Diablo III / Diablo II Battle.net Thread

[quote name='CAGkrazy']Sorry to hear that bro... did you get invited to a public game?
I usually join random public games through the options screen but i never accept invites. tsk![/QUOTE]

I only played one public game for about 1 minute when I first started out, nothing since.
Sadly, I am not the only one.

[quote name='SeanAmI']I only played one public game for about 1 minute when I first started out, nothing since.
Sadly, I am not the only one.[/QUOTE]

Man. Done a ton of public games so I'm getting worried. I'm still in the Starter edition though (waiting for my CE to come tomorrow) hopefully I don't get hacked down the line. :whistle2:?
[quote name='glemtvapen']Man. Done a ton of public games so I'm getting worried. I'm still in the Starter edition though (waiting for my CE to come tomorrow) hopefully I don't get hacked down the line. :whistle2:?[/QUOTE]

For ~95% of my 60 hours on D3 so far, I've done public games but I'm not yet worried. Might be a good time to suggest everyone use the Battle.net Authenticator.
So I logged on last night to play. Almost all my items where no longer in storage, and were in my inventory. It didnt appear that anything was missing though except I had over 50,000 gold, and it was all gone.
[quote name='Waughoo']So I logged on last night to play. Almost all my items where no longer in storage, and were in my inventory. It didnt appear that anything was missing though except I had over 50,000 gold, and it was all gone.[/QUOTE]

Exact same thing happened to my friend. They just took all his gold.
[quote name='panzerfaust']I've been sacrificing everything for DPS as a Wizard. Even if I run resistances/vitality it's still certain death when I get caught -- much better to kite as long as possible while doing the most damage possible.[/QUOTE]
Yep, clear advantage goes to the range classes once again. I was watching that inferno diablo kill and their barb is running around with a dagger & shield on armor buff duty, sneaking in attacks when he could with frenzy. We ran into the same problem last night against hell diablo, we just couldn't pull it off with 2 barbs and a monk. Granted I was 57 and undergeared but it was still fun to finally have a real challenge. He'll die tonight for sure and it's off to inferno!
[quote name='Jodou']Yep, clear advantage goes to the range classes once again. I was watching that inferno diablo kill and their barb is running around with a dagger & shield on armor buff duty, sneaking in attacks when he could with frenzy. We ran into the same problem last night against hell diablo, we just couldn't pull it off with 2 barbs and a monk. Granted I was 57 and undergeared but it was still fun to finally have a real challenge. He'll die tonight for sure and it's off to inferno![/QUOTE]

I feel the same way. Im a 35 barb with 36/37 wizard and demon hunter and theyre hammering bosses from a distance while i try to sneak up to them and get hits in when i can. My damage is only about 800 and health at about 2800 so i think i need some serious upgrades esp in VIT. But if i get caught i generally die pretty easy. I'm not sure if im playing it wrong or just too weak to be where im at
I wish i had bookmarked the site, but i found a site last week where people posted their full spec sheets, all their gear, any mods to gear etc. Thought it would be good to use to compare our builds to, but i can't find it again.
Real Money Auction House delayed (well "Coming Soon" :p)

In light of the post-launch obstacles we've encountered, we have made the decision to move the launch of the real-money auction house beyond the previously estimated May time frame. As we mentioned in our original announcement, our goal has always been to ensure everyone has the smoothest experience possible when the real-money auction house launches, and we need a bit more time to iron out the existing general stability and gameplay issues before that feature goes live. While we don't have a new launch date to share just yet, we’ll have more information so

They also touch on the sessionID stuff which they claim is "technically impossible" although I'd hesitate to ever use terminology like that when it comes to anything technology/security related.
Just read about gimping the wizard's force rune thing - didn't get a chance to use it yet, but was looking forward to maybe not dying whenever someone looked at me in Hell
[quote name='Pookymeister']Just read about gimping the wizard's force rune thing - didn't get a chance to use it yet, but was looking forward to maybe not dying whenever someone looked at me in Hell[/QUOTE]

You don't really need it in Hell. Inferno it can still be useful if you have a good amount of health. However I can't speak for Acts 3 & 4 as I haven't bothered advancing past the Act 2 boss yet. I'd be further along to give you more insight on it but I had to drag friends up to Inferno and then my friends whine quit yesterday after the DH/Wizard patch nerfs like a bunch of babies even though I told them not to buy equipment based on the specific build they were abusing when I told them it would get nerfed soon.
Not that mad our Wiz Energy Force rune got nerfed, still doing fine in Hell as of right now.

