Employees of all stores--post your stupid customer stories-- Numero Quatro!

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[quote name='Iskander']Jimmy Wang Yang wanted to watch next year's Royal Rumble to see how he'll do?[/quote]

:lol: OK, that made me laugh.

It's a wonder some people can find their way out of bed in the morning. A co-worker had this brief conversation at my Pizza Hut once:

customer - Do you deliver to Stannard street?
co-worker - No, I don't think so. That's west of Douglas road, isn't it?
customer - Depends on which direction you're coming from.
Hey, I'm a pretty down mood, girl troubles, so I thought I'd help some people. If you want to bitch or vent, but need someone to listen, message me on aim (ag42093)

And yeah, I know this thread is pretty much the same but still.
I'm tired of people coming in and asking for crap that doesn't exist, then getting all pissy and defense when I tell them it doesn't exist. Granted this time of year they are honest mistakes because some 10 year old writes it on a list for parents, but it seems to happen more and more. Take this lady from today for instance:

Lady: " Hi I'm looking for CD games you can play on the computer." (Ye sthat is how she phrased it.)

Me: Sure, they are right back here" (I walk here back to PC games). "Is there a certain one I can help you find today?"

Lady: "Yes, Call of Duty 3."

Me: "I'm sorry but they haven't made Call of Duty 3 available for the PC yet."

Lady: "What do you mean?"

Me: (ok, maybe she just didn't understand I'm thnking) "So far it has only come out on console platforms like Xbox or Playstation 2, but they haven't released a version for computers yet."

Lady: "Oh well I think you are wrong because my son and I saw and ad on TV for it, so we know that they make it."

Me (slowly dying inside): "Well it could they are planning to release it at somepoint in the future."

Lady: "But the ad said available now. Do you know if there are any in the back or if you'll have some more?"

Me (I'm not bothing to even open our games listing knowing it's not in there): Well I know we don't have any copies in at all and I'm afraid I don't when or if we'll have any."

Lady: "okay fine, we'll just go looking for it someplace else then..." (she walks away swiftly).

Granted it all could've gone worse, but why in God's name to people think they automatically know everything there is to about games. I figure it's a decent thing to tell people they are essentially on a wild goose chase for an item they won't find anyplace, I dunno why they are so insistant to the contrary.
It's an honest mistake, I never thought I'd see the day where a Call of Duty game is released on a console before the PC.

Granted, she didn't have to argue about it.
[quote name='yukine']It's an honest mistake, I never thought I'd see the day where a Call of Duty game is released on a console before the PC.

Granted, she didn't have to argue about it.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, I don't care she made the mistake, like I said it happens alot this year (every kid seems to have put Zelda for DS on their list, parents usually look heartbroken when I tell them it hasn't been released yet). But when I try to help somebody by giving the real facts of the situation to them, they shouldn't spit back that I'm wrong when they are are grossly misinformed and clearly have no real knowledge of the subject.

You just can't win if you are working retail this time of year. Customers want people to know everything about the product they are selling to them. So when you really do know all about the products you sell, you still get customers who are too stubborn to admit they don't know anything about the products you sell. It can be a vicious (and unfortunately near daily) cycle I guess. Personally I hope that lady wastes 5 days looking around for it. Only to then releaize that the guy who told her it doesn't exist 5 days ago was right all along and she has just wasted many hours of her life.
Lately, I have been getting a kid calling up at my Gamestop asking what games we have. I respond with, go online and then hang up.
[quote name='Kendal']Lately, I have been getting a kid calling up at my Gamestop asking what games we have. I respond with, go online and then hang up.[/QUOTE]

They don't even specify a system or anything? Just randomly throwing out the question: "Hey, what does your store sell?" That makes me glad I'm not working retail.
[quote name='Kendal']Lately, I have been getting a kid calling up at my Gamestop asking what games we have. I respond with, go online and then hang up.[/quote]
You mean, you don't list every game you have available at your store?

Nice customer service skills, asshole!
"Hey, do you guys have Kingdom Hearts on Gamecube? I'm having a hard time finding it."

