's 20% Off Sale announced now through 11/20/04


352 (100%)
From DVDtalk courtesy Dabaomb; from today's NY Times; it's official. Pre-orders, video games, accessories, and electronics are excluded. Only code announced so far is NYTIMES, but last year they released like 6 or 7.

Edit: The codes
currently working
[quote name='P0ldy'][quote name='trustcompany1013']i never said that my movie collection was the best of the best without any flaws....[/quote]

No, you just criticised across the board all the fans of three films that you didn't like. Brilliant.

its funny how someone can state an opinion directed towards ppl in general, and than get a butt load of personal attacks...

No less hilarious is the pathetic retreat someone who makes personally attacking generalisations does when called on their idiocy.

downgrading me in a smart ass way with "king among men," just because of my movie collection and my overflow of giving just about any movie a chance, 10% of the time being stuck with shit quality dvds that I'd rather keep than sell for a fourth of what I paid for them
I don't care what you buy, nor what films you watch. The point is you didn't say "I couldn't stand these films," you attacked people who can stand those films by suggesting their choice in film is beneath yours. And THAT becomes funny when it's noted that your personal taste says you know jackshit about quality films.

so d00d go watch Friends. hyuck.[/quote]

i try to stray away from name-calling and degrading others as much as possible....but you continue to be an this is hopefully the last response i'll give you: you need to lighten up and take things a little less seriously....someone said that a movie you like wasn't good in thier opinion....its not the end of the'll be okay, i promise you....did i criticize or suggest anything by my comment? yeah...i suggested that those movies were extremely unentertaining IMO and that I wish I could understand the entertainment that others are finding in those movies....did i call ppl idiots for their taste? have your opinion, i have like what you like, i like what i can state your opinion, as well as i can state mine....but try not to be too much of an ass in the future...please? thanks, good night
[quote name='trustcompany1013']i try to stray away from name-calling and degrading others as much as possible....but you continue to be an this is hopefully the last response i'll give you: you need to lighten up and take things a little less seriously....someone said that a movie you like wasn't good in thier opinion....its not the end of the'll be okay, i promise you....did i criticize or suggest anything by my comment? yeah...i suggested that those movies were extremely unentertaining IMO and that I wish I could understand the entertainment that others are finding in those movies....did i call ppl idiots for their taste? have your opinion, i have like what you like, i like what i can state your opinion, as well as i can state mine....but try not to be too much of an ass in the future...please? thanks, good night[/quote]
don't you understand? if you don't like what i like, you are stupid moron stupid head and, more importantly, you MUST like what i like, or at least admit that you are a stupid moron stupid head. why don't you smear poop on your face, because that's what you are, a poop faced idiot.

more seriously, it doesn't really matter. not everyone is going to have the same taste in movies (for better or worse). but, i think the problem is that your statement: "for those of you who actually liked igby goes down, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, and/or bubba ho-tep....i envy you for being entertained so easily...seriously...." has a condescending tone (or at least certainly seems to), which is probably why it bummed everyone out. or something. but i don't care, i wasn't offended.

anyways, the reason i wanted to make a post: you can get the movie "happiness" for roughly $6. yes, $6! it's an incredibly film and the price is super low, so if you don't already own this dvd, you totally need to order it. too bad i paid twice that much a while ago, but oh well.
Ok, I've been trying for the past 3 fucking days to get on this site, anywhere from 3 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon, to 10 AM, to 10 PM, and I can't get on the GAWDAMN SITE!

God damn! That site is slower than ever! And I have cable! I keep getting error messages and they keep telling me to refresh the page. I might have to wake up at 4am and make my order. This is insane!!!

Thanks for posting the codes though! Eventually I'll be able to take advantage of them.

Here is the Phone number for Deep Discount DVD.


I phoned my order in and they did accept the 20% off code NY Times.

