Diablo III / Diablo II Battle.net Thread

[quote name='Clak']So apparently commodities were taken down from the AH. Dammit I wanted to buy a ruby.[/QUOTE]

Yeah this is really pissing me off. The friends I'm playing with won't trade me rubies because they are the best jewel for weapons, so as a barb I'm limited to drops for all the rubies I need.
What kind of rubies you guys need? I've got some square and flawless squares available (for a price of course). PM me.

Anyways, say I wanted to give up sword & board and go dual wield. With weapons master, if I equip a sword and an axe, do I get both the 15% increased damage as well as 10% increased crit chance, or does it only apply to whats in my main hand?
Hey guys, new to this particular forum on CAG, mostly post in the Deals forum....anyhow not sure if any of you guys play together or anything like that or if most of you solo. I'd like to be able to play with people that actually know what they are doing rather than in shitty public games that are hit and miss. Anyhow, here is my battletag Stovepipe#1609, add me and we can melt faces together.
[quote name='ZForce915']Ah it was the June 15th part that I wasn't seeing, thanks.

I don't game often on the PC so I want to give this a test run before I put down $60 on it. It's not often you see a game with glowing reviews like this so my interest is piqued.[/QUOTE]
since when is 4.1 average glowing? :whistle2:s
[quote name='crystalklear64']since when is 4.1 average glowing? :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

To be fair, those reviews are from nerds that qq'd about the servers being down a few times on day one.

Also, whoever thought it'd be a great idea to have mobs constantly run from you can go die in a fire.
That true, but is it not a valid complaint? I see those 100/100 scores from journalism sites and just wonder how much did blizzard pay them? Even being generous I don't think anyone would say Diablo 3 is a perfect game.

Hell, its still missing features. I'm sure they'll come along but you don't review what could be, you review the game as it is.
No, its not valid. The server down times were greatly exaggerated, and now they're fine, aside from being a tad laggy at times. Giving a game a 1.5 rating because you're a baby that cant deal with not being able to play the game for an hour isn't a valid complaint. Reviewers giving it a 10/10 are just as bad as the crybabies giving it a 1/10.
Well if I was going to review a game by playing it and then forming an opinion, and when I go to play it, I can't... it probably wouldn't get very high marks.

Its like buying a fancy car that has really good specs and could go 0-60 in .2 seconds and was street legal and had NOS Coming Soon, you go to take it for a drive and it doesn't start. Then you try it again one day and it does. Then another day it refuses to start. You're not gonna count on that car and you'd probably take it back/take it in for repairs and consumer reports or whoever the fuck reviews cars would blast it.

Difference with video games is that they'll work on the issues and they'll be fixed for free.. eventually. And when that time comes and you review that game when all the shit is in place and working and its perfect, then you give it that 9/10. Not before then.
Like I said, those complaints were ridiculously exaggerated. People were acting like they couldnt connect for 48 hours straight, when in reality servers were down a handful of times for 30-60 minutes at a clip. I know people had issues and whatnot, but myself and 12+ others people I know were all able to play for hours on end without issue.

So no, nerds having some personal vendetta against Blizzard, to the point that they go on Amazon and Meta Critic to write moronic reviews are not valid in my opinion.
The server downtime is the very least of this game's problems. Anyone who's put some real time into D3 has actual concerns to discuss. Game isn't perfect, but having to make a sandwich when I get an error really isn't damaging the experience. At least for me.
[quote name='panzerfaust']The server downtime is the very least of this game's problems. Anyone who's put some real time into D3 has actual concerns to discuss. Game isn't perfect, but having to make a sandwich when I get an error really isn't damaging the experience. At least for me.[/QUOTE]
Oh don't get me wrong, Diablo 3 has tons of things wrong with it from my perspective. Its just one more for the laundry list.

Having any flaw should be enough to not make a game 10/10 though since it implies perfection.
[quote name='SEH']Like I said, those complaints were ridiculously exaggerated. People were acting like they couldnt connect for 48 hours straight, when in reality servers were down a handful of times for 30-60 minutes at a clip. I know people had issues and whatnot, but myself and 12+ others people I know were all able to play for hours on end without issue.

