Diamond; Pearl; Platinum 1-A (Friend Codes; Online Discussion; Trades, Battles, etc.)

[quote name='lilboo']I think when you get him in Pokemon Emerald and transfer it, :lol:[/quote]

Ahh...shit...that's what I must have done. I'm screwed. I guess off to start playing my sapphire again while I'm at it. I love that Pokemon too. Bastard roommate. Isn't there another way through one of the Pokemon dungeons or through ranger? Also, how do you go about trading from Sapphire/Ruby again?
I could do some battles whenever. Just training more and more different EV pokemon. trying new things. Also, if anyone has a question about the metagame, don't be afraid to pm me about it.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I lost my save file because of an idiot roommate, so I'm starting over on the game. [/quote]

Ungh. How the heck did that happen? In D/P you can't lose your save very easily. It has to be deliberately erased by holding down a few buttons at startup, and confirming that you want the save erased.
[quote name='yayece']Ungh. How the heck did that happen? In D/P you can't lose your save very easily. It has to be deliberately erased by holding down a few buttons at startup, and confirming that you want the save erased.[/quote]

He's an asshole or an idiot. What can I say:lol:?
Well, I'm up for a battle with anyone tonight or tomorrow.

My FC is 5456 0124 1893.

Just PM or message me if anyone adds me to their list and wants to battle.
[quote name='suko_32']No problem. It was fun to play this game again. I'm sure when your final team will pwn when done.[/quote]

I still need a rematch with suko after my new team is finished up.
[quote name='SL4IN']I still need a rematch with suko after my new team is finished up.[/QUOTE]

Yeah no problem. I'm free now that it's summer. Also, my grammar is so bad on the post above yours. Shows that I need sleep.
[quote name='mcelfour']Scrubsy: Added you back.

Sl4in: How is PBR? I heard it was pretty "meh."[/quote]

it is, it's really just a good way to do some random wifi battles, but other than that, being able to play pokemon battles in 3D isn't worth the price tag. I'm borrowing the copy I have, so I didn't shell out the cash for it.

But, my offer still stands. No work this week, so my team should be finished by tuesday and I'll be able to battle/trade all week.
[quote name='SL4IN']it is, it's really just a good way to do some random wifi battles, but other than that, being able to play pokemon battles in 3D isn't worth the price tag.[/quote]

For the most part, I would agree with this. However, there are a few nice things in it that the serious trainer would appreciate. Among other things, you can buy select TMs, a bunch of the one-off evolution items (Porygon, Dusknoir, Rhyperior), and the +stat berries. You could probably restart your D/P game for additional TMs and evolution items, but I think PBR is much more efficient.
[quote name='yayece']For the most part, I would agree with this. However, there are a few nice things in it that the serious trainer would appreciate. Among other things, you can buy select TMs, a bunch of the one-off evolution items (Porygon, Dusknoir, Rhyperior), and the +stat berries. You could probably restart your D/P game for additional TMs and evolution items, but I think PBR is much more efficient.[/quote]

This is true, but I still want to be able to buy the damn evolution stones! Sorry, but nintendo really dropped the ball there by trying to FORCE me to "mine" for shards to make stones.
[quote name='SL4IN']This is true, but I still want to be able to buy the damn evolution stones! Sorry, but nintendo really dropped the ball there by trying to FORCE me to "mine" for shards to make stones.[/quote]

Do you mean the Leaf/Water/etc stones? Did you know that you can *buy* those in the GBA FR/LG games? IMO, that's a lot better than farming those damn shards. FR/LG retail for like $20 now, probably less if you can find it on clearance. It may or may not be worth it to you. There are a few other benefits too, like being able to slot those games and getting infinite Magmizer/Electrizers depending on which one you get.
[quote name='yayece']Do you mean the Leaf/Water/etc stones? Did you know that you can *buy* those in the GBA FR/LG games? IMO, that's a lot better than farming those damn shards. FR/LG retail for like $20 now, probably less if you can find it on clearance. It may or may not be worth it to you. There are a few other benefits too, like being able to slot those games and getting infinite Magmizer/Electrizers depending on which one you get.[/quote]

I know, and I own all the gba pokemons; I know my stuff pretty well. ;)

I just think it's a hassle to have to buy stones, then stick them on a pokemon and then import those pokemon just to get the elemental stones. But I digress.....
Alright guys. Prepare yourself. Random. Heh.