Ok can someone tell me how to search for +dmg for rings and amulets on the Auction house? It'll save me a lot of time lol I tried the proffered stats and I still haven't figured it out yet -__-

You guys might want to change your pw's as well as staying away from public games (like stated above)
I've changed my PW twice because one of my dumb friends refuses to not join pub games. I've seen him on and join his game only to see he is playing with randoms (while we have a Mumble with like 10+ people all ready to play at any time).
[quote name='Gannikus']Ok can someone tell me how to search for +dmg for rings and amulets on the Auction house? It'll save me a lot of time lol I tried the proffered stats and I still haven't figured it out yet -__-[/QUOTE]

I don't think you can, however go for Attack Speed + Main Stat, it's better.
[quote name='Jodou']Yep, clear advantage goes to the range classes once again. I was watching that inferno diablo kill and their barb is running around with a dagger & shield on armor buff duty, sneaking in attacks when he could with frenzy. We ran into the same problem last night against hell diablo, we just couldn't pull it off with 2 barbs and a monk. Granted I was 57 and undergeared but it was still fun to finally have a real challenge. He'll die tonight for sure and it's off to inferno![/QUOTE]

Agreed, but at the same time I have to say it goes both ways.

I sit there and smash things and just eat up damage even in inferno on my monk, why I know good DH and WIZ that die more than me atm. Actually the furthest in our group is a Barbarian haha. But I feel once I get further I'm going to be spanked.
Blizzard has seemingly applied the same class normalizations which they've implemented in WoW to Diablo III. Some players are bumping up against that very early and are having issues adapting or rather they aren't liking what they've found compared to II and that's a perfectly valid point of view to have. (the higher difficulties only serve to further highlight how truly normalized the classes are)
Been keeping an eye on the way D3 uses my PC while playing and I don't think its taking advantage of my hardware. GPU usage never goes above 40% and CPU usage barely goes above 30%. Meanwhile, every other game pretty much doubles those numbers. Seems like my poor performance is because D3 doesn't use my hardware to its full potential. Anyone else having issues, check to see how much of your GPU and CPU D3 is using.
Finally found a good sword on the AH for cheap. Up to 4300 5k DPS unbuffed on my barb, 5400 buffed 7k buffed.
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[quote name='SEH']Been keeping an eye on the way D3 uses my PC while playing and I don't think its taking advantage of my hardware. GPU usage never goes above 40% and CPU usage barely goes above 30%. Meanwhile, every other game pretty much doubles those numbers. Seems like my poor performance is because D3 doesn't use my hardware to its full potential. Anyone else having issues, check to see how much of your GPU and CPU D3 is using.[/QUOTE]

Why would good code bother to race the GPU/CPU if it didn't have to?

Plus the graphics aren't that high... This game is suppose to run on bare bones minimum, I wouldn't think a switch or slider would exist that would hammer computers.
D3 runs great for me until theres a huge number of enemies and loot and effects at once. But it's gotta be a huge number of enemies. I do get little lag spikes though. I also have been booted from the game on more than once occasion. Really sucks if you're playing solo, cause now you gotta start a ways back.
Ugh, freinds popping into my game unannounced. I always feel like I'm holding them back because I like to explore everything. And they always click the quests and I miss half of it.../sigh
[quote name='xycury']Why would good code bother to race the GPU/CPU if it didn't have to?

Plus the graphics aren't that high... This game is suppose to run on bare bones minimum, I wouldn't think a switch or slider would exist that would hammer computers.[/QUOTE]

I just figured it'd actually use my hardware. As it stands, its almost like it doesn't even recognize a game is being played.

