F-ing Gamestop...tried to sell me a 'NEW' game with NO CASE/MANUAL

[quote name='liono55']If it were only that simple and painless. You must have missed my line above about how they give you an attitude when you tell them that's not new and you would like a sealed copy. It's like you pulling teeth when they have to look in the drawer again, after trying to do a shady quick rang-up of the gutted copy, like that means I'm going to buy it! This type of response is irresponsible, because it takes too much into assupmtion. I have a backlog of over 170+ games, SEALED. I buy games, just like many others on CAG, because of the "deals of the moment" or when I think a game might become obscure and hard to find in retail. The reality stands, that I may never get to play most of these games, BUT I choose to purchase them now, rather than on Ebay or Amazon Mrkt later at mark-up. Now I have reciepts for all purchases, but guess what?? After 2-3 yrs sitting on my shelf at home, if I waltz into EB/GS, ANY store with that sealed copy and ask for a full refund and show them the dated reciept, they'll laugh me out the building as the time limit for return would have been long expired! But lo and behold, I have a SEALED copy, not a GUTTED one with a cheap sticker on the top of the case, so if I desire, I can put said game on Ebay, Amazon, Craiglist, etc, take a $5-$10 loss (maybe a profit if game is rare, in demand) instead of the paltry $15-for-game-I-paid-$50-for EB/GS will try to offer me and make MOST of my money back!

Now I'm a bit of a collector too, so I would never sell anything unless some unforseen financial crisis forced me to, but because that is always a possibility, my games MUST be sealed and unopened. The discerning gamer/collector such as myself, would never buy a PC or gutted game, and always welcome a sealed, mint copy, and not one posing as "new" with a damn sticker on the cover holding it together and leaving residue (We love the feel of fresh cellophane in the morning:mrgreen:). Since I know this, I make all purchases with the intent and hope that I'll get to enjoy them, but the harsh reality that if I have to let them go, I want to be able get MAXIMUM value for what I purchased. I will continue to shop at GS/EB because they have good price drops from time to time and there are so many around, it's easy to hit a bunch until I find my sealed copy, and I get my satisfaction in knowing I'm not supporting their used/gutted copy crap. GS/EB needs to stop "assuming" and follow Best Buy's system if their worried about theft and keep the games sealed for sale, simple as that...[/quote]

Not for nothing, but it is that simple and painless. I go up to the counter, ask if they have a new copy of the game, and if they pull out the gutted copy and make for the case on the rack. I stop them. Easy as that. Could you potentially get an attitude? Yes. Oh, well. It never bothered me before, and it sure as hell doesn't bother me since I became a "cheap ass gamer." Asking people to scan things to see if the price is what some CAG said it was and then walking away when it isn't will get you some looks and nasty words. I'll live, as long as my wallet prospers.
I tend to buy niche titles and I like to get my games on the release date, which are the only reasons I shop there. Most of the Gamestops I've been to will tell me they don't have any sealed copies of a game without looking, then continue ringing me up like I hadn't said anything. Wonder what their faces look like when I turn and walk out of the store.
These is one other option that I'm surprised no one has brought up. Gamecrazy.

Gamecrazy keeps a long counter around about 60% of their store. On the back wall behind these counters, they have their new games on display IN THE CELLOPHANE. It's a simple way to display new games without having to worry about shoplifters. Same goes with Plastic shells, or glass cases around the new walls like Target. It's not that hard to do. Gamestop's just to lazy to rethink their new displays.
Gamestop's just to lazy to rethink their new displays.
Sorry, but that isn't the case. They're too cheap. There's a difference. It is easy for us to say, "Do this, do that." It actually costs time and money to rearrange stores and/or install cases, get security devices, etc.

Right or wrong, it all comes down to money, and GameStop simply doesn't think it is worth it.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Sorry, but that isn't the case. They're too cheap. There's a difference. It is easy for us to say, "Do this, do that." It actually costs time and money to rearrange stores and/or install cases, get security devices, etc.

Right or wrong, it all comes down to money, and GameStop simply doesn't think it is worth it.[/quote]

Fair enough. Still reason enough for me to not buy there.

I go to Gamecrazy normally. Also, big name department stores like Target are pretty decent too.
I don't agree with GS, but to all you saying they should lock up games, or put devices on them, and all that, it's pretty well known in retail that every barrier put between a customer and a product decreases the chance of a sale. If they have to wait for someone to open a case, it's likely they may just leave. Once an item is in their hands, they are much more likely to buy it. GS won't change this practice anytime soon, as it is one of the many reasons they maintain such profitability.

[quote name='Green Goblin']These is one other option that I'm surprised no one has brought up. Gamecrazy.

