Diamond; Pearl; Platinum 1-A (Friend Codes; Online Discussion; Trades, Battles, etc.)

Yes you can Spades. You also can relearn moves that they would learn at level 1 (which is only possible through move tutor). Example teaching Torterra: Wood Hammer.
ok thanks. How about like lvl 13 ones you missed? Or is there any danger in letting any of my pokemon evolve at their normal times? (meaning screwing me up for competitive battle) So far thats what I've been doing, when the evolve animation pops up for a pokemon I just go through with it. Except for budew...I made sure to evolve it by lvl 16 so I'd get leech seed xD.
My wife caught a shiny Floatzel in her pearl game and would like to trade for any of the following shineys if possible.

Nidoran Male or Nidorino






She wants a legit shiny. No hacked, cloned, or what have you. Just her preference....though not like she can really tell unless the place where you met the pokemon wouldn't match. Anyways, just send me a PM if anyone is interested.

2964-5240-5554 is her friend code
[quote name='Spades22']ok thanks. How about like lvl 13 ones you missed? Or is there any danger in letting any of my pokemon evolve at their normal times? (meaning screwing me up for competitive battle) So far thats what I've been doing, when the evolve animation pops up for a pokemon I just go through with it. Except for budew...I made sure to evolve it by lvl 16 so I'd get leech seed xD.[/QUOTE]

By danger I assume you mean learning certain moves. There are some pokemon that will only learn specific moves or be taught those moves by the Tutor in their pre-evolved or evolved form. I suggest going to many of the websites mentioned through out this thread. I personally go to Serebii.net, it's not as slow as it was when Diamond/Pearl came out anymore. There you can check out the moves.

Personally I bred for a specific Growlithe with certain bred moves, and since he had all the moves I wanted at level 1, I immediately used my fire stone to evolve him into an Arcanine (since Arcanine doesn't learn anything but Extremespeed).
hmm I found a Heracross FINALLY...do you think jolly or adamant nature is better for it? It's got one of the highest attack stats already so it can probably OHKO basically anything...so would Jolly and the extra speed be of great benefit?

(BTW where do I find my friend code lol)
ok cool. Checked and it has "Guts" ...so thats good :D Now to get my friend code...glad I finally got lucky though. Only had to restart the game once to get a good natured pokemon unlike the other times xD
[quote name='Spades22']hmm I found a Heracross FINALLY...do you think jolly or adamant nature is better for it? It's got one of the highest attack stats already so it can probably OHKO basically anything...so would Jolly and the extra speed be of great benefit?

(BTW where do I find my friend code lol)[/QUOTE]
some advice on heracross
[quote name='suko_32']Holy crap, today I learned what STAB is. Took me a while.[/QUOTE]
Haha don't worry about that...I learned like 2-3 weeks ago >.> even though I kept reading it everywhere
Taken from Wiki

When a Pokémon uses a damaging move whose type matches one of its own types, the move does 1.5 x damage. This is known as STAB, which is short for Same Type Attack Bonus.

Now you know! :D
oo cool I remember seeing in game that using a move of the same type increases damage, but I didnt know STAB referred to that xD
its too bad they didnt make a quickmatch type of function where you can specify the level categort you're looking for, like 45-50 or 55-60, etc, then fight with random people across the globe rather than having to always insert the friend code =/
[quote name='Spades22']its too bad they didnt make a quickmatch type of function where you can specify the level categort you're looking for, like 45-50 or 55-60, etc, then fight with random people across the globe rather than having to always insert the friend code =/[/quote]

Really? Oh damn. I was thinking of picking up a ds and this game hoping to battle random people. That sucks that I will have to actively search for people to battle. I'll still probably pick up this game though.
[quote name='Thongsy']Really? Oh damn. I was thinking of picking up a ds and this game hoping to battle random people. That sucks that I will have to actively search for people to battle. I'll still probably pick up this game though.[/quote]

ya I was thinking it woukld be that when I bought it as well. Only paid 15$ for it though so its fine. Wish I woulda bought the other version when I had the chance for 15$ too but whatever...these games are usually a one time playthrough for me besides the online and after game stuff.,\
[quote name='suko_32']That's what Pokemon Revolution is for :)

Edit: Guess he left..[/quote]

Speaking of Pokemon Revolution, is anybody going to get that game?
[quote name='Quintessence']Speaking of Pokemon Revolution, is anybody going to get that game?[/quote]

maybe in a year or something lol
[quote name='Jn64lover']I really want to battle, if anyone still looks at this thread PM me and we can arrange a standard battle[/QUOTE]