"It only came out on the Playstation 2. The only Kingdom Hearts game to come to a Nintendo system was a Kingdom Hearts game on the GBA"

"No, I've seen it before. I'm going to go to Blockbuster, maybe they have it for rent."
[quote name='Chacrana']They don't even specify a system or anything? Just randomly throwing out the question: "Hey, what does your store sell?" That makes me glad I'm not working retail.[/QUOTE]

I've had people wonder into the Circuit City I work at and ask something like "Where's your electronics section?" What's even better is the phone calls, "Yes I need the electronics department...". This just in people, the whole f'ing store is electronics!! Be more specific...
[quote name='Kendal']Lately, I have been getting a kid calling up at my Gamestop asking what games we have. I respond with, go online and then hang up.[/QUOTE]

I fucking hate it when people do that.

"Welcome to Gamestop where we buy and sell used games, this is [Kuros] speaking how may I help you?"
"Uh, yea. Do you guys sell games?"
(Already thinking "Oh boy.") "Yes we do."
"Yea, what games do you have?"
"You need to specify sir."
"What's specify?"
"Um, what game system do you have?"
"I think it's a Playstation 2."
(I think?) "Well, there are lots of games for the Playstation 2."
"Yea, which one's do you have?"
"Sir, I'm not going to tell you every game we have for the Playstation 2, we have hundreds. I suggest you come in to the store to see which ones we have."
"Oh." *click*

Or my favorite

"Welcome to Gamestop where we buy and sell used games, this is [Kuros] speaking how may I help you?"
"Yea I wanna trade some games in."
"Ok, how may I help?"
"I wanna know how much I get for..." (then said person goes on to quickly rattle off about 20-30 titles.)
"I'll tell you a couple. I can't tell you the prices for every game over the phone."

And of course after telling them, there is always an asshole that will try to sneak in another title by cutting me off as I'm saying goodbye.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']But when I try to help somebody by giving the real facts of the situation to them, they shouldn't spit back that I'm wrong when they are are grossly misinformed and clearly have no real knowledge of the subject. [/quote] Tell me about it. Every time we launch a special at Pizza Hut we'll get dozens of people who misunderstand the advertisments.

"I just saw the commercial; they said it was this price."
"No ma'am, it's actually x dollars."
"No, I just saw the commercial."


"Do you guys sell (insert name of product one of our competitors is selling)?"
Well I finally graduated with a BS in IT and got out of that damn convenience store. I got me a sweet job working as a bench tech in a local computer store and have only had 1 stupid customer come in the store since I started.

Customer walks in carrying what must be a computer that is at least 20 years old. I mean a boat anchor here. She also has a brand new copy of Windows XP Home she wants to install it on her computer.

Her: Hi tried to install this on my PC but it says the pc is too old.
me: (thinking no shit lady) Well how old is the PC?
her: I bought it in 1990, its a 486 or something like that.
me: (thinking are you freakin serious) Well, the reason that your Xp Home will not install on the computer is because it doesn't meet the minimum requirements to run the program.
her: but its a computer program and it should work on all computers!
me: Sorry that isn't how it works, you have to have the minimum requirements for the program to be able to run.
her: I just spend 150 dollars on this program! It has to work!
me: I am sorry ma'am but that will not run on that computer.

She grabs the computer and rushes out the door, well tries the boat anchor is heavy as all hell. I could say the miminum requirements are clearly printed on the box, but half of the people that come in here always say the same thing "I don't know anything about computers and stuff."

I had a phone conversation with one guy the other day that went something like this.

Guy: Hi, I was wondering if you work on computers?
Me: Yes sir we do, what kind of problem are you having?
guy: well, this thing just wont turn on for some reason
me: ok can you look on the back of the computer and make sure the power is plugged in?
guy: ok hang on a minute.
(I hear him put the phone down and rummage around doing something)
guy: yes the power cable is plugged in, when i push the power button it doesnt do anything.
me: Hmm ok, it could possibly be the power supply in the computer, it is the part on the inside that gives power to everything.
guy: No its not the power supply the computer is brand new!
me: well just because it is brand new doesn't mean that the power supply could not have gone out, have you had any power surges or lighting storms lately in your area?
guy: yes actually the power is out right now....
me: #-o#-o
me: the electiricty is off?
guy: yes, but what does that have to do with my computer?
me: Ok here is what you need to do, get a box that your computer will fit in, stuff it with packaging, and send it back to where you bought it from.
guy: its that bad huh?
me: no, not really but you are too freakin stupid to own a computer
me: "click"

Never heard from the guy again. I mean come on, there is no way you can possibly justifying that!! The computer is an electonic device, just like your TV, DVD Player, Radio or whatever.
[quote name='Bubbaclubba']

I had a phone conversation with one guy the other day that went something like this.

