Final Fantasy XIII - Gen. Discussion & Info

EDGE review scores make me wanna bash my head. Bayonetta, 10. LBP, 10. Heavy Rain, 7. FFXIII, 5.

Awesome. I'm not exactly sure what they're judging, but apparently technical graphics, sound/music design, and story count for 0.
[quote name='dallow']EDGE magazine - 5
Living up to their tough reputation.[/QUOTE]

Their Eurocentric reputation.

Seriously, EDGE favors euro developers (and Nintendo) to an absurd degree.

Not like I'm apologizing for the game, I'm just saying that it doesn't surprise me in the least. FFXIII could have been the most traditional and safe of sequels and they'd still have shit all over it.

Freedom. It's a difficult thing for any game to achieve; even just the illusion of it. But what some critics forget is whether or not a game actually needs it.

That goes especially for RPGs. And the most misunderstood victim of this confused snobbery is the biggest RPG of them all.

Final Fantasy XIII has been widely criticised for being linear in some less-than-desirable reviews. Yet the grave significance of the game's earlier linearity has been blown out of all proportion by the critics.

Yes, the first 20-or-so hours of FFXIII are mercilessly linear. You're pretty much locked to a single path. The producers have said this is intentional to teach you the game - and they're completely right.

It certainly does the job - even a complete RPG virgin would be bouncing between paradigms and summoning Eidolons like they were born to do so after that amount of repetition.

I admit, however, that it's a little overkill. 20 hours is a long time. You could comfortably finish both Halo 3 and ODST on Heroic in that time. But it's certainly not a waste of effort. Why has it become such a huge focus?

There are plenty of amazing factors that have been glossed over by the critics. To start with, the battle system is incredible. Just fighting your way through these paths and taking on bosses as the ATB system opens itself to you is absolutely thrilling.

Next, the truly stunning backdrops; stunning to the extent that you stop to admire your surroundings and feel excitement to delve into each new area just for its visual splendour.

The story - admittedly, a little hit and miss at times - is nonetheless incredibly deep, well developed and relatively easy to follow (unlike FFVII, which I found to be a tangled mess of different characters whose positions and roles were hard to keep track of).

Besides, isn't this premise - running down linear paths enjoying the battling, gorgeous scenery and plot - the exact same as some of the most revered action games: God of War, Uncharted 2, Killzone...?

Just because FFXIII has an RPG label, why should it be penalised for doing what they all do?

Eventually, of course, the game does open up. It's not the sprawling continent-worth of open land you might want, but reaching the underworld of Pulse gives you more Zelda-like open fields to explore and plenty of side-quests to embark on. A good 50 hours of them should you be so diligent.

Other complaints in reviews that give scores as low as 5/10 (5/10!) are on the lack of towns.

Towns?! Why are they even considered fun? You might say they're staples of the RPG genre.
Apparently, they're a necessity. Why? They're a huge cliché - and, dare we say, FFXIII is better off without them.

In a typical RPG town, you wander around speaking to people who, in most cases, have nothing useful or entertaining to say.

I loved FFVII, but hated the town stages - repetitive trudges to make sure I'd spoken to every last person, flicking through mundane scripts in the fear that I might miss something important.

Which of the previous FF games, or any RPGs for that matter, are truly open anyway? Yes, you have areas wider than corridors, or multiple paths at times, but when are you ever truly free? Like, free in an Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion sense?

In the best Final Fantasy games, the missions you embark on and the areas you encounter are, in 99.9% of cases, dealt to you in the order the story dictates. You can't roam outside of that set path or access any area in the game world from the start - because you don't have the items or abilities to do so.

And in moments when you can wander prematurely into unknown territory, the enemies you encounter are so strong that just a fart in your general direction wipes out your entire squad. Final Fantasy is a game that rewards patience - and always has been.

So after all those less-than-desirable reviews, think about it before you face-palm and cancel your pre-order.

FFXIII looks absolutely incredible. The battle system is one of the best in the genre. The cutscenes are the best in any videogame. Ever. The music is incredibly affecting. The story, while not faultless, is intriguing, deep and yet easy to follow.

