Jesus would come too, I really hope he wasn't cancelled.
[quote name='dago2727']Most Best Buys are catching on to this, as the website price went up today to the regular $42.99. I heard it was working up until this morning, so maybe you want to try the closest B&M and see if it still rings up incorrectly at the register. Good luck![/QUOTE]

It did; I got it 4 hours ago in-store for $22.99
bread's done