I had problmes with there website also.
[quote name='trustcompany1013']i try to stray away from name-calling and degrading others as much as possible....but you continue to be an this is hopefully the last response i'll give you: you need to lighten up and take things a little less seriously....someone said that a movie you like wasn't good in thier opinion....its not the end of the'll be okay, i promise you....did i criticize or suggest anything by my comment? yeah...i suggested that those movies were extremely unentertaining IMO and that I wish I could understand the entertainment that others are finding in those movies....did i call ppl idiots for their taste? have your opinion, i have like what you like, i like what i can state your opinion, as well as i can state mine....but try not to be too much of an ass in the future...please? thanks, good night[/quote]
LOL. Way to completely miss the plainly obvious point. Keep trucking, champ.
[quote name='beguile'][quote name='guessed'][quote name='beguile']Am I the only one that thinks that amazon have cheaper prices for dvds (through some resellers) than ddd with the 20 percent discount? Since the DDD site was down, I just skimmed through some dvd selections on amazon. Some UFC dvds were cheaper on amazon than ddd. Guess I might purchase some dvds directly from amazon since ddd site is down. Let me know what you guys think.[/quote]

Through resellers? You mean individuals selling through amazon? Are they all new, or are you comparing some used prices to ddd's new prices? Wouldn't shipping kill the savings in most cases?[/quote]

I'm not comparing used prices obviously. And its free shipping if it's over 25 dollars. A UFC dvd is like 17.99 (20% discount = 14.30) and through a reseller it's only 13.40. I'm not quite sure if it's an individual reseller or wholesale reseller. Plus there's a guarantee from amazon that states,

"When is a product "materially different" than what the seller advertised?

If a seller has clearly misrepresented the condition or details of an item in a way that affects its value or utility, it is "materially different" and that seller should be willing to offer a refund or exchange. If the seller does not offer a refund or exchange, your purchase is eligible for our A-to-z Guarantee. Please note that this does not extend to cases where you are simply disappointed with an item. will ultimately determine material difference at our discretion."

So my best guess is that if you ordered it as new, it will come as new. What does other people think?[/quote]

Dont Do IT!!! There are lots of people that overstate the quality of their product. Also they sell separate movies together as a set. This is not cool if people are paying a 50% premium for the set. I ordered the American Pie 1 & 2 SET from a guy in Alaska. He sent me the 2 separate movies and they were not in "Like New" condition. There was a huge sticker on the AP1 and sharpie marks on the second movie. There was no inserts and tears on the plastic over the case. I will no longer buy DVDs from individuals because of this. I found better deals from DDD and by searching deal sites.
[quote name='sota2000']Hi,

Here is the Phone number for Deep Discount DVD.


I phoned my order in and they did accept the 20% off code NY Times.

I had problmes with there website also.[/quote]

I was thinking about this but they were closed the time i called them. Anyways, I happen to wake up early in the morning and did my order at 330am. It went through and it was somewhat slow. Anyways, I was happy to purchase my DVDS. I spent about 100 dollars. I bought "Dirty Dancing" a good movie to watch with your girlfriend. Dirty dancing is a all around classic favorite movie for most girls. Anyways, Just a little warning. There's only 3 codes and you cant reuse the codes so make sure you buy all your dvds within three orders. I made two orders already so I have one more left if i decide to purchase more dvds till nov 20.
[quote name='beguile']Anyways, Just a little warning. There's only 3 codes and you cant reuse the codes so make sure you buy all your dvds within three orders.[/quote]

i haven't ordered yet, and probably won't need all of these codes, but according to the thread on fat wallet, all of these codes are working:

"Currently working codes:
[quote name='thatstoobad'][quote name='beguile']Anyways, Just a little warning. There's only 3 codes and you cant reuse the codes so make sure you buy all your dvds within three orders.[/quote]

i haven't ordered yet, and probably won't need all of these codes, but according to the thread on fat wallet, all of these codes are working:

"Currently working codes:

Whoa! Thanks a lot. I haven't checked out fat wallet for a while now. But thanks thastoobad. So now i'm going to need to look for some DVD recommendations. Anyone has any suggestions on some interesting, educational, and intriguing movies?

By the way Clocktower orange is a good movie too for the educated audience.
[quote name='beguile']By the way Clocktower orange is a good movie too for the educated audience.[/quote]

Was that a joke?
[quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='beguile']By the way Clocktower orange is a good movie too for the educated audience.[/quote]

Was that a joke?[/quote]

Apparently mr. sensitive got offended and now he's talking with his emotions instead of trying to think before he speaks.