Gamecrazy keeps a long counter around about 60% of their store. On the back wall behind these counters, they have their new games on display IN THE CELLOPHANE. It's a simple way to display new games without having to worry about shoplifters. Same goes with Plastic shells, or glass cases around the new walls like Target. It's not that hard to do. Gamestop's just to lazy to rethink their new displays.[/quote]

No, they just enjoy being much more profitable. As said above, once a customer can hold a product, they are much more likely to buy it. Since you don't want to let them hold the actual disk, you simply gut them, creating a win-win for GS where you have product in hand, but everything of value remains hidden away. There's a reason GS makes so much more than GC.
[quote name='contej85']I don't agree with GS, but to all you saying they should lock up games, or put devices on them, and all that, it's pretty well known in retail that every barrier put between a customer and a product decreases the chance of a sale. If they have to wait for someone to open a case, it's likely they may just leave. Once an item is in their hands, they are much more likely to buy it. GS won't change this practice anytime soon, as it is one of the many reasons they maintain such profitability.[/quote]

Those are usually the customers who buy used anyways (and, obviously, don't care if a game is gutted or not). Keep the used games on display gutted and they'll be fine. For people determined to get the game new (ie: UNOPENED), keeping them behind a long counter, or in plastic shells or behind glass would be a step in the right direction.
[quote name='Green Goblin']Those are usually the customers who buy used anyways (and, obviously, don't care if a game is gutted or not). Keep the used games on display gutted and they'll be fine. For people determined to get the game new (ie: UNOPENED), keeping them behind a long counter, or in plastic shells or behind glass would be a step in the right direction.[/quote]

No it wouldn't. Catering to the 0.01% who actually cares about the seal being broken is not going to be a step in the right direction for them with regard to sales. Yes, it would be great if they cares about the customer, but GS cares about the stockholders, and letting customers be able to get the product in their hands is a huge deal in retail. Anyone is sales knows that letting the customer take "ownership" of the product is half the battle. Once they have it in hand, they associate it with being "theirs". Putting a counter between them and the product would only hurt sales for the 99.99% of customers who just want a game to play.

you're also forgetting that they want the used and new titles RIGHT next to each other, so you can see the price difference easily, and even if it is only $5, most people will still buy the used copy. If they don't see both, many people will just grab the first one they see, and then it's up to the salesperson to push the used copy. Problem is that person has taken "ownership" of the new one, making it harder to sell them anything else.

You wouldn't believe the psychology that goes into selling you things.
[quote name='contej85']
No, they just enjoy being much more profitable. As said above, once a customer can hold a product, they are much more likely to buy it. Since you don't want to let them hold the actual disk, you simply gut them, creating a win-win for GS where you have product in hand, but everything of value remains hidden away. There's a reason GS makes so much more than GC.[/quote]

Actually, game stores make the majority of their money on used games, used hardware and accessories (both new AND used). The reason why Gamestop makes more than Gamecrazy is quite simple.

There are very few standalone Gamecrazies. Most are attached to a Hollywood video. This hinders Gamecrazy's location as it can't be placed in malls or other smaller locations. And with the falling back of sales from Movie stores in general (due to online rental deals), Hollywood Videos are often closing left and right. The main thing that keeps the Movie Gallery company alive is teh Gamecrazy division.
[quote name='Green Goblin']Actually, game stores make the majority of their money on used games, used hardware and accessories (both new AND used). The reason why Gamestop makes more than Gamecrazy is quite simple.

There are very few standalone Gamecrazies. Most are attached to a Hollywood video. This hinders Gamecrazy's location as it can't be placed in malls or other smaller locations. And with the falling back of sales from Movie stores in general (due to online rental deals), Hollywood Videos are often closing left and right. The main thing that keeps the Movie Gallery company alive is teh Gamecrazy division.[/quote]

Again, wrong. Even on a store-by-store basis on average GS locations remain much more profitable. It's because they understand retail, and know exactly how to push the most usits of the most profitable product. As said above, having new and used copies next to each other is very important, and separating them with a counter where new copies are behind it, would only hinder that strategy. Putting the games in anti-theft devices would only hurt sales. This isn't my opinion, this is what years and years of study has shown to be the case in any type of sales.
I don't agree with GS, but to all you saying they should lock up games, or put devices on them, and all that, it's pretty well known in retail that every barrier put between a customer and a product decreases the chance of a sale. If they have to wait for someone to open a case, it's likely they may just leave. Once an item is in their hands, they are much more likely to buy it. GS won't change this practice anytime soon, as it is one of the many reasons they maintain such profitability.