Honestly, can a bit of linearity spoil all that? Like 5/10, spoil it? Do me a favour.

FFXIII is the result of four years of blood and sweat from the most well-respected and committed RPG developer in the world.

Consider it a brilliant action game with RPG elements if you must. Just buy it and enjoy.

[CVG's Mike Jackson proudly gave FFXIII 9.2/10 in our exclusive review].
Good article. I am actually looking forward to it... I am no FF player... and the things that make me stay away most seem to be gone.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Good article. I am actually looking forward to it... I am no FF player... and the things that make me stay away most seem to be gone.[/QUOTE]

It brings up alot of strong points. Towns/linear, etc are all the same with every JRPG.

I remember there being a video on youtube that told you EVERYTHING you needed to know about the tv show lost so people that wanted to start watching season 6 could w/out being confused . Does anyone know of a video for me to watch for FF13 because I have NEVER played a single final fantasy game before?
You will be ok, each final fantasy is its own unique story unrelated. Nothing relates between them, its like totally different worlds.
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']I NEED A LITTLE HELP
Does anyone know of a video for me to watch for FF13 because I have NEVER played a single final fantasy game before?[/QUOTE]

You can search for "final fantasy retrospective" on gametrailers. Shows the history on the final fantasy series. Art design, music, gameplay, story, etc.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Good article. I am actually looking forward to it... I am no FF player... and the things that make me stay away most seem to be gone.[/QUOTE]

I am a big JRPG fan and I am really looking forward to the game the more I read about it. I'm not sure I'll get it day 1 since I have a lot of school work at the moment, but this is definitely a game I want to buy at some point. The linear gameplay doesn't really concern me at all. Much bigger factors to me are great gameplay and story. I am not a huge fan of open ended RPGs like Oblivion though, so I guess if you are then you might be disappointed, but since when are JRPGs like that anyway.
I am still looking forward to this, I really love the graphics and the whole style of the game. Not so sure about the battle system. I really hope I don't get bored with it.
I have no problem with FF13 being linear. Maybe it's just me, but I don't have time to explore towns, talk to every single person, do a shitlload of sidequests, etc or whatever other complaints are leveled against the game (if I understand them right). I know you don't have to, but that's a big part of RPGs. Maybe if I was still in grade school with nothing to do but come home and play games until I go to bed I would be pissed, but I just don't have that kind of time anymore. At this point, just give me some good gameplay and a good story and I'll be very happy.

I'm really looking forward to FF13. FF12 was disappointing, and quite frankly, kinda sucked.
[quote name='Blackout']I have no problem with FF13 being linear. Maybe it's just me, but I don't have time to explore towns, talk to every single person, do a shitlload of sidequests, etc or whatever other complaints are leveled against the game (if I understand them right). I know you don't have to, but that's a big part of RPGs. Maybe if I was still in grade school with nothing to do but come home and play games until I go to bed I would be pissed, but I just don't have that kind of time anymore. At this point, just give me some good gameplay and a good story and I'll be very happy.

I'm really looking forward to FF13. FF12 was disappointing, and quite frankly, kinda sucked.[/QUOTE]

It's funny how you say you dont have time to explore towns etc... because all the reviews share one thing in common: you need to spend 15-20 hours before you get to the "good gameplay" parts.

Im sad that this will be another skip for me. My gripes are the 15 hours + subpar English dubs. Gametrailer reviews showed some cheesy dialog, and it makes me want to read it than hear it. Should've offered the original language as an option.
^Yeah, the GT did make the game look pretty bad IMO. But I really do want to see it, even if it is mostly movie. I'll play it and get through it just for the experience of it. I hope FF13 versus is like this game but more in-depth and leaves you to explore (the FF13 world looks so amazing, I really want to just be able to explore and mess around in it).
[quote name='vkyosho']It's funny how you say you dont have time to explore towns etc... because all the reviews share one thing in common: you need to spend 15-20 hours before you get to the "good gameplay" parts.