[quote name='Number83']Ugh, freinds popping into my game unannounced. I always feel like I'm holding them back because I like to explore everything. And they always click the quests and I miss half of it.../sigh[/QUOTE]

Set it so friends have to ask you to join your game. Its in the social options.
Woohoo, Just got my first legendary item in Nightmare Act 2 (Betrayer quest). Its not completely amazing but its pretty good. Sadly I cant figure out how to get screenshots to work (it says to press Print Screen but the files dont go into the screenshot folder)
Sounds about right nas, I mean it obviously could be better but you're not having trouble right?

Anyone else here in inferno yet? Wondering your opinions. Alot are bitching, but I feel as if it's made for the best players and really have to be on their game.
I cleared Act 1 Inferno earlier today with my Wizard, act II seems much harder but I don't think the difficulty is too bad.

Plus act 1 is very easy to farm, so you can gear up there.
I'm about to finish my Hell playthrough. My friends that I was playing with all jumped off for the night though, so I've been trying to solo which is a gigantic pain in the ass (fire chains + jail + molten + lag = bullshit).

Been getting frustrated with that shit though, so I've been spending a lot of time refreshing the AH hoping to find awesome items at retardedly low prices. Got a really nice chest piece earlier for 2700G that I immediately flipped for 25000G.
Aye I'm glad to hear that panzer.

At least you understand though SEH, most people think they'll be able to do hell with their normal / early nightmare items still on. That's not Diablo at all :D
[quote name='strikeratt']Aye I'm glad to hear that panzer.

At least you understand though SEH, most people think they'll be able to do hell with their normal / early nightmare items still on. That's not Diablo at all :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've dropped a lot of coin on the AH the past couple days getting gear that matches my level. I dont even want to think about playing Hell using only gear that has dropped for me so far...
[quote name='panzerfaust']I cleared Act 1 Inferno earlier today with my Wizard, act II seems much harder but I don't think the difficulty is too bad.

Plus act 1 is very easy to farm, so you can gear up there.[/QUOTE]

fuck anything that leaps, tongues or teleports. I'm stuck at the Act 2 boss trying to figure out how to past phase 2 without dieing solo. Trying not to resort to cheap tactics. Although I think they nerfed all the really cheap stuff.

EDIT: Typos.
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Don't remember if I asked this on here or not but does the game look like you are looking through a steam vent for anyone else? When I first got the game it had wavy lines through it for about a half hour to an hour then they would go away. Now it seems to be longer.
[quote name='strikeratt']That's not Diablo 3 at all :D[/QUOTE]
Also after playing some more D2 it makes the loot in D3 seem really lame. From what I've seen its mostly of the stat boosting variety with any interesting abilities having very low proc %'s such as fear 1.25% chance! or life leech 3% and only on mighty belts/weapons!

You guys seem to always be asking My DPS is 1.2k and my armor is 5k, is this good enough for my level? Well what the fuck? Can you kill things? Are you dying? This isn't fucking World of Wa- wait. wait wait wait... I finally get it.

Meanwhile in Diablo 2...
Have been switching on and off with Vindictus, but me and my buddy are into the end of act 2 norm. Drops have been surprisingly generous, I'm playing a barb and my friend a sorc so he passes almost all the gear to me. Got a Stoutnail at level 1 and am currently using a Dimoak's Hew. Decided to go for axe mastery due to availability of 5 socket Nagas and 2/3 socket Waraxes great for Malice, Honor, and Strength. Easy to make and very effective runewords. Stats have been mainly in Vita with about an even spread in Str/Dex (have double throw stated so will eventually need the dex to use whatever throwing weapons I find). Currently have my skill points spread all over the place. 1 point here and there with Find Item pumped the highest. I'm mostly just a meatshield as it stands since sorc tears through everything without needing items (as it should be). Of course this will change as we reach higher difficulties and we start running into immunes. I think Chaos sanc will be the first challenge due to relatively high fire res.

So yes, if you play a character that gets its damage based on your weapon in D2 you need decent gear. But if your damage comes mainly from your skills you don't need shit. Also the fun for me isn't in grinding for leet gear. Its making due with whatever you have until you get something better. Your weapon blows dicks? Guess I'll be using taunt/howl/leap a lot more since I can only take 1 dude at a time. Weapon has lifeleech and ok damage? Guess I can afford to go toe to toe with a pack 4. Weapon has crushing blow? GG Bosses.
[quote name='Draekon']fuck anything that leaps, tongues or teleports.[/QUOTE]
For a melee class it's annoying as fuck chasing stuff and considering the game isn't smart enough to go AROUND the trail of fire or chain they're dragging behind them, I often take far too much damage because I'm trying to correct the shitty pathing. But yeah, it's really hard to remain in control of a fight whenever it's a chickenshit mob that teleports.