Indeed. I wanted to say something similar before, but it wasn't getting worded right. Like it or not, GS is very profitable, so they are not going to change their ways.
[quote name='srad1968']I am not sure why Gamestop chooses to gut games. However I do know that they only sell the gutted copy when it is the last one. So it isn't like all the new games are gutted. Most new games that are sold at Gamestop are sealed. As a customer you always have a choice. If you go to buy the new copy and you are offered the gutted copy all you have to do is decline if this make you uncomfortable. I can fully understand that the game should be complete and in perfect condition if it is being sold as new. However, paying full price for an open game in perfect condition is not unreasonable (unless you were planning on keeping it sealed or wanted to save the cellophane). But like I said, if you are offered an open copy and you don't want it, just say "no thank you". Easy enough.[/quote]

Here is the issue. If you want to buy a new game and have the cellophane on it is not only because you want to a new game and the sure fire way of getting said new game is by opening teh cellophane :shock: shocking I know, also you don't want to get the feeling that a company trying to get over on you by selling said game that is used as new.

Now here is my question. Why is it that I have seen employees grab a game out of the "new" display case and sign out for it (multiple stores I have seen this at) saying they really want to go play said game. Now from the looks of the sleeve that the game disc was from a gutted copy of a game. So when I asked the employee what was going on and if it was a perk of working there, he responded yea we get to "try out" new games when they are released so they can suggest them. Honestly that doesn't seem too new to me srad even if you guys are really careful when you are playing someone dolts yet to be bought gutted "NEW" copy of Lost Odessy or DMC4 it still isn't new. It has been used.

Srad I understand that the consumer has the right to say no but at the same time there are people that don't want to cause a scene or put up a fuss and just take the shit that is put in front of them which is wrong. There are plenty of people out there that would just take the gutted copy (people like my wife who bless her bought a gutted copy at a EB that was definatly played before) because they are told its new. Its a awful practice, you should at least admit to that.
[quote name='contej85']No it wouldn't. Catering to the 0.01% who actually cares about the seal being broken is not going to be a step in the right direction for them with regard to sales. Yes, it would be great if they cares about the customer, but GS cares about the stockholders, and letting customers be able to get the product in their hands is a huge deal in retail. Anyone is sales knows that letting the customer take "ownership" of the product is half the battle. Once they have it in hand, they associate it with being "theirs". Putting a counter between them and the product would only hurt sales for the 99.99% of customers who just want a game to play.[/quote]

Last time I checked, Walmart and Target both sell more games than Gamestop. Both ONLY sell new AND keep their games behind glass cases.

you're also forgetting that they want the used and new titles RIGHT next to each other, so you can see the price difference easily, and even if it is only $5, most people will still buy the used copy. If they don't see both, many people will just grab the first one they see, and then it's up to the salesperson to push the used copy. Problem is that person has taken "ownership" of the new one, making it harder to sell them anything else.
if the new one is behind something, it's not theirs yet. From there, the clerk can say "we've also got this pre-owned if you wanna save 10 bucks." If anything, that helps my point about putting them behind the glass. The person would be less attached to the new, and more to the used, which is available for them to grab

You wouldn't believe the psychology that goes into selling you things.
I must admit, I'm finding this rather interesting.
[quote name='contej85'] As said above, having new and used copies next to each other is very important, and separating them with a counter where new copies are behind it, would only hinder that strategy. Putting the games in anti-theft devices would only hurt sales. This isn't my opinion, this is what years and years of study has shown to be the case in any type of sales.[/quote]

Really, since I know that Best Buy and others aren't hurting in the game sales department. And last time I checked you have to take said game up to the counter anyway so having it in a small case that would trigger an alarm that needs to be removed wouldn't impeaded the sales and still be able to show the compaison between new and Used.
[quote name='joshnorm']Really, since I know that Best Buy and others aren't hurting in the game sales department. And last time I checked you have to take said game up to the counter anyway so having it in a small case that would trigger an alarm that needs to be removed wouldn't impeaded the sales and still be able to show the compaison between new and Used.[/quote]

Comparing a huge brick and mortar big box to a small specialty store will not net anything useful. They have two dramatically different business paradigms.
[quote name='Green Goblin']Last time I checked, Walmart and Target both sell more games than Gamestop. Both ONLY sell new AND keep their games behind glass cases.[/quote]

That is true, BUT, neither company could survive just selling games. They make barely a dime selling those games. They can keep them behind a counter because frankly, they could care less if you buy that game. GS has to turn a profit only selling games, while Target and Walmart will sell you that game, some groceries, a new couch, and some new clothes. You can't compare the 2.

[quote name='Green Goblin'] if the new one is behind something, it's not theirs yet. From there, the clerk can say "we've also got this pre-owned if you wanna save 10 bucks." If anything, that helps my point about putting them behind the glass. The person would be less attached to the new, and more to the used, which is available for them to grab[/quote]

That clerk is a barrier to the sale. They want EVERY chance to sell you a used copy. Look at it this way: Let's say that there's a 50% chance that someone will take the clerks advice and buy used. So if a customer asks for a new game, there's a 50% chance GS makes a used sale.

Now, let's say they put the new and used games out together. Now let's also say theres a 50% chance the customer will simply grab the used copy and be done with it after comparing the prices. Now, that means that half the people will try to buy a new copy. THEN GS can push used copies on 50% of those remaining people, meaning instead of 50%, 75% of customers leave with the used copy.