Guy: Hi, I was wondering if you work on computers?
Me: Yes sir we do, what kind of problem are you having?
guy: well, this thing just wont turn on for some reason
me: ok can you look on the back of the computer and make sure the power is plugged in?
guy: ok hang on a minute.
(I hear him put the phone down and rummage around doing something)
guy: yes the power cable is plugged in, when i push the power button it doesnt do anything.
me: Hmm ok, it could possibly be the power supply in the computer, it is the part on the inside that gives power to everything.
guy: No its not the power supply the computer is brand new!
me: well just because it is brand new doesn't mean that the power supply could not have gone out, have you had any power surges or lighting storms lately in your area?
guy: yes actually the power is out right now....
me: #-o#-o
me: the electiricty is off?
guy: yes, but what does that have to do with my computer?
me: Ok here is what you need to do, get a box that your computer will fit in, stuff it with packaging, and send it back to where you bought it from.
guy: its that bad huh?
me: no, not really but you are too freakin stupid to own a computer
me: "click"

you had someone like that huh?

you not been on the internet long i take it?
or you just think none of us have been on the internet before yesterday?
[quote name='Bubbaclubba']Guy: Hi, I was wondering if you work on computers?
Me: Yes sir we do, what kind of problem are you having?
guy: well, this thing just wont turn on for some reason
me: ok can you look on the back of the computer and make sure the power is plugged in?
guy: ok hang on a minute.
(I hear him put the phone down and rummage around doing something)
guy: yes the power cable is plugged in, when i push the power button it doesnt do anything.
me: Hmm ok, it could possibly be the power supply in the computer, it is the part on the inside that gives power to everything.
guy: No its not the power supply the computer is brand new!
me: well just because it is brand new doesn't mean that the power supply could not have gone out, have you had any power surges or lighting storms lately in your area?
guy: yes actually the power is out right now....
me: #-o#-o
me: the electiricty is off?
guy: yes, but what does that have to do with my computer?
me: Ok here is what you need to do, get a box that your computer will fit in, stuff it with packaging, and send it back to where you bought it from.
guy: its that bad huh?
me: no, not really but you are too freakin stupid to own a computer
me: "click"[/quote]

i've heard this story before... :lol:
You people make me jealous with your funny and unique stories. All I get are idiot trailer trash people bitching and trying to negotiate over the price of a candy bar.
[quote name='Ziv_Zulander']You people make me jealous with your funny and unique stories. All I get are idiot trailer trash people bitching and trying to negotiate over the price of a candy bar.[/QUOTE]

Headbutt one of them for a story.

Right as they start to say something stupid, just Zidane them right in the forehead.
My store that I'm currently working in is expanding by taking down the wall of next door. Since we took down the wall, we had to tape off the section of the new side with "do not enter" tape. People been threating to call our corporate on us because they aren't allow on that side. Let's review the fact.
1. There is nothing on the new side yet
2. Corporate told us to tape us that side till we get the shipment to fill that side
3. Corporate is in control of setting up everything so we have no responsiblity with the expansion except to do stock when we do eventually get it.
So with those fact, why do people inist to turn us into corporate because that side is close off? If corporate told us to, what make people think they are gonna change it? I just think most of the people in this town is just stupid.
[quote name='Critte']So with those fact, why do people inist to turn us into corporate because that side is close off? If corporate told us to, what make people think they are gonna change it? I just think most of the people in this town is just stupid.[/quote]

[quote name='Critte']My store that I'm currently working in is expanding by taking down the wall of next door. Since we took down the wall, we had to tape off the section of the new side with "do not enter" tape. People been threating to call our corporate on us because they aren't allow on that side. Let's review the fact.
1. There is nothing on the new side yet
2. Corporate told us to tape us that side till we get the shipment to fill that side
3. Corporate is in control of setting up everything so we have no responsiblity with the expansion except to do stock when we do eventually get it.
So with those fact, why do people inist to turn us into corporate because that side is close off? If corporate told us to, what make people think they are gonna change it? I just think most of the people in this town is just stupid.[/quote]

I just could not help myself.;)
New one at my new job at Petsmart.

Lady comes up to me and asks me to help her with a big ole bag of Iams cat food and some heavy duty litter. She tells me that she helps take care of a 95 year old woman that has around 12 cats. So she checks out and I help her putting the stuff in her car when the old lady starts screaming, saying that I'm trying to carjack her. Turns out shes very very senial and hates young people.