So no, nerds having some personal vendetta against Blizzard, to the point that they go on Amazon and Meta Critic to write moronic reviews are not valid in my opinion.[/QUOTE]
Well unless you're sitting there for 48 hours constantly trying to login, its quite possible that it seemed like you couldn't login for 48 hours if you couldn't the times you tried. Because really, who cares if the game is up when you can't play it anyway? I work about 10 hours a day, I don't give a fuck if the servers are down then. Thats what the user reviews are for, from the perspective of a user, not some faux-objective review from a company out to make money/get hits.
[quote name='Clak']So apparently commodities were taken down from the AH. Dammit I wanted to buy a ruby.[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing they had enough people like me bitching that they could bid on everything but the commodities. It was severely broken for some odd reason. The last few days before it went down I think I had about 20 timeouts on commodities and none on anything else. Guess that just means I practice my jewel crafting skills.
No Real Money Auctioning until further notice!

Also lol @ blizzard:
[quote name='blizzard']Meanwhile, many Diablo III forum users have been complaining loudly about hackers breaking into their accounts and stealing accumulated items and gold, a problem that would seem crucial to fix before those items start having a real-world value through the auction house. Blizzard officially responded to these reports today, stressing that its servers have not been compromised. The "extremely small" number of complaints that Blizzard has received about compromised accounts have all boiled down to traditional password-stealing methods, the company said, despite rumors of "session spoofing" and other esoteric attacks.[/quote]
So apparently you guys need to stop visiting those bot sites! Play all the public games you want according to Blizzard. You're at fault, not them.
Why not use an authenticator and the text messaging service if you're concerned about your account? I've had both on my Blizzard account for almost a year now to protect it.
[quote name='crystalklear64']No Real Money Auctioning until further notice!

Also lol @ blizzard:

So apparently you guys need to stop visiting those bot sites! Play all the public games you want according to Blizzard. You're at fault, not them.[/QUOTE]

I haven't received so much as an acknowledgement from my complaint on having my character stripped. I thought since there were not a lot of them they could answer within 3 days.....

I ran several virus and malware scans and nothing came up. I only played 1 public game for a couple minutes.
The shitty thing is, it happened hours after I get my first legendary item.
crystalklear, I understand you're a huge D2 fan. I am too. And I understand you have a lot of issues with D3; issues you hold so deeply that you are not willing to give Blizzard a penny to play the game. I understand where you're coming from and agree with a lot of what you (and other critics) have to say about the game. However, I, along with others on this board, are able to play and enjoy the game for what it is and for what it offers: a new and different action/rpg experience.

I guess what I'm asking is please stop going out of your way to say how much you despise the game (D3). You've said what you needed to say. We get that you don't agree with what Blizzard has done. And we get that you're not giving them your money. That's fine. I just don't understand why you feel that you have to remind us all why it is your don't like the game... I mean, you have not even played it.

I'm not trying to attack you, and I hope you don't feel that way. It is just that your consistently negative posts are becoming tiring.
[quote name='SeanAmI']Seriously.
I haven't received so much as an acknowledgement from my complaint on having my character stripped. I thought since there were not a lot of them they could answer within 3 days.....

I ran several virus and malware scans and nothing came up. I only played 1 public game for a couple minutes.
The shitty thing is, it happened hours after I get my first legendary item.[/QUOTE]

I started using the Authenticator just in case. Sometimes I get bored of soloing and just want to do a public game and run through some quests since I always seem to get paired up with people who don't want to explore the entire map like I do.
[quote name='Swift900']crystalklear, I understand you're a huge D2 fan. I am too. And I understand you have a lot of issues with D3; issues you hold so deeply that you are not willing to give Blizzard a penny to play the game. I understand where you're coming from and agree with a lot of what you (and other critics) have to say about the game. However, I, along with others on this board, are able to play and enjoy the game for what it is and for what it offers: a new and different action/rpg experience.

I guess what I'm asking is please stop going out of your way to say how much you despise the game (D3). You've said what you needed to say. We get that you don't agree with what Blizzard has done. And we get that you're not giving them your money. That's fine. I just don't understand why you feel that you have to remind us all why it is your don't like the game... I mean, you have not even played it.