These numbers are of course bogus, but the point is GS would rather not have to rely on clerks to sell used copies. They are just another part of the machine for selling used games. [/quote]

[quote name='Green Goblin']I must admit, I'm finding this rather interesting.[/quote]

As someone who was part of specialty retail management for years, I'm glad to help shed some light on this.
Haven't set foot in a GameStop since the morning of November 19th, 2006. Don't have any plans to ever again.

Amazon + Liongames + eBay + the occasional Best Buy deal* for this asterisk addict!

*--And probably Steam in the future, I guess.
[quote name='joshnorm']Really, since I know that Best Buy and others aren't hurting in the game sales department. And last time I checked you have to take said game up to the counter anyway so having it in a small case that would trigger an alarm that needs to be removed wouldn't impeaded the sales and still be able to show the compaison between new and Used.[/quote]

2 things:

Stop comparing GS to big box retailers. BB, CC, they use games to bring you in, in the hopes they can sell you profitable items like cables and Geek Squad services. They don't use games as their bread and butter. You have to compare GS to other specialty retailers. You know why GS sells new games? To help ensure they have a supply of used stock rolling in later, so they can actually turn a profit. Much different from BB.

2, you just don't understand the mentality of the average consumer. If an item is in a theft prevention case, in their mind they don't take "ownership" of said item. The item still belongs to the store. When they are holding an item without that, in their mind, the item becomes there's very often, and they are unwilling to leave without it.

And now, I'm off to work. Can't wait to see where this thread ends up when I get back from using these very strategies to make tons of money this evening.
[quote name='contej85']
As someone who was part of specialty retail management for years, I'm glad to help shed some light on this.[/quote]

You honestly make valid points. From a corporate standpoint, I can understand the psychology involved. And obviously, I don't think the general consensus cares that much. There's still just that little pang in the back of my head that keeps going "this isn't new, damnit!!". I work at a Gamecrazy and quite a few of our customers were people dissatisfied with the service and products at Gamestop. Either it's the "new" games or them selling games that were scratched to hell and back (I still don't see why they don't have a disc cleaner in stores).

I know as a company, we don't make as much as Gamestop, but I still get paid more than the average gamestop employee, I get more hours, am allowed to give my own opinion on a game in front of my DM and don't have to lie through my teeth for shit-fifty an hour.

There's a genuine feeling of satisfaction when I've helped someone and I know that I've just made a new return customer.
[quote name='contej85']2 things:

Stop comparing GS to big box retailers. BB, CC, they use games to bring you in, in the hopes they can sell you profitable items like cables and Geek Squad services. They don't use games as their bread and butter. You have to compare GS to other specialty retailers. You know why GS sells new games? To help ensure they have a supply of used stock rolling in later, so they can actually turn a profit. Much different from BB.

2, you just don't understand the mentality of the average consumer. If an item is in a theft prevention case, in their mind they don't take "ownership" of said item. The item still belongs to the store. When they are holding an item without that, in their mind, the item becomes there's very often, and they are unwilling to leave without it.

And now, I'm off to work. Can't wait to see where this thread ends up when I get back from using these very strategies to make tons of money this evening.[/quote]

Right on...again...
Why don't you just buy games at Walmart? They're sealed and cheaper than any other retail store. They also price match. You really can't go wrong with them.
[quote name='Hybrid5006']What's with all the GS hate? Is it their fault someone stole the case?

In a perfect society, they could put sealed games up on the wall and the problem of the "gut" would be solved. BUT NOO!!!! Society is full of shit and shoplifting is common. From a store that only sells games, they don't make much profit. They simply can not afford it because they only sell games, so if their games are stolen, they got nothing else. So don't complain that the games are "guts" or that there are no cases sometime, blame the d-bags who steal things![/quote]

gamestop let their employees indulge in the video game stock way too often. I remember when Warhawk came out.. first day, they're trying to sell me an unsealed copy of the warhawk package. I could see the ear wax on the used ear piece. I left that shit right there.. the manager didn't want to give me a discount either.. weak sauce.
[quote name='Thomas96']gamestop let their employees indulge in the video game stock way too often. I remember when Warhawk came out.. first day, they're trying to sell me an unsealed copy of the warhawk package. I could see the ear wax on the used ear piece. I left that shit right there.. the manager didn't want to give me a discount either.. weak sauce.[/quote]

LOL...that would just be disgusting...
[quote name='karkyco']So I go into Gamestop a couple of hours ago, and notice that they have Etrian Odyssey with a NEW sticker, priced at $19.99, in one of their stock DS boxes with the stock Gamestop wraparound.

So I take a chance that they actually have a new copy available and take the box up and ask the miserable looking, hates-her-life emo/goth girl behind the counter "do you have this new?"

She snaps back, "uh YEAH, that's why the box is on the shelf."