Anyone likes the God Father? I'm debating on whether to buy the box set or not.
[quote name='beguile'][quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='beguile']By the way Clocktower orange is a good movie too for the educated audience.[/quote]

Was that a joke?[/quote]

Apparently mr. sensitive got offended and now he's talking with his emotions instead of trying to think before he speaks.[/quote]

Actually, I'm very serious, what is "Clocktower Orange"
[quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='beguile'][quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='beguile']By the way Clocktower orange is a good movie too for the educated audience.[/quote]

Was that a joke?[/quote]

Apparently mr. sensitive got offended and now he's talking with his emotions instead of trying to think before he speaks.[/quote]

Actually, I'm very serious, what is "Clocktower Orange"[/quote]

new sports drink?
[quote name='trustcompany1013'][quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='beguile'][quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='beguile']By the way Clocktower orange is a good movie too for the educated audience.[/quote]

Was that a joke?[/quote]

Apparently mr. sensitive got offended and now he's talking with his emotions instead of trying to think before he speaks.[/quote]

Actually, I'm very serious, what is "Clocktower Orange"[/quote]

new sports drink?[/quote]


I can see the ads now.
[quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='trustcompany1013'][quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='beguile'][quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='beguile']By the way Clocktower orange is a good movie too for the educated audience.[/quote]

Was that a joke?[/quote]

Apparently mr. sensitive got offended and now he's talking with his emotions instead of trying to think before he speaks.[/quote]

Actually, I'm very serious, what is "Clocktower Orange"[/quote]

new sports drink?[/quote]


I can see the ads now.[/quote]

ROFL, I can see why you like Aqua teen you're so easily entertained and you act like a teen too. I'm not going to sink to your level cause I'm grown out of it already.
[quote name='beguile'][quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='trustcompany1013'][quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='beguile'][quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='beguile']By the way Clocktower orange is a good movie too for the educated audience.[/quote]

Was that a joke?[/quote]

Apparently mr. sensitive got offended and now he's talking with his emotions instead of trying to think before he speaks.[/quote]

Actually, I'm very serious, what is "Clocktower Orange"[/quote]

new sports drink?[/quote]


I can see the ads now.[/quote]

ROFL, I can see why you like Aqua teen you're so easily entertained and you act like a teen too. I'm not going to sink to your level cause I'm grown out of it already.[/quote]

Well, I AM nineteen so I think I am allowed to act like a teen, but thanks for the compliment. The thing is, you just don't get it, and I'm not even going to tell you why it is that I am giving you crap about it, because it is far too funny.
[quote name='almostrice']Dont Do IT!!! There are lots of people that overstate the quality of their product. Also they sell separate movies together as a set. This is not cool if people are paying a 50% premium for the set. I ordered the American Pie 1 & 2 SET from a guy in Alaska. He sent me the 2 separate movies and they were not in "Like New" condition. There was a huge sticker on the AP1 and sharpie marks on the second movie. There was no inserts and tears on the plastic over the case. I will no longer buy DVDs from individuals because of this. I found better deals from DDD and by searching deal sites.[/quote]

I've had remarkably good luck with Amazon marketplace/zshop listings, actually. It sounds like your outlook has been heavily effected by one bad experience. As long as I maintain practical expectations--along the lines of "you get what you pay for"--and stick with reputable vendors, I've had pleasant experiences on a good number of purchases there. In fact, those listings and deals found here fuel most of my online buys. :) It's just a pity that most of those bargains are 1-time opportunities, so I can not share them here.

That being said, some DVDs are just too damn hard to find for a bargain price, so DeepDiscountDVD's sale was the prime opportunity for me to finally pick up A Night At the Opera (the Marx brothers' classic!) and Gerard Depardieu's version of Cyrano de Bergerac for excellent prices.
anyone else having trouble signing into ddd? I have the password saved and i tried to sign in, that didn't work, it said "invalid password." so i reput the password in and that didn't work, i know the password is right....i have 2 accounts there and the other isnt working!? its worrying me due to the fact that my credit cards are linked to the website....anyone else having this problem?
[quote name='trustcompany1013']anyone else having trouble signing into ddd? I have the password saved and i tried to sign in, that didn't work, it said "invalid password." so i reput the password in and that didn't work, i know the password is right....i have 2 accounts there and the other isnt working!? its worrying me due to the fact that my credit cards are linked to the website....anyone else having this problem?[/quote]