Im sad that this will be another skip for me. My gripes are the 15 hours + subpar English dubs. Gametrailer reviews showed some cheesy dialog, and it makes me want to read it than hear it. Should've offered the original language as an option.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, a 10 minute trailer showing a few bits of dialogue out of a 60+ hour game is sure going to be representative of the overall VA/script quality! :roll:

I guess it wouldn't be an FF game without the constant complaining from fans though.

The trailer didn't show/tell me anything that would make me not want to get the game, in fact, it made me want it more since they were pretty high on the gameplay, which is the only thing I wasn't sure about.
This'll probably sound fanboy-ish but 3 disks for a full game in this generation of game systems is very lawly to me.
[quote name='Blackout']I have no problem with FF13 being linear. Maybe it's just me, but I don't have time to explore towns, talk to every single person, do a shitlload of sidequests, etc or whatever other complaints are leveled against the game (if I understand them right). I know you don't have to, but that's a big part of RPGs. Maybe if I was still in grade school with nothing to do but come home and play games until I go to bed I would be pissed, but I just don't have that kind of time anymore. At this point, just give me some good gameplay and a good story and I'll be very happy.[/QUOTE]

Not for nothing, but you're just making inflammatory comments. Don't know if you're looking to start trouble, but that's all stuff like this is going to bring. Not everyone who wants explore towns and do sidequests is in grade school, having nothing else to do. Maybe, they only play one or two games a year, and they take their time going through a massive RPG. I bet plenty of people in this world, especially non-gamers, would look at all the games you play and think you have nothing else to do with your life, either.

And as you yourself pointed out, if that kind of stuff is in the game, you don't have to do it. And if you feel it's a big part of RPGs, and you don't have time to do them, then don't play RPGs. Honestly, I've never felt like you have to do them to get the full experience out of an RPG. You can stick to the story line and do the main missions. All of the extra stuff is just that...extras. Either you do them, and you don't. It's all just supplementary material. You don't have to talk to the guy with the silly hat on the corner. He'll probably just mention something about the evil general you're looking to defeat. It's not crucial.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44'] Not everyone who wants explore towns and do sidequests is in grade school, having nothing else to do. Maybe, they only play one or two games a year, and they take their time going through a massive RPG.

And as you yourself pointed out, if that kind of stuff is in the game, you don't have to do it. [/QUOTE]

He said HE doesn't have the time since he isn't in grade school... not at all implying others who do that sort of thing are... it is OK for him to want to get through many games in his playtime he has... and it is also OK that he isn't in grade school anymore.

I know what you are saying about the towns being a supplement... but I always feel like I have to talk to everyone multiple times (after leaving etc) and have to hear the same old stuff in the hopes that one person would say something new. I just remember too much in the old days when one random guy in town would change his dialog and it would be very important... so not to miss him you'd have to talk to everyone. It got annoying. I liked when games had indicators that someone had something new to say... otherwise... super slog.
[quote name='thelonepig']I got a copy of GI Mag in the mail yesterday. Their review was very complimentary - 5/5.[/QUOTE]

sweet i should probably get that issue today, cant wait
I've been after a good 'story' game since Fallout 3. Never been into Final Fantasy before but interested in getting this to pump the hours into.

Is it worth getting for someone who hasn't played the previous games?
[quote name='Skippi']I've been after a good 'story' game since Fallout 3. Never been into Final Fantasy before but interested in getting this to pump the hours into.

Is it worth getting for someone who hasn't played the previous games?[/QUOTE]

FF games have some of the best stories you'll find in any JRPG, but that being said it is a JRPG so if you're not into a crap load of melodrama it might seem amazing to you. It's... very different from Fallout in terms of tone and delivery of the story.
[quote name='Saint Noir']He said HE doesn't have the time since he isn't in grade school... not at all implying others who do that sort of thing are... it is OK for him to want to get through many games in his playtime he has... and it is also OK that he isn't in grade school anymore.[/QUOTE]

I know what HE said. But making a statement like that in mixed company is obviously insulting to anyone who does enjoy doing all of the side stuff. There's no need for it. Just say you don't care about that stuff and move on. No need to drag out the statement and make it sound like anyone who does care about it has no life.
Sony's totally dropping the ball on promoting this game. ESPN's NBA coverage is sponsored by Final Fantasy XIII, and every commercial (which is on almost every commercial break) lists one console for the game: XBox 360.