I was a teen when the Pokemon craze hit and never really got into it. I watched my younger siblings attack it like zombies attacking brainz and laughed at how dumb they must of been. Last year I decided to get the DS version a run through when I a friend of mine got into Diamond and pulled me in. I was addicted for a long while but he beat it and sold it off and I felt like it was useless to play if I didn't have someone to trade with. I sold mine and missed it. So today I bought another copy of Diamond and am super excited to feed my addiction once again. But I have a couple questions.

I've thought about perhaps playing some of the GBA Pokemon games as well and farming those dudes over to the DS when I'm through with Diamond. I've heard in various reviews that the Pokemon game is the same game over and over. Is this true? Or is it just the formula? Are all the worlds different? If they are different then I think I'd be down for more Pokemon goodness. And if so... where should I start picking up GBA games. I know that they release 2 or 3 titles that are the exact same game except for a small portion of special characters. And I don't really want to play the exact game over and over just to get new Pokemon. I just want to play a new world/game one time. But I want to play the one that will give me the coolest Pokemon and best experience.

So which ones should I look to pick up? I was guessing Emerald and one of the Red or Green remakes. Your help and Poke guidance would be appreciated. Thanks guys!
The pokemon games pretty much follow the same formula. If you or anyone wants pokemon from the other games, just hit me up with a pm. I *cough* have an AR and can generate the pokemon you desire.

If you don't want to take up a part of this, that's fine. I'm just trying to save some CAGs time and money by taking out the necessity of owning the other versions of pokemon.

The pokemon are not legit in the sense that they weren't acquired by normal means, but I can make them appear 100% legit.
[quote name='RynoZebz']
I've thought about perhaps playing some of the GBA Pokemon games as well and farming those dudes over to the DS when I'm through with Diamond. I've heard in various reviews that the Pokemon game is the same game over and over. Is this true? Or is it just the formula? Are all the worlds different?

So which ones should I look to pick up? I was guessing Emerald and one of the Red or Green remakes. Your help and Poke guidance would be appreciated. Thanks guys![/quote]

If you are just playing through the single player story mode, I can see where this criticism (same game over and over) is coming from. Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald are mostly the same, as are FireRed/LeafGreen and Diamond/Pearl. If you get a game from each group though, they'll have all different storylines and a significantly different set of pokemon. If this qualifies as the same game over and over, you could apply that criticism to any series. Regardless, I think the most interesting part of Pokemon is *after* you've beaten the game. You have nearly infinite freedom to customize your team of 6 to compete with other people.

If you were to just pick up one GBA Pokemon game, I would recommend Emerald. If you were to get a second one, I'd add on either FR/LG. You can look through this list and see which version exclusive pokemon appeal to you more from Fire Red or Leaf Green:
Thanks a lot Yayece! Your reply was exactly the input I was looking for. The fun part of course is the addictive gameplay but I wanted to make sure the story was at least somewhat different as well as the maps. It would be a sad thing to keep playing through identical maps over and over again. As long as it is somewhat fresh then I think it will keep me coming back for more. I'll have to take a look and see where I can get Emerald and one of the FR/LG carts. Thanks again! Oh... and is Emerald an improvement over Ruby and Sapphire? Does it include all of the Ruby and Sapphire monsters plus additional ones? Just curious. Also is there an extensive group of CAGs to trade and battle with on here? I don't have any friends in real life at the moment who are into playing this game. Thanks again.

option.iv : Thanks for the help. I'd like to hunt and find my Pokemon as that's half the fun right there. But if I ever see anything that I really want from other carts that I can't get from Emerald then I'll ask.
Emerald has quite a few improvements over Ruby/Sapphire. It almost contains all the R/S pokemon, plus a bunch from the Gold/Silver/Crystal series. Here are the ones that you could get in R/S, but not in Emerald. Zangoose is from Ruby, Lunatone is from Sapphire. The rest are in both R/S.

Among other Emerald improvements, you can capture both of the main legendary pokemon (Groudon/Kyogre) from Ruby and Sapphire. You can also get both of the fossil pokemon (in R/S, you had to choose between one or the other). Another big one is the addition of the Battle Frontier. It's basically a very challenging, end-game, high skill level area. If you want to do well here, you'll need to spend a lot of time developing your team. You can read more about it at Serebii:

There are still a few CAGs who you can trade/battle with. We're not quite as active compared to when the game came out, but we can probably get you just about anything you'd want to trade for. If you want a more active pokemon community, you could try the serebii or gamefaqs forums. The maturity level might leave a bit to be desired though. ;)
[quote name='yayece']
There are still a few CAGs who you can trade/battle with. We're not quite as active compared to when the game came out, but we can probably get you just about anything you'd want to trade for. If you want a more active pokemon community, you could try the serebii or gamefaqs forums. The maturity level might leave a bit to be desired though. ;)[/quote]