I'm not trying to attack you, and I hope you don't feel that way. It is just that your consistently negative posts are becoming tiring.[/QUOTE]
I haven't played it so all I can talk about it things I hear. What I hear is largely negative. Thread is currently discussing Diablo 3 so I'll discuss Diablo 3, and when we go back to talking about Diablo 2 (which is what the thread was about before this abomination) I'll talk about that. If you cannot handle negative discussion and you don't want to/can't argue against the negatives, then you should probably give up and ignore me.
[quote name='crystalklear64']I haven't played it so all I can talk about it things I hear. What I hear is largely negative.[/QUOTE]

You hear what you want to hear. This thread is full of people talking about how much fun they are having playing the game despite a rough launch and its' perceived faults.

The horse died a long time ago.
[quote name='crystalklear64']I haven't played it so all I can talk about it things I hear. What I hear is largely negative. Thread is currently discussing Diablo 3 so I'll discuss Diablo 3, and when we go back to talking about Diablo 2 (which is what the thread was about before this abomination) I'll talk about that. If you cannot handle negative discussion and you don't want to/can't argue against the negatives, then you should probably give up and ignore me.[/QUOTE]

I think it's pretty silly to complain about a game that you aren't playing, and problems that you aren't having.

And honestly, the response to the game has been largely positive from pretty much everything I've seen. There's just a large population of people that think that Blizzard should have bought extra servers for one day, and are butthurt forever from error 37 or something.

If you want to discuss Diablo 2, perhaps you should make a seperate thread and this thread should be renamed. I doubt the discussion in this thread will ever return to D2.
Just did a quick look through this thread.

Lots of begging for guest passes, lots of discussion of mechanics. Phrases like grind, plugging away, back into the abyss. Some say too easy, others bullshitingly hard. You know what I don't see? People enjoying themselves or fun. So I don't think its just me seeing what I want to see.

Here are literally the only two mentions of people enjoying Diablo 3 in the last 15 pages or so:
[quote name='TLPRIME']Loving the game, but (bunch of problems and issues)[/QUOTE]

[quote name='langdon_alger']I tried the Barbarian for a while today. That 'thwack' when you start smacking fools is one of the most satisfying sounds ever in a video game.[/QUOTE]
Otherwise lets look at some other discussion. Note that these don't really have anything to do with me, the big bad diablo 3 troll. You say its me looking hard for flaws... I say you're trying way to hard to find positives and I don't understand why people are defending this game as it is. You guys seem to be coming to the same realizations I did after playing the beta which I find interesting.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Found a glitch sort of. I never got the achievement for beating the Skeleton King on normal yet I know I bet him because I am about to start Act II.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SEH']Last night when the servers went down, when they came back up, all my achievements and Sigil unlocks were reset. I hope they wind up putting that stuff back.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='n4styn4t3']Well, I wanted to get a quick hour in before work but... SERVERS ARE DOWN!!

I'm new to PC gaming so I didn't really understand everyone's hate toward DRM (GFWL and such) but this is pretty annoying. Playing by myself and the game is either laggy (wtf?) or the servers are down. Wish there was an offline option where it closed off the auction house and multiplayer in trade for been able to play your game whenever you want.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Clak']So I go to sleep with the servers down for maintenance, and wake up to the same. Ugh....[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Jodou']Yeah, from last night and this morning I'm already sick of the downtime in my SP game. I just want to solo normal so I can get to the real game on harder difficulties with friends. I couldn't care less about hackers and dupes because they never bothered me in D2. As if it would even impact a game like this with no subscription model (hint: it didn't for D2). No, this is more about Blizzard's crusade to crush cheaters and profit from the RMT AH.

This game is fun, but I'm already starting to get bored with the design. Progression feels slow and the lack of initial skills (only 17) just winds up being an exercise in repetition. The boss fights are the only breath of fresh air, but are generally a 'dodge this move' battle so far. I just started Act II and clearing those mosquitoes are just not fun; like 'Castlevania medusa head annoying' not fun. What I do like is smashing things in the face with my barb though. But after a few hours, that novelty wears off. :\

I really hope I can last in this game to inferno, because I imagine that's when the real fun starts.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SEH']Pretty sure MF is broken or something. I was at 97% and wasn't finding shit. I get the exact same drops if I only have like 8%. Seems like a pointless stat as of right now. Also, yes, I was solo'ing, so I didn't have other people with lower MF bringing my percentage down.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Ruahrc']I'm curious what have people's latencies been like? I was fooling around with the demo on my old laptop and while the performance was slow, I also noticed the latency being pretty high. However I cannot tell if this is because of the crappy laptop not able to render the graphics and deal with the network transfer simultaneously or the crappy server due to heavy launch traffic.