Nobody answered my question from earlier: does the black guy actually summon a low rider, or a car of some sort? I'll admit that that seems insanely stupid, and will definitely turn me off from the game. Not totally, mind you, but it will leave a very bad taste in my mouth.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Not for nothing, but you're just making inflammatory comments. Don't know if you're looking to start trouble, but that's all stuff like this is going to bring. Not everyone who wants explore towns and do sidequests is in grade school, having nothing else to do. Maybe, they only play one or two games a year, and they take their time going through a massive RPG. I bet plenty of people in this world, especially non-gamers, would look at all the games you play and think you have nothing else to do with your life, either.

And as you yourself pointed out, if that kind of stuff is in the game, you don't have to do it. And if you feel it's a big part of RPGs, and you don't have time to do them, then don't play RPGs. Honestly, I've never felt like you have to do them to get the full experience out of an RPG. You can stick to the story line and do the main missions. All of the extra stuff is just that...extras. Either you do them, and you don't. It's all just supplementary material. You don't have to talk to the guy with the silly hat on the corner. He'll probably just mention something about the evil general you're looking to defeat. It's not crucial.[/QUOTE]

Don't get your fantasy panties in a bunch. I was talking about when I was in grade school/early high school, I would come home and play RPGs like crazy. I barely had any homework, and my friends and I would go through RPGs like they were water. Now, I'm lucky if I can even beat an RPG and do all the sidequests in that amount of time. For example, it took me over 6 months to beat Lost Odyssey. I mean, it takes me a long ass time just to beat regular games, because I like to explore every nook and cranny and immerse myself in it. I'm the slowest gamer I know. I read people on here beating games in one day, while it'll take me 2 weeks to do the same.

If you don't explore, do sidequests, etc, and just beat the game, IMO you're not really getting the full experience of an RPG. You're playing half a game.

I wasn't implying that anyone who still loves to do that stuff is a loser. I guess it could have came off like that. My bad. I wish I could play as many RPGs as I used to. Nowadays there's just way too many games coming out to spend so much time on one of them. I can't put 90 hours into RPGs like I used to back in the day. I was talking about personal experience, I can't do that stuff anymore, so I'm not super pissed and filled with gamer rage that FF13 could be very linear. Back then, I might have been. Although, if FF13 has some sort of card game or blitzball stuff, I would be all over that for hours on end.
That GT review makes the game look awful. Don't like the voice acting at all and why the hell is everyone skipping like fairies? The only parts that looked cool were in towns, but whenever those were shown they said something like 'don't get used to it'. It's a no wonder it's reviewing so poorly, because this isn't Final Fantasy.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Sony's totally dropping the ball on promoting this game. ESPN's NBA coverage is sponsored by Final Fantasy XIII, and every commercial (which is on almost every commercial break) lists one console for the game: XBox 360.

Nobody answered my question from earlier: does the black guy actually summon a low rider, or a car of some sort? I'll admit that that seems insanely stupid, and will definitely turn me off from the game. Not totally, mind you, but it will leave a very bad taste in my mouth.[/QUOTE]

I don't think Sony's dropping the ball. Why should they promote the game? SE decided to jump in bed with MicroSoft, why the hell should Sony help SE a this point? I think Sony's just letting the chips fall where they may (good idea? who knows).
[quote name='Jodou']That GT review makes the game look awful. Don't like the voice acting at all and why the hell is everyone skipping like fairies? The only parts that looked cool were in towns, but whenever those were shown they said something like 'don't get used to it'. It's a no wonder it's reviewing so poorly, because this isn't Final Fantasy.[/QUOTE]
Seeing how this is the same site that gave Modern Warfare 2 a 9.5, I really wouldn't care what they have to say. Besides a 8.6 is a good score.
Hey I have a question, Final Fantasy 13 the Limited edition is coming to Europe, would that version have the same actors as the US? Does anyone know or have a idea as to whats different? I am planing on getting it however I would rather get the limited version.
[quote name='Ryukahn']Yeah, a 10 minute trailer showing a few bits of dialogue out of a 60+ hour game is sure going to be representative of the overall VA/script quality! :roll:

I guess it wouldn't be an FF game without the constant complaining from fans though.

