Do you care about your gamerscore?


10 (100%)
I don't necessarily freak out about it, but it wouldn't hurt if I had one 50k+ XD. I mainly freak out about having games completed or not.

If I have a game, I just can't get 100 Gamerscore and call it quits. I keep playing it until I get 900+ points.
I used to back when the system first came out and all, when everyone was collecting achievement points like Pokemon or something.

Nowadays I really don't care at all. Once I hit 20k, I realized it wasn't really that important. The CAG leaderboard kind of got me interested in picking up a few of those achievements I didn't get so I could stay in the top 100, but after I dropped out of that I'm back to not caring again.

Also, you should add a poll.
No, you can easily see that if you looked at the games I've played. You can really tell that because I've had Call of Duty 4 since it came out and only have 280 points off of it because I've never took the time to finish the single player campaign.
I couldn't care less. I play games for fun, not imaginary points. I love shoot 'em ups, but I never try for the high score, I just play to be entertained.
I'm super OCD so I like to complete my games. It's more about having 100% than having points. It's not too bad though, like for example I won't force myself to play awful games (Turok) just to get gamer points when I could be playing something I enjoy.
I used to, now I don't give a crap. I also used to replay games and go out of my way to get some achievements, now I don't care. All the people who get 3 different language copies of the same game and run up their score ruined the novelty for me.
used to at the start, but i have so many games now i cant sit down and keep playing one over and over for achievements alone.

though i dont hunt them down like mad anymore, i would be upset if my account had to be modified in some way and i lost all my achievements ive earned thus far.
Not at all. I actually do own all the games that are under my tag, but of those, there's only a handful that I've gotten a good deal of the points on. I'm very much a casual gamer.
It doesn't mean anything to me. What really bugs me though is all the demos and trial games that are sitting on my played/points list that I can't delete.
I really only want to have my core group of games listed and not the ones where I played for 5 minutes and deleted or returned to the rental store.
I'm OCD like that. It's bugging the heck out of me.
Not usually, but if its a game I enjoy I will spend some time going after hard earned achievements. Some games, such as Blood Money, make the game last longer for me when it doesnt have multiplayer. I got all 1000 points in that game, and I am satisfied in knowing its not easy to do.
I like the achivements so far as it gives me something to strive for (rock band, guitar hero), and it adds little mini-goals to each game. But as to the score itself, I don't really care.
[quote name='DemonAlcohol']I like the achivements so far as it gives me something to strive for (rock band, guitar hero), and it adds little mini-goals to each game. But as to the score itself, I don't really care.[/QUOTE]how do you get your gamertag listed in the overall rank of cag? I see these places in everyone's avatar, and I havent been around for a while so I dont know whats up.
Not a whole lot. I've only got 1000 points in two games. One was Fight Night Round 3, which was a joke. The other was Virtua Fighter 5, but I love that game. Plus, getting all of the achievements in VF5 gives me max cash for custom characters, so I can bling them out any way I want.
I'm not that into it... but Gamescore represent something that is pure about video games... competition. In the past, why did I play Pac Man for 3 - 4 hours straight... High Scores..
I feel like gamescores in a way brought back the pure essence of video games.
the Gamerscores now seem to serve as an indicator of who has the most time on their hands.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Yes and no. If I think an achievement is easy, I go for it. If it requires extra effort, its a no go.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, same here. It depends on the difficulty and nature of the achievement.

Sometimes I'll do something I wouldn't normally do in the course of normal gameplay to get an achievement, and those kinds of achievements can be fun to get, as long as I don't have to go too far out of my way. For example, in Guitar Hero III, there's an achievement for beating a song on expert difficulty with the sound turned down to zero in the game's sound options. It wasn't hard to do, and it was a interesting way of playing the game. It's not something I'd want to do over and over, but it was fun trying it once for 5 achievement points.

If I can tell an achievement is just going to cause me a lot of frustration, or is going to take a really long time, I'll skip it—I have too many other games to play. Again using Guitar Hero III as an example, there's an achievement for winning 15 online ranked matches in a row using a standard controller. There's no way I'm going to take the time or effort to do that just for achievement points.

So, overall, I do try to complete as many of the easily-in-reach achievements as I can, but as you can tell by my Xbox Live profile and the lack of completed achievements, I'm not obsessive about it.
[quote name='JoshTheBoss']how do you get your gamertag listed in the overall rank of cag? I see these places in everyone's avatar, and I havent been around for a while so I dont know whats up.[/quote]

there is a thread that you just need to post in the xbox forums to be put on the list...

as for gamescore..yes I do and a couple buddies have some friendly competition with it...recently I joined gamefly and have played a fair amount of shitty games for the points :cry:
I could care less. Although, I do like to finish as many achievements as I can... if I can stick to a single game long enough.
not at all. It really does nothing for you, and I don't understand how some people obsess over it and that's the only reason they play games. I wish people would quit worrying about their e-penis and actually play some good games.
I don't care about GamerScore, but I love the ding of the cheesemints. That ding is like crack for my ears! I do try to get them, but I am not anal about them. I have 330 points from Call of Duty 4 and I have played it for over 60 days since release.
I don't care so much about the score as I do the achievement. I can't really explain it, I just like having a bunch of little goals to strive for.