My latencies were averaging around 300 ms, whereas I feel I have a pretty good internet connection (no problems in other games), and no such trouble when I was playing the beta on my main rig.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SEH']80-120 when I'm solo'ing. When I'm with a full group, 300-350. Pretty bad, but honestly, their netcode seems really good because despite the high ping, its totally playable. It is odd though as I get 80-120 all the time on the Euro servers, so there are definitely some issues with the US ones.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='panzerfaust']This game is starting to feel a bit like WoW in that it doesn't really start until level 60. That's where all the loot is.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='100xp']feel a bit? it is WoW, just in the Diablo format...look at the leveling system and standardization of your stats, the way equipment looks, the auction house, etc. dont get me wrong, im enjoying the crap out of D3...i don't think it has anything to do with the game reallying starting at lvl 60 for where the loot is. The loot is there and currently there aren't any raid instances or quests.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Jodou']Waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of you. It's a means to an end and I felt that way the first time I replaced a rare. It's all junk until you level cap. It's part of why progression feels so slow to me, because each time I get a piece of a loot it's just filler until the next. I want to min/max, but right now the top end is a moving target.

Also, my ping has always been 300+. I get warping every once and a while, but I have died a lag death once so far (in fact it was my only death on normal so far). I couldn't imagine trying to play this on hardcore; fuck off Blizzard with your shit lag.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Pookymeister']getting a lot of network disconnect messages tonight, boo[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Jodou']I imagine they're far undergeared but it just goes to show how disappointing inferno is. The mobs are deadly, but since trash doesn't reset unless you leave the game it only serves to roadblock the way to bosses. Unlike D2, you can't all just roll sorcs and teleport across the map to the bosses and just fight them. Difficult? Not really. Tedious? Yep.

The worst part is you can't install maphack, so you might end up clearing for half an hour just to find out you went the wrong way. That's fucking dumb design right there.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='sendme']Is it just me or does it seem like the multiplayer is not even worth it? D2 I thought had a great MP. D3 I can only join for the quests they will let me join for and as of now it has only been myself and one other person. I remember in D2 running the same boss over and over for better gear till I decided to go to the next act. When I was done with act 1 in D3 I thought I would do the same seeing how the rare drops from the boss were for the Monk and I'm playing a Witch Doctor. I ran the boss twice and only got some random blue items. I did the same thing for a quest in Act 2 with the same results. So it seems like farming is not really worth it in D3.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SEH']An update to my issues before regarding the games performance. It seems its poorly coded for quad-cores, specifically i7's, i5's, and Phenom X4's. Setting my affinity to only use cores 0 and 1 (I've got a 2500k), as well as setting the process priority to realtime seems to have fixed the issues somewhat. Things tend to run a bit smoother. Hopefully others with these problems see this and can try that out.

Regardless, Blizz needs to get on this. People with old e8400/8800GT setups running the game better than those with a 2500k/GTX670 setup is pretty stupid.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='teknikalei']So I came to this thread to see if anyone else was getting booted - the longest I've been able to play is about 45 minutes, other than that I've been booted every 90-150 SECONDS. Seriously wtf?

It keeps talking about members of my party when I'm playing solo.

So annoyed, my gaming time is limited and I don't want to waste it trying to log back in multiple times.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Jodou']As for latency, the lag fucking kills me. So glad I have to deal with this shit soloing nightmare because how would I ever survive without warping back in place after putting my leap on cooldown? Warping back after I'm done using whirlwind to safety and wondering why my health is dropping is delightful. I guess we should be thankful the servers work at all but this is fucking garbage for solo play. I'm just glad no other company would have the infrastructure to support such a massive server connection, because I'd quit gaming if I had to deal with this shit.