Apparently this isnt the first time she's done it either
[quote name='OzCatter']New one at my new job at Petsmart.

Lady comes up to me and asks me to help her with a big ole bag of Iams cat food and some heavy duty litter. She tells me that she helps take care of a 95 year old woman that has around 12 cats. So she checks out and I help her putting the stuff in her car when the old lady starts screaming, saying that I'm trying to carjack her. Turns out shes very very senial and hates young people.

Apparently this isnt the first time she's done it either[/quote]

I was kinda hoping this was leading to "as soon as she opened the door about 6 cats fell out"

Yea, Cat Ladies are wierd.
I've had a lot of stupid customers, but this is more of a frustration customer that I need to get out.

So, I'm in electronics now, and everytime someone returns something that is electronic, we're supposed to come over to make sure that everything is there and they aren't just returning bricks. Anyway, I see a lady with a camera, and I think, alright, this'll be easy. She says that "she thinks" that "her husband" bought it here and "couldn't we just return it she'll just go get another one." She has absolutely no receipt, and it's on someone elses card, so they can't bring up the account, so there's no way to be positive that she bought it there.

I start going through the motions anyway, and find that she's missing an A/V cord, I mention so, as an excuse for her not to be able to return it and she starts getting huffy. "Do you know how much I spend at this store, I just bought a $6000 furniture set." Boy do I hate these sorts of people. I tell her again that she won't be able to return it, and the return lady says that she won't be able to return it, and the supervisor says that she wouldn't be able to return it; so thinking that was that, I walked away.

I get a call on the radio to come back over there and sign for it that everything was there for the camera. I asked what she meant and apparently a manager had come along and because she was getting so pissy, he let her return it and was going to give the cord back from the second bought camera. I tell her that there were other things missing from the package and the cord was the only thing that there was on paper that she was missing so that's the info I supplied. She says that she'll call me back for me to tell the lady with the camera when she returns and I walk away again.

Again I walk away and after some time I get a call on the radio to come back on over. The lady is there and I start mentioning the other objects that were missing from her return. All through this while, she is adamant that the camera never came with those other things, while we have only ever sold the camera with those other things. I relay this information to the supervisor and I can see it dawn in his head what I'm thinking; that she didn't even buy it at Costco and is just trying to get a new camera. In any case, she has the new camera and we can't exactly take the new camera away from her, so I leave it up to the supervisor and return gal and walked away again, without signing anything.

At my last break, I see the supervisor that had handled the whole thing what eventually happened and he tells me. They put a hold on the camera stuff that she'd given back to us, and starts telling me all the things that I'd done wrong. Apparently I should have stayed there "till everything was settled the first time". All in all, this bastich got away with a $1299 camera, and they're trying to pin the blame on me, even though I signed for absolutely nothing.
[quote name='sonderiaom']At my last break, I see the supervisor that had handled the whole thing what eventually happened and he tells me. They put a hold on the camera stuff that she'd given back to us, and starts telling me all the things that I'd done wrong. Apparently I should have stayed there "till everything was settled the first time". All in all, this bastich got away with a $1299 camera, and they're trying to pin the blame on me, even though I signed for absolutely nothing.[/QUOTE]

Hey! Was this a Nikon D80? I JUST RETURNED one of those yesterday at Costco. I bought it Friday because it was the last one they had even though I wasn't sure I wanted it. Then I got one at Best Buy for $130 less (with the single, but better lens than the 2 the Costco one comes with). So I returned the first one to Costco today (I would have much preferred to buy it from Costco for their "warranty" and employee treatment, but they didn't have the "good" kit, and the discount at Best Buy via manager approval did it for me). I had never even opened it. I was surprised, actually, as I'm used to game accessories being sealed (like the DKJB bongo set I have sitting here), even if only with that round piece of tape, but the D80 apparently isn't sealed in any way. So they gutted the box making sure everything was there. I hadn't touched it of course. Got the refund no problem and I saw the guy walking the box right back out to the camera kiosk. It is a hot item that probably sold again later that day.