I don't like achievements that you get just by playing the game, however. Such as "Beat level one" or "Complete the game". You should have to go totally out of your way to get achievements. Dead Rising did a good job of this, with things such as getting a strike by rolling over ten zombies with a bowling ball. Crackdown had some good ones as well (Body Juggler). Doing those things were completely unnecessary, which is how most achievements should be.
Not especially. Maybe on a game I'm really interested in, but the overall total doesn't demonstrate anything meaningful. Why waste time playing shitty games for points where there are so many other good ones to play for fun?

I tend to avoid the more asinine achievements in the games I do enjoy as well, the ones that are little more than repetitive time sinks and sadism on the part of the developer (the flag hunting achievements in Assassin's Creed come to mind). It's just not worth the frustration and, really, the nutshot to your dignity for an extra 30 points next to your name.
i dont care about the gamerscore to the point that i would play a terrible game all the way through, but it got me to try games i would have never played before when i did care (i was competing with a friend). i did enjoy quite a bit of them that i tried and it gives games some replay value for me that i doubt i would have ever gone back and played. anyways, i am glad they are there, they give me stuff to work for in the game instead of just rushing through and going to the next game. i could live without them too though, my gamerscore is extremely low for the amount of games i own, but lately i can not stay off the online shooters if any of my friends are playing.
[quote name='Kendal']I don't care about GamerScore, but I love the ding of the cheesemints. That ding is like crack for my ears![/QUOTE] Yeah, this is pretty much how I feel about it, too. I do go after achievements when I'm playing, because that little sound does feel rewarding for some reason, but if I'm not enjoying a game, I won't keep playing it just for achievement points.

Maybe it's still enough of a novelty to me watching my gamerscore go up, since I just got my 360 six months ago, that I do care about it a little. I can't see obsessing over it or padding it with something like Avatar, though.
It seems I'm in the minority when I admit that I do somewhat care about my gamerscore. I'll say that I care less about the total gamerscore than I do about the score total for a specific game. I hate the way players will try to boost in ranked matches and such, and I hate impossibly difficult achievements. I like a challenge, but I think that an achievement that 1% or so of players will be able to get is just too much. For example, I like the Rock Band achievements and hate the Guitar Hero 3 ones.
I do enjoy the gamerscore...nice to have a goal while you are playing. I don't go crazy over the points. I have explored games that I would never had played in the past because of achievement points.
I don't go playing games such as Avatar for easy achievements but I try to get achievements when possible. The score doesn't really matter to me because just look at avatar, It showed that the score doesn't matter but the difficulty for the achievements does.

[quote name='HighlightShow']What I really don't like is gamerscore boosting, that's just lame.[/quote]

I'll boost if the game I'm boosting for is a game played very little on xbox live (IE Vampire rain) But I don't go renting or buying just for achievements.

What gets to me a little bit is people who cheat/glitch for achievements. Why do it? If I cheated the achievements would be worthless to me.

I do like to hear the ding go off though each time I finish an achievement as it feels like I am one step closer to completing the game.
I don't care about my gamerscore and I really don't get why people would boast about theirs. I like getting the achievements but I won't go far out of the way to get them even though I love those pop-ups.
I never understood the point about achievements...... there isn't a benefit to them....... ou got to play games for enjoyment, not to up a worthless point total
As an addendum to my previous statement, I instinctively wait for Achievements to pop up now when I play other games. When I started playing MLB 08 on PS3, I hit my first home run with my created character and expected to get something out of it. Nothing. It's had an odd effect on my gaming.
I have a story about a real life application for having a high gamerscore, but I'm waiting for the resolution to the story before I share. If things work out the way I'm hoping my gamerscore will have directly attributed to a great event in my real life.
I just play to have fun. It is nice to get the points though. I will go a little out of my way for them, but not that often. It's more fun just to play!

I think it a good thing to have them. You get used to them and are more likely to buy the 360 version of a multi-platform game because of them. It also adds a bit of replay value to some of the games....
i like them. i know they don't matter, but when achievements are done right, it can really add to the game. Also, it makes me replay games that i normally wouldn't. Hence, why my PS3 collects dust.
bread's done