They made this game incredibly frustrating for melee classes, even worse than WoW and if not for our buffs nobody would even consider bringing us to inferno. I have to sacrifice a lot of stats for defense and health regen but still have to kite occasionally. The one saving grace is earthquake because playing with another barb friend, even if we die we're taking that cocksucker with us. We can also hit like a truck under the right build/gear though (any other classes able to get 50k crits out of curiosity?), so I guess it's a balancing act.

Has anyone tried stacking all elements resist yet? Before I go dumping cash into it I'd like to know if it will protect me enough to take on the hard hitting poison clouds or fire trails. I'm thinking my perfect itemization would be: all resist, strength, vitality, X life/second, dex or physical resist (for dodge), and if I can swing it MF. I already have a belt with those stats so I know the combo is possible, but the one problem with it is low stats. Not sure if items have a iLevel like wow that keeps stats low if spread out or not though. Still so many questions about this game; where's my elitist jerks when I need them!?
[quote name='Jodou']For a melee class it's annoying as fuck chasing stuff and considering the game isn't smart enough to go AROUND the trail of fire or chain they're dragging behind them, I often take far too much damage because I'm trying to correct the shitty pathing. But yeah, it's really hard to remain in control of a fight whenever it's a chickenshit mob that teleports.

They made this game incredibly frustrating for melee classes, even worse than WoW and if not for our buffs nobody would even consider bringing us to inferno. I have to sacrifice a lot of stats for defense and health regen but still have to kite occasionally. The one saving grace is earthquake because playing with another barb friend, even if we die we're taking that cocksucker with us. We can also hit like a truck under the right build/gear though (any other classes able to get 50k crits out of curiosity?), so I guess it's a balancing act.

Has anyone tried stacking all elements resist yet? Before I go dumping cash into it I'd like to know if it will protect me enough to take on the hard hitting poison clouds or fire trails. I'm thinking my perfect itemization would be: all resist, strength, vitality, X life/second, dex or physical resist (for dodge), and if I can swing it MF. I already have a belt with those stats so I know the combo is possible, but the one problem with it is low stats. Not sure if items have a iLevel like wow that keeps stats low if spread out or not though. Still so many questions about this game; where's my elitist jerks when I need them!?[/QUOTE]

If you're trying to take hits from your party, then yeah, you'll want it. Otherwise magic attacks will destroy you.

I don't know much more than that since I play a Wizard. I have on friend who's a tank and we dragged him to level 60 with shit equipment, so none of us have enough first-hand knowledge on it specifically.
Well now, if this post is to be believed there is no DR on armor, all resist, and VIT stats. The formulas suggest that your current stats determine whether a piece with more armor is valued higher than more VIT, et cetera and vice-versa. It's a balancing act of determining where they intersect to completely maximize the benefit of each stat.

Now, because LL builds and HoTs are static they are unaffected by VIT, obviously. The value on armor/resist becomes incredibly high but it's unknown how high these would need to be to sustain effective health through regen with low VIT. The other variable is abilities like revenge that increase the value per target hit up to a maximum hard cap.

What does this all mean? Stacking armor, all resist, and VIT key off each piece of gear and it is impossible to find a perfect set. Theorycrafters will likely figure out a soft cap on vitality needed for a minimum effective health total based on certain armor/resist all criteria and from there the focus can be on damaging stats or LL. At any rate, my brain hurts. ;)
I wanted to try out the free version so I signed up on Battle.net. I can't find the download anywhere, did they remove it during the outages?
[quote name='ZForce915']I wanted to try out the free version so I signed up on Battle.net. I can't find the download anywhere, did they remove it during the outages?[/QUOTE]

You need someone to give you a guest pass. Otherwise, it's open to everyone (the starter edition) on June 15th, I think.