So I hand her the box and a used Metal Slug Wii, both games I can't find anywhere else, and tell her to ring me up. She proceeds to PULL OUT THE Etrian Odyssey card AND PUTS IT IN THE STOCK BOX AND TRIES TO RING ME UP.

I go, "what are you doing? I want a NEW copy of the game."

The manager says "well that IS new, it's just that the display boxes often get stolen."

Not my problem, ASSHOLE. Bad enough when they sell the gutted games as "new", now these cocksuckers are trying to sell GAME ONLY copies of games as NEW? Are you shitting me? Then on top of that the effing Metal Slug Anthology had NO MANUAL.

fucking Bastards.[/quote]
This happened to me as well.
I went in and bought my nintendo ds lite and needed a game and so i bought mario kart ds, but they tried to sell it to me with no game case and no manual, wait how is that new!? I think they took off 5 bucks but im still kindof pissed about that.
Though, it's important to remember that no one is forcing you to buy the game. Rather than be outraged just say "No thank you."
[quote name='lanleague']Though, it's important to remember that no one is forcing you to buy the game. Rather than be outraged just say "No thank you."[/quote]

Hello, exactly! - Dirk Diggler, Boogie Nights
Well if you thinks that retarded wait til you hear this.
Back when Star Ocean - Til the end of time was first released we went up there and my dad complained and even asked the lady if the game was in the box. She said that it had to be in there, and told us some shiz about how kids think they're stealing the game when they're really just stealing the boxes. And so we buy it, 50$, we go out to the car, I open it, no discs.
Now how did you think I felt about my experience at Ebstop then?
Why do people continue to shop at GameStop? They are overpriced, sell used games as new, and have lousy employees. Shop somewhere else!
[quote name='Legolas813']Why do people continue to shop at GameStop? They are overpriced, sell used games as new, and have lousy employees. Shop somewhere else![/quote]

1) 25% (+ 10% Edge) off used games coupons

2) Niche titles

3) Abusing the 10% "Welcome" coupon

Unfortunately, there are still some reasons to go there...unfortunately...there are...unfortunately...

Also, not for nothing, but what retail store doesn't have lousy employees?
[quote name='liono55']If it were only that simple and painless. You must have missed my line above about how they give you an attitude when you tell them that's not new and you would like a sealed copy. It's like you pulling teeth when they have to look in the drawer again, after trying to do a shady quick rang-up of the gutted copy, like that means I'm going to buy it! This type of response is irresponsible, because it takes too much into assupmtion. I have a backlog of over 170+ games, SEALED. I buy games, just like many others on CAG, because of the "deals of the moment" or when I think a game might become obscure and hard to find in retail. The reality stands, that I may never get to play most of these games, BUT I choose to purchase them now, rather than on Ebay or Amazon Mrkt later at mark-up. Now I have reciepts for all purchases, but guess what?? After 2-3 yrs sitting on my shelf at home, if I waltz into EB/GS, ANY store with that sealed copy and ask for a full refund and show them the dated reciept, they'll laugh me out the building as the time limit for return would have been long expired! But lo and behold, I have a SEALED copy, not a GUTTED one with a cheap sticker on the top of the case, so if I desire, I can put said game on Ebay, Amazon, Craiglist, etc, take a $5-$10 loss (maybe a profit if game is rare, in demand) instead of the paltry $15-for-game-I-paid-$50-for EB/GS will try to offer me and make MOST of my money back!

Now I'm a bit of a collector too, so I would never sell anything unless some unforseen financial crisis forced me to, but because that is always a possibility, my games MUST be sealed and unopened. The discerning gamer/collector such as myself, would never buy a PC or gutted game, and always welcome a sealed, mint copy, and not one posing as "new" with a damn sticker on the cover holding it together and leaving residue (We love the feel of fresh cellophane in the morning:mrgreen:). Since I know this, I make all purchases with the intent and hope that I'll get to enjoy them, but the harsh reality that if I have to let them go, I want to be able get MAXIMUM value for what I purchased. I will continue to shop at GS/EB because they have good price drops from time to time and there are so many around, it's easy to hit a bunch until I find my sealed copy, and I get my satisfaction in knowing I'm not supporting their used/gutted copy crap. GS/EB needs to stop "assuming" and follow Best Buy's system if their worried about theft and keep the games sealed for sale, simple as that...[/quote]

Actually I didn't miss that part about the attitude. This does go back to what I was talking about in an earlier post, it has to do with how the store is run (and should be run). An employee should not be giving you an attitude just because you are requesting a sealed copy.

As for changing the system, well don't hold your breath. Gamestop is a publicly held company. So they answer to the stockholders. The expense of installing locking cases all around the store in 5000 stores would be enormous. That is part of the problem about a company being so large. That is a problem that Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, and even Wal-mart don't have.

New software sales have kept increasing every year. This year Gamestop expects about a 17-18% increase in software sales over last year.