Me, yayece, Suko, Mr. Beef and Option.iv would all be here to help, we're all pretty knowledgeable with the games and what not and would be glad to help, whether it's battling or trading. This week I'll be completely free if anyone wants to do either.
Unsure if I've posted this here before, but I used a game genie back in the R/B/Y days, since I didn't have access to anyone to trade with, and couldn't attend a Mew event, etc. With WFC, I feel like I won't need an AR, since I can trade for stuff...as painful as GTS can be. That's what I think right now...we'll see in a couple weeks or months.

sl4in, I grabbed your FC. I would be up for a battle or trading, though again, I don't have too much that's probably interesting.

Ryno, LMK if you have WIFI, when you get a FC. I think it would be nice to have someone to trade/battle with that is at a similar point in the game as you.

As for online shenanigans, I'm available randomly throughout the day for the rest of the month, whenever my baby sleeps. I'm also available after about 7:30 or 8:00 PM Central time. What works for other people?

PS: Though it's like one page back, here's my FC again: 3737 9851 9771
Quick question, finally got my last badge and heading to the elite 4, I want to do some lvling up (grinding), is there any special areas that give more xp then others? Whats the best way to lvl my pokemon.

[quote name='Tecka']Quick question, finally got my last badge and heading to the elite 4, I want to do some lvling up (grinding), is there any special areas that give more xp then others? Whats the best way to lvl my pokemon.


if you're going for just straight leveling, either victory road due to all the pokemon being level 40 and up, or just go around the map using the VS seeker to find fights with trainers.
Thanks for all the helps guys. I just bought Pokemon Leaf Green and Pokemon Emerald off eBay. I'm pretty early in Diamond at the moment but I should be ready to trade/battle in the next week or so! I'll post my friend code once I get to that point.
[quote name='RynoZebz']Thanks for all the helps guys. I just bought Pokemon Leaf Green and Pokemon Emerald off eBay. I'm pretty early in Diamond at the moment but I should be ready to trade/battle in the next week or so! I'll post my friend code once I get to that point.[/QUOTE]

I hope you didn't buy a bootlegged version.
Is there a way to know for sure? Leaf Green I bought from a used game store near my work on my lunch. Emerald says it comes with the original box and all that stuff. I also picked up the GBA Zelda SNES port. Never played that one.
Usually it's pretty easy to tell. Look for misspellings, a weird Nintendo seal, different screws in the carts, etc. If you suspect something, post pics and folks here will probably be able to help (or look online for pics of bootlegs to compare to).

If you find yourself feeling like it's a cheap knockoff, it likely is. ;)
I added the following people


my code is 2750 1624 7423

Still don't do much battling yet since I haven't beat the E4 or shaped my team how I want (not to mention family is in town til who knows when), but I definitely plan on battling as soon as I get things set up in game.
I think I might still have a Mew from before Ninty cracked down on trading hacked Pokemanz all those months ago. When I get home later tonight, I'll check so people can fight over how much they want it.

I also have a Lugia generator (otherwise known as Pokemon: Gale of Darkness for the GCube), and to be honest, I've been kinda looking for an excuse to start another file in that game....but also not really.
Was anyone ever caught for hacked pokes? Or was that just a big rumor?

I swear I still see spiritombs with wonderguard.

Well, I'm up for a couple battles/trades tonight if anyone else is free. I'd really like to test out my new and hopefully improved team.
I will definitely be up for battles tomorrow. Last two pokes on my new team are almost done and ready to go.

Who wants first crack and the new guys? Option? Beef? Suko?
Is this the team you've been working on since a long long time ago? Or was that Option? Regardless, I'd probably be up for a battle tomorrow.
[quote name='suko_32']Is this the team you've been working on since a long long time ago? Or was that Option? Regardless, I'd probably be up for a battle tomorrow.[/quote]

Beef went up against that team. This is a completely different team, trying new things and whatnot. This one I started last week
[quote name='Mr. Beef']I think I might still have a Mew from before Ninty cracked down on trading hacked Pokemanz all those months ago. When I get home later tonight, I'll check so people can fight over how much they want it.[/quote]
I just remembered, Mew makes an awesome HM slave, since it can learn all the HMs. Time to make Mew my bitch slave.
bread's done