Anyway, I swear it wasn't me, as I'm a guy, I'm in Oregon, and I'm very mellow ;)

Just curious though, what camera did she return and what did she get in exchange? Just to see what her "angle" was with this obviously phony return. For example, the Best Buy and Costco kits on the D80 are different, so it wouldn't be possible to return one at the other store.
[quote name='io']Just curious though, what camera did she return and what did she get in exchange? Just to see what her "angle" was with this obviously phony return. For example, the Best Buy and Costco kits on the D80 are different, so it wouldn't be possible to return one at the other store.[/quote]

You are correct, it was the D80. It's the only camera that is that expensive that we all have right now. As for what she had, she swore up and down that it never came with the second lens, or bag, or the other little things that the Costco bundle came with. From what you say, it sounds like she bought the Best Buy one and brought it over to us.

And you'd think that it would be impossible to return everything, but when there are managers who are stressed out, and customers who yell bloody murder when they don't get their way, many dumb things can happen.
I heard Costco has a blacklist of customers they won't take returns from anymore of people who abuse the return policy. Maybe they can add her to the list?
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I heard Costco has a blacklist of customers they won't take returns from anymore of people who abuse the return policy. Maybe they can add her to the list?[/quote]

Not exactly a list persay, but they can add notes on to everyones account. If she were to try this again, she would be forced to show EVERYTHING and would not be helped at all by the manager.

There was one guy, a contracter, who would buy tools and several other things, and when he was done with each contract, he would bring everything back and get a refund. About his fifth time doing this, they put the note in his account and refused a return. He pissed and moaned and said that he wanted his money back on his membership and they gladly gave it to him; hoping he wouldn't come back as they were losing enough money with him.
I see, that's good I guess so they can have it on a case by case basis and I'm glad they are doing something to stop these people abusing the policy since it probably can cause prices to go up on items if Costco has to absorb the loss of all these returns (or do they get to return them to the manufacturer?).
Sounds like a good idea, every retail store should do this (and they probably do, we just dont know about it), then the prices wont go up for the 90+% of legitimate customers that shop at the store. There's a reason they ask you for ID when you are returning something without a reciept, i would imagine stores that are non-membership tie your return history to your drivers license number.
One thing that happened twice now are assholes who bought a PS3 bundle from Gamestop.com and they want to return it in store and then rebuy the PS3 only to sell it online.

What douchebags. This severly hurts the store that you return the items to.
i pick up the phone and the lady is a little irate, "i've been waiting for 25 minutes to talk to someone, etc." so i find out she needs a phone number for the services dept. and i tell her the number. it's one where it's an 800 and then letters, for example 1-800-YOU-SUCK.

and she says: "ok... so that would be ... 9.... 6 .... 8... .... ... .... this is ridiculous you should have this written out."
Today I was working the early shift, which we do every Sunday to get the ad ready. The shift goes from 5am-1:30pm, and the closing team comes in starting at 3. That means that whoever can stay (2 people?) stays and helps the one person scheduled for mid. During this time of the year, it takes at least two people just to run electronics. I had to help a couple of people out to their cars with furniture, because with 15 lanes open there was no one else to do it, so I left one person in electronics by herself while the third person was helping people in toys. When I finally get back, I ask a woman looking at cameras if I could help her find something, and she says "Well, I'm going to another store because I was asking questions and I got no response and I feel slighted." Fanfuckingtastic. Hey, next time you're in a store with 200 customers and 3 employees, feel free to show a little courtesy to the employee that obviously didn't hear you and keep your snide little comments to yourself, because I don't like having to come here to vent about assholes. I can tell you were proud of yourself too, because I saw you talking to your party 10 feet away about how you told us off. Way to go.

Also people, know that if you ask me to get another piece of furniture or whatever from the back because the box on the sales floor looks like... a box that's been on the sale floor, I will kindly do as you ask.

But I hate you.
I suppose I'll resurrect this thread in the evils of christmastime.

Yesterday I had two guys come up to me and ask me in broken english where the speaker systems were. I showed them and they then said that there was ONE there a week ago and where was it. I went over and checked the computer for them and it sold completely last week and wasn't even set up for the other werehouses. I just had to laugh.

Then I have the customers that ask where things are that we had a year ago but amazingly we don't have it, and act as if it's my fault that we still don't have it.

Then I had this customer that was about to rip my head off when I apparently failed to describe Exactly how big an Ipod Nano is.

There was as well a guy who really got on my nerves. He was talking to a coworker of mine about a product and I tried to offer some information from what I had read from the box. Before I even finished what I was saying he cut me off saying that he hates it when people just guess and was I really sure of what I was saying and turned his back on me. I figured he was just searching for a confrontation so I walked away. Later, when I was helping another person find an item, after I pointed out which aisle it was, he came up and asked if I was absolutely sure that's where it was, smirking like a jackss the whole time.