One thing that Gamestop does try to do is to replenish stock before we run out. This way we don't have to sell the gutted copy. Remember that only time we sell the gutted copy is when we are selling our last one (or last 2 if we double gut a new release. Of course this doesn't always happen, but that is the goal.

I also want to respond about employees borrowing out new games. This is something that I am not a big fan of. The company policy on this is that employees can borrow out new games for up to 4 days but they must be returned in perfect condition or they have to pay for the game. My employees rarely borrow out new copies of a game because they know if they get the smallest little scratch on it, they buy it. So usually they wait until we have it used. Again this falls into the category, of how well the store is run.
[quote name='Thomas96']gamestop let their employees indulge in the video game stock way too often. I remember when Warhawk came out.. first day, they're trying to sell me an unsealed copy of the warhawk package. I could see the ear wax on the used ear piece. I left that shit right there.. the manager didn't want to give me a discount either.. weak sauce.[/quote]

See, this is why you SHOULD NOT even attempt to buy 'new' copies of ANY game that comes with a headset or dance mat of any kind, since you never know WHO may have 'borrowed it' from Gamestop's stock.

Hell, I was even leery when I bought a copy of SOCOM brand new and sealed that maybe someone 'tried out' the headset, which was just stuffed into the oversized outer box.
yeah i just got it too! Me and My Katamari labeled new with no book and to make it even better the damn game dont even work.
[quote name='Legolas813']Why do people continue to shop at GameStop? They are overpriced, sell used games as new, and have lousy employees. Shop somewhere else![/quote]
they do have 5,000 stores and adding more every month. maybe we'd wish that there is that perfect game store somewhere where prices are right and employees are friendly. but you usually get one or the other with independent stores and other franchise stores.

the fact is, you pretty have no choice but to shop at the store, no matter what.. although i agree that the experience with each stores are YMMV. there are still stuff to get at gamestop that you wouldn't normally get from a indie or other franchise stores. and thats what keeps these people, complaining or not, coming back to GS.

and for most of these people, they still continue to shop at their GS's.. as sad as that may seem. all we really want is for the the company to change the way they treat customers.
[quote name='srad1968']Actually I didn't miss that part about the attitude. This does go back to what I was talking about in an earlier post, it has to do with how the store is run (and should be run). An employee should not be giving you an attitude just because you are requesting a sealed copy.

As for changing the system, well don't hold your breath. Gamestop is a publicly held company. So they answer to the stockholders. The expense of installing locking cases all around the store in 5000 stores would be enormous. That is part of the problem about a company being so large. That is a problem that Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, and even Wal-mart don't have.

New software sales have kept increasing every year. This year Gamestop expects about a 17-18% increase in software sales over last year.

One thing that Gamestop does try to do is to replenish stock before we run out. This way we don't have to sell the gutted copy. Remember that only time we sell the gutted copy is when we are selling our last one (or last 2 if we double gut a new release. Of course this doesn't always happen, but that is the goal.

I also want to respond about employees borrowing out new games. This is something that I am not a big fan of. The company policy on this is that employees can borrow out new games for up to 4 days but they must be returned in perfect condition or they have to pay for the game. My employees rarely borrow out new copies of a game because they know if they get the smallest little scratch on it, they buy it. So usually they wait until we have it used. Again this falls into the category, of how well the store is run.[/quote]

Appreciate the response. There are 9 GS/EB in my shopping circle to hit up on the regular, so I guess I must have picked a bad bunch, because they'll all act the same way. Not once has any clerk at anyone of them acted like they wanted me to have what I requested. Everytime it's "Why do you want it sealed", "That's the display copy, untouched and good as new", "But you can save three measely dollars if you just buy it used", etc. Just once I'd like to take the cover up to the counter, ask for it new and they pull out a sealed copy to sale me, but it always ends up in strange looks, unfriendly tones, and general discomfort between both them and me. I'm sorry, but I don't buy that line about them only selling you the gutted copy if its the last one. It's just like many others have noticed, they'll ring up that gutted mess faster than you can say "I don't want it like that", simply because they're too lazy to turn around and open a drawer or even worse, they know some suckers will feel obligated to take it since they rang it up. That just reeks of unprofessionalism and a desire to willingly "cheat" the customer out of their money.