[quote name='Jodou']
Has anyone tried stacking all elements resist yet? Before I go dumping cash into it I'd like to know if it will protect me enough to take on the hard hitting poison clouds or fire trails. I'm thinking my perfect itemization would be: all resist, strength, vitality, X life/second, dex or physical resist (for dodge), and if I can swing it MF. I already have a belt with those stats so I know the combo is possible, but the one problem with it is low stats. Not sure if items have a iLevel like wow that keeps stats low if spread out or not though. Still so many questions about this game; where's my elitist jerks when I need them!?[/QUOTE]

This would very likely be very hard (at least, all-resists) on a Barb. You'll sacrifice somewhere. Significantly. As a Monk, I decided to go from DPS-tank to full-on tank, to play with Pooky's wizard. As a Monk, one of my passives allow me to equalize all of my resistances, to my highest resistance, so it's not as painful. I still can't get past maybe half his DPS, at most, anyway. Resists, though, are useful. At around 150-180 resistance, it's something like a 35-38% damage reduction. I can almost ignore single arcane sentries, but fire chains and desolators still hurt like crazy. And the big, heavy mobs that look like they hurt... I can't even tank them when they're champs/elites.
[quote name='Rhett']You need someone to give you a guest pass. Otherwise, it's open to everyone (the starter edition) on June 15th, I think.

Ah it was the June 15th part that I wasn't seeing, thanks.

I don't game often on the PC so I want to give this a test run before I put down $60 on it. It's not often you see a game with glowing reviews like this so my interest is piqued.
[quote name='ZForce915']Ah it was the June 15th part that I wasn't seeing, thanks.

I don't game often on the PC so I want to give this a test run before I put down $60 on it. It's not often you see a game with glowing reviews like this so my interest is piqued.[/QUOTE]

Glowing? More like radioactive. :X

On a side note, is there any legal way to transfer ownership of an account/sell it? Anyone know? Or "sell the game" with the account with it, perhaps?
[quote name='Rhett']This would very likely be very hard (at least, all-resists) on a Barb. You'll sacrifice somewhere. Significantly. As a Monk, I decided to go from DPS-tank to full-on tank, to play with Pooky's wizard. As a Monk, one of my passives allow me to equalize all of my resistances, to my highest resistance, so it's not as painful. I still can't get past maybe half his DPS, at most, anyway. Resists, though, are useful. At around 150-180 resistance, it's something like a 35-38% damage reduction. I can almost ignore single arcane sentries, but fire chains and desolators still hurt like crazy. And the big, heavy mobs that look like they hurt... I can't even tank them when they're champs/elites.[/QUOTE]
I've been doing a lot of homework on this lately and with abilities like war cry (Impunity) I can raise my resists by 50%, which against elites with that combo will be countered easier. At least I've got a plan now so time to play the AH tonight for the gear before people start to catch on.
[quote name='Jodou']I often take far too much damage because I'm trying to correct the shitty pathing. [/quote]

haven't had issues there, are you holding down left click to move? that's the best way.
For people talking about gay champion/elite combos...how about Vampiric + anything for the most part (in Nightmare or later)?? Most of the time they heal faster than I can hurt them...especially when it's a pack of those damn fast toads that shoot their tongue at you. Those are the only packs I've ever had to just skip alltogether. And does anyone get pissed as %$#$%$#$% whenever one of those damn treasure demons escapes your grasp at the last second? That's the most infuriating part of the game for me......and on a side-note, I'm just pretty much starting my Hell playthrough and no Legendary items yet :(
Vampirics are only troublesome for me in groups as my build is almost all DoTs and I can typically out-pace their regen once I kill the stuff around them.

I wouldn't put too much worry into not finding Legendary drops as the itemization is pretty crap and you can often find Rares in the AH which are both better and cheaper. (at least that's been my experience)
My buddy just lost 7 million gold and all his items to a hack. Really, stay out of public games. No one knows how to play properly anyways.

Or get the authenticator.
[quote name='panzerfaust']My buddy just lost 7 million gold and all his items to a hack. Really, stay out of public games. No one knows how to play properly anyways.

Or get the authenticator.[/QUOTE]
Tell him to stop using china farmers to level your account.
bread's done