As well, two nights ago, I was sitting at the camera table and a couple people walk up to me after we had closed the entrance doors to show that we were trying to close and asked me these exact questions in this order.

"Excuse me, Do you have a Sony Wii?" (I gave him a minute to correct himself but he didn't.)

"Do you have the Nintnedo DS then?" (from the same guy)

"How about the Normal DS?" (from a seperate gal, I'm thinking his wife)
[quote name='sonderiaom']I suppose I'll resurrect this thread in the evils of christmastime.

Yesterday I had two guys come up to me and ask me in broken english where the speaker systems were. I showed them and they then said that there was ONE there a week ago and where was it. I went over and checked the computer for them and it sold completely last week and wasn't even set up for the other werehouses. I just had to laugh.

Then I have the customers that ask where things are that we had a year ago but amazingly we don't have it, and act as if it's my fault that we still don't have it.

Then I had this customer that was about to rip my head off when I apparently failed to describe Exactly how big an Ipod Nano is.

There was as well a guy who really got on my nerves. He was talking to a coworker of mine about a product and I tried to offer some information from what I had read from the box. Before I even finished what I was saying he cut me off saying that he hates it when people just guess and was I really sure of what I was saying and turned his back on me. I figured he was just searching for a confrontation so I walked away. Later, when I was helping another person find an item, after I pointed out which aisle it was, he came up and asked if I was absolutely sure that's where it was, smirking like a jackss the whole time.

As well, two nights ago, I was sitting at the camera table and a couple people walk up to me after we had closed the entrance doors to show that we were trying to close and asked me these exact questions in this order.

"Excuse me, Do you have a Sony Wii?" (I gave him a minute to correct himself but he didn't.)

"Do you have the Nintnedo DS then?" (from the same guy)

"How about the Normal DS?" (from a seperate gal, I'm thinking his wife)[/quote]

What's so bad about that?
I worked at Namco as a sale associate.

I have to make sales and believe me I end up almost tackling customers because of certain frustration.

I know customers want me to do better on prices, but when a xmas tree is discounted at 50-70% off, it not gonna go down anymore. At that point, i say "what do you want me to do, give it away for free", they usually say "can you", then I just laugh and say "no".

I usually try to mess with customers a little bit. It makes me get through the job.
If you an honest customer, I do everything in my power to help you but if you gonna try to be a dick, then expect my wrath.

I had a customer get pissed at me because I was on the phone helping a customer, while putting in a order for a pool table. Someone elses sale. He started telling me to get off the phone, and I looked straight at him and just smirk and chuckled. Not the most polite way and but he was not being so nice himself.

I had one last number to enter and he was like "I am filing a complaint." so i just grab a stock kid who knew how to ring a lil bit. (unfortunately he enter the wrong number so he had to redo the whole process again which took him another 5 mins.) I told the guy "go ahead, here the number, they gonna think it a joke". Then I just went back in the office to vent. No complaint btw.

I had stupid questions asked all the time that made me considered whether or not they serious.

My personal favs

"What are the dimensions on a 24 ft pool?"
Me - "whaaa..... err 24 by 24." wth?

"can I put a 18ft blow up pool on my deck?"

Me - "Do you want the Deck gone? do you know how much 7000 gallons of water weigh?"

Also I yell at customers when they put liquid shock on top of shelves with filled with chlorine tablets. "what are you doing? get that off of there?"

Chlorine tablets and liquid shock = explosive. I am not getting hurt for someone stupidity.

Eh I tell you guys more stuff later.
^^^^ I'm trying to figure out when it is that Japanese video game maker Namco got into the Xmas tree and pool supply retail business :rofl:.

Seriously, I've never heard of another Namco. Must be like this Meijers I hear about all the time - exists only in some far-off magical land.
I've never worked retail before (never had a job either), but this thread has given me some laughs.

One story I have to share is a Black Friday story (this is a good story, sorry if you were expecting a bad one).

I camped with my mom during Black Friday, 11 PM to 4:30 AM or so when they opened, hoping for a $200 PC bundle. Turns out I don't get the ticket, but this really nice young lady (16-17) gives me a "hidden" (?) ticket for a PC bundle - I guess they had some extras?