Just yesterday, I stopped by GS, while waiting for my takeout at a nearby resturant. The girl behind the counter says the usual "welcome to GS", I say how you doing and proceed to browse. I wasn't really going to buy anything, as I was just killing some time til my food was ready, but I saw the display case for Jericho and figured what the heck. This was the GS Limited edtion tin, which was the only reason I was interested, and I had a feeling it was the last one (it always is!), but showed it to her anyway hoping for the best. Without making an attempt to even check (guess she kept a mental inventory of all games), she said it was the last one and I say "No thanks, have a good one". As I'm heading to the door, she asks what's wrong with the one I showed her and I said it wasnt new and sealed. I would have been back to the resturant by then, but she went into the usual shtick about those evil display copies and how I could save buying a used copy they had. I didnt have enough time to explain to her what I previously wrote about collecting/resale value, so I said "Thanks, have a nice day" and walked out. Now why couldnt she just take the hint and let me be? None of them ever do and feel they must always tell you what you should be buying instead:bomb:

I could care less about GS/EB bottom line, stockholders, psychological marketing warfare, whatever. The more barriers of protection to keeping my game sealed in pristine condition and out of other's hands, the better I say. If they worried about saving a nickel fine, because I'm worried about saving one too and I can do just that, if they have some sealed copies to sell, otherwise they gets nada from me! And yes, as long as those prices keep dropping, I'll continue to shop there......gutted copies, attitude clerks and all;)
That stuff happens more often then you would think, and here is the reasoning. People either steal cases from the stores, or they will get misplaced around the store. However every day employees have to perform TOH (titles on hand) counts, which means they go around the store and scan a certain department to ensure that all games are being properly gutted and displayed on the floor. When you can't find a case, you simply just make a new case using a generic sleeve, this way now technically it is being displayed and you wont get hurt next time you scan that section. Now most stores will discount the game 10%, and for some people they are happy with that, but most gamers are not. So simply don't buy it, we have to do it for a reason, and it sucks, but it isn't really the employees fault. It is their fault however if they are idiots and don't explain it to people correctly.
It is annoying. One of the most annoying things that happend to me at Gamestop was when I bought a used copy of a game and returned it less than a week later. I didn't care for it and they charged me a disc cleaning fee when it looked exactly like it did when I had received it. Didn't notice until I was out of the store and on my way somewhere else or I would've argued about it.
[quote name='srad1968']
One thing that Gamestop does try to do is to replenish stock before we run out. This way we don't have to sell the gutted copy. Remember that only time we sell the gutted copy is when we are selling our last one (or last 2 if we double gut a new release. Of course this doesn't always happen, but that is the goal.

Then please tell me why I have seen 4 gutted copies of Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles at multiple Gamestops? You can't tell me that DXC is a big enough release to warrant that many gutted copies.
[quote name='scott2hotcott']Then please tell me why I have seen 4 gutted copies of Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles at multiple Gamestops? You can't tell me that DXC is a big enough release to warrant that many gutted copies.[/QUOTE]

There could be multiple reasons for this. The store may have been sent a lot of copies and they needed to fill a new release section. During Christmas the big push was "Gut Everything" because people want to be able to grab cases, which is stupid, so they might have just gutted all they had. By now they should have re-gutted/un-gutted (depends on how you think about it) them. It is always by store and by their employees. When I get new games in I always try to gut as few as possible, but everyone is different.
Gut nothing, I say!

What's so bad about printing out the cover, and putting it in an empty case?


Also, there's a lot going back and forth about Wal-Mart/Best Buy/Circuit City game sales volumes versus Game Stop's. To all those who say "stop comparing them", I'm sorry; it's a valid arguement.

Large retailers DON'T use games to bring you in. They use SALES to bring you in, because technically, they have EVERYTHING. Most of the people patronizing BB/CC/Wally aren't going JUST for games (although BB/CC have larger percentage of gamers, of course). Game Stop, however, ONLY has game-stuff. The fact that the large retailers are trying to sell you more stuff, only reflects the fact that they are all larger companies, as well as larger establishments with a larger number of employees, as well as larger expenses (Wal-Mart's monthly electric bill alone totally dwarf's a Gamestop's rent). Furthermore, consider the following:

  • Wal-Mart, (and more than likely BB/CC) pay LESS for stock than GS
  • Wally/BB/CC all move MORE stock than GS
[quote name='Green Goblin']These is one other option that I'm surprised no one has brought up. Gamecrazy.

Gamecrazy keeps a long counter around about 60% of their store. On the back wall behind these counters, they have their new games on display IN THE CELLOPHANE. It's a simple way to display new games without having to worry about shoplifters. Same goes with Plastic shells, or glass cases around the new walls like Target. It's not that hard to do. Gamestop's just to lazy to rethink their new displays.[/QUOTE]

The closest REAL Gamecrazy to me is over 2 hours away (there is a fake one in one of the Hollywood Videos here that is just a small case of new games and a rack of used games with printed HV art on all the used games), while there are 8 Gamestops within a 15 mile radius. Yes, EIGHT (2 in the mall, 3 within less then 1 mile of each other), and yet I've had to go to the farthest one away to get GOOD stuff used because no one else had what I wanted (like Dead Rising with art/manual). Sometimes GS is the only option for some people who want it now and cheap and blah blah blah. Yes, I shop there, but I don't do gutted new anymore. The last new game I got from GS that wasn't a present (KOFXI) was King of Fighters Neowave, and that's only because none of the GS's in Raleigh had any copies except the one closest to me.

