Diamond; Pearl; Platinum 1-A (Friend Codes; Online Discussion; Trades, Battles, etc.)

Rig, did you get a Bulbasaur from one of those 2 that you just traded with with? Because I can breed my Venusaur w/ no problem..since I don't have a Charmander ^_^

banpeikun, I actually have 2 Everstones! Do you have any good TMs for Psychic or Dark? I just made an Espeon and Umbreon :)

And also, does anyone here have the Pokemon Coluseum bonus disc? If you DO, then would it be any trouble for anyone to get me a Jirachi? Actually, not to sound like a greedy dick...but I would probably want 3..due to the fact that I've been playin this a lot w/ my brother & friend and they get mad/jealous that I get all the good pokemon..lol But I'll settle for one !
[quote name='lilboo']Rig, did you get a Bulbasaur from one of those 2 that you just traded with with? Because I can breed my Venusaur w/ no problem..since I don't have a Charmander ^_^

banpeikun, I actually have 2 Everstones! Do you have any good TMs for Psychic or Dark? I just made an Espeon and Umbreon :)

And also, does anyone here have the Pokemon Coluseum bonus disc? If you DO, then would it be any trouble for anyone to get me a Jirachi? Actually, not to sound like a greedy dick...but I would probably want 3..due to the fact that I've been playin this a lot w/ my brother & friend and they get mad/jealous that I get all the good pokemon..lol But I'll settle for one ![/quote]

Yeah, I got Bulbasaur.

I can breed you a Charmander if you need one. Any filler Pokemon is fine for it.

As for that bonus disc, I know I had that disc a long time ago, and I assume I probably still do. But, I don't have a GBA or a Gamecube to try it on. (Pretty sure you had to link a GBA to your GC, IIRC.)

And I don't really remember specifics; could you only get one Jirachi from the disc, or one per GBA game?
[quote name='Rig']Yeah, I got Bulbasaur.

I can breed you a Charmander if you need one. Any filler Pokemon is fine for it.

As for that bonus disc, I know I had that disc a long time ago, and I assume I probably still do. But, I don't have a GBA or a Gamecube to try it on. (Pretty sure you had to link a GBA to your GC, IIRC.)

And I don't really remember specifics; could you only get one Jirachi from the disc, or one per GBA game?[/QUOTE]

I don't think there was a limit, to be honest! But I could be completely wrong..lol And yes, you did have to link the GBA to the GCN. I refuse to pay $30+ for a bonus disc on ebay.. plus the only GBA I have is a micro and I dont think you can connect that to your GCN (or a Wii in my case)

Do you need anything? You don't have to do the Charmander now..but I have a lot of pokemon now and could breed you anything if you need it! I am goin crazy with my Eevees right now.. I am destined to have an army of all the evolved forms! (Leafeon is def the coolest one, imo!)
[quote name='lilboo']I don't think there was a limit, to be honest! But I could be completely wrong..lol And yes, you did have to link the GBA to the GCN. I refuse to pay $30+ for a bonus disc on ebay.. plus the only GBA I have is a micro and I dont think you can connect that to your GCN (or a Wii in my case)

Do you need anything? You don't have to do the Charmander now..but I have a lot of pokemon now and could breed you anything if you need it! I am goin crazy with my Eevees right now.. I am destined to have an army of all the evolved forms! (Leafeon is def the coolest one, imo!)[/quote]

Well, I know I can get ahold of a Gamecube. If I come across someone with a GBA, I'll try and see if I can get them all linked up. (Pretty sure I still have my link cable, but I sold my GBA when I bought my DS.)

I can probably trade Charmander over later tonight. I'm on my way out now to get see an evening movie with some friends.

I'd be happy with any one of the following:


Those look to be the last from the Sinnoh Dex that I have yet to pick up.
[quote name='Rig']Well, I know I can get ahold of a Gamecube. If I come across someone with a GBA, I'll try and see if I can get them all linked up. (Pretty sure I still have my link cable, but I sold my GBA when I bought my DS.)[/quote]There was no limit to how many Jirachis you cold get, but you could only transfer one a day.
Just for clarification...

[quote name='62t']the Jirachis is one per GBA cart. Of course you could always erase your game.[/quote]
This is correct.

[quote name='Mr. Beef']There was no limit to how many Jirachis you cold get, but you could only transfer one a day.[/quote]
This is completely wrong.
[quote name='lilboo']

banpeikun, I actually have 2 Everstones! Do you have any good TMs for Psychic or Dark? I just made an Espeon and Umbreon :)
[/quote]i don't have any good TMs for dark, and i only have one psychic that i spent all my $$ on... want a skull fossil? lol
[quote name='Mr. Beef']My Rain Dance team is done, as well as any opponents I might face. ;)

Boasting aside, anyone here up for a battle?[/QUOTE]

I'm interested.
I have pearl and I need some friends? anyone? i m a casual gamer. Looking for someone to trade and such so I can catch them all. the last pokemon game i play was pokemon red fire/green leaf.
Not really Diamond/Pearl related, but I thought it was very cool.

I went searching for my old games the other night, and was able to find Gold/Silver, only to see that both of them were missing my game file! :bomb: (Battery must've died in both.)

Worried about my Red and Yellow, I searched for them. Finally found them today. Both were still kicking.

The reason I went looking for them is because yesterday I had found two "Certificate of Authenticity" papers for original Mew's, given away at the various mall tours a long time ago.

I was able to find both of the legit Mew's on my games that were on the certificates!