Hmm, I just logged in fine, I know that during the sale the site gets REALLY screwy, it probably isn't anything to worry about...
Alrighty, just ordered Aqua Teen and Andy Griffith, and my first order just shipped. For some reason, getting to the site's been pretty easy, if slow. But each order has managed to mess up at the worst possible spot - order placement. I keep thinking I'm going to end up double ordering.
AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE V.03 $ 18.51 1 $ 18.51
MAD TV-SEASON 1 $ 23.99 1 $ 23.99
PEE WEE'S PLAYHOUSE V.01 $ 28.91 1 $ 28.91
PEE WEE'S PLAYHOUSE V.02 $ 29.24 1 $ 29.24
HOME MOVIES $ 17.24 1 $ 17.24
WAKING LIFE $ 5.74 1 $ 5.74

Thanks for the deal!
This is the first time I've ordered from DDD but because of the sale I must have just spent $80 on 10 or so DVDs. I can't even believe there's free shipping too! Such a great deal, although it did take me two days to finally get the order through since the site seems a little screwy right now.
I ordered the Marx Brothers Box set and a Samural movie. Great deal!

I may order some more later on this week.

Yeah, the sites is a little screwy. I placed my order at night when there is less traffic.
Agh, I don't know what to get! I know I want Aqua Teen Vol. 3...but I need something else. Something humorous, or just awesome.

By the way, you cna get the Special edition of Predator for like 10 bucks, and the complete FLying Circus for 70.
So okay did anyone else have this porblem?

I logged in. made my selections went through the whole purchase process and at the end of the checkout WinXP SP2's popup blocker kills the window, clicking the "allow pop up temporarily" refreshes the window leaving me with a "your cart is empty" screen.

So now I dont know if the purchase went through or not, the account tab says I have to wait 24 hours for my data to be updated but dont they usually send you a confirmation email to let you know you bought something? I dont know if I should try and redo my purchase or not.
I was able to place my order today after some difficulty. My cart kept losing items for a while. Eventually it fixed itself long enough for me to make my order. I just hope I don't think of more to buy and place another one. :)
[quote name='Alpha2']So okay did anyone else have this porblem?

I logged in. made my selections went through the whole purchase process and at the end of the checkout WinXP SP2's popup blocker kills the window, clicking the "allow pop up temporarily" refreshes the window leaving me with a "your cart is empty" screen.

So now I dont know if the purchase went through or not, the account tab says I have to wait 24 hours for my data to be updated but dont they usually send you a confirmation email to let you know you bought something? I dont know if I should try and redo my purchase or not.[/quote]

I had that problem but I just removed windows update 2. I hope that helps your situation. You can always reinstall it or disable your popup.

[quote name='Eric467']This is the first time I've ordered from DDD but because of the sale I must have just spent $80 on 10 or so DVDs. I can't even believe there's free shipping too! Such a great deal, although it did take me two days to finally get the order through since the site seems a little screwy right now.[/quote]

I can relate to that. My first time ordering from DDD too and I spent $100. I normally don't purchase dvds either so this site is killing me. Need to resist from buying more dvds.
I just tried a little experiment.

I called and told them I wanted to order both Seinfeld sets, and asked if I could use the coupon, and they told me yes. I even went to the end of the process, and they told me the final price with the 20% off discount.

Just a heads up. So it is POSSIBLE to have pre-orders work with the coupon. You just have to call, and hope that you get a stupid CS rep.

[quote name='guessed']
Reality's Fringe]Agh said:
They raised the price on Flying Circus + Life of Python I ordered when it was $99 before discount (lower than the set without the extra disc), but it is up to $122 now.

If you are looking for humor, let me make some suggestions from the ones that I got:

1st Order
Kids in the Hall 1st Season
Kids in the Hall Brain Candy
Freaks & Geeks Complete series
Flying Circus + Life of Python (already mentioned, now kinda pricey)

2nd Order
Larry Sanders 1st Season
Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends 1st Season
Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends 1st Season
Black Adder: The Complete Collector's Set
Kids in the Hall 2nd Season (I had to wait until today to place my second order, because this came out today)

I ordered a bunch of other stuff, but those are the comedies.