Don't even get me started. This game isn't challenging, it's god damn cheap. I've died to packs of mobs plenty by now because I just don't care but never to a boss (yet). I guess I was expecting more, but the game is too damn easy and it's boring the hell out of me (pun intended). But I keep on playing, hoping it will get better at level cap. Inferno better be fucking amazing for group play or I'm done with this game.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Drizzt']I'm not too surprised that I'm getting bored of this game so quickly. It's either sleep inducing easy, or 1 shot player death on Normal. Not much middle ground. I enjoy a challenge, but the Diablo games have always felt like they provide a silly challenge of either level grinding to beat a boss/area solo, or calling in one or more of your overleveled friends to carry you through it. Once again, not much middle ground. Years of WoW have kind of turned me off of the whole pursuit for better gear as well.

It's not a bad game, but tonight I had more fun playing L4D2 than I did playing D3 earlier in the day, though dying to Belial and seeing that I had to re-do the first phase of his event didn't help much. I can see this game being one I don't feel like playing all the time, and that's fine. I guess I'm only slightly disappointed.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Fell Open Ian']Not only is the sessionID exploit out there but, by my count, there are at least two wallhack/botting apps floating around as well.

It is pretty much par for the course with any game and even MMOs but Blizzard needs to patch and banhammer ASAP and especially after the launch week server woes.

Any justification for having always-online single-player DRM is complete bullshit when something as simplistic as the sessionID exploit exists and still remains unpatched. Botting and wallhacks are inevitable but the sessionID exploit is completely inexcusable.[/QUOTE]
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[quote name='JasonTerminator']I think it's pretty silly to complain about a game that you aren't playing, and problems that you aren't having.

And honestly, the response to the game has been largely positive from pretty much everything I've seen. There's just a large population of people that think that Blizzard should have bought extra servers for one day, and are butthurt forever from error 37 or something.

If you want to discuss Diablo 2, perhaps you should make a seperate thread and this thread should be renamed. I doubt the discussion in this thread will ever return to D2.[/QUOTE]
Or since it was a Diablo 2 thread first, maybe you should make a new thread instead. And I'll tell you what, if you do, I won't post in it.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Or since it was a Diablo 2 thread first, maybe you should make a new thread instead. And I'll tell you what, if you do, I won't post in it.[/QUOTE]

You arent even talking about D2 though, aside from saying how much D3 sucks in comparison to it (which I find pretty funny considering you havent played it). Don't act like this thread was booming before D3 came out and those of us playing D3 somehow invaded and took over your precious D2 thread. Nobody was posting in this shit. Also, please spoiler tag that mega quote of doom post. Jesus.
Looks like getting rares from bosses isn't totally gone after you beat them once - if I stack up nephalem valor im getting two rares each time I beat a boss/mini boss.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Or since it was a Diablo 2 thread first, maybe you should make a new thread instead. And I'll tell you what, if you do, I won't post in it.[/QUOTE]

Was it? Looking at the first page of the thread, it's pretty clear this was a Diablo 3 thread first. (Or more specifically, it was a discussion for the Blizzard game that was going to be revealed at the Worldwide Invitational, which turned out to be D3)
[quote name='Pookymeister']Looks like getting rares from bosses isn't totally gone after you beat them once - if I stack up nephalem valor im getting two rares each time I beat a boss/mini boss.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='panzerfaust']Rares not dropping after the first kill? Oh come on, you're getting superstitious.

But yeah the neph buffs are the way to do it.[/QUOTE]
At first blush, that was my understanding because I've never seen a rare off a boss since the first kill. After watching some butcher runs, you absolutely need the buff for it. I'm still building my gear set but it's progressing so slow now that everyone is looking for the same gear. Shit gets snapped up at half a mil or less, which I simply can't compete with right now. Spend money to make money, but right now it's the 1% controlling the market and everyone else eats it. Until I can build up at least another 10k HP, 2k armor, and 200 resist all I can't even farm the elites. What I'm really hurting for is that 900-1k dps 2H with on hit LL. If I could just square that away, my crits would start pushing 100k easy. FYI, I just found out that % LL items are worthless because on Inferno the stats are nerfed to the ground by 80%. So for instance that 2% on your gloves is actually .4% - JUNK.

On the bright side, the game has finally started for me. Only took 60 levels Blizzard. . .
Yeah honestly the game is extremely dry after the first Normal play through. It's just a grind to 60 where the game becomes a lot of fun. I've got a 9 Hunter and a 12 Monk just taunting me like unfinished homework, but I don't think I can go through it all again. Just can't.