I don't wanna PM but I'll battle :)
sadly, I haven't played pokemon in a while because my ds was sent in for a hinge replacement. and I have 217 hours clocked in. :(
Hey I have a question..can ALL Pokemon be bred?
If so, does anyone have any of the rare ones that they would be so kindly that they'd wanna give? :)
Basically.. Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi are ones that I really want. It's always been a sick thing of mine..but ever since Pokemon Red/Blue.. I've always wanted a Mew.. :(
Can someone make my dreams come true?! LOL
[quote name='lilboo']Hey I have a question..can ALL Pokemon be bred?
If so, does anyone have any of the rare ones that they would be so kindly that they'd wanna give? :)
Basically.. Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi are ones that I really want. It's always been a sick thing of mine..but ever since Pokemon Red/Blue.. I've always wanted a Mew.. :(
Can someone make my dreams come true?! LOL[/quote]

The legendaries cannot be bred.
[quote name='Rig']The legendaries cannot be bred.[/QUOTE]


So..if I really wanted one.. I would have to get a GBA game + gameshark/action replay.. or find someone who does have that??
[quote name='lilboo']:(

So..if I really wanted one.. I would have to get a GBA game + gameshark/action replay.. or find someone who does have that??[/quote]

Well, for older legendaries.

We haven't had any Pokemon Tour things yet, but we should get some legendaries later on. (TRU is usually your best bet.)

As for older ones, you can always trade for them on the GTS. You may have to offer up one of the legendary Pokemon off Diamond/Pearl, or find a shiny something to throw up there. People go crazy for pretty much shiny anything.
[quote name='Rig']Well, for older legendaries.

We haven't had any Pokemon Tour things yet, but we should get some legendaries later on. (TRU is usually your best bet.)

As for older ones, you can always trade for them on the GTS. You may have to offer up one of the legendary Pokemon off Diamond/Pearl, or find a shiny something to throw up there. People go crazy for pretty much shiny anything.[/quote]For a while, female eevees were a sure-fire way to get anything you wanted. They might still be hot now, I'm not sure, since I don't hustle the GTS anymore, but if you got one, then try it.

I just got 2 more Master Balls (which are being used on the two running legendaries, fuck THEM), and all I had to do was give up a Raikou and one of my 2 Articuno.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']For a while, female eevees were a sure-fire way to get anything you wanted. They might still be hot now, I'm not sure, since I don't hustle the GTS anymore, but if you got one, then try it.

I have actually been putting up tons of Eevee's to get other Pokemon off GTS. Dunno if they were all female though, as I didn't look.

I'm actually in need of some of the older starters, if anybody around here has some bred:









I have all those starters you are looking for, should just take me some time to breed em. You wouldnt happne to have the TM for Stone Edge or Earthqake?
[quote name='kabuki64']I have all those starters you are looking for, should just take me some time to breed em. You wouldnt happne to have the TM for Stone Edge or Earthqake?[/quote]

I just checked my TM's, and I don't have either of those.

I'm guessing they are either at the Game Corner, or you buy them with BP's? If so, I haven't really put any time into either of those things. Sorry.
yeah those TMs are a pain to get heh, anywho I'll take some rather common pokes too, stuff I'm too lazy to run out and catch if you have any? or just list a few things you could trade and I'll see
[quote name='kabuki64']yeah those TMs are a pain to get heh, anywho I'll take some rather common pokes too, stuff I'm too lazy to run out and catch if you have any? or just list a few things you could trade and I'll see[/quote]

I should have quite a number of the more common ones. Anything in particular you are needing?
I could use a Surskit, Zangoose, diglet, finneon, Remoraid, Pidgey, Oddish, Slowpoke, Shelldar, exeggcute, staryu,

any of these are fine or their evolved forms, but I'll take just about anything
[quote name='kabuki64']I could use a Surskit, Zangoose, diglet, finneon, Remoraid, Pidgey, Oddish, Slowpoke, Shelldar, exeggcute, staryu,

any of these are fine or their evolved forms, but I'll take just about anything[/quote]

I know I have:


My friend code: 1761 9618 1711
well I'm ready for trading if you are? whats your friends code by the way?

did you update mine? I forgot to change the one in my sig

Pokemon Pearl Code: 3050 4521 4660
[quote name='kabuki64']well I'm ready for trading if you are? whats your friends code by the way?

did you update mine? I forgot to change the one in my sig

Pokemon Pearl Code: 3050 4521 4660[/quote]

Updated, and I'm in.
about whoring pokemon on the GTS, putting up a slowpoke and asking for whatever you want pretty much works about 90% of the time. for some reason, people go crazy for slowpokes.
bread's done