I hate giving money to Walmart, and I don't go into BB/CC anymore then i have to, but damned if I won't just look around a GS when I get off work because I"m bored.

Oh, and my local TRU still uses tickets to this day. Very very VERY annoying.
^ I agree totally. As bad as I think GameStop is sometimes, there is not a legitimate contender in my area. There is no close GameCrazy, and big boxes constantly disappointment me.

At the end of the day, I think a lot of the hate we have GameStop stems from the fact that isn't what we think it should be. Does the corporate have its problems? Yes. But plenty of people...including plenty of CAGs...still go there for certain things. It is still very profitable. There has been a reason for it, and it is well beyond soccer moms buying Disney games for their kids and trading them in pennies.
[quote name='karkyco']Yeah but the "New" game wasn't just gutted - IT WAS NOW A GAME-ONLY copy. NO ORIGINAL MANUAL, NO ORIGINAL CASE. NEW PRICE. What the hell?!?

It would be as if they handed you a disc only of any game and said "okay here's your new copy". How could they even consider charging new price? If they had the case and manual at the very least, I would grudgingly take their "new" copy. But without the case and manual, AND still trying to ring me up at new price?[/quote]

Well hopefully you didn't go through with the purchase then...

I have had them try and sell me new copies that are open before, but refused to take a new copy of a game if it's case was not sealed.

Like another CAG said, the 25-30% extra for trade in plus my edge card 10% makes if I want to buy a game locally, the best deal.

I hardly ever buy NEW at GS, only if I pre-order a game as I want it on launch day. (COD4 and Halo 3 to be the latest 2)

If I have the cash on me, and don't feel like buying online or waiting for a trade .. then more than likely I will go to GS. Don't get me wrong I always do my research on there prices and prices online, if it's that big of a difference then I wait. If I am going to pay around or MORE for the same thing online, here or anywhere else .. I'll buy locally more than likely used at GS + 10% edge card. I always search through the cases for a manual, inspect the case, and then inspect the game disc at the counter ..

I have received pretty good deals w/ the extra 30% in trade in and the 10% edge card that has been cheaper then what I would pay on eBay, amazon, or on any video game trading sites.

I would have to say I have been lucky w/ certain customer service. Out of the 3 local GS's I have found 1 that actually has good customer service reps, the other two are shitty and have the same dipshit employees everyone talks about.

If I go to GS, I go to the one that I know I will not have to deal with the fucking retarded staff .. and again, search and inspect everything prior to purchase.
Last time I went to Gamestop was in August for the Bioshock LE... haven't been there since and haven't missed it or its annoying-as-fuck employees at all.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']See, this is why you SHOULD NOT even attempt to buy 'new' copies of ANY game that comes with a headset or dance mat of any kind, since you never know WHO may have 'borrowed it' from Gamestop's stock.

Hell, I was even leery when I bought a copy of SOCOM brand new and sealed that maybe someone 'tried out' the headset, which was just stuffed into the oversized outer box.[/QUOTE]

Of course, but at the time I was desperate, but all it got me was nothing but wasted gas. There is one gamestop that I go to and i've always had good experiences there, when I go in the morning and deal with the managers. The one's i've met have been pretty nice, actually 3 stores around my area, I have pretty good rapport with the managers and they're always nice to me. This store I was talking about was a new store, and I figured they'd be on the up and up but instead i find its running like crap from the grand opening.

[quote name='phear3d']they do have 5,000 stores and adding more every month. maybe we'd wish that there is that perfect game store somewhere where prices are right and employees are friendly. but you usually get one or the other with independent stores and other franchise stores.

the fact is, you pretty have no choice but to shop at the store, no matter what.. although i agree that the experience with each stores are YMMV. there are still stuff to get at gamestop that you wouldn't normally get from a indie or other franchise stores. and thats what keeps these people, complaining or not, coming back to GS.

and for most of these people, they still continue to shop at their GS's.. as sad as that may seem. all we really want is for the the company to change the way they treat customers.[/QUOTE]

you got a good point, and that's why I'm still willing to visit a GS. But honestly, nowadays GS, can be your last option when you really want a hard to find game. Cause most of the time, they're missing manuals, cases, they take trade ins that have been damaged, which basically ruins the entire trade in system. But I think that [in the miami area] toys r us, is pretty good in terms of having those hard to find titles in stock. Looking back, I got most of my hard to find titles in places other than GS...

Marvel vs capcom 2 - Half.com,
Okami - Toys r us
Digital Devil Saga - Delux box set - toys r us
Digital Devil Saga 2 - toys r us
DDS Nocturne - GS [w/ no manual] :(
ICO - half.com
Skygunner - GS [no problems]
I was amazed when I was in GS the other day and they had new stickers on games with the generic GS boxart. Never seen anything this ridiculous, though.
bread's done