Playing with a group of friends made the initial run through much more bearable. Although, since gems have no requirements, it's probably easy to truck through the game again with a perfect square ruby in a low level weapon, and another for the EXP buff in the helm.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Was it? Looking at the first page of the thread, it's pretty clear this was a Diablo 3 thread first. (Or more specifically, it was a discussion for the Blizzard game that was going to be revealed at the Worldwide Invitational, which turned out to be D3)[/QUOTE]
Looks like you're right. We just used it to discuss D2 in the meantime.. 4 years ago. Interesting to go back and read which predictions turned out to be true and false.
If you're not on Inferno I wouldn't worry about your drop rates. I have the same MF as you but with 5 neph buffs I get an inventory full of rares in ~30 minutes of Act 1 farm.

Remember you get a percentage of the MF on your escort as well.
Sucks they took all the tomes of the auction house. I can really use some Jewelcrafting ones. I've got a bunch of Radiants but no way to upgrade em.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Yeah honestly the game is extremely dry after the first Normal play through. It's just a grind to 60 where the game becomes a lot of fun. I've got a 9 Hunter and a 12 Monk just taunting me like unfinished homework, but I don't think I can go through it all again. Just can't.

Playing with a group of friends made the initial run through much more bearable. Although, since gems have no requirements, it's probably easy to truck through the game again with a perfect square ruby in a low level weapon, and another for the EXP buff in the helm.[/QUOTE]

This is what I'm doing. Barb is such a bitch at 60, so I'm trying to finish my WD. Bought some cheap high DPS items on the AH, socketed them, and now just run through everything fast as hell.
[quote name='Bezerker']Sucks they took all the tomes of the auction house. I can really use some Jewelcrafting ones. I've got a bunch of Radiants but no way to upgrade em.[/QUOTE]

If you are going to use it, then I can trade you up to tier 7 or 8 + upgrade cost (I don't do lesser quality gems). Otherwise it's not worth it and just wait until you get to the mid/end of Hell or Inferno for Perfect Square (tier 8) drops.

[quote name='SEH']This is what I'm doing. Barb is such a bitch at 60, so I'm trying to finish my WD. Bought some cheap high DPS items on the AH, socketed them, and now just run through everything fast as hell.[/QUOTE]

If you have a willing friend re-run Zolten Kulle non-stop and join their game after he's dead. Gets you 10-20% depending on your level. Otherwise, yeah, that's probably your best bet.
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So interestingly enough I've found the best cash farm for me is not inferno, but running nightmare anything for quest cash and rares. It might sound silly but I was picking up anywhere from 50-100k gold an act and none of the mobs can deal damage, so zero risk. The rares are in the 40's range so anything with main stat, vit, and resist or MF can go up on the AH for 25-40k for quick cash. Made 500k so far today just running IRHari through a couple acts and selling everything within minutes on the AH (including a few legendaries for 75k each).

Now, this strat is only for the undergeared in Inferno because one good 60 rare out of there with all resist can go for 300k+. I just solo cleared act one Inferno, but it's rough killing certain elites so the time I waste kiting or avoiding is money lost. Still can't find a good 2H with my name on it. :\
Wish they could sort the AH out. All night I couldn't pull my money from sales and now it's been down for an hour. I NEED MY LOOT SEARCH FIX.
Yeah, been waiting easily two hours. I bought some gear to twink out a lowbie but it never got sent to my completed tab. Also sold like six items, but again, never sent to the completed tab so I cant cash out and send it to my stash. Im about to just call it a night.
Looks like the auction house is working again. Finally was able to send my item to stash that I bought last night.

And yes, you make a fair amount in gold find if you clear mobs very easily. Little surprised you managed to get 75k for that legendary from Nightmare though. I'd be lucky to sell the level 55 legendary that dropped for me for 20k. Though I just run "The Imprisoned Angel" on Inferno and kill the last two bosses of Act 1 with 5x Nephalem. Gold drops are at 1k each and I kill everything very fast and only die with some terrible luck to a champion group. Can get about two, close to three runs an hour if I'm lucky enough.

EDIT: Woot, managed to finally beat the Act 2 boss on Inferno alone without using any cheap tricks.
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bread's done