The trailer didn't show/tell me anything that would make me not want to get the game, in fact, it made me want it more since they were pretty high on the gameplay, which is the only thing I wasn't sure about.[/QUOTE]

For all the games I've played in the past, if there's cheesy dialog in a snip, then there will be more cheesy dialog throughout the game. I know it sounds silly, but I'm not even a huge FF fan. I am, however, a huge advocate in primarily presenting a game/movie in its original language with options for localization. I'm probably sounding bitter now because I am lol.
[quote name='phantasyx']Hey I have a question, Final Fantasy 13 the Limited edition is coming to Europe, would that version have the same actors as the US? Does anyone know or have a idea as to whats different? I am planing on getting it however I would rather get the limited version.[/QUOTE]

AFAIK, everyone in the world is getting the International version which would have the same actors as the ones in the US. I read somewhere that they went to Australia to do the voices
[quote name='vkyosho']AFAIK, everyone in the world is getting the International version which would have the same actors as the ones in the US. I read somewhere that they went to Australia to do the voices[/QUOTE]
any recommendation on where to buy a copy, I'm really excited now!
[quote name='vkyosho']I dont know much about EU vendors and when it's suppose to come out there, but I suppose you can always try importing from[/QUOTE]
couldn't find it on there website, it could be on there however I couldn't find it. :(
anyone know where I can pre-order the PAL (UK) limited FF13 version for ps3 any recommendations for websites? (waiting on reponse for sellers on ebay)
[quote name='FroMann']Seeing how this is the same site that gave Modern Warfare 2 a 9.5, I really wouldn't care what they have to say. Besides a 8.6 is a good score.[/QUOTE]

This reminded me of a funny little tidbit regarding GT and their MW2/FF13 reviews. Apparently they scored FF13's story incredibly low (as far as an RPG is usually concerned), something like a 7.9. Now the fun part is that they scored MW2's story something like an 8.5. :lol: or :cry:, I am unsure which to feel.
I'm just as excited about this game as anyone else, but I've got a strange feeling that S-E is holding out the best for Versus XIII. Anyone else agree with me?
[quote name='vkyosho']AFAIK, everyone in the world is getting the International version which would have the same actors as the ones in the US. I read somewhere that they went to Australia to do the voices[/QUOTE]

The only exception is the Chinese version which has Japanese voice
[quote name='Josh5890']I'm just as excited about this game as anyone else, but I've got a strange feeling that S-E is holding out the best for Versus XIII. Anyone else agree with me?[/QUOTE]

Don't know if I agree (because who really knows), but I hope that's the case.
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Just a confirmation email I got, since my FF13 guide shipped today.
I never have played a FF game ever. Hopefully, I am making the right decision to pick this game up tomorrow after my morning classes.
Does anyone else think that Edge magazine are full of themselves? I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but they scored FFXIII a 5 and they seem to not give 8's or above unless it somehow breaks new ground in the video game world. They gave Excitebots a 4, R&C:Future a 7..I guess sometimes they seem a little hard to please. Anyways, I'm excited for FFXIII...I'm not excited about having no time to play it. Looks like it'll have to wait...maybe after I play XII, perhaps.
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[quote name='equest943']Does anyone else think that Edge magazine are full of themselves? I know everyone is entitle to their own opinion, but the scored FFXIII a 5 and they seem to not give 8's or above unless it somehow breaks new ground in the video game world. They gave Excitebots a 4, R&C:Future a 7..I guess sometimes they seem a little hard to please. Anyways, I'm excited for FFXIII...I'm not excited about having no time to play it. Looks like it'll have to wait...maybe after I play XII, perhaps.[/QUOTE]

The FFXIII reviews really are just all over the place -- I wouldn't take any of the critics seriously at this point.

It's funny to see all the reviewers contradict each other though, kind of makes you realize how unprofessional the whole system really is.
bread's done