So I go into the store - man, that place was packed! - and get in line for my PC. Turns out I got the wrong ticket and the ticket I have is the $350 PC bundle. I don't have the money, so I go to talk to a manager. He takes me to another hidden line and some guy rings up the $200 PC bundle, saying that they have extras if the computer screws up or such. Awesome day.

And one more, a stupid customer (me) story.

I'm at GameStop (a few years back), looking for a copy of Vanguard Bandits. I ask the guy if they have one, he goes and gets it. Then, some family asks about some game, and my mom almost blurts out that Target has it for way cheaper, but doesn't. So, I do. The family smiles and walks off, and the employee says, with the game in his hand, "Sorry, but we don't have that game". I end up buying the game anyway. If that guy ends up reading this, sorry!
[quote name='Ub3rChief']I'm at GameStop (a few years back), looking for a copy of Vanguard Bandits. I ask the guy if they have one, he goes and gets it. Then, some family asks about some game, and my mom almost blurts out that Target has it for way cheaper, but doesn't. So, I do. The family smiles and walks off, and the employee says, with the game in his hand, "Sorry, but we don't have that game". I end up buying the game anyway. If that guy ends up reading this, sorry![/quote]

I'm confused. Which game did they not have? The one the family was looking for, or the one you were looking for? And if they didn't have what you wanted, what did you buy?
[quote name='io']^^^^ I'm trying to figure out when it is that Japanese video game maker Namco got into the Xmas tree and pool supply retail business :rofl:.

Seriously, I've never heard of another Namco. Must be like this Meijers I hear about all the time - exists only in some far-off magical land.[/QUOTE]

It an expanding Northeast chain.

I only had one Asian lady confused us with the japanese Namco.
She thought we had the arcade games and I had to explain that we were a different company.

If you curious what namco is, here their website, it kinda crappy though.

I think the cashier says that they don't have that game while he has the game in his hand. This is likely becuase he blurted out that the other people in the story could find it cheaper elsewhere. I think he ended up getting the game that the cashier had in his hand. :lol:
[quote name='Bezerker']Was "Nintnedo" a typo or did he really say nint-ned-o?[/quote]

That was a typo. I typed that right before going to sleep so I didn't review it.
I work at a grocery store. Despite the fact that our store's demographic is 60% Uber-Rich People and 40% rednecks, almost everyone that comes in is honestly pleasant to us. The only thing that they consistently get pissed off about is having non-sale items placed next to the sale sign for the actual item.

Today's sale: 16oz of Ronzoni pasta, buy one get one.

Asshole guy carefully selects two 8oz boxes of manicotti, found directly above the sale sign on the display. Within about fifteen seconds of the cashier ringing them up, he announces that they're B1G1. It was a really quick catch; in hindsight I really think he had a plan.

So I scurry on over, get the sale sign, and we have the following coversation:

"Sir, the sale is for-"
"Uh-huh. Sure."

Yelling and waving his finger around in my face and shit like that. I agree that the practice is unfair, if good busness. CSS ended up coming over and voiding one off. We usually don't do that, but the jerk was making such a scene.

Best part? He came in later during my shift and tried to do the same thing with some chips. Cheap bastard.
I had a guy come in the other day asking about donations for those people who fucked up their lives by using drugs. Well, he gave me the handout and I glanced at it, set it down and went back to helping customers because it was busy.

He stood there for about 15 minutes until I realized he hadn't moved and finally asked him "Can I help you?"

"Yea, did you want to donate?"
"Nope, I have no cash on me."

I was just confused that he waited around that long.
[quote name='Kuros']I had a guy come in the other day asking about donations for those people who fucked up their lives by using drugs. Well, he gave me the handout and I glanced at it, set it down and went back to helping customers because it was busy.

He stood there for about 15 minutes until I realized he hadn't moved and finally asked him "Can I help you?"

"Yea, did you want to donate?"
"Nope, I have no cash on me."

I was just confused that he waited around that long.[/QUOTE]

Maybe he was stoned?
[quote name='jPoD']Maybe he was stoned?[/QUOTE]

No idea, but at least he didn't ask me for a check. I had a guy tell me that they accept checks after I told him I had no cash on me.

Like I'm gonna go "OMG! I CAN!" and fucking write him a check.
Should've given him a nice baggie filled with laundry detergent. Or some drain-o in a brown bagged bottle. He'd learn his lesson.
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