I spent a total of about $470. That is way over budget. I don't think I will be buying any new games for a while (I can still trade for them, though) except maybe a few if they are under $10, or if I find any rare used ones for good prices.
CLUE $7.48
ROBOCOP 2 $7.29
DARKMAN 2 $4.79
SEALAB 2021-1ST SEASON $18.71

Thanks for the sale!

But I do have a question. Does anyone know how their backorders work for this sale? The new Iron Giant disc was put on back order for me. I'm a little nervous about that. I assume the others will get shipped out this week and the Iron giant on "11/26/04", which is the date they gave me. First of all, will it still be on sale by then as it's a back order? Also I bought the $6.95 shipping for the tracking number on this huge order. I hate to repay the 6.95 shipping just for one DVD. Will this happen? I tried not to order items that was not in stock (Aqua Teens #2 and Darkman #1) to avoid this worry...anyone else had prior experience with them on what they do about these situations?

[quote name='guessed']
Reality's Fringe]Agh said:
They raised the price on Flying Circus + Life of Python I ordered when it was $99 before discount (lower than the set without the extra disc), but it is up to $122 now.

They change thier prices around to match competitors.
[quote name='bignick'][quote name='guessed']
Reality's Fringe]Agh said:
They raised the price on Flying Circus + Life of Python I ordered when it was $99 before discount (lower than the set without the extra disc), but it is up to $122 now.

They change thier prices around to match competitors.[/quote]

I know. Glad I ordered when I did.
[quote name='fairyland']CLUE $7.48
ROBOCOP 2 $7.29
DARKMAN 2 $4.79
SEALAB 2021-1ST SEASON $18.71

Thanks for the sale!

But I do have a question. Does anyone know how their backorders work for this sale? The new Iron Giant disc was put on back order for me. I'm a little nervous about that. I assume the others will get shipped out this week and the Iron giant on "11/26/04", which is the date they gave me. First of all, will it still be on sale by then as it's a back order? Also I bought the $6.95 shipping for the tracking number on this huge order. I hate to repay the 6.95 shipping just for one DVD. Will this happen? I tried not to order items that was not in stock (Aqua Teens #2 and Darkman #1) to avoid this worry...anyone else had prior experience with them on what they do about these situations?


The price listed there is the price you pay, no matter what the going rate is when it is back in stock, so you don't have to worry about that. I would guess that you won't incur any additional shipping fees, but honestly, I've never paid for shipping with them.

Ooh, Clue would have been a good one, I love that movie. Maybe if I break down and place a third order I will get it, but I really shouldn't.
[quote name='Sheik Rattle Enroll']I also didn't get an email confirmation. Also when I click order status it just shows the front page again :([/quote]

The order can take a while to show up, but don't sweat it.
ALF-1ST SEASON $ 15.91
INITIAL D V.07 $ 9.60
INITIAL D V.08 $ 9.60
CLUE $ 7.48

Why Pay? $ 374.49
Promotional Discount: Discount applied above
Total Savings: $ 197.97
Shipping: FREE
Your Subtotal: $ 176.52

Your promotional discount is reflected in the prices above.
The promotional discount on this order is: $44.17

Now I can finally cut my DVD wishlist down a bit ^_^ .
Why, why, why did I have to actually read my DVDTalk email? If I hadn't read it, I wouldn't have realized that Buck Rogers complete series was released today. I don't know if I can justify it after already spending so much.
Ordered Twin Peaks season 1 and Mars Attacks for my mother. Wished to get some things for myself but I'm broke this week. :(

Around $22 shipped though, very nice. Esp. since she's been looking everywhere for Twin Peaks. :D
Got to check out it took 15 minutes, I clicked mouse several times . An hour later I get 6 emails confirming 6 orders of the same title. I call customer service, no way am I getting through. I email them. They send me a email 30 hours later and tell me to refuse the 5 extra shipments.
Don't be impatient like I was enter the the final sale once.My account says all 6 orders are open. Once they enter a order no way are they canceling it. Even though it hasn't been shipped.
bread's done