It made my day, to see I still kept crap like that. :lol:

Gold/Silver/Crystal/Stadium 2 has no interaction with the newer (Ruby/Sapphire/Box, etc.) titles in the series, correct? I was hoping I could get the Mew's onto newer games, but then figured those four games I mentioned were as far as they could go.
Wow. I didn't realise that there was so many Pokemon fans here, I am also a very big Pokemon. I own my own board, and have a website in development, thats how much I like Pokemon.

Anyway I live in the UK so that means the games are not out yet untill July 27th, by the way this is the day of the year for me. I have both games pre-ordered. Just gotta wait.....

Anyway I have a question; How many friend codes can you add to your friend list on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. This is one thing I have yet to look up, anyone know?
[quote name='BlueEew']Wow. I didn't realise that there was so many Pokemon fans here, I am also a very big Pokemon. I own my own board, and have a website in development, thats how much I like Pokemon.

Anyway I live in the UK so that means the games are not out yet untill July 27th, by the way this is the day of the year for me. I have both games pre-ordered. Just gotta wait.....

Anyway I have a question; How many friend codes can you add to your friend list on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. This is one thing I have yet to look up, anyone know?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure it's only 32 friends.
[quote name='BlueEew']Wow. I didn't realise that there was so many Pokemon fans here, I am also a very big Pokemon. I own my own board, and have a website in development, thats how much I like Pokemon.[/quote]wailord, is that you???
Just got this game the other day!

Friend Code: 4210 1400 3200
Version: Diamond
In-Game Name: Michael

I guess this would be considered a beg, but maybe some breeders out there would be able to hook me up with some starters (from any version... diamond/pearl, red/blue, etc.)? I'd prefer female (i forgot to save before i picked mine and wound up with a male... didn't realize before it was too late) if possible, but whatever will do. I'd like to start breeding soon.

I guess if that's not possible, someone would trade me a ditto? Ditto's still breed with anything that moves, right? I'm still really early in the game (just got my second badge) but I'm thinking ahead. I've got nothing good to offer in return at this point, but if you're looking for low level diamond commons, I'm your guy.
Just when I thought I was out...

Rediscovering Pokemon via Pearl after a long hiatus away from the franchise (Blue, little bit of Sapphire). Forgot how great this game is! Wouldn't have gotten back in if not for Cheapy posting the Amazon DotD. Now I've got the Player's Guide and thinking about getting the Pokedex. So addictive....

At the same time, I'm super intimidated by breeding and all of the other higher functions of the game. There's entirely too much to try and understand about this game and so many ways to screw up...

Will post my wifi info tonight for anyone else that's still playing.
Is anyone else still playing this game? I sort of stopped playing, but want to again, lol.

I need a ditto, do you still have some banpeikun?
[quote name='banpeikun']sure, i can get on wifi in like 20 minutes[/quote]
Don't bother. I'm at work and probably won't be home until around 8:00 EST. Plus, I've yet to use the online functions, so it'll take me a sec to get you registered and figure that out. ;)

If you're around later, it'd be great to hook up, though.

alright, thats cool

I totally forgot I put up a pokemon for trade on GTS. Got a Misdreavus at lvl 10. It has a japanese name also. For a lvl 10 monster it alrady has 4 moves (growl, psywave, spite, and astonish)....I hope its not hacked
Got Pokemon Pearl a few days ago from the Amazon DOTD, haven't played Pokemon since Red/Blue/Yellow. So far I have the first badge and 11 Pokemon.

Here's my friend code if anyone wants to add me: 5455 7030 4951
I've never played a Pokemon game before, but I am considering getting Diamond next week during that Circuit City sale. Is trading with other systems essential to completing the game?
[quote name='Deefuzz']I've never played a Pokemon game before, but I am considering getting Diamond next week during that Circuit City sale. Is trading with other systems essential to completing the game?[/quote]

yea, it want all the pokemon, you have to trade and do nintendo events, but you can obtain most of them without trading. Trading is alot eaiser now since you trade with anyone that has wireless interent.
Trading with other versions are not required, but once you beat the elite four and you want to collect all the poke'mon or get certain ones you can't get in the version you can trade for the others with friends local or wifi friendcodes or GTS, but GTS only work if you've seen the poke'mon already though i'm sure if your looking for a certain poke'mon you can get it by asking here.
[quote name='GenDV138']Got Pokemon Pearl a few days ago from the Amazon DOTD, haven't played Pokemon since Red/Blue/Yellow. So far I have the first badge and 11 Pokemon.

Here's my friend code if anyone wants to add me: 5455 7030 4951[/quote]

I'll add you since I'm a relative newbie (to this generation, anyway) as well. I just got the fourth gym badge and have about 90 pokemon in my pokedex.

So how do you do trades with people on your friends list? What if it's something like a Kadabra that I want to get back?
Just thought I'd mention in here (if it hasn't been done already) that TRU is having a Pokemon Event on 9/29, from 12PM - 3PM.

It's for Manaphy (which you could already have from Pokemon Ranger) in a Cherish Ball, holding a Red Scarf.
[quote name='Rig']Just thought I'd mention in here (if it hasn't been done already) that TRU is having a Pokemon Event on 9/29, from 12PM - 3PM.

It's for Manaphy (which you could already have from Pokemon Ranger) in a Cherish Ball, holding a Red Scarf.[/quote]

There's a good thread on it here (even though the OP stubbornly refuses to correct his misspelling of "Pokemon":

Got Pearl back when it was the ADotD for $20. I've been playing sporadically ever since.

PM'd my info to Quint, but here it is anyway:

Friend Code: 0387 6432 6340
Version: Pearl
IGN: eugaet
Hey if anyone wants to add me my info is:
Name: Michael
FC:0516 5287 5409

I'm pretty new to the game. I've only played Blue and Silver so this online trading is pretty kawaii. Pm me